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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. Its all down to computer general knoledge. most non-nerds for example probably didnt know that %20 is web browser code for a space. and if this clue doesnt get you started "asdf .file" and %20.. i dont know what will. having said that though,, it seems the clue is still as far as i can get without google
  2. To have chnages aparent in the User interface, would need to alter the code of the user interface, either GNOME, KDE, IceWM, WindowMaker QT-3 GTK GTK2, depends on what grapical user interface you use. there are hundreds if not thousande.To hange the behavior of the mouse, you would need to alter wuther the mouse driver in the kernel, or re-program the way X11 interprets input from the mouse driver.OR you could program a new driver, which takes input from the mouse driver, and tanslates it...opens the /dev/input/mouse0 stream, alters it, then re-outputs the stream to maybe /dev/input/mouseXfor a laugh... try the following....run "cat /dev/input/mouse1" and movethe mouse around.. you will see raw input from the mouse displayed to screen..(if not, try mouse0)you can send your mouse crazy, my sening input to it... lik so (from the random number generating driver...)"cat /dev/urandom > /dev/input/mouse0"this will send your mouse zooming around, randomly clicking, dragging, deleteing... making a complete mess.i hope you have a great understand of C, Linux module device driver programming, and the X11 Server, and its protocols.. the X server is a good few million lines of code,
  3. Of course you can change it You send a message to the kernel telling it to use th VESA framebuffer for consoles. if you re old enough, you will remember that the vesa frame buffer was used before X11 to display graphical games like Quake.. here's how it works... as root, with your faveorite text editor, open up the file "/boot/grub/menu.lst" you should see somthing similar to this... default 0timeout 10splashimage=(hd0,1)/boot/grub/splash.xpm.gztitle Gentoo GNU/Linux (kernel 2.6.10-r1 vanilla) root (hd0,1) kernel /boot/bzImage root=/dev/hda2 title Microsoft WindowsXP rootnoverify (hd0,0) chainloader +1 you need to add the following t the end of the line that begins with the word "kernel" vga=0x318 video=vesafb:mtrr,ywrap 0x318 is a kernel resolution code. any resolution between 600x480 and 1600xSomthing is possable, but will be limited by your craphics cards and monitors maximum. 0x318 is the mode i use, and gives me approxamatly 50 lines of console.. i think the maximum readable lins is 80, after that the text gets too small. you will need to keep trying different resolution codes untill you find one that A: is supported by your craphics card. B: is a comfortable font size for you. here is a list o resolution codes... taken from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ section 5.3 if the following table doesnt line up / isnt readable, click this link. You can do som pretty cool things with the frame buffer. like for example a booting splash screen, with a scroll bar (similar to that used bu windowsXP while its booting) anyway.. this SHOULD work... it may not if you are using a very old linux distro, or you compiled the kernel yourself, and removed vesa framebuffer support. enjoy !
  4. so is this a hacking chalenge of a tressure hunt ? the clues support the tressure hunt theory... lol. anyways, ive never coded php, but thats as far as i got... maybe a ddos would help... (lol, only joking)
  5. you can, but you need to remaster a new cd every time you want to tweak the code. it will be far easyer if you use a normal hard drive installed distro. what part of linux were you planning on re-programming ? My own experiance is very limited, i managed to tweak an old modem driver from kernel - 2.4 to compile and install correctly in kernel 2.6. but that was relativly simple. Assuming you are infact talking about the linux kernel, the following resources are very usefull... kernel newbies: https://kernelnewbies.org/ and a collection of other good links : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ohh, and if you want to just re-compile / reconfigure / customise rather than re-program, i wrote a little tutorial for newbies.. may be of some use to you, i dont know. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82143-topic/?findpost=1064290810
  6. well.. ill tell you one thing, your 404 page is seriously mal formed
  7. Yes and no.Yes because you just put in in the cd-rom, and it just works works, no need to install. No because adding new software requires re-mastering the CD, or building pluggins. When you say actual linux code, what do you mean ? do you mean he Linux kernel source code https://www.kernel.org/ or the GNU operating system source code http://www.gnu.org/ or maybe you mean 3rd party applications like firefox, or quake ? Most people call linux distro's linux... but in reality, linux is not an operating system, just a kernel. the actual operating system is called GNU (GNU/Linux is a distro's full name) If you want to tweak the linux kernel, you can use any hard-drive installable distro (not knoppix) because the kernel is built seperate from the operating system. its as easy as deleting the origonal kernel, and recompiling a new on in its place. If you man you want to tweak the operating system source code, then you need a more source code based distro like Linux-From-Scratch (aka LFS) with LFS, you download the source code to everything and compile yourself. the opertunity for tweaking is limitless. but this is very difficult thing to do... amungst linux fans, sucesssfully completeing LFS and deyond is a rite of passage... LOL. editing the source code is very easy to do... but understanding the code you are modifying, and developing the code will require great skill and understanding. if you want to help, have a look on sourceforge.net for projects that are looking for volenteers and sign up. most projects are coded in C or C++, with some assembly for device drivers and media codecs.
  8. Sorry, but i dont think this qualify's as a so ive moved it here from the tutorial section.
  9. You will never be able ot get america to get rid of its nukes.whats the statistic ? how many do they have ? i cant remember.The reason you need nukes...if someone nukes you... atleast you can nuke them back..you still die... but when has there ever been any common sence in Weapons of mass destruction.ANyways... in 20 years, i see myself middle aged ( scary )and thinking about how my mobile phone has more porcessing power than my first good old amd64 3400+
  10. just so you dont get any more confused than u need to be, you only need that link if you are using an old version of linux. the ntfs driver is built into modern kernels.
  11. I can barely understand that question, but dont want to discriminate againsed those whose first language is not English.What do you think ? make visible and move to the correct forum ? or straight to the junk forum ?
  12. sorry, i forgot to mention you need to use the -ao switch to make netstat report the listen ports. netstat -ao more info here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ make sure the ganme is running a server when you issue the command. then, with the game still running, look up halo's PID code in the task manager, and look for the netstat like with a matching PID, those are the ports you need to forward through your router.
  13. You mean halo is using your Local IP rather than your external router IP ?this is not a problem, you just need to properly configure port forwarding on your router.i cant say how, its different for ach router, consult your owners manual.you will also need to know what ports halo is listening on, you can try and find this out from halo's website. or you ca use a utulity called "netstat" (an old Unix / Linux tool ported to Dos, its pre-installed on windowsXP, and porbably other versions of windows too)if you dont know how to read the netstat output, post it here, im sure someone will be able to point out whaich ports you need to forward.
  14. yep, take a look at the change-log http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.0/changes.html Its exam time for me, so i wont be able to tinker with gcc till this summer kicks in.... and even then i will be spening most time marking english asa foreign language exam papers from france... then when i get paid for that, im off to amsterdam on holliday :D:D gcc-4.0 beta is in the portage tree, so maybe i could have a play with that in a seperate chroot envoronment.
  15. who needs a formula...just take his word for it that your birthday will apea in pi.my pi birthday is 03041984i dont know where it is in pi, but im sure its there an infinite number of times (assumeing pi is infact infinitly long)
  16. strange, everything should be writeable as root. maybe the partiton was mounted read only ? remount root as read / write with the mount command. mount /dev/hdXN / -o remount,rw where /dev/hdaXN is your root partiton. OR boot your install CD in reascue mode.
  17. So, you are talking about piping data through a compression porgram several times to achieve encryption ???? you could to that with gzip compressed once. bash-2.05b$ echo "hello world" | gzip -fcĂźĂhBĂHĂĂĂW(Ă/IĂĄ-ÂŻ compressed twice bash-2.05b$ echo "hello world" | gzip -fc | gzip -fcĂhBĂŻĂŚ``¿åĂĂ|ĂĂŁĂŹĂĂĄ▒çþOy>dbĂ¾ÌXĂĂĂĂĂþß copressed 5 times bash-2.05b$ echo "hello world" | gzip -fc | gzip -fc | gzip -fc | gzip -fc | gzip -fc#ĂhB[¤#ĂhBĂŻĂŚ`PžåĂĂĂhpĂŞÂż<;Úý³}39PsĂŤĂąJ=ÿê_itaͳó``pnFÂĄC'úª))Ă LĂŤĂ[ it looks nice... but it is by no means secure. it may stop your little sister readng your diary, but if you need to store things securely, use disk encryption with a large random password. or GNU PGP to encrypt files. it will slightly change the output of some compression programs, IF that porgram also stores the origonal file name... like a tar archive. but it will not change the securety. There is no securety, sorry. if you are interested in securety, look up single padded Xor encryption. its fairly easy to program, theoretically un-breakable, and doesnt use passwords. for example, iof you used it to encrypt a 1mb file, you would first generate a 1mb block of memory (array) of random data. each bit from the file are Xor'ed together... Xor table... A B Xor 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 you then keep the Xored file, and the random data file. do de-crypt, just run the process again. aslong as nobody ever has both 1mb files, the origonal data is safe, andu un breakable, provided that the random data is truely random. thedrawbacks ofcourse, is that its quite impracticle. it doubles the size of the data.
  18. but like i said, not with any distro installer. ive never seen a distro other than mandrake that had an ntfs-linux fronend build into the install program.
  19. Im not sure if SuSE can do this automatically i know mandrake doesl)... anyone else know ??? boot the suse install cd, and only go as far as the partiton settings. is there any options to re-size the windows partiton ??? if so, do it if not, then abort the install. you need to resize (shrink) your windowsXP partiton before booting the suse install cd. You can either do this with partiton magic for windowsXP, or with linux-ntfs for linux. http://www.linux-ntfs.org/ partition magic is not free, (dont know if you can get a trial version) if not, then boot knoppix, and use linux-ntfs or qtparted to resize.
  20. Good luck with debian, but be warned, its one of the *power distro's*, it wont hug you just cos youve never used *nix before like some linux distro's will.Wow... 7cd's !Debian has grown a bit since i last used a CD based distro ! (i thought slackware 9 was big.. 4cd's)
  21. i thought the stl exception class had that built in ??? example.. throw my_exception("divide by zero !!");catch (my_exception Ex) { cout << Ex.what() << endl; } where the constructor, and what() finction are built into stl exception ???
  22. For my c++ course work, i need to complete a partially written c++ porgram. this program throws an exception class called "interpreter_exception". i need to write this exception class. ive noticed that in the catch blocks, this exception is treated very similar, if not exactly the same as the STL exception class, so im thinking it would be a good idea to make interpreter_exception a derived class, from super class stl::exception. what do i need to do in order to make this work ? are there any virtual / pure virtual functions i will ned to define ? or will a simple class interpreter_exception : public stl::exception {}; work fine ??? thanks.
  23. Strange, it donloaded fine for me.and all the servers i found fully supported resumable downloads.all i can surgest is why not Buy a FreeBSD CD / DVD ?They only cost £4, so its probably faster, and cheaper to buy than download.
  24. Im afraid to say that maybe that might be the best you can get. Have you found any other commenrs about the speed that game runs emulated on other linux box's ??? Emulation is a funny thing, with my experiance, Linux managed to run emulated Half-Life and counter Strike a few frames per second faster than windows running native... But only ran a much older game called "Unreal" at 3 frames per second, when though my cpu was 5 times faster than the minimum system requirements of the game. Im sure you have already done the following, and like most other things i have told you recently, you may already know , but it couldnt hurt for me to type it anyways. you say fast writes are enabled... how about side band adressing ? http://forums.xisto.com/topic/81986-topic/?findpost=1064289494 have a look at glxinfo, make sure that both server AND client are using nvidia openGL (once i managed to get into a crazy situation where the server was running nvidia openGL, and the client was still on the MessaGL libraries... crazy stuff. run ldd on the main wine binary, make sure it is linked againsed the correct openGL libraries.. (the nvidia installer does not remove the messaGL libraries that are installed by default along with Xorg) if you cant tell what openGL libs are from messaGL and which are from nvidia, compare the ldd output of wine to the ldd output of glxinfo (assuming glxinfo reports that it is using nvidia for both server and client)
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