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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. somthing like that.I think its a great idea.Like Tape recording a program, without having to know about the porgram you want to watch beforehand, without having to setup the vcr, and none of the sky plus crap.the first truely innovative thing to come out of tv in a while.[rant]a few decades ago, there was this thing called tv.tv had many different stations to tune into. and you could have asmany TV's as you like, and wtch as many different channels smultaniusly as you like.then in the 21 century, they advertise (SKY multi-room) when you can have a second tv, in a different room, for only double the price ![/rant]
  2. Oops, i meant to say Undervolt.im keepuing it at its default rated clock, but ive rediced the volts to about 1.35. (knocked 5 degrre of chip temp, which is just enough to redice the spu fan to idle at 3000 rpm.
  3. LOL.. old systems make great decorations..ive just butchered a recently deceased system, and made a kick *bottom* key-ring.its made out of a Pentium2 266mhz chip, a BIOS chip, and a single 4mb SDRAM DIMM chip, and an AGP1 controller (minus th heat sink).All chips removed from the circuit board, and a nice hole drilled.those ran ships are brittle ! took 6 minutes to drill one without it snappingIm such a nerd its unbelievable.
  4. lol, looks like we both posted at the same time, with different solutions.you should probably use signatureimage's solution, same results, minus the need for variables.been using bash for years, and thats the first time ive heard of that command (and yep, its installed on my system)
  5. Cool I remember when i first got my win-modem working under redhat-9. i had never hear a more beautiful screach as it dialed out. then when i managed to get the HP printer working this is why i love linux... such a sence of achinevment just out of getting a test page to print on a windows machine aver a network.
  6. that IS a good way, thats te way you are meant to do it you may want to tweak what shell output can, and cannot be logged. sh a.sh | grep LOG >> log this will only log lines with the word "LOG" in them.. for example "LOG: 1:00pm, and all is well." EDIT: just noticed So, you want the script to print to the console, AND write to the log.. yes, there is a much better way, you dont need to run the script twice. use a variable to store the output.. this code example run the porgram "uptime" and outputs its result to the scree, and a logfile. the variable name is called CURRENT_UPTIME #!/bin/bashCURRENT_UPTIME=`uptime`# print to screen.echo $CURRENT_UPTIME#print to logecho $CURRENT_UPTIME >> log EDIT2: it not clear on this forum, but those ` marks are the single back tilted quotes... using the normal ' will not work. on my keyboard, the ` (correct mark) is the one below the ESC key. in BASH shell programming, all 3 different quote marks have different meanings.
  7. Then a packet sniffer could get the key. it doesnt matter how it works, if it can be played, then it can be converted to an mpeg for later viewing. if this BBC p2p takes off, then software will be made to rip it to mpeg.
  8. Recently, ive been having a lot of trouble talking to my friend on MSN messenger. This has happenedbefore when Microsoft, without warning tweaked the protocol (to kill off free vewrsions of its MSN messenger) So i assumed they had done it again. i went to kopete.org to see if there was an anouncement, or patch, and found theis http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and http://www.linuxjournal.com/ here is a list of stupid patents thats stopping kopete.. more patents here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. So if you download a program, you only have 7 days to use the key to convert the encrypted download to a plain old regular MPEG. i cant see this time limit protection working. why not just let people keep the download. its not like the BBC are forcing people to use VCR cassettes that bio-degrade after 7 days.. lol. good luck enforcing the 7 day rule.
  10. by the tim light sword things are invented, we will have invented matter-anti-mater reactors...Clean energy, (matter + antimatter = 2 photons)many hundred thousands of times more energy per KG than weapons grade Uranium..And if they can move the enterprise at warp 9.9.. im sure they could generate enough enegy to slice you up nicely.would now be a good time to mention that personally, i think star wars sucks ? LOL.
  11. LOL.. i know, im just curiouse. ALSO... bash-2.05b$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep bogomipsbogomips : 4767.74 thats a very high score... but its an annoying fidley number, i would be so much happyer if it was a nice round even 5000.. (or 4500) Untill chaintech fixes the bios issue that arrises when 2 DIMMS are in use, and Cooll'n'Quiet frequency scaling is enabled, i have to keep C&Q turned off so im looking for new ways to keep my system cool.. ive underclocked my Athlon64 3400+ cpu to 1.3 volts, and its still perfectly stable, even under sustaied high load. We need open Bios's.
  12. Generating an electro magnetic flux dencity uses enery, and creates heat. But maintaining an already created flux dencity does not consume energy, and therefore does not generate heat. a 200Mhz clock will build 200,000,000 fields a second, a higher clock will build more per second, and therefore will generate more heat... in other words, ther IS a danger of overheating... but im afraid i dont understand enough about ship design, or how much more energy these E-M fields will consume... im trying to work out how dangerous, how much life span im losing by only increacing lock speed.
  13. From my understanding, The permenant damage dangers of overclocking lie in the heat.But what if, for a small performace boot, i increce the GPU speed, amd mmory speed of my Nvidia GeFrce FX 5700LE, but leave the voltage at its default.If i push it too far, i know i will suffer from on screen artifacts, but will any damage be done ???thanks.
  14. Sorry to get nerdy.. but... If a Photon strikes an outer orbiting electron around a neucleus with the exact amount of energy (frequency) to elevate that one electron by one energy level, then that is what will happn. The photon will be absorbed, nd that electron will jump to a higher energy level. Then because of quantum physics (i dont pretend to understand this part) the electron must instantly lose its ener, and fall back to its origonal energy level, giving off the ecess energy as a photon, of exact frequenct that it absorbed, in a random direction. Im not certain, but i think the frequcny required to do this to a Nitrogen attom (the air is approx 70% nirtrogen) is a very nice shade of Green (visible light) Have you ever seen that photo of the green laser powerfull enough to put a dot on the moon ???? ALSO, have a look at the green laser pen at thinkgeek.com. ( i want one sooo bad ! ) ############################ ############################ CLICK THIS LINK... the nerds amungst you will NOT b dissapointed.... http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/5a47/action/21033ff/ http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/5a47/action/2103408/ http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/5a47/action/21046eb/ http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/5a47/action/210671c/ http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/5a47/action/2104b4d/ ############################# ############################# my nerd sence is tingleing !! buy me one of those, and you will have a fiend for life.
  15. Ever seen that simpsons episode where barts commet is going to hit springfield and kill everyone ???Dr Frink decides to blow it up with a rocket. on the side of the roket is says "Aim Away From Face"and that got me thinking...gave me a great idea.They say, if you want to be different, if you want to be an individual, either dont get a tatoo, or get a truely origonal tatoo.No tribal bands... thing liek that.so i decided.... How cool would it be...How funny,,, How amusing, how origonal... would it be to get"Aim Away From Face" tatooed along the side of my penis.the few ladies who get the privilage of seeing it will never forget that...plus it will be a great ice breaker LOL.i will become legend !if i discover any of you stealing my idea, i will hunt you down, and force you to et it lazered off (which i assume will not be pleasent)I just have a few questions...can it be done ??all those shallow veins.how long would i not be able to use it ?will it get infected and fall off ?and, will it hurt ?
  16. Most KDM settings can be done via the control pannel, more complicated things can be don by tweaking the kderc config file. and there is a program called kdmtheme on kde-look.org for setting up, and installing KDM themes.
  17. PWM is disabled on my motherboard, because the bios doesnt follow normal pwm standards.(some fans are at max speed when you send the it87chip a PWM 0, and some bios's actually worjk the opposite way round. rather than risk a cpu fan stopping after modpriobing it87, pwm is just dissabled in the kernel.I found out how i works, its very simple.The fans just spin as fast as they can with the given voltage, the 3rd wire (white) gives one pulse every 1/4 Pi radians. so RPM = white wire pulse * 60 / ( seconds * 8)the fan speed controller just tweks the voltage across the fan untill it gets a pre-defined fan speed for whatever tempreture the therminsors read.The take a maximum of 12 volts. i have wired them up in parrallel across the GND and +5Volt poles of the PSU (the red wire) (GND is any black wire)then i soldered the 2 white wire's together, and connected them to the correct pin of the motherboard System-Fan sockket, and changed the divider to 16 (because it will be getting double the pulses per second)because somtimes both fans mal pulse at the same time, the fan speed sensor isnt as accurate anymore, but its close enough.i replaced one 3000RPM fan with 2 underVolted 1000RPM fans.My Computer is as cold as ever, and much much more quiet.(untill someon donates me a water-cooling unit and / or a lifetime supply of dr-ice)I dont overclock, but its still nice to see my cpu shivering
  18. looks interesting.i would love to see sme benchmarks compareing it againsed bochs.im currently compiling bochs on my amd64 to emulate an x86 for windowsXP.(im planning on running half-life2 on it, which should be interesting..)i hope my amd64 3400+ 1GB PC3200 Ram Monster machine can handle it.
  19. yep, sigh....i was hoping you had some kind of evil sound card not supported by linux running on some kind of reverse engineered hack of a driver held together with sub-standard voodoo.sorry, thats all my idea's exausted.do you have a knoppix cd lying around anywhere ?i know its cheating, but sometimes when i come across bad things like this, i try it in knoppix, find out it works fine, then install all the exact versions of relevant things, and copy across the config scripts, and it magickally starts working.
  20. Hey guys.Without a case fan, my cpu tempreture trips over the 50 degree Centrigrade mark, and the cpu fan starts to accelerate. also, the motherboard tempreture starts to rise, along with the air inside the case, which means the graphics card cooler is less effective, as is the ram heat sinks, and the chipset heat sink.WITH a case fan, nomatter how much work i put the cpu under, the motherboard, and case air tempeture star the same, the cpu doesnt drip the 50 degree C mark, and the cpu fan stays idle.GREAT ! but the case fans are just too noisy.so here is my great idea....my it87 fan controller will run the fans between 3000 and 6000 rpm. (yes, even 3000 is too noisy)so what if i could run 2 case fans at 1500 rpm. this should be more quiet.BASICALLY.... i want to build a small device that will run from a 4pin powersupply socket (like thwhat the hard disks use) to power 2 case fans, and controll the speed, at much greater ranges that that of the it87.Each speed controlable fan has 3 wires.2 are the power supply, so the 3rd must be the speed controllable part.what kind of signal do i need to send down the 3rd wire to set the speed of the fan ???maybe a square wave form at 1500 divided by 60 Hertz ???if so, what kind of square wave form ?? + to 0, - to zero, or + to - ???what kind of amplitude in volts should the wave be ???or does the system work completely different to how i have assumed ???does anyone know ?
  21. open up a command line terminal, type "lspci -v" then push the enter key.
  22. the reason the root is locked, is because it can be abused to easily. you can do some pretty sneaky things which would go un-noticed by most admins... example... su root echo $PATH/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/3.4.3:/usr/qt/3/bin:/usr/kde/3.4/sbin:/usr/kde/3.4/bin now take the iptables command, it lives in /sbin/ if someone managed to sneak a file into /bin/ (which is before /sbin in the path) and name it iiptables, then a lazy admin, who used iptables without specifying iptables full path would accidently execute the other iptables with full root access. forcing a user to use sudo, makes this kind of trick avoidable. its Over The Top securety, but better than getting rooted. edit: Yay, gentoo ! after you get used to portage, you'll never go back to RPM.
  23. HELLO i hate it when things like this happen, it always ends up being somthing simple. i dont know how much about linux you know, so please dont be offended if i tell you newbie things uyou already know. first off, what sound hardware are you using, and what drivers ??? as root run lspci -v and look for a code block similar to if you could post this info here it would help. also, run lsmod as a normal user, this will let us know what driver ubuntu is useing. Do you know if you are uging a sound server ? like arts (for KDE). if you are, raising the priority of the sound server will give better quality. you may need to lower the volumes of "alsamixer" (by running it in the console) with some sound hardware, i have found you get poor quality when volume levels are in the red, lowering them to a nice pretty green helps sometimes. do you have mplayer installed ? if so, try to play some ogg's with different sound drivers. mplayer -ao alsa /path/to/music.oggmplayer -ao oss /path/to/music.oggmplayer -ao atrs /path/to/music.ogg i have noticed a recent bug in the alsa driver for my nforce-3 sound, it makes music jumpy.using kde's arts sound server, or oss emulation clears it right up though. I tired Ubunto a whle back, version 4. i didnt like it much either, im a gentoo person myself. good luck.
  24. Cool'n'quiet in the bios doesnt realy do anything as far as linux is concerned. the Cool'n'quiet technology allows the operating system to lower the voltage, cpu-frequency, and fan speeds when the cpu is idle. i have a 2.4Ghz amd64 cpu, but when idle, linux slows the cpu down to 1Ghz and lowers the voltage. this tends to lower my cpu tempreture by about 18 degrees C. to find out if your kernel has been compiled to support Cool'n'quiet have a look in the kernel config file for the entry CONFIG_X86_POWERNOW_K8=m # (or =y) if like me its set as m, the driver will need to be modprobed first. if it is neither m or y, then you will need a kernel re-compile. and you dont need cool'n'quiet emableed in the bios for it to work... thats just for MS windows.
  25. nope, thats what the undo feature is there for prelink --undo ; patch ; prelink
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