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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. Ahhh.. then my friend, you need Knoppix ! http://www.knoppix.org/. Knoppix is a full Linux Operating system with 2Gigabytes of software that boots from a CD. you dont have to install anything or format or partiton your hard disk. just boot the disk, when you have finished, reboot and remove the CD, and your pc is back to its old self. its a 700 meg download, or you can buy it on ebay for ÂŁ 0.99 +postage and packageing or from knoppix.org for ÂŁ5. edit: ohh, the latest version of knoppix is 3.7 (soon to be 3.8). once on ebay i say someone selling old coppies of redhat 5 (which would be like going from windowsXP to Windows 2.0)
  2. nope, you can install macOSX on a PC with linux and an emulator. but like the frog already said, it will be slower (but cheaper than buying a Mac)
  3. You download the ISO and you burn it onto a CD. a mistake many people make, is to make a Data Cd, with the iso inside it. this wont work, when you create a Data CD, you are creating a filesystem with files in it. the ISO you download IS the filesystem, and contains all the files linux needs. basically, from nero, select the option to burn a CD from a Cd IMAGE..(the iso is the image) if you dont have nero, then just use the trial version from nero.com. As for help on choosing a distro, its already been discussed here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82096-topic/?findpost=1064290457 for reviews of linux distro's try distrowatch.org. And no matter how pi$$ed off with windows you are, Linux will still be frustrationg untill you learn how to use it. Things like using forward slashes instead of backward slashes, and remembering you need to enter the root password before making system wide changes. etc etc etc. and whilst you are learning, somthing will go wrong, and you will need to have a read and ask some experts, and learn... its not like windows when whenever somthing breaks, it needs a re-install. anyways, alsong as you dont read too much hype about linux, and expect to be able to use it instantly, and expect it to change your life, then it should be an overall pleasent experiance. remember when you first ever sat at a windows computer, and you didnt know how to setup Network address translation.... its gonna be like that all over again
  4. And, just for the run of it, The Linux equivilant is called Knotes (part of the kde envoronment) which an be downloaded from Kde.org. (or 'emerge knotes' for any of you lucky enough to be using gentoo... you lucky nurds ...)
  5. For all you non believers ... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Probably biased, but makes a very good point. Sure windows has more games... but in general it lags behind other operating systems by upto a decade for some features. worth the wait ??? if so, then get a play station / Xbox / whatever the cames console of the hour is at the moment.
  6. i did a little search for "AOL linux" on google.com/linux. You are correct, AOL uses a non standard portocol for dialing up to the internet. But like i said, emulating th windows dialer will be a nightmare. Fortunatly, there is an AOL dialer for linux called "Peng" (full name PengAOL). i would recomend using this. Unfortunatly, what you habve there is a Soft-medem (or Win-modem). Like Most PCI internal modems, its not a full modem, and is not supported by the linux kernel. you have 2 options.... 1) Buy a proper modem, (external serial modem) 2) Buy a driver from llinuxant.com ($15) you can get a free driver from linuxant, but it is limited to 14kbps. Alternativly... I still have the source code to the driver from linuxant.com when they used to release it for free, however it only works with the 2.4 series kernel. If you are feeling brave, you could get suSE to run on the latest 2,4 kernel from kernel.org and compile the driver yourself... but this isnt easy. EDIT, ohh, you asked about Cedega... Homepage https://www.transgaming.com/ you pay for membership, minimum membership is ÂŁ9 for 3 months. within those 3 months you can download the latest versions of the emulator. After the 3 months is up, you can no longer download new versions, but the version you have already downloaded will still work for free. there is a list of games that each version of the emulator is known to work with. and while you are a member, you can vote for which games you want the developrs to work on next. Gmes Like Quake, Unreal tournament, Unreal- tournament 2003 / 2004 and loads more work in linux, some OpenGL games like Half-Life 1, Counter Strike, will work on the free version of Wine. But most people Dual boot... I keep a small 10Gig partiton on my linux disk with windowsXP installed, i can re-boot into windowsXP when i want to play games.
  7. maybe 5 years ago, but i cant imagine anyone who can manage a windows install would have trouble with somthing like fedora or mandrake install. the graphical installer doesnt do anything differently from the command line installer. think of it as a frontend. you can still install gentoo vie the old method if you like. but this will add very important features, like the amility to generate a kickstart file, and use that to install many other computers ithou thaving to go through manually entering settings again... vital when ypu have to install on a whole room fll of computers.
  8. Gentoo... my most favorite of all linux distro's. Gentoo is possably the most customisable, most optimised, and if installed correct,y the most powerfull of all linux distro's. but there is one thing holding it back. All the other distro's are easy to install. Doanload an install CD... and boot it. With gentoo you needed to boot a live cd, download and extract a minni linux system, then chroot into it, and build gentoo from that, all command line. Much too difficult for newbs. setting the corrct compiler optimisations, and use flags meant gentoo was for more experianced linuxers only... but take a look at this.... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Gentoo has an installer ! (well, it will soon) the important point, is setting the correct compiler optimisation is now as simple as choosing your processor type from a list. Setting use flags is a simple as selecting tick boxes in a list.... (descriptions of what each use flag does is in a comment beside it) and have a look at step 12...extra packages.. a nice fedora installer look-a-like. It will still take a long time to compile a whole operating system... especially if like me you like doing stage 1 installs.... but u know... yay gentoo
  9. Xandros is not w windows / linux hybrid. Its a commercial version of Linux, with a windows emulator, which is capable of running some windows applications like photo-shop or MS office (and a few games) Almost all Internet service providers say that you *need* windows, but alsong as there is a driver your your modem, then it should work fine. my ISP (NTL nottingham) says you need windows98 / 2k or XP. and linux auto configured itself perfectly. have a look at this link for distro's which are good for new commers (newbies) http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82096-topic/?findpost=1064290457 Xandros is not free, but is a very newbie friendly distro, for free alternativs, have a look at Fedora or Mandrake. The windows emulator is not capable of emulating windows drivers, only applications, and is available for all versions of Linux. the emulator is called Wine (which stands for Wine is not an emulator) LOL. Anyway, Wine is Free, unless you need directX graphics support, then you need to pay for a similar program called Cedeger. What Modem / Network card are you using ? you shouldnt have any trouble getting on the internet with linux.
  10. this is a ommon mis-understanding. the monthly paymens are only to keep your account active and allow you to download new versions of Cedeger. Most people will only pay the minimum for 1 weeks membership, and download within that week. after membership is over, you can still use cedeger as much as you like. you only need to pay again if you wan the latest version. EDIT: im not 100% sure with whats wrong with the compiling then, but ui do know that i have attempted many times before, and even when i manage to get it to compile without error, i fail to make it run even programs which wine work with. may i ask what you want to use cedeger for ??? you can download pre-compiled Wine for free, which is a very good windows emulator. you only need cedeger for games like half-life 2 that are directX only games. (openGL games somtimes work)
  11. ive tried yum, its got the right idea, but its got along way to ge before it reaches emerge portage grade of kick-*bottom*-ness. plus last time i used yum, it was missing huge rpograms... you needed to manually google for seperate repositories if you wantde mpleyer, or quake... and god help you if you want to install Unreal-Tournament 200X or Doom3 with yum. But lets not get into distro wars. What other distro's have you used ? i often find that users who prefere fedora have rarely tried a very wide range of distro's. i think everyone at the very least should try fedora, debian and slackware. top get a good view of all the different distro's.
  12. i cant remember who im quoting, but it was a famous Artificial intelligence scientist... Basically, he argued That the human brain is just a powerfull reasoning tool (which can easily be recreated as a computer program) but with a huge chaotic input. Basically we think people have free will because we can not accuratly predict what they are going to do in normal situaltions.... but most scientist belive that this is not free will, its just a chaotic system. Read up on chaos theory. also read up on "free will" It all boils down to... do you believe in the soul ? its all very philosphical. basically, we can simulate a brain cell in a computer. its very very very simple. what is difficult, is figureing out how to connect billions of simulated brain cells. If it was possable to freeze your brain, and make make an exact computer simulation of every single brain cell.. every single input, every single brains cell's state (fireing / not fireing) and factored in any chemicals effect on neuro transmitters... wouldnt the simulated brain act exaxctly like you ???? I dont believe in a soul, or anything magical. the brain to me is a machine built out of chemicals, just like a computer chip. the are just made from different chemicals. and the brain has been designed over billions of years of evolution, and has the advantaghe over the silicone chip (for now)
  13. if your new to linux, you may want to have a look at the following thread http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82096-topic/?findpost=1064290457 For reviews on Linux disto's have a look at distrowatch.org look at the top page hit ranking on the right hand side of the screen, although there are too many linux distro's to count, those are the top 100. Im not saying you should be a sheep and follow, but its always easyer to get help for the well knows distro's if you have a distro specific problem. from that link you can read distro reviews, and find links to home pages where you can find download links, and more documentation. To my knolegde, all distro's are free except Xandros, Linspire and Redhat Enterprise Edition. All the best linux distro's for newbies wanting to learn are in the first link. but if you want to dive in at the deep end... continue reading. distro's ice used... Fedora (took over where redhat desktop left off). PRO's * a very common distro, very large community. * fast release cycle, approxamatly eery 6 months a bew version is available. * uses the very popular RPM package to install software... their will almost always be a pre- compiled RPM for whatever you want to install, you wont have to compile anything yourself (unless you want to) Cons: * RPM hell. sometimes porgram A, requires you to first install Program B, which in turn needs program C D and G. (also known as dependency hell..) Although in recent years, porgrams which can auto instyall packages, solving dependency's automatically are a great help. * Personally, i dont like the way the boot scripts are set up, its a little harder to tweak boot sequence than in other distro's, but if you are planning on tweaking too much, you probably dont want this distro. SLACKWARE Pro's * Very configureable. * Makes a great Desktop OR server * Great package management, virtually no dependency's to solve. * Great for tweaking. * popular distro for the experts, and not too difficult for the newbs to learn too. Con's * the installer is command line only, although its still an easy to use installer, it may scare you if you are not comfortable with command lines. * All configureation is done by editing config files, Again, only a con for those not comfortable with command lines. Linux From Scratch PRO's * Lightning fast !!! * 100% customised to you. Con's * No package management, compile, uninstall / upgrade is all manual. * Took me a good 2 days to install last time i did it. basically, with this distro, you start with a floppy disk and a network card driver, and a blank hard disk, and built linux yourself. Gentoo !!!!! My faveortie distro EVER... PRO's * Lightning Fast ! * No version's. for example with fedora, when version 3 comes out, you will need to download version 3 and install it. With gentoo there is no version, when i want to update all the software to the latest version i simply type "emerge --sync && emerge --update world" and my system is brought up to date. * the package management ROCKS ! virtually any program you could possably want to install is listed in whats called a pportage tree. to install it i run "emerge <porgram_name>" the the computer will automatically download the souce code from its home page, extract and install it. fully automatically. * Optimisation. everything you install is automatically optimised for your exact processor. most distro's are optimised for i686 cpu's. mine is optimised for my AMD Athlon x86 +3400. * Gentoo is the most up to date linux distro. and always will be because of the package management i mentioned. * securety features such as glsa-check. this program will download a list of securety holes from gentoo, and check to see which ones m computer may be vunerable to.. if it finds a securety hole, it can automatically dooanload a newer version / patch, and automatically fix the hole. Cons... * Probably the second hardest distro to install (after Linux from Scratch) * You have to compile everything, meaning slow installs, especially for slow computers... for example, it took me 15 minutes to compile firefox. * configureation mostly done my command line. thats it... Please Note, that i am EXTREMELY biased towards Gantoo basically, everyone has to try several distro's before they find the one that suits them.
  14. Im no expert.... but i think that would seriously damage disk throughput performance.what filesystem are you planning on using ???ive heard very good things about XFS, JFS, and reiserfs.
  15. Cedega is NOT free.The reason why free CVS access to source code is allowed, is for you to study the code, and help them develop it by hacking the code and submitting patches.the CVS code is only the emulation part, and some key parts to the source code are missing.very very very few epeople have ever managed to get a stable working install from the CVS source code, and to do it, they needed to fill in the gaps, writing and hacking at the code. a simple "make install" will not work.A while ago, the people at Gentoo Linux used to release patched CVS source code that worked.... however the wineX / cedeger people kindly explained that the CVS access was not meant as a way to get the emulator without paying, and the people at gentoo removed the ebuild portage installer.In other words, unless you have a very good knoleged of Linux AND windowsAPI's and a great deal of C, then you have no chance of getting the CVS code to work.Cedeger is very cheap, why not pay for it ??? help the cause :PEDIT: ohh, and just for the fun of answering the question....either /usr/src/linux is a symbolic link to the wrong kernel source version ? (do you have more than one kernel source version installed) or you just have the wrong kernel source version installed.did you compile the kernel yourself ?
  16. aslong as you firewall tcp port 6000 (and 6001 + if you are running more than one X server)there is no ecurety risk from disableing this securety feature by deafualt, many distro's like redhat / fedora do.
  17. i was fooled myself when i started reading it. then i remembered reading a slashdot article on how paris hilton was the new spokesperson for linux, and rememberd it was april fools day
  18. i think you missed the bottom line of my post. lol, thats one hand up then.
  19. Linux used to be too hard for the common user, didnt support enough hardware, and didnt have enough desktop tools to replace windows tools. currently the only 2 remaining complaints about linux are that (a) rare hardware / winModems and some wireless lan cards dont always support linux. ( Most commercial software is never ported to linux. the wine proect has been working on problem ( and is doeing extremely well. they can even get IE (which is very tightly integrated into windows) to run on Linux ! problem (a) can only be sorted with hardware hacking, reverse engineering, and developeing open source alternativs.... untill now !!!! Some gentoo guys, were thinking... maybe it would be easyer to *fix* the windows kernel, than it would be to write a driver wrapper for windows drivers in linux. They take the Windows Kernel from WindowsXP or windows2K, Add an API wrapper to make the NT kernel comply with POSIX standards. They then manage to make the kernel run the GNU operating system !!!!! Gentoo running on a windowsNT kernel and using windows drivers ! The only thing they take from windows is the kernel and drivers, no emulation or anything. technically, its not linux anymore... (full name GNU/Linux) its (GNU/NT) is there anything Open source cant do ??? because the NT kernel is property of microsoft, Gentoo cannot release install cd's. but they do provide a script so you can make your own cd (aslong as you have a copy of XP sp2 or windows2k) it will probably be a couple of years before this distro is ready for home use. assuming MS dont find a way to make it illegal. Because almost all computers are sold with MS windows, its currently completely legal to do this. Microsoft has always been attacking Linux... but they have never said anything bad about GNU. Ofcourse its not as fast as linux, and not as stable. but its a good step forward in boosting hardware support for GNU. some links... FAQ http://gentooexperimental.org/nt/gentoo-nt-faq.html geNToo boot log http://gentooexperimental.org/nt/bootlog.txt (Hands up...... who read my whole post, and the 2 links... and got all the way here without realising it was an april fools day joke by gentoo ! ???)
  20. Some times i like KDE, sometimes im in a minimalist mood and i go for iceWM, ive tried them all.. and i always end up with my fave 3.. KDE, GNOME and iceWM.
  21. Love the slackware banner ! where you get it ???I thought it was quite amusing when MS announced that its latest line of operating systems could do more than one thing at a time... True Multi-Tasking !!! (of course everyone thought it was amasing, but they didnt know Unix had beat them by a good 20 years or so )I used slackware 10 for a few months when it was first released.at the time i had a 56k internet connection, so the ability to download only the packages i needed was fantastic.but at the moment im using Gentoo... i just love the cusomisability, and bleeding edge up-to dateness of it all.
  22. In other words......if you are TRYING to conceive (spelling ?) then put the laptop on a table when you use it.... otherwise,,, ignore everything in this threat, your fine, effects are only short lived.!!!
  23. *nix has had a similar system for a while...to play an mp3 that might be in ~/media/music/singles/rock/nirvana/d7.oggyou could just use "<your_media_player> `locate d7.ogg`"locate uses a pre-calculated index to find files... a 5gig filesystem can be searched instantly, no noticable time delay.not as sophisticated, doesnt have a beautiful GUI... but u know, pleases the keyboard cowboys as it were
  24. Yeah its true... to be blunt, your balls need to be cooler than your internal body temp... thats why their on the outside.the effects are only temporary, they dont damage your *testes* just the little sperm guys.And i think the report concluded (cont find a link but anywho...) that moderate laptop use was as bad for fertility, as wearing snug underwear link thongs or y fronts.Did you know in some poorer country's, some men as method of contreception will dip teir testes in hot water (70 degrees) for 5 - 10 minutes. it works aparently, and doesnt harm your *organs* in any way.
  25. Personally, i think it was a good thing to drop winFS.I put my music on my ~/media/music folder, my video's in my ~/media/vids folder, and my pics in my ~/media/pics folder.a well organised tree structure is all you need, i would mach rather navigate folders that having to run a search for a document.Okay, a better file searching program would be a better idea, but dont integrate it into the operating system !ive used windowsXP windows2K and windows98, and personally, i cant tell the difference between XP and 98.... okay they look different, different shades of blue, slightly different window decorations... more eye candy for the more powerfull cpu's...but what does windwosXP do now that windows98 didnt ?to me, it seems all of these new OS's are just updates, securety fixes, and stability fixes.then when Ms finally starts promising and hyping up the great new features in codename Longhorn, they are mostly being dropped to hurry along the release (which is already a year late i think)I dont think i will be getting the next version of windows.maybe ill go crazy and pay for cedeger (about £15) and be done with my NFST partiton all together Basically... what im expecting of Longhorn...it will be a deeper shade of blue...it will look alot nicer than XP.....it will be quite secure for a while, sooner or later,just like Sp2 the securety holes will start being diescovered... along with a few virii.it will be more stable...more bloated...and i hope will still have the old controll panel view... i hate the newer XP controll panel !!!
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