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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. Well, they have made stedy progress in finding the perfect shade of blue lol
  2. Ive recentl become interesting in hobby radio gear.many modern communications decixes use multiple channels on one frequency band.for exampl, pmr446 uses FM 446Mhz but from this frequency their are 8 channels, each channel is seperated by 12Khz to make sure they dont interfere with each other.with 8 channels, and 3 miles range, having too many people all trying to use the same channel and all talking at once is a common problem.how do mobile phones get around this problem !?Mobile phones to the best of my knoledge use microwaves at approxamatly 2.5Ghz.but the mobile band range must be insanely wide to accamidate all the billions of mobiles phone around the world.do all mobiles hpones transmit on a diffferent frequency ???this seems unlikely, as it would mean phone companys would have to continually scan the band looking for new phones which have been powered on for the first time.it just doesnt seem to make sence... remember, im a radio newbie.so how does it all work ???manybe some super huge form of tone squelch ???
  3. but if its only Stability and securety you want, you should use FreeBSD. that way you can keep your computer (no need to buy mac hardware) and you can dual boot windows for your games / whatever.Apart from that MacOSX taskbar, macOSX and FreeBSD are ery very similar, only FreeBSD runs on PPC and x86.
  4. I dont have a copy of photo shop 7 myself to verify this, but in other forums, most people install hpoto shop 7 by.....Installing wine in linux (https://www.winehq.org/)insertng the photoShop 7 cd, and running the installer under linux with wine.no windowsXP, no dual boot, no cdr's or copying files needed. did this not work for you ???
  5. someone's not been reading up on http protocol. the get command means "send me the goods" the get command whould be th last command you send. get a packet sniffer, get it to sniff only outgoing traffic to port 80, then point your browser at a web page... read the packet data from the first sniffed packet, you can see exactly what http commands firefox or whatever sends.
  6. Just a few hors ago Kde-3.4.0 had finished compiling on my my amd64 Gentoo linux.i was very impressed with the new features, the way everything seemed that little bit closed to prfoection, slightly better organised control center, new backgrounds, KDM now has much greater functionality.. (many distro's use KDE with Gnoe's login manager)then i noticed the transparency settings in the window behaviour section of the control center. Previously in KDE you had to use a patch to get this functionality, and even then it was very limited.i activated it, an installed the dependency "Xcompmgr" and "Transset" to get window shadows and translucency working.and the result is just amasing !!!!its all completely configureable, but here is how i have it setup at the moment...non focused windows are almost completely translucent, you dont realy notice them cliuttering up your desktop, but can easily see them when you want to.Focused windows are set to be non transparent, and moving windows somwhere between, about half way through the translucency scale.All popups and menu's Fade in and out perfectly animated,Because you can see through windows you are dragging, placing them exactly where you want them is very easy.All translucancy transitions are perfectly smooth... for example when i take focus from one window to anouther, the origonaly focused window slowly becomes see through, and the newly focused window becomes opaque .Window borders are amasing, they add very distinct indications of where one window ends and anouther begins.and the best thing, i this is all hardware openGL drawn by your graphics card. (you will need an ATI or Nvidia Graphics card about as powerfull as a GeForce-2 or greater)i tried to make a few screen shots, but you just cant capture the grace of the animation.If you have Linux, and a Nvidia or ATI graphics card, i urge you to upgrade to KDE 3.4 and install the X composite manager for Xorg.Its not just eye candy, this can be usefull too... have you ever been following instructions on a web page whilst typing ??? its annoying having to constantly minimise the text editor to read, then maximise it to write... or having each window only take up half the screen....with this, you can have both full screen, and be typing onto your text editor, and read the web page underneith it...After using this for a while... its quite nice how the desktop doesnt suddenly change... all window closes are faded.. all new windows opening are faded.... everything rolls so nice together...Now, when i boot windows (for counter strike) all the minimising and maximising and popups feels like the screen is punching me in the eyes...Some people thought 3 dimensional desktops were the future.... maybe one day when we use holograms instead of monitor screens.. but untill that day, transluancy is the future of desktops !!!
  7. Ive never experimented with GRSecurity so i wouldnt know.You package management proposal sounds great,if you could also find a way of parsing the configure script to generate a list of dependency's, and check to make sure unnstalling / upgrading one package wouldnt break a different one, you will be well on the way to a complete packag managemnt system.Ohh, and have a look on the gentoo forum for keywords "Stage 4"their are tutorials on how to properly backup your root filesystem while it is booted, and store to a compressed archive.you would not believe how annoying it is to make a mistake, and have to start again after 30 hours downloading, configureing and compiling.Good luck anywys, let us know how it turns out.
  8. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/3183-topic/ No body can realy tell you if a mac is worth getting, everyone has their own opinions. I for example, would say that the Anti aliased desktop, and pretty zooming taskbar arnt important to me, and you would be better off using FreeBSD with your existing x86 PC. (or a bit more distant relative of the Mac / BSD.... Linux )
  9. Its complicated... think of uClibc as a cut down version of Glibc. Just use Glibc ! My advice would be to put seriouse thought about how you are going to use some kind of package management. LFS has no in built package management system, so installing / updating / un-installing can somtimes be annoying. after the minimal LFS is built, try to either create a new user for each major package install, or a different --prefix while configureing. building LFS isnt too difficult, but keeping it up to date without breaking other prgrams / causing conflicts etc can be difficult !
  10. When you point your web browser at yahoo.com/index.html all your web browser is doinf is making a connection to port 80, and sending that same GET command to the web server (apache / IIS)And yes, telnet can be used to do naughty things.for example, most web sites prevent image hot linking (linking an image on their server from a different web site) that way this works is by looking at the HTTP command "REFERER" and making sure that the parameter to this command is a web page on the same web server.you could quite easily use telnet to send a http request with a false referer parameter, and hotlink protection would not work.but there's nothing hacker like about it. its just great for learning how protocols work.read the post in the tutorials section about how to communicate wih a mail server, and send and recieve email using telnet.
  11. The tutorials section is for written tutorial submissions, not questions.Also do not double post, posts in the tutorial section will not become visiable untill a moderator or admin has aproved them.
  12. Telnet used to be used for remote coman line logins. but today we use shh(secure shell) because of its encryption support.when you run the command "telnet <server> <port>"a tcp open connection request is sent to the specified port on the specified server. then assuming the server accpts the connection you an now *talk* to the server.And data that the server sends you, regardless of type will be displayed on the screen in ascii code. And keys that you hit will be sent to the server.so for eample, if i ran "telnet yahoo.com 80" i would connect to yahoo's web server (port 80 is standard http)i would then sen HTTP requests like "GET /index.html"the server woul send the html code of index.html.if i sent the request "GET /picy.jpg" the binary data of the picture would be dumped to screen (would look like random garbage)you can use telnet to connect to any server which uses a plain english protocol, like http, pop / smtp mail servers, telnet servers.but you would have a very hard time using telnet to connect to a counter strike server, or an encrypted protocol like https, ssh, or anything through an OpenSSH tunnel.
  13. Now if you REEEALY wanted to make money of the geeks and gun-nuts, you should have one computer an Apple Macintosh, One a Pentium x86, and a 3rd AMD x86.set them up in a triange facing into the center.how satisying will it be to shoot up a pentium machine for the AMD fans....or to shoot up each of the x86 for the mac user ???it will be a 3 way cowboy deul for people who dont like getting shot !The Operating system / hardware wars would no longer need to be fought on online forums, but in the wild wild west !EDIT: Patent Pending lol.
  14. maybe if you have less than 64megs of ram encrypted swap would slow down booting a little.but with modern computers, the time taken to encrypt a megabyte of data is nothing compared to the time it takes a disk to write a megabyte.i use an encrypted home partiton, and the performance hit isnt even measureable.at the moment, my kernel is set to 60% swappyness, and my swap partiton very rarely goes below 99.5% free.
  15. about a decade ago i had an Amiga1200 and i played a game called secret of monkey island, a classic !!! very funnny, just great !but i never read the instruction manual, i never realised that the opnly way to save a game was with F12 (there was no mention of save in the system menu) so i never got more than a few hors into the game, out of 3 chapters, i never completed the first.chapter 1, you met 3 pirates, and they send you on a test, you need to beat the sword fighter of milee island fing burried tressure, and steal the fabulous idol. i managed all except burried tressure.10 years later, on my amiga emulator, i played it again... and armed with the F12 key, i FINALLY completed it !and its an amasing game !all the modern graphics and physics engines jut cant make up for a graeat story, grat plot twist, and humour.
  16. True... and although deleting the registry file will make it slightly harder to find passwords in the swap, its not impossable. (their exist many *un-delete* tools) the best option would be to use an encrypted swap file that is encrypted using a random key dureing each bootup. But i dont know if this is possable under windows. (for you linux-ers, https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-27947pted+swap.html)
  17. getting a soldering iron too hot tends to be bad news depending on what you are soldering.you need a hot one for soldering very thick wire, but i find on more delicate jobs, the solder just tends to oxidise on the iron.anyways.. ive just ordered on e-bay a scanning radio capable of transmiting and recieving on all voice based FM radio in the UK. it is 5 times over the maximum free transmition power (500 milli wats, it uses 2.5 wats !) so im going to have to get a special licence.and ive already got 101 pranks lined up for it. (no, im not going to bother the police!)in my university, lectureres use small microphones which transmit fwith an FM within the radio's frequncy range.those tranmiters are 100milli wats. with my 2.5 wat transmitter, i should quite easily be able to hijack the lecture :)so... should i play static and end the lecture early.... or DJ mixalots "i like bit buts" ????awaiting surgestions
  18. And for protecting GPL source code from being used without complying you can add strange comments and error codes.mplayer once managed to prove that a hardware company had used the mpleyer mpeg2 decoder in their firmware because of a error message reported under an insanely rare crash event that passed a mesage like (cant remember the exact code) "Johneys gonna throw a wobbler"in real life that error message would never be displayed, but its code can be detected.
  19. PMR stands for personal mobile radio (that runs on 446 Mhz)In europe, this reequncy is free to transit and recieve on.I recieved one from a friend who accidently ordered too many and sets, and i started playing with it.They are advertised as having a 3 mile range, but in practive, especially when you are high up the range is much greater (world record for an unmodified radio is 300 miles)Whats great is the number of random people you can contact, there are always people talking, (there is a function called squelch used to stop people wyou dont want to hear annoying you..for example, the local tesco uses channel 3, but since i dont know there squelch frquency, although i can hear them, i canot talk to them. but very often people want to talk to someone random, and leave squench turned off.usually, if i spend 5 minutes scanning, and sending out the occasional rining tone, i can usually find someone to talk to. not for conversation, its more of a challenge to see how far you can have a conversation.recently, i built a directional aerial... (one of my friends is just out of range of an unmodified radio)and i managed to contact a man testing a toy walkie talkie he bought for his sons birthday over 5 miles away.and on one occasion someone in a park over 30 miles away.They are called PMR466 radio's and are available for as little as £20 for 2, or cheaper used on ebay.if like me you enjoy taking things apart, and burning yourself with soldering irons, have a look at these toys, they are basically CB radeo for the 21st century.(ohhh, and they are usefull for other things, (and unlike mobule phones, in the UK it is legal to use a PMR446 radio whilst driving)
  20. but whilever the gun is mounted to a computer... it cant move.sooner or later the animals will realise that they only get slaughtered if they go in sight of the noise computer gun thing...unless of course all hiding place are removed, then the term "shooting fish in a barrel" comes to mind.ask most people who enjopy fishing why they do it... do they enjoy watching fish die ? or do they enjoy getting away from the desk, and floating in a calm peacefull boat and having a nice relaxing time.killing things by clicking a mouse.... play counter strike !!if i were a deer, i would be pretty p1$$ed off if the guy who killed me coundnt even be bothered to get dressed and get out of his bedroom
  21. if you are talking bitmaps, then they will compress, jpeg's and png's are alreay compressed. as for transfereing them, use ftp.get an ftp server from sourceforge, setup a username and password that is allowed to download the photo's (zip them anyway for convinence of only downloading one file) then you friend can download them by pointing a web browser (or download manager) at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ then entering the password when prompted. (make sure you open port 21 in your firewall)
  22. Linux / Unix / Solaris / BSD have always been very secure, always been very fast, and very powerfull. however, if you want to take over the world, what you really need is a cute pretty desktop. Well previews have just recovered from the slash dot effect (published on slashdot a few hours ago) and ive downloaded and watched the previews, and let me say WOW ! basically, whats happening, is currently, X is just a display porgram, with openGL acceleration. all gui affects are done by the window manager (KDE / GNOME / whatever) well now they are integrating some amasing effects into Xorg. things like Windows which wobble like jelly in 3d when dragged around, menu's which pop us and settle down (semi transparent wobbling !) Dusts buttons that use openGL to display cool smoke effect when pressed. Anti Aliasing (yes i know OSX has used desktop AAfor quite a wile now) anyways, donwload and watch the following deomonstrations ! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (stuill a bit slashdotted ! give it a few minutes) Gnome home page https://www.gnome.org/ as soon as Gnome 2.10 is labeled stable in gentoo amd64 i will definatly be having a look !!! EDIT: FANTASTIC.. gnome 2.10 liveCD torrents are available And yes... this amasing stuff will as always run on almost every operating system (except windows)
  23. And for you non windows users out there..... Some more FTP servers.. (free and open ) vsftpd (Very secure ftp daemon) https://security.appspot.com/vsftpd.html (GPL-2 licence) pure-ftpd https://www.pureftpd.org/project/pure-ftpd (BSD licence) (with gui frontend) http://www.proftpd.org/ (GPL lcence) all have the usual ftp fatures and goals.
  24. http://xfree86.org/ whats so bad about the Xfree86 licence ???? I use Xorg, as does most recent linux distro's because of the great features like translucancy... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ what part of the licence do you dis-like ???
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