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Everything posted by Herbert1405241469

  1. I know, I was joking As for terrorists, yep, those towers would be a target if they'd take out electricity for an entire city, but the way it sounds, they would need a lot of towers for a city. So taking down just 1 wouldn't do a heck of a lot anyway if there's a couple dozen nearby.
  2. Ok, the idea of "Digital Paintball" totally doesn't make any sense to me.You have video games, where you can kill other people with no ill effects in real life...You have real life, where you can shoot people with paint balls with no ill effects other than some welts.I'm not a paintball player, but at least you're getting outside and running around. Now it's all indoors (as if I wasn't in here playing 20 hours of video games a day anyway [over exaggeration ]). What next? Virtual baseball?...oh wait, they have that.Well then what about virtual football... nope they have that too...Virtual soccer.... nopeVirtual tennis... nopeVirtual golf... nopeVirtual bowling... nopeVirtual sex... nopeVirtual life........ WTF! What's left for me outside my computer room?!
  3. You can't be picky enough when it comes to making tutorials They say a picture is worth a thousand words... Well, not for Xisto's word count minimum, but I'm sure it would help to add some screenshots so people will see what you're talking about.
  4. Wow, here's an older topic I had forgotten about For anyone that saw the portraits I had done in other posts, I just want to update you on saying that #3 is nearing completion, and this one is my best yet I went extra huge size for better detail, but I'm starting to think my computer can't handle all those pixels at once
  5. I hear ya on that one I remember one time I was on a flight from one city to another, and I ran out of fuel on MS Flight Sim 2002 (I think it was 2002, might have been 2000 ) And the nearest landing strip was right in view. With some careful manuevering, I swing it onto the runway but slightly too fast. In an effort to slow down, I turned to the right and suddenly the control tower is right in front of me and BOOM. There goes my pilot's license Has anyone played MS Flight Sim 2004 yet? I've had my eye on it for over a year, but I've been waiting for the price to come down... but now I'll probably just wait for the next one haha.
  6. It's about time somebody started implementing some massive alternative sources of energy! Problem with that in big cities is the fact that you described it as being so big... Sounds like a great solution for homes out in the country and whatnot.I wonder if I could get a couple for my house (Edit: hmm, that's saying too much for my house... I should stick to those little panes that you can stick on your roof to collect solar power )(Edit 2: One more minute, twitch, and you would have been right on 42 )
  7. But you wouldn't be able to do things like in Vice City, Hitman, Halo, etc. in real life, or if you did, you'd have to suffer the consequences. I find video games to be a great stress reliever haha. Video game realism doesn't have anything to do with why most video games aren't as much fun as they used to be. It's like Hollywood movies, they're running out of original ideas, so they make crappy movies with recycled plots and crappy endings. . . they make crappy video games with recycled plots and crappy gameplay I thought that's what car alarms were supposed to do That's a bit extreme. Humans were killing each other quite effectively for thousands of years before any sort of technology came about... unless, of course, you consider bronze metallurgy as a "technology," then it wouldn't have taken as long for them to kill one another. And the atomic bomb was made long before Xbox Don't get me wrong, I think technology has changed humanity but I don't think we've gone in either a bad or a good way. Technology has many medical benefits, but on the other hand, we're finding more ways to kill ourselves. We have awesome new technology for heart surgury, but we're needing it due to all the fast food crap we eat (sans vegitarians). Technology is a double edged sword, and I doubt it's going away anytime soon. Best thing you can do is just hope for the best and see what happens.
  8. I just tried out the Pariah single player demo... The game was pretty cool, but it kind of made me dizzy due to a poor port of the controls from console to PC... When you move your mouse, you can see that it's not smooth. It kind of snaps... it's jerky. They did the same bloody thing for the sniper rifle scope in Hitman 2 and Hitman Contracts.... ARGH, why do they have to ruin the PC version like that
  9. I used to play it, but couldn't get the feel for it. That might have been partially due to the fact that my video card kinda sucked though haha. M4 for power, AK for style
  10. Firstly, I heard the Tv series was horrible Secondly, technically there's no sound in space, so that would explain the lack of the "earth shattering kaboom!" What bit of sound you did hear was probably due to soundwaves bouncing through the brief puff of ozone that was left.
  11. *Glances over at can of air warning not to use on skin....**Glances over at can again to see warning not to tilt upside down...* So much for trying to sue them
  12. I recommend it I'm ticked off though... I was ambushed by a huge army of Roman Soldiers... I think it was around 700 of them versus 200 of us... First I lose my general... and slowly start losing troops, but then I managed to get a couple groups of chariot archers to flank them, and whittled away at their army, focusing on their general. Got him down, and just shot arrows at the rest of the groups for about 14 minutes until they finally gave up... Then, just before I went to end the battle, the computer completely froze (probably due to an overheated Geforce 4 ) and I lost my game In the end, I won the battle with 44 men versus over 200 at least I saw the trailer for that Pariah, which was moderately cool looking, but the idea of having an entire game dedicated to protecting someone doesn't sound appealing. Just having to do it in games like Goldeneye (n64) for 1 level was too much at some times
  13. We had a power outage for about 15 hours a couple weeks ago... It was so annoying, because I kept unconsciously hitting the light switch whenever I went into a room... and hit it again (despite the darkness) on the way out. I guess I have good conservational habits I mean you'd go watch TV to see what was going on with the weather and news (if the area had been knocked out or just a few people)... No TV... "OK," I said, "I'll check out the internet on my laptop. It has a battery... Oh wait, my router is dead " and so on.Yep, you tend to take it for granted... I did spend a lot more time with my family and read a lot though
  14. What he's referring to is the Turing Test. I found a chatbot that is pretty good at this called alicebot (you can check it out at http://www.alicebot.org/). But there's a difference between a chat program and actual AI. With this chat program, it has literally thousands of responses to key words and phrases that it will search through when the user enters text. So if the user typed "What is your name?" the program would go to the "W" file (this is in alicebot, they might do it differently in other programs) and searches for "what is" then it subsearches for "what is : your name" and then it goes into its "name" variable found in another file, and reports it:"My name is ";variable_name;"." The problem, though, is that it isn't learning dynamically, with the exception of very generic variables including the person's name with whom the program is talking to, the current topic (which is somewhat buggy), and other various things. It "learns" this data, but since there are only a limited amound of variables set by the programmer, this "learning" is quite limited. And the program isn't learning new ways of communicating. If the user tells this program the meaning of a word, the program won't remember it for later unless, of course, the programmer enters this into the AI database files. To a certain extent... don't machines already rule our lives? Unless you live out in the country and farm and are not dependant on electricity, how do you think the world would react if suddenly there were no more machines? Not technically AI, but little programs already handle a lot of stuff that was originally done by humans... Accounting software, ATM machines, that little screen that show's you what you're ordering at McDonalds so that you don't have to think as hard when trying to understand what the Cashier is saying ... etc.
  15. Well jeeze, why don't they just evolve already so we don't have to worry about the flu and AIDs anymore?? :rolleyes:It'd be much easier fighting off a benign lump of moss than it would be to worry about these darn bugs
  16. About the God stuff. The general phrase used is that "He created man in His own image." In other words, he had all that stuff and created us with it. You do bring about a good point though... Where did HE get it? I think this particular subject belongs in a different topic, though, because no one really has room for debate on whether or not a being is alive if it first cannot be proven to exist. Going back on topic... here's a thought. Computer virus acts in a similar way a real life virus works: Both have "code," whether it be DNA or otherwise, and they replicate by infecting other things (files and cells). Now, which one is more alive than the other? You could say that a computer virus doesn't exist in physical space, but in reality, it is spreading its code on the hardware that is your hard drive. Think about it
  17. Maybe a more appropriate term would be "decay." Buildings don't "die off," they deteriorate. Buildings don't move and infect other buildings though, so that's just a lose analogy
  18. Ah ha! But how can something "die off" if it is not "alive?" I remember kindergarten when we used to talk about what was alive and what was not... or maybe it was on TV, the two kind of blend together. If it moves, eats, and breathes it's alive... But of course there are exceptions... Like some politicians, but that's another topic
  19. Not specifically "science" in and of itself, the Codex Alimentarius is a bill that is going to be voted on April 22 that will produce regulatory laws on natural supplements (ie. vitamins). I just heard about this on an internet radio show I listen to regularly that had a special guest come in and talk about this thing. It scares me what this thing could mean for the health of the human species. Now the reason why they would consider something crazy like this is because the bill itself is over 15,000 pages The longer the bill, the less people that are going to read it. Here's a link that was written by a who actually read the whole thing: http://www.healthsavers.info/HSNews/CodexAlertNews.htm I'll pull out some of the notable sections from that page: Seriously, read the section "Once implemented, CODEX ALIMENTARIUS does the following:" about half way down the page... They're going to totally screw us all, and the human life expectancy will be cut in half IRRADIATION OF FOOD... and you though barbque wasn't healthy for you! All for what? Money. It makes me sick. I'm a volunteer for the internet radio station I was talking about and have the broadcast archived... so once he gets it up on his webspace, I'll post a link for you all to hear about it. FAX YOUR STATE REPS!! Instructions on how to do this can be found here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/404-error-page-not-found/
  20. The good thing I love about Xisto is the fact that they haven't closed like my last web host
  21. You can see most of my stuff at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  22. Hopefully I'm going to get some more photos of this particular subject soon. . . I'm really looking forward to doing another portrait of her
  23. I see the title of the topic has been changed... Surf Junky must not have worked out for him But there's always studiotraffic Payday is coming up for me... Less than a week :(EDIT: Paid again. Thanks studiotraffic
  24. Hey. Just wondering if you ever heard back from the site you were signed up for. I'm expecting another payment within the first week of April, I'll post when I get it
  25. I've heard nothing negative about studiotraffic unless it was from 1 of 2 types of people. The first type is the skeptic that isn't even a member that just assumes it's "too good to be true" The second is someone who temporarily ran into technical trouble that decided to bash the site before they could resolve the problem... and about a couple days later he comes back on and says something to the effect of "They fixed it, sorry. Studiotraffic rocks!!!1!11" EDIT: Speaking of "studiotraffic rocks..." I just remembered that they just started up an Internet Radio Station. check it out at http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=studiorocks&e=com
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