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Everything posted by Herbert1405241469

  1. I had a Geforce 4 Ti4200 for a couple of years, and I was surprised how long it lasted being able to play modern day games, albeit on low qualities. I had it running Doom III at it's lowest rates, and the FPS were acceptable
  2. Oye. Just beat Chrono Cross... The ending was rather not good. I dunno. It reminded me of spending all those hours playing those NES games and getting a line of text for all your hard work I'm too tired to play to get the other ... blah like 10 endings.
  3. Just wondered, did anyone here actually get one of those "FreeIpods" from that pyramid scheme thing? I had one site I was trying to get a free ATI x800 pro off of, but they went under.
  4. I bought a Zire 31 with a 512meg SD Disk, and I just use that for playing mp3's. Not only did it cost a lot less than an Ipod, it can do stuff! Why spend all that money for just an mp3 player? I guess it depends on how much you use it.... Not only that, it came with a 128meg cheap-o mp3 player! I don't need a ton of space for mp3's, if it can hold a CD at a decent quality, I don't need all those gigs of space.
  5. Bought Chrono Cross a couple days ago, the sequel to Chrono Trigger. So far it's pretty good! Took me awhile to get used to those old PSX graphics but overall I'm loving it. I can already tell I'm going to put in a lot more time into this than I did with Chrono Trigger (which I beat btw ) because I've been on it for 11 or so hours and I'm not even on disc 2 yet Highly recommended for any Chrono Trigger fans. It takes some getting used to, but it's worth the effort!
  6. Just resurrecting an old topic. I've just finished a book titled: "Time: A Traveller's Guide"Very informative.Apparently, the "best" way to efficiently time travel without having to break light speed barriers or bothering with black holes is to find a freakingly huge cylinder and spin around on that for a bit to tilt your light cones in such a way that they tip back towards the past. You can only travel to a point back to which the cylinder was created.So now I have to work all these physics formulas out and see if I can't come up with some sort of possible fictional device that will work in a time travel simulator
  7. Bah, I just saw a commercial for Television on your Cell Phones... Now people will be listening to the news on their way to work and if something major happens, they'll glance down and next thing you know ZING! right off a cliff.
  8. Haha, I wonder if some Hong Kong software pirate will ever get all the old NES roms onto a single Gameboy Advance Cartridge Could you imagine having over 600+ old NES games at your fingertips?
  9. Wow, I finally got around to installing this Desert Combat mod, and in the worlds of the McDonald's current slogan: I'm Lovin' It Makes things a lot easier now too with more advanced weaponry. I love the remote guided missile that launched from the battleship in the Pacific mission
  10. Whew, I appreciate such a complete review, and I will take it to heart. Yes, it's still under construction... due to the lack of content Thanks.
  11. Just thought I'd get some feedback on the basic design of my site. I was trying to make it feel like it was a silent movie theme, and I think I didn't do too bad. I have a bunch of photos and videos I've made over the years, including an uncompleted Back to the Future parody entitled "George's Week," in which the Older George McFly was the one who went back in time instead of Marty. I ran out of inspiration on it, mostly due to the lack of actual footage of "Old George" in the first movie. Worth a look anyway if you're an avid BTTF fan http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Thanks.
  12. It will take quite a bit to render obsolete the reading off of a hard copy on paper. People on subways and whatnot don't want to carry around a portable LCD monitor to read the news... unless they were foldable and near unbreakable.They said the same things about the Internet... it would make Books Obsolete. HAH, not quite
  13. Yeah, that's the full game, but it has a 15 minute timer, which isn't really even enough to get it all configured (controls and graphics) and get past the main cutscenes, and you get about 5 minutes of actual play time I bought the game off of ebay, so I'm having lots of fun But if you buy it off their site, you don't have to worry about shipping or anything, and it's well worth $15.I also just realized that this was done by the same people that made TimeSplitters, which I haven't played but heard it was a very good game.
  14. Just picked this game up last week in a bargain bin, but it's a very good game. I found it for Gamecube thinking it was another game a friend of mine was talking about, but I was plesantly surprised. I hooked the 'Cube up to my computer's TV Input so I could play it in peace, but the picture was blurry, so I bought a PC version off ebay that should be here any day now. It starts off with the main character, John Vattic, waking up with all sorts of stitches and bandages, and generally looking like he just recovered from a train wreck. He wakes up in an isolation ward strapped to a bed, but quickly discovers that he seems to have some telepathic powers... and he's forgotten almost everything that has happened up to that point. The game is a third person shooter/sneaker that reminds me a bit like Splinter Cell in some of the moves, such as hanging from beams and whatnot, but the extra element of psychic powers puts an interesting spin on the game. The plot is actually really well thought out, and it has an interesting twist. The voice acting is pretty good. The characters are generally memorable. It only took me about 9 hours to beat, but overall I recommend this game for the price. You can download the full version for a 15 minute trial, and if you like it, you can buy the key from Codemasters' site to unlock it ($14.99 I believe... Well worth it.) Ooh, another thing, if you've ever played Silent Scope in an arcade, this has a sniper rifle that reminds me of that, where you stay in Third Person, but the scope will look where you look with it... really well done: https://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.pngpc/second_sight/screenshots.html
  15. I used to listen to that Coast to Coast AM thing on the internet... They had people talking about John Titor the first time I heard it. Really interesting stuff, but then they switched something on their site and I was too lazy to download whatever it was they wanted me to install to listen to it, so that was the end of that then
  16. Back to the Future 2 anyone? Transitioning to a sky car would be like the transition to the first automobiles... Most people wouldn't get one because they would be a hassle because the technology hasn't been "perfected" yet... They'd constantly break down. (See the beginning of The Time Machine (2002).... the guy's proto-car breaks down and you hear a passerby yell "Get a horse!") Plus, you'd have a lot of old timers feeling weary of the new technology just like they did at the turn of the 20th century. If they had anything in the sky, you're going to need severely strict regulations, and probably some sort of AI system that drives for you, because a collision up there would result in a couple thousand pound wrecks falling on people's houses.
  17. Well I haven't played the story mode in years, but all I can remember were lots of plot holes. I don't care which system gets PDZ, I just wish they'd finish it so I could buy it
  18. There is sure a lot of weird looking fish things at great depths under the water, but I doubt they would be anything as large as the supposed Loch Ness monster. The water pressure is too great.
  19. Like clagnol said, it's 20% of our brain at any given moment in time. It'd be like an appendix. If we don't use it, why not just cut it out? No, we don't do that because every part is useful! Just taking a intro course to Psychology, you'll see that there are many different parts in charge of different things. They don't say "Well, this is the 10-20% we use, and the rest is grey matter that just sits there."
  20. I have the original Sam & Max Hit the Road I picked up at a garage sale, and I never got around to playing it because my sound would never work right with it
  21. I was surprised how much that Star Wars Battlefront resembled Battlefield 1942. The only thing that I find really repetitive is the fact that you're always playing "Capture the Outpost" and never really doing anything else. I wish some missions had some different objectives I just installed it again (1942, no mods) and I'm having a blast
  22. Except the plot Goldeneye was awesome because of the sweet Gameshark codes that people made to edit the game. I remember spending hours scouring the internet trying to find the best codes and printed off tons of em (I'm thinking hundreds of pages, though not all of them were good codes). I made my own "mod" once where you got plastique in Multiplayer, so if anyone shot it, the whole level would explode until you quit the game, which was only possible by shutting off the system, because you died as soon as you respawned
  23. Woo, the problem is fixed, they got my email, and everyone is happy again
  24. Must be something wrong with the mail server, I got this message again: Somebody PLEASE, I've been expecting email to my Xisto account I need to check!!
  25. Argh, wtf. I sent an email to support, and I got back an Error: Undeliverable message. Could someone please unlock my account??
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