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Everything posted by Herbert1405241469

  1. We haven't even gotten anything accomplished with the moon, let alone some planet millions of more miles away
  2. Well it's still suspended. I don't use it as a primary webhost, so I'm not missing out on anything major (anything that's free is never entirely reliable, for one reason or another). I try to make meaningful posts, and if I have nothing to say, I don't say it just for credits. If I wanted to, I could sit here and get 300 credits and forget all about it, but that isn't the point of the whole thing. Don't think I'm neglectful. I've been a member with Xisto for over a year now, so I must be doing something right
  3. I let my credits get down to the 0.32 or so, but I have it back up past 10 credits. Would somebody mind please turning me back on? herbert.astahost.com
  4. (Your wife or girlfriend holding up a pair of panties from your truck)"What are these doing in here?" "Well, I use em to find my truck quicker!" Or rather wouldn't be interesting if a young girls parents notice that she's not at home, so they track down the GPS signal only to find that the only person who is at the location is her boyfriend To quote from the movie Dragnet: Woman cop: "So will I see you later?" Tom Hanks: "Of course, I'm wearing your underwear"
  5. Bah, if "view porn" made people go blind, then all married couples (or couples otherwise together) out doing it all the time would be all blind...deaf, mute, etc. They'd be paralyzed
  6. I've had my eye on it for awhile... Now I'm going to have to try it The one problem I think I would have with it is, as you just said, it has no end? It would be fun for awhile, but I think I'd get bored of it eventually. Games, to me, can't be too big, or too small. If it's too big, you get overwhelmed and end up biting off more than you can chew ( I can recall having at least a dozen side-quests active at once in Morrowind, I got to the point where I said "Screw this, I'm not getting any closer to beating it" and uninstalled it. Haven't played it since ). And games that are too small or that don't have long play time get shelved quickly never to be played again.A game like GTA is good, because you have the main plot you can follow, that has a definite "Ending," and then you have the freedom to just run around. Shadow of Destiny was good in length too, though the cinematics are often criticized as being entirely too long Now, something like Red Faction 2, that game had potential, but it lacked in those two fundamental areas: it was too short, (I beat it the night I got it), and it had no replay value. Well, it did have those easter egg type things that unlocked concept art, but I didn't feel it was worth my time to replay the game a dozen times or whatever.But, sorry for digressing, I will look into Freelancer. If it's anything like Independence War 2 (which is also slightly too big, and I actually got stuck because there was a point in which there was no way to advance the plot) it should be good.
  7. Yeah, the lipstick and eyeshadow do indeed make her look better, but realistically (loosely speaking of course ) even if an "archeologist" was a hot chick, she wouldn't bother with makeup when she was on the site. I'm glad they seemed to have defined her nose a bit more. That's one thing I never found attractive was how she didn't have a real nose.
  8. I picked up the second one, but I wasn't nuts about it. I thought the concept for The Room was interesting, but I never looked into the game itself past the preview I saw on TechTV. Like another poster mentioned, it reminded him of Saw. Well if there's any truth to that, I think I'm going to have to look into it a bit more in depth I enjoyed Saw not for the gruesome violence, but (though some people would disagree due to some slightly unbelievable circumstances) I thought the plot was pretty cool. After playing Silent Hill 2, I went online looking for more about the story, just because the whole thing didn't make a lot of sense. I usually hate coming into a game series in the middle of it, but I don't believe they ever made the first one for PC (I'm a PC gamer). I guess the only question I have is "Do they exclaim why your character is subjected to this torment of 'the room?'" Because that's the one thing (besides the annoying cinematic camera angles ) that turned me off from playing any of the other Silent Hill games was that I never really got why any of this had to happen. I've read that he was being tormented by past regrets or guilt or something, and that anything in Silent Hill that a person sees is a represenation of some psycological something-or-other. I don't know, bottom line, should I invest time and money in this game? are the contols and stuff better than previous Silent Hill games, or is it pretty much the same: creepy fog, F*ed up monsters, etc.?
  9. Well, to block them, I found this site: http://www.robotstxt.org/orig.html
  10. They've been making "blockbuster hits," so to speak, in video games since GTA3, so why would they stop now? They're still making Tomb Raider games, and I doubt that has as big a fan base as the GTA series. I say heck with it now anyway. I have installed GTA2 and I'm having a blast haha That's one thing I miss, though, that they had in GTA2 is FMV's with real life counterparts to the game characters. It was awesome, they have it available to download on Rockstar's Classic collection thing on their site.
  11. Anyone else anticipating this game?? I've been waiting around for this title since the original PD came out for N64 in 2000. I bought a Gamecube expecting Rareware to stick with Nintendo, but then they got bought out by Microsoft. Well, it's a good thing I didn't go out and buy an Xbox, because I just read that Perfect Dark Zero is in the works to be released for the Xbox 360 The game looks sweet. I've seen screenshots on the net, and if multiplayer is anything like its predecessor, this game will keep me busy for years to come The Xbox 360 system itself looks sweet in its own right, so I'm making sure to put some money aside to get one of these things! http://www.ign.com/ ^Screenshots I'm not nuts about the Joanna model the seem to have chosen. They had a really good looking one in one of the earlier screenshots, but they seem to have cartoonized her... She looks like an anime chick now. And the earpiece makes her look like an elf. 05/14/2005 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ^^I like this one. And it matches the cover art more than the following one^^ 06/17/2005 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ^Probable box art Joanna before Microsoft got to her: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. Isn't there already a topic on this subject anyway? I think this should be closed and the original topic brought back up... Yes I distinctly remember posting links that had something to do with the planets, hold on lemmie look.... looking... looking... argh... looking... http://forums.xisto.com/topic/85793-topic/?findpost=1064316514 and more specifically: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/85793-topic/?findpost= So somebody should probably close this topic for lack of a better solution
  13. Yeah, I never had a chance to try GTA: London 1969, but I believe it was just an expansion to the original GTA. I've seen both packaged with GTA2, I believe, in the discount software sections at places like Walmart or Bestbuy. I tried playing GTA 1 recently and just couldn't stand that stupid camera angle... No wonder I didn't do well at it haha, I couldn't see the stuff I was about to crash into!
  14. I'm thinking the technology won't be 3D in the sense that object will appear to be 3D like in video games and whatnot, but rather you'll be seeing 2D pictures that are being projected that can be moved in 3D space, kind of like the 3D desktops that some companies such as Sun Microsystems are working on ( https://www.oracle.com/sun/index.html ) I had a program that made the windows on your computer appear to be 3D, where you could push the windows into the computer like books on a book shelf... The whole Idea is novelty, in my opinion. It gets to be annoying afterwards. Sounds great... just as long as you didn't forget it and let it go through the clothes drier
  15. On a similarly related note, I just saw an article posted on Actiontrip.com saying that they've been doing a long term study on the relations between real life violence and video games. They're quoting some other site, so I'll post the original site instead of Actiontrip's copy: Source: http://news.a.com.com/
  16. That's what I said earlier. It's a lot easier for a kid to type in "*BLEEP*" in yahoo's image search than it is for him to find the mod, install it, download it, and actually go in and play the game to that point. The whole thing is a mess. I'm moving on to Swat 4 or Battlefield 2 now anyways, so
  17. Just looking at some diagrams of the planet orbits (and now this new one)... It looks as though Pluto and this other new planet could just space debris caught by pure accident in our Sun's gravity. I mean, whenever or however the Universe was created, the first 8 Planets blew out of the center (the Sun) as sort of a flat disk (in relation to their orbits). Pluto kind of goes helter-skelter through Neptune's orbit at a slight angle, and this new planet is totally off in its own little world... so to speak. Just using basic Physics, and using a X,Y,Z plane... if you put the first 8 orbits up, they would be parallel to the x,y plane, velocity in that plane. Pluto and this new planet have an additional Z velocity which is perpendicular to the x,y plane. Now, with forces, (if I can remember my college physics class, please correct me if I'm mistaken), the axis are independent when it comes to external forces. Let me give an example. You throw a ball in the air along a parabolic path. ^Truck is going at a constant horizontal speed, and as you can see, so is the ball, despite slowing down and speeding up vertically. There are two dimensions here. X being horizontal, and Y being vertical. The force used to launch the ball can be broken down into those two components... A X force, and a Y force. When you change one, the other one is unaffected. This can be applied to a ball. Gravity is a force acting on it in the Y direction. It is pulling the ball down. The horizontal speed, velocity in the X (horizontal) direction, is not affected (unless by a second source of force such as wind resistance or a wall). The speed of the ball in the Y direction is affected due to the constant force of gravity causes accelleration in the vertical direction. When you think it's "suspended in mid-air" for that brief moment that it reaches the very top of the parabola, it is, in fact, still moving the exact same speed horizontally as it was the entire time...... If Pluto has an additional Z velocity, it would be comparable to having some force "hit" the ball as it flew through mid-air perpendicularly to the x,y plane (imagine sticking a pencil straight out from your computer screen, that's the Z axis compared to the left/right axis and up/down axis) ANYWAY, the whole point of all this was that if whatever forces caused the first 8 planets to begin orbiting the sun, it was on a horizontal axis (x,y) these two planets furthest out have Z velocity. Since each component of force is independent, either these two planets hit something, or they were (in my opinion) hurtling through space from some other explosion at the beginning of the universe, and got caught at an angle, rotating in our solar system. So though they may still be planets, they may be planets from entirely different solar systems... Thus, exploration of these planets might be greatly beneficial as to determine how planets formed in other parts of the galaxy! Chemical makeup and whatnot. Here's is a cool page on NASA's site on the planet. They have a 3D simulation of the orbiting planets: http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/orbits/2003ub313.html Check it out, you'll see what I was talking about better in 3D.
  18. Finally some SENSE! Quote from an EA spokesman in response to that lawyer accusing EA of bad stuff in "The Sims 2": âThis is nonsense,â said Jeff Brown, spokesman for EA. â...Reasonable people recognise what mods are. A consumer who chooses to use a mod does so without any kind of agreement with the company. There is no nudity. There is nothing improper or vulgar in the Sims 2.â Brown continued, âReasonable people understand the San Jose Mercury News is not responsible for vulgar things that people doodle into the margins of the paper.â Source: http://spong.com/article/8961/Electronic-Arts-Slams-Sims-2-Paedophile-Claims
  19. On a similar topic... as if one game wasn't enough, the lawyer that started the business with the Hot Coffee Mod is going after The Sims 2. Why do I feel like I'm in the middle of the McCarthy Era all of a sudden?? They have an article on Gamespot's site http://www.gamespot.com/articles/sims-2-content-worse-than-hot-coffee/1100-6129609/ _____________________________________________________ Here's some selections from the article: Miami attorney Jack Thompson claims cheat codes make EA's life sim a pedophile's paradise by showing genitalia; calls for ban on T-rated game.... In the statement, Thompson says, "Sims 2, the latest version of the Sims video game franchise ... contains, according to video game news sites, full frontal nudity, including nipples, penises, labia, and pubic hair." He cites a cheat code that can remove the blur that covers the nether regions. "The nudity placed there by the publisher/maker, Electronic Arts, is accessed by the use of a simple code that removes what is called 'the blur' which obscures the genital areas. In other words, the game was released to the public by the manufacturer knowing that the full frontal nudity was resident on the game and would be accessed by use of a simple code widely provided on the Internet." It's not just the adults that are liberated from their wardrobes. Sims kids can also be nudified, "much to the delight, one can be sure, of pedophiles around the globe who can rehearse, in virtual reality, for their abuse." ______________________________________________________ If I do remember correctly, they also had a mod that removed the blur from the original Sims... This guy's going to ruin a lot of people's lives before anyone wakes up around here... McCarthyism at it's best
  20. It makes you wonder how people can find this supposedly locked content. I mean how do they just come up and think "Well, let's see if they have any locked content... specifically a sex mini-game." I mean, if they had no previous knowledge of any such mini-games, what urged them to even look? I mean there were no such hidden games in any other of the GTA's (that I know of). The hookers in GTA 3 and VC didn't have a mini-game, so why would they have some for San Andreas?The only logical thing I can think of is that it was an accident. Someone took their hex editor or whatever they use to peel apart these games, and they stumbled upon either some code, or the sound effects, or some textures or something.Anyway, I'm ticked off about this too. I mean they didn't make Tomb Raider AO when someone made those Nude Patches for it. And that game is only rated T! (A game that is more available to "kids" than San Andreas!)Then I was watching The Jacket last night, and going through the deleted scene commentary, the director (British, I believe) made some comment about an alternative "love making" scene that the American audience didn't like, and said he felt America was becoming too puritan! HAHA, if only we were... in the right areas I'd take nudity over violence any day!
  21. If a kid can't play it, even if it had dolphin's with Kung Fu, there's no way for a kid to be forced to see this either way. You can't be forced to see anything if you aren't watching it Now, if you mean that kids are "illegally" getting this game, then they aren't being "forced" either, because they have to go on the internet, do a search, download the mod, and install it. I agree with you on the fact that it's all bull. I just read an article on actiontrip.com saying that the ESRB has changed the game's rating from M to AO (Adults Only, which is basically to be put in the Porn section). Now they have to make a patch that will disable the possibility of using the Hot Coffee mod, and they have to halt production of the current version and start producing a new M version without the locked Coffee content.
  22. Firstly, it was already ported onto PC (which is the version I have.... I had to wait for it for a year ) Secondly, this game isn't for "kids." The game is graphic enough as it is without that mod that anyone under the age of 18 should not play it. I was surprised on how many times they dropped the F* bomb in comparison to Vice City seeing as how Vice City was (loosely) based off of Scarface, which has the record number of F*bombs in a single movie, I believe.
  23. Well it really depends on your graphics card I would assume. I know that the view distance seems farther than in Vice City (which I assume is due to the fact that they made faster planes available that can fly higher). Graphically, though, it is a lot like VC, but there's more variety. That's what makes it cool is that there are various environments you have access to. You have the ghetto, you've got hillbilly wilderness, Nevada-like desert, and Las Vegas casino city (lit up at night, truly an awesome sight).San Andreas just seems to have a life about it.
  24. I'd have to disagree with you on all but the coffee mod. I agree, that hot coffee mod isn't really even worth it for more than a couple laughs. With San Andreas takes some getting used to. The characters are memorable (I really like Woozie ), and you get to know the areas more as you explore. You can't get used to it all in a day, it takes time. You want to talk about too big, Morrowind was too big! Everything looked the same, and if you wanted to get from one end of the map to the other (besides using those teleports), you'd better have some decent spells and a couple of HOURS to spare! It's not "impossible" to get from one end to the other. Heck, I'm planning on making a crosscountry bike ride through the state so I can see anything I've missed. Plus, that's the freedom they give you; if you want to get someplace in a hurry go ahead and USE AN AIRPLANE (Parachuting is an awesome too, btw ). And this isn't all one city... You have three cities inside of the STATE of San Andreas. So take take your time in each city, getting used to it like you had to for Vice City. And I must say, I have LOTS of fun without cheats Cheats are for those who don't want to improve their skills. Practice doesn't make perfect, but it eliminates a lot of mistakes. Perfection is another matter entirely. I can understand not everyone likes this game, but I think Rockstar is really moving the gaming industry ahead in what is possible in a video game.
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