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Everything posted by Herbert1405241469

  1. mspaint only supports bmp unless you have the version they packed with Windows XP. Even with that one, I don't think it supports gif.. So you are better off trying one of the other suggested programs. Paint Shop Pro is another useful paint prog you can save in various formats.
  2. Poser is more for making animations in video files, not for real time 3d rendering... Poser models have waay too many polygons to do anything like that. I've tried it before. I exported a figure to use in a 3d game engine, and the program just couldn't handle it.
  3. I can't understand it... Friends I know complain about spyware, viruses, etc. but I never seem to have any trouble (knock on wood). They always ask me to go and fix their computers, and I have no idea what they're doing, but they get some nasty stuff on there sometimes. It all comes down to common sense surfing. (Just between you and me, I think they're gettin it from lookin up porn sites )
  4. I know people that hate both of them, but are voting for Kerry because they don't like how Bush ran the country these past 4 years... The problem I have with that is that at least we know what Bush'll do... If Kerry gets into office, who knows what will happen to our country! He said in the last debate he'd raise the minimum wage to $7.00 an hour. I have a good friend that owns a little store that said "How are small businesses supposed to be able to afford that?!" I think if Kerry gets elected, we will lose more jobs, we'll be hit with another attack of some sort, and we'll lose the war overseas.Bush is forceful enough to go after the guys that hit us. Kerry would withdraw the troops to make himself popular with the American people... BUT the terrorists and other baddies out there would see him as weak, and go ahead with something worse than before. Bush might not be popular with the Individual, but overall, he has the Country as a whole in his best interests. Kerry does things to make himself popular, which is his weakness.
  5. Oh, I agree. There is much out there that will remain unknown to mankind for eternity. The best we can hope to do is to guess, estimate, and predict based on the knowledge we've collected so far. If there is a "higher power" (gods, God, etc.) I believe that the rules set up by that entity can be "reverse engineered," so to speak. Science is the way to understanding how (insert your religious deity here) constructed the universe(s) (pluralize if there are multiple universes, as some theories suggest), and the rules governing the whole thing. This is the most logical thing I can come up with to support both religions and sciences.
  6. Thank you for the compliment I should have that officially copyrighted before Stephen Hawking writes a book on it or something... More: Clusters are the backbone computers that support the internet, Galaxies are domains (.com, .org, etc), Websites are suns, individual pages are planets, the pictures and stuff are the individual objects (people, animals), and the actual HTML is the atoms that build the world. Galaxies at the center of the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/universe/tour_ggsn04.html A map of the Internet: http://www.opte.org/maps/static/1069646562.LGL.2D.small.jpg (found on http://www.opte.org/maps/ )
  7. The universe is like the internet... It really doesn't have a beginning or an end. And it has a lot of stuff in it. Maybe the universe is a "higher being's" internet, and earth is just a porn site Hmm, now that I think about it... There are rules in the universe about things like matter, energy, etc... Just as there are rules on how the internet works. The universe is not only expanding, it is expanding at an accellerated rate.. The internet started off with several computers networked, and by the 1990's, when the average home user got in on it, the internet started expanding rapidly... Hmm...
  8. I thought I heard it would probably be released somewhere around March 2005 or so. Not sure exactly, but some time next year. No problemo
  9. I'm doubting anyone would, but could anyone put up any screenshots of the OS in action? I'm very interested in some of the features they're putting into this. If not, are there any screenshots on the net yet?Also, how's the File System working? I heard they made something different. Is it better or worse to use compared to their previous file systems?
  10. Well, having tested firefox for a couple days, I find it a very nice alternative to IE. I especially love the fact that they have your most used bookmarks available towards the top of the browser, so all you do is click, rather than going through your favorites to find the site you go to every day.
  11. I knew something like that was bound to happen... It just so happens I downloaded firefox just this evening, so I guess I'd better get used to it!Thanks for the heads up
  12. Wow! Mandrake's up to 10 already? I really need to keep up with this stuff, I'm obsolete I heard of another OS that could boot on a floppy called Minuetos ( http://menuetos.net/ ). Supposed to be written in Assembly so theoretically runs very fast, but I couldn't find any "Features" on it that would make me want to keep it other than for novelty purposes... Of course, I'm not an assembly programmer, so I'm probably missing out on the cool customizations and modding it's open for.
  13. Wow, I just found this on the net... http://www.rockstargames.com/classics/ It seems as though Rockstar made the original GTA available to download for free. I guess they tweaked it a bit to make it work with current operating systems too. Now I don't know what to do with my original dos GTA CD
  14. I know I've been able to run both Mandrake and RedHat on a 333mhz Laptop with no problems... Games and stuff were slow, but regular usage was fine. If you're just running text editors and programming stuff, you shouldn't have any trouble. Best way to find out it to try it
  15. ^Well that would suck (haha, pun)But can't you bend things without actually ripping them? and even if you do manage to figure out how to rip something, can't it be possible to close (or patch) back up? Man! would I love to go back to the turn of the 20th century! I love that era. Silent movies... gentlemen and ladies... ahh, the good old days...
  16. Going off on a tangent, since we are talking about time anyway... Does anyone here with a relatively good knowledge of these theories and whatnot think it's physically possible to return to a previous point in time? (ie. Time travel) I've had a deep interest with the possibility all my life, and I was wondering if anyone knew any areas I should look into on the subject (I have yet to pick up a copy of A Brief History of Time). String theory? I haven't researched it enough to know if that would be where to look...
  17. ^Oct 22 for PS2 people, but us in the PC bunch have to wait till next March or so for the PC release Actually, San Andreas has already been released... Check out GTA 1 The original San Andreas!
  18. You forgot Windows 95 I remember getting a Packard Bell, 66 mhz, with Win95... And having it blue screen the first time it booted :)I thought that if you even bumped the mouse when it was loading, it would crash the thing! 14.4 modem... a 1 meg file took a half hour... How did we live back then?!
  19. Ugh, Back to the Future and BTTF 2&3 were horrible I heard a couple people trying to make Back to the Future conversions for modern day games like GTA:Vice City and FarCry, but none of them ever finished them.
  20. I just love the concept of time travel. Shadow of Destiny (an adventure game made by Konami) and the Journeyman Project series (also adventure games made by the now defunct Presto Studios) are great representations of how time travel could be implimented into games. Get a demo for Shadow of Memories (the European name for the same game) here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Oh I forgot ChronoTrigger for the SNES. That was a classic. Does anyone else know of any good time travel games out there?
  21. I think batteries have a built in protection from overcharging, but it's still not a good idea to leave them plugged in for long periods of time. From the site: http://www.dcbattery.com/faq.html Look for the question about "overcharging" for more information.
  22. I'll stick with Windows 2000 for now. It works for my purposes. So wait. Are you saying you've recompiled Windows, or are you talking about Linux? Can you post information on how to do either, because this topic is very interesting to me.
  23. If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, all you need to do is click on the link . Then you can read how to revive a hard drive. Where to get Acrobat Reader-> https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/acrobat/pdf-reader.html
  24. Or go with both Windows and Linux! If you have 2 hard drives available, I suggest doing that, rather than partitioning so you won't need to mess with partitioning your drive. Hook up one fresh formatted drive by itself, and put Windows on it. (If you have the option, stick with FAT32, rather than converting it to NTFS because Linux won't be able to write to an NTFS file system if you want to save something on your Windows drive) Then get a second hard drive and make that one the master drive, and the Windows one the slave (check your jumpers on the hard drives). Install Linux, and Lilo (a boot loader) should let you select Linux or Windows whenever you start your computer. Notes: Linux can read the Windows partition, but when you're in Windows, you won't be able to access the Linux partition. I personally have tried Mandrake and RedHat. They're pretty similar. I like Mandrake's installation better, but that was a couple versions ago. They change em so much it might be different now.
  25. I'm new to java too, and here's what I did to get it going on my comp: Download the freeware compiler JCreator-> http://www.jcreator.com/ Go to the official Java site, and get the "JDK"-> http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html (Click download under JDK, which is to the right of "32-bit/64-bit for Windows/Linux/Solaris SPARC 32-bit for Solaris x86 ") Accept the license agreement. Select "Windows Offline Installation, Multi-language (jdk-1_5_0-rc-windows-i586.exe, 43.85 MB)" Install the file that downloads. [edit]Ok, now I remember Run JCreator, and go to Configure->Options Click JDK Profiles, and if there is something there, delete it, or otherwise select New Browse to C:\program files\Java\jdk1.5.0 A new window will pop up with a listing off all the directories used by java, just hit OK Hit OK again and you're ready to make Java programs
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