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Everything posted by Herbert1405241469

  1. Actually, Thief: The Dark Project (The first in the Thief series) was released 11/30/1998. You are referring to Thief III, which is more like Splinter Cell... The first two Thief games in the series (Thief: The Dark Project, and Thief: The Metal Age) were first person, but they set the path for all "sneaker" games from then on. I highly recommend Thief Gold (Which is a refined version of The Dark Project and includes 2 extra levels), and The Metal Age. You'll really get into Garret's character more and learn about his history.
  2. Gameboy Cameras are fun for stop-motion, but you only get a max of 30 frames. I had one where my hat rotated on my head by itself in an endless loop ... I should try that now
  3. Redsox, the ending is hilarious with the thing bouncing up and down like that haha.Rapco, I just have a Sony Handycam. Not sure on the actual camera's FPS, but I sped it up on the computer to try to make it less jerky looking.Now I know I need to make more frames to make the animation more realistic.
  4. Oh of course... The x800 would be a GREAT choice, if only I could afford $400 for a VIDEO CARD ...Or if I could only get 5 more referrals... PM if you're interested hahaha
  5. Well, the Geforce 4 is 128mb... I found a site to get an ATI x800 for free... but I'd get banned for posting it. (spamming sucks!)I'm only 5 referrals away... It wouldn't be spam if you PMed me for the info though
  6. Well, I've had my Geforce 4 ti4200 for about 3 years now, and I'm in the market for a new card. I must have received a defective card because I frequently have my monitor going black on me, forcing me to reboot my computer I have a 32 meg ATI Rage Fury Pro that I've had absolutely no trouble with, so I've been doing a lot of reading into ATI cards. I'm so frustrated from my Geforce problems, but it can run Doom 3 at low settings Anyone have any suggestions? I'm trying to find a card I hopefully won't have to upgrade for at least 2 years. I've been looking at cards with 256mb simply because it's twice as much as the Geforce 4. My price cap is $130, and I found an ATI 9550 for $89.99 after rebate, but for just a little extra, I could go with a 9600 which has faster clock speeds... I really don't know. Anyone have any recommendations? Is paying more for a 9600 worth it? or should I just go with a 9550?
  7. Hey everyone, I appreciate all the positive feedback. Yes I've been to knoxskorner.com. It has some very funny stuff I've just started out in stop motion (mostly because this is the first camera that I've had that could do it), and I'm very interested in trying some cool stuff out. I'll have to see what I can do I haven't tried clay yet. I was thinking more along the lines of using action figures... I can't find the one that inspired me... It had two Crash Test Dummies. One was putting a floppy disk into a drive and it flew out and cut his head off, and the second ran off yelling... It was someone's sig in one of the forums I go on... Was it someone in here? But if you people really want to see some impressive stop-motion animation, I recommend Charley Bowers. He was a silent comedian and cartoonist. His effects are incredible. I've included a clip of Model T's hatching out of eggs: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Rightclick -> save as
  8. Ironic how you are using Basic; a language that was used by Bill Gates that helped him become the rich guy he is today Oh, and by the way, that would really suck as an OS A feature of my Ideal OS would be one that would be able to play games without having my monitor blank out, forcing me to reboot. I need a new graphics card...
  9. First attempt at a stop motion animation with my Sony Handycam. Basically, it's a smaller can being bullied by a larger can, and the smaller can crushing the larger can with a Darth Vader type force choke. and get a better quality version here: big version (2.3 megs): http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hopefully I will make something more advanced now that I've learned how to use the camcorder a bit better
  10. Now that I'm thinking of it, I read an article in Scientific America or something that black holes not only suck in, but also they release energy. Scientists were studying this output originally thought this output was random, but they're beginning to notice distict patterns. The article brought up a novel idea of "Hacking Black Holes" by sending in specific data with the intent of producing a specific output. The whole thing is hypothetical, but the idea scares me
  11. Wow, such a small download for something that's supposed to have this much power behind it. Installing now ;)EDIT: Uninstalling now... Don't have a mouse wheel or a middle mouse button, so I'm at a bit off a loss here. Can't move the camera or anything! I'll stick to Poser for now
  12. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to play, but it's tough because they use a real money-based economy. So you can put $10 in it, and you'll have 100 game dollars (called PEDS) and that'll probably last a newbie a couple weeks if they go hunting or mining. I knew a guy who was in charge of a clan that said he put $200-$300 every couple of weeks into the game... but his character was kicked *bottom*
  13. I was just wondering, how long does it take for a temporarily suspended site to come back online? And how many credits do you need to get your account reactivated? (Haha, I think everyone's site should be suspended for a short time, it was a real wakeup call for me haha )EDIT: Nevermind, I'm back on, and I'll make sure to post more often For anyone reading this that had the same question, it came back after I posted several good topics and got it back up to 7 days.
  14. I don't know about that. I was playing it on my PC awhile back and every time you died, you could pick a different class. Sniper, infantry, etc... Which resulted in different weapons. My favorite by far was the EMP clone dude from the Clone Wars Campaign. You get a rocket booster like boba fett
  15. I thought I heard, years ago, that there are particles known to exist that DO go faster than the speed of light... The light barrier is simply that. Things that are going slower than the speed of light cannot go faster, and things that are faster than the speed of light cannot slow down below that speed. Here's an article I found mentioning particles known to be faster than the speed of light, and the phenomenon that occurs because of this... http://www.physlink.com/Education/AskExperts/ae219.cfm EDIT: Just found it... They're called Tachyons http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/physics/Tachyon.html So there you have it.
  16. Unfortunately, all my neighbors are senior citizens Let's hope they make video cameras at an equal quality (with decent compression!)
  17. I'm going to have to say html, mainly because I don't know any of the other ones (yet )
  18. Tried paypal links in Firefox 1.0 on a Windows 2000 box, and got a meow ...Just when I thought I had overcome my 'bad habit' of ie I hope they release a patch soon...
  19. Haha, really... what's the point of having DOS on a wrist watch haha... Get Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, or Sam and Max Hit the Road... but the screen would be too small to read the text I think it's cool though how small they've been able to get things. Brings back hopes from my childhood to one day get a watch like DickTracy's
  20. Don't forget the one with the Virgin Mary on the grilled cheese sandwich About your first sentence quoted above, I think historical evidence has already proven that Jesus existed. This bit of history, (whether it's real or fake, it's old none the less) would help answer the bigger question of whether or not Jesus was truly the Son of God, or rather just a crazy prophet. I saw a show about this on TLC a couple years ago, and the carbon dating didn't match up, so I've been doubting it's real, but I haven't kept up with the news so some new developments may have arisen, so to speak hehe. Here's an article I just found discussing whether or not Jesus was a real person. As it says on the top of the page, "This article does not debate the divinity nor the spiritual aspects of Christianity, but only the historical evidence that Jesus Christ did, in fact, exist." http://dmc.members.sonic.net/sentinel/naij3.html
  21. I recall something about human and ape dna being approximately 98% identical. I'd say there's a link somewhere throughout history. Here's a couple human/ape dna informational webpages: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/5067906 http://www.satelliteinternetsource.com/
  22. A friend of mine once said after our highschool graduation he'd go for that. From the way he talked, it's the study of mythical animals like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. I also think he was bullsh**ing me Wow this discussion sure turned from when I last posted (My theory that the world was the Universe's Internet site or whatever, hehe) Keep up the discussion. It's not a flamefest so I feel like I'm actually learning from all this. Keep it up
  23. How can the Titanic ever go down?I really can't see how The Internet is UNSINKABLE!! w00t! My point being, you need to take into account the worst case scenario... So whatever happens, you're never disappointed.
  24. I remember I did a batch file to clean all the temporary crap files the computers made when students didn't use the correct procedure to log into their student accounts... Saved the teacher in charge of the computers hours of time instead of having her do it manually. Ahhh, those were the good old days
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