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Everything posted by Herbert1405241469

  1. Actually, the beauty of it lies in the fact that you can compound your earnings every month. Figuring you have a span going from March to December... Days in each month respectively: 31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31. Note: you can only invest in $10 increments, so there may be change leftover On $100 you earn: $31 in March. (Reinvest) Account level is now $130 with $1 leftover in your balance $39 in April. (Reinvest with the leftover $1) Account level is now $170 $52.7 May. (Reinvest) Account level is now $220 with $2.70 in your balance $66 June. (Reinvest) Account level is now $280 with $8.70 in your balance $86.80 July. (Reinivest)Account Level is now $370 with $5.50 in your balance $114.70 Aug. (Reinvest)Account level is now $490 with $0.20 in your balance ---Now you should start withdrawing for maximum possible profit before the end of the year--- Withdrawing with an account level of $490 September: $147 October: $151.90 November: $147 December: $151.90 Total:---$597.80--- (Actual "in your hand" money) and if you let it keep going, you'd make a steady $150 until the March after that, and then the upgrades begin to "expire," which just means that in March 2006, the account level would lose the money you upgraded the March 2005. so it would be March $490-$100(your initial investment)=$390 (earning you $120.90) April $390-$30 = $360 (earning you $108) and so on. And the reason I've made such a long plan is because I don't think this company is going to flop. They have excellent customer service, and are growing financially every day. And I will say this again... Don't risk any money you wouldn't mind losing. If you think $100 is a lot, then don't risk it. If you can just go blow $1000 on booze and cigarettes and caviar, then you might want to consider investing your money into something that might be profitable to yourself. I hope I've made this clear. The potential of this program lies in compounding... If you wanted to get your money back, yes it would take approximately 3 months, but after that, you're swimming in profit. I've been with this program over 8 months, and I'm 100% satisfied with it
  2. Ooh, I just remembered another one that I've actually been paid for, but it took all month, and I only made $10, but they did pay me... http://www.mistyandsamscash.com/pages/index.php?refid= You get some cents for reading email, so if you end up signing up, make sure to use an email you're ready to get flooded with. I'm no longer a member because I lost patience, but they were prompt. I know if I had tons of referrals, I'da made good money on that one
  3. Don't get me wrong. I have high hopes that you do get paid from it. It ticks me off when I see a fellow have his time wasted on something like this. When I mentioned getting my account deleted, I wasn't referring to your autosurf thing you started this topic on, I was talking about another one. In the one I mentioned, I had a friend sign up that didn't get his account deleted, and never received payout.... so it wasn't a matter of "trust" at that particular site, because they scammed everybody. Let us know how it goes. I wish you the best of luck
  4. Quick cash is just a 'hobby' of mine I'm no pro at investing or anything like that. And you'd only get $0.10 a day if you didn't invest... It's truly possible to make up to $100 a day but you'd need to boost your account level up to $10,000. I'm making $6.5 a day now, and soon to be more so all you need is patience.
  5. Found a vid on albinoblacksheep.com called "Banana Man" and ended up at this site. http://tallyhall.com/ I guess they're some sort of quirky band or something... The video section is mostly non-musically related. What I've seen and can recommend in the video section: "Banana Man" is very odd, but it is a catchy song and has very cool effects. "Enchirito" was an original prank at a McDonalds. "Directions" seemed to be a spinoff of that. "Vroom" is an unusual stop-motion, but the first half is rather boring. "Squirrels" is short and humorous. "Outtakes" was humorous. Listening to their songs now... Pretty decent stuff, in my opinion.
  6. Haha, that reminds me of another scam I got ripped on. I think it was called AutoSurfClub. I ran my comp. day and night for 30 days, and earned over $35 and my account got mysteriously deleted the day I was allowed to request payout. Probably wouldn't have even broke even anyway because of the electric bill I ran from having the computer on all month All I can say is that I can vouch for studiotraffic, and you don't have to risk money, and you don't need to run the computer for 100 hours a day to make a buck
  7. I appreciate the positive feedback. I used Adobe Photoshop for this and my first portrait I made up in another post titled "My first portrait" I actually used a tutorial on Renderosity.com to help me learn a bit about doing portraits. I'd post a link, but it's only accessable to members of the site, and I'm sure there are other tutorials on the net you can get for this sort of thing.Basically, what I did was take a source photograph and used it for reference for the various colors and things. Having the photograph helped keep things in proportion too. The original image itself was not used or edited for this portrait (with the exception of the mouth, as previously mentioned).
  8. System Shock all the way baby Made in 1994, and often thought of as another Doom lookalike, System Shock had a lot of technical innovations that those other games didn't. For example, you could look up and down, crouch, go prone. The game maps had multiple levels (ie. ramps leading to higher places). Plus it has an awesome story line and plot delivery system (in the form of e-mails that were sent from various crew members).
  9. Haha. Now, let's see you go get beaten and nailed to a block of wood and see how "overjoyed" you would be Divine or not, He was just as human as the rest of us. Though "The Plan" was going into effect, how do you think you would react if you knew that was going to happen to you... I think at that very moment, you wouldn't care less about "the sins of every living being" and would rather not be poked by a Roman's spear and whatnot.
  10. Well since the mods haven't closed this topic yet (started by a guy that doesn't even say if he got paid from it, EDIT: a moderator himself in fact! haha) I figured I'd share with you all a program that I've actually gotten money back from. But first, let me give you my brief history of ripoffs. I believe the first site I ever got scammed on was BePaid. They never even got so far as to start their advertisements before they went bankrupt, so I lost time on that one. Then there was Adsense... that did the same. There were a few less notable ones, but more recently, I lost $20 to a site called HYIPPro... They were paying everyone promptly, but they went offline and quit paying one day in late January... 10 days before I was going to get triple my money Point being... don't risk any money you would mind losing. If you have a couple bucks to spare that you think you can live without, go for it. There has been one site (so far) that has actually paid all of its members promptly and regularly: Studiotraffic.com I can honestly say that I've been paid twice already from this site (and am now in profit ) Basically, you get paid 1% per day of whatever you invest for autosurfing 100 credits. A credit is equal to a different number of sites, depending on how much you invest. For a free member (if you don't want to risk any money, they give you a $10 account level for signing up) 1 credit = 2 sites. For an account level >$10... 1 site = 1 credit. For an account level >$500.. 1 site = 1.5 credits For an account level >$1000. 1 site = 2 credits. All you do is run their autosurf window to get the 100 credits (takes about a half hour) and you'll earn 1%. Right now, my account level is at $650, which equals $6.5 a day. I started in July with $100 invested, and compounded my earnings to pump my account level up. Now I'm earning $200 a month (after 7-8 months of compounding) and I've been paid for two months now. So you're looking at a long term investment here, rather than a get rich quick(quack) scheme Hopefully, this site will around for quite awhile. I think it will be, because they've hired a whole support team, they have representatives all over the world, and they've managed to stick around for just about 2 years now. They have a total of 109,096 members (so stated on their main page). When I first started, they only had 18,000 haha. They also have a ton of sub-programs that bring in revenue to keep them going. Anyway, I highly recommend this program. They have been very reliable for me, and they have excellent support. Check out their forums, too. They have answers to a lot of questions you may have. The link-> Click here to check it out
  11. Titled "Lindsey" Once again, I kind of had to cheat on the mouth a bit because I just can't seem to do realistic teeth I'm trying to find one more lady friend I know to kind of have "trilogy of portraits," so I'll post my third once I get that done. About this portrait: I did the beach scene, which I thought came out relatively well. The dress could have been a bit more detailed, but I figured it's art... not a photograph Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion in "Herbert's Portrait-O-Rama" coming soon, to a web forum near you.
  12. The whole thing was done by hand with a paintbrush tool and smudge tool. The only part I did copy from a photographic source was the mouth, because whenever I drew it, it looked like she was a hillbilly with big buck teeth I'm currently working on a second portrait of a girl I knew in high school. So far that one totally blows this one out of the water. This one is going to be in in full color. I did a beach scene for a background and I must say, I'm impressed with myself Right now, I'm debating on whether or not to keep her original clothes (from the pic she sent me as a reference) or to give her something else to more fit a beach scene... (or not give her clothes at all! muhuhahahhaa ) I'll post it when I'm done under the title "My Second Portrait."
  13. Done in Photoshop using nothing but paintbrush and smudge. The only thing I cheated on were the lips, because when I drew them, it kept making her look like a hillbilly. So I just copied them from the source pic, but everything else is drawn by my hand
  14. What projects do you have in mind? Sure go ahead and use them, but I'd like to see what you do with them too
  15. I think MS Paint in WinXP can save icons, but I don't have Windows XP so I use Pixel Toolbox http://www.axiomx.com/PixelToolbox/ Just make a 16x16 bitmap of what you want your icon to be, and make it simple because 16x16 isn't a lot to work with. Save it and run Pixel Toolbox Start with a 16x16, Windows Icon, 256 colors Windows 8-bit, and open the bmp you made to be your icon. If it won't let you click the "Save As" button, just click one of the tools above the closeup photo of your bmp (which de-selects the photo) and it should work then. Save as an ico and upload it to where you pointed your link that was given above... This program is also useful for making windows icons for shortcuts in windows (32x32)
  16. https://www.renderosity.com/index.php?Sectionid=12356 Renderosity has a lot of great stuff about 3D... Galleries, tutorials, etc. The program I'm using was made by Metacreations but they were bought by Curious Labs Here's their homepage: http://my.smithmicro.com/ EDIT: Correction! I just checked out their site, and it seems that Poser 6 is being released. Wow, I'm really outdated now! haha. I suggest version 4 if you can find it. Not only is it a bit less complicated for newbies, it'll be cheaper (hopefully, if you can find it).
  17. I used a program called Poser, where they have human models already made up, but I customized the features and made my own textures based off the movies.
  18. No one edited it. My webserver I used to post the pic timed out and it said in my post "User posted image" instead of giving us a red X, so I assumed someone had edited it.
  19. Here's a couple of 3D renders I made up of Mr. Strickland and Buford Tannen from the Back to the Future movies: This is what BTTF could have looked like with George McFly as the main character: A parody of Scary Stories starring Charlie Brown: Randomness: One of my few politically inspired pics: More randomness:
  20. It took longer than you think though I love random stuff.
  21. Oh the possibilities are endless, but the trick is to find something that you can give human qualities to. Like the can had the tab to raise to crush the other can a la Darth Vader... I'll have to see what I have
  22. Yea I just saw Constantine Friday night. It felt like they threw in special effect bits for the heck of it. If they would just tone it down a bit and quit making scenes that scream "HEY LOOK AT OUR BIG BUDGET" and use the CGI for making real effects just a bit cooler.... Like take my can smashing effect, and throw in a 3D background to give the scene some flavor. I'm having trouble finding inspiration for a new animation. Any ideas using household objects that I could use?
  23. It's not letting me onto my site's cpanel either wtfIt sent me a new password through email, but that's not working either.
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