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Everything posted by Houdini

  1. Forum Title Color BB Code Box Extended PM in email Buddy List Sound on PM Last Post Title in Forum Forum Image Those ought to add a little to a Plain Vanilla phpBB plus the ones that you already metioned.
  2. Try Go to my PC here it is not free but is secure!
  3. It could also be an index.php file if you use forums which use php instead of static HTML.
  4. Well try phpBB2 here or do a search for bulletin board software or if you are a hosted user of this site, then get one already throgh the C Panel.
  5. One simple question? If CFC's "destroy" the ozone layer how is that even possible...CFC's are heavier than ain and thus settle to the ground so how does something heavier than air get into the inosphere...by a rocket booster?HA HA HA
  6. The WYSIWYG that FB put into PHP-Nuke atarting with 7.6 was flawed but can be fixed by using this PHP file which I am adding to this post. I run a site that corrects flaws with PHP-Nuke and add to it more than the "Plain Jane" version that it comes up with. The corrected file works with all browsers and removes it from areas where it is not supposed to be, basically those areas that only admins are supposed to be, although there are exceptions. Send me a PM if you are having trouble with the 7.7 and I can either fix the current version or send you to a link that has a fully working and modified version of PHP-Nuke not available elsewhere. Here's the code to correct the problem copy and paste this into your includes/javascript.php to fix it. <?php/************************************************************************//* PHP-NUKE: Web Portal System *//* =========================== *//* *//* Copyright (c) 2005 by Francisco Burzi *//* http://phpnuke.org *//* *//* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify *//* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *//* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *//************************************************************************/ if (eregi("javascript.php",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { Header("Location: ../index.php"); die();}################################################### Include for some common javascripts functions ###################################################global $module, $name, $admin, $advanced_editor, $lang;if (file_exists("themes/$ThemeSel/style/editor.css")) { $edtcss = "editor_css : \"themes/$ThemeSel/style/editor.css\",";} else { $edtcss = "editor_css : \"includes/tiny_mce/themes/default/editor_ui.css\",";}if ($name == "Private_Messages" OR $name == "Forums") { } elseif (is_admin($admin) AND defined('ADMIN_FILE') AND $advanced_editor == 1) { echo "<!-- tinyMCE --> <script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"includes/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js\"></script> <script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\"> tinyMCE.init({ mode : \"textareas\", theme : \"advanced\", language : \"$lang\", force_p_newlines: \"false\", force_br_newlines: \"true\", plugins : \"table,advhr,advimage,advlink,emotions,iespell,insertdatetime,preview,zoom,flash,searchreplace,print\", theme_advanced_buttons1_add : \"fontselect,fontsizeselect\", theme_advanced_buttons2_add : \"separator,insertdate,inserttime,preview,zoom,separator,forecolor,backcolor\", theme_advanced_buttons2_add_before: \"cut,copy,paste,separator,search,replace,separator\", theme_advanced_buttons3_add_before : \"tablecontrols,separator\", theme_advanced_buttons3_add : \"emotions,iespell,flash,advhr,separator,print\", theme_advanced_toolbar_location : \"top\", theme_advanced_toolbar_align : \"left\", theme_advanced_path_location : \"bottom\", $edtcss plugin_insertdate_dateFormat : \"%Y-%m-%d\", plugin_insertdate_timeFormat : \"%H:%M:%S\", extended_valid_elements : \"a[name|href|target|title|onclick],img[class|src|border=0|alt|title|hspace|vspace|width|height|align|onmouseover|onmouseout|name],hr[class|width|size|noshade],font[face|size|color|style],span[class|align|style]\", external_link_list_url : \"example_link_list.js\", external_image_list_url : \"example_image_list.js\", flash_external_list_url : \"example_flash_list.js\", file_browser_callback : \"fileBrowserCallBack\" }); function fileBrowserCallBack(field_name, url, type) { // This is where you insert your custom filebrowser logic alert(\"Filebrowser callback: \" + field_name + \",\" + url + \",\" + type); } </script> <!-- /tinyMCE -->";} elseif (is_admin($admin) AND $advanced_editor != 1 AND $name != "Private_Messages") { echo "<!-- tinyMCE --> <script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"includes/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js\"></script> <script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\"> tinyMCE.init({ mode : \"textareas\", theme : \"basic\", language : \"$lang\", $edtcss force_p_newlines: \"false\", force_br_newlines: \"true\" }); </script> <!-- /tinyMCE -->";} elseif ($name != "Private_Messages" AND $name != "Forums") { echo "<!-- tinyMCE --> <script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"includes/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js\"></script> <script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\"> tinyMCE.init({ mode : \"textareas\", theme : \"default\", language : \"$lang\", $edtcss force_p_newlines: \"false\", force_br_newlines: \"true\" }); </script> <!-- /tinyMCE -->";}if ($userpage == 1) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; echo "<!--\n"; echo "function showimage() {\n"; echo "if (!document.images)\n"; echo "return\n"; echo "document.images.avatar.src=\n"; echo "'$nukeurl/modules/Forums/images/avatars/gallery/' + document.Register.user_avatar.options[document.Register.user_avatar.selectedIndex].value\n"; echo "}\n"; echo "//-->\n"; echo "</SCRIPT>\n\n";}if ($module == 1 AND file_exists("modules/$name/copyright.php")) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; echo "<!--\n"; echo "function openwindow(){\n"; echo " window.open (\"modules/$name/copyright.php\",\"Copyright\",\"toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=400,height=200\");\n"; echo "}\n"; echo "//-->\n"; echo "</SCRIPT>\n\n";}?>Actually there is an easy fix but you have to pour over the code and edit certain sections that are incorrect, but if you just copy and past the above into the proper file then you will see the difference immediately. At least backup your faulty copy and if it dos not work to your satisfaction then you can keep the broken version.
  7. If you are hosted by Xisto and have C Panel you have phpMyAdmin and it is here and looks like this:
  8. First I need to know what you downloaded and also if you have the patch that is required to fix the new version offered by Fantastico on this server(it is flawed) I will attach the proper file here for you since I don't have a valic e-mail address for you, also giving me a link to your site might help a little. Look Below for the javascript.php that belongs in the includes folder. Just replace your javascript.php with that file and Voila your site wil be ficed. Steve http://dhost.info/content/view/104/
  9. There is nothing MAD about using deadly force with a "suspect" that has been given a lawful order by uniformed and armed police to halt...the most likely result is you will be killed...(which was done with precision) by those uniformed and armed officers that were in pursuit, regardless of the man's lack of understanding of what was about to happen he got what should and did happen to a running suspect immediately after a series of bombings in the subway or tube system of LondonKudos to the officers that removed this threat of mass destruction from the face of the earth. If you are running from the police you have done something wrong to begin with..either gve up peacefully or DIEThat is justice in the Western World and it will become more pronounced if these terrorists don't stop their silly tactic. If there is a terrorist attack again in the United States of America there will be internments, and execution of these animals and a leveling of their cities worldwide. The ultimate justice awaits.A REDNECK from Tennessee,Houdini
  10. If you already have the CSS files why don't you import them? or link to the CSS file, it is one of the great things about css, insteat of rewriting you just reference the particular file or with PHP make a switch case that uses the CSS you want. It is really simple. Send a PM to find out more.
  11. You are stealing software that was developed over a great period of time, not that ther isn't a little code that is free on the internet, but somewhere at sometime someone or a group had to put that software together and it is worth something, if it were worthless then you would never see it to begin with.Use the trials and if you like it then PAY for it...thousands of manhours were invested in it...what is the point of creating a really great product if you can't pay the bills which include the employees that made the product work in the first place...You should be ashamed for stealing other peoples time and effort, those that wish to help are on forums like this one that will help you or guide you in the direction to do what you wish...Please don't stealSteve DeMarcusSoftware DeveloperNukeXtra, Ported MODs
  12. You are supposed to have unlimited sql space and it should be seprate from your web space in cpanel as soon as you login you should see the below (kind of) it should show disk usage and seprately your sql usage
  13. Do your self a big favor and get XAMPP HERE and forget trying to set up an Apache to get along with PHP and MySQL. I set one up a couple of years ago and even had manuals on how to do it and still had trouble. You have to install the server first then MySQL then PHP so that MySQL knows where to find it, then you have to configure the Apache server to properly work with the two of them. With XAMPP you just download the version for your platform (Windows in your case), unzip it then click the install link and it will set up a properly configured server in less than 5 minu reador you to add your files to. Believe me there is no easier way to solve your problem than using a product that has the latest versions of all the above mentioned softwar and more if you want it. It is well worth the download even though it is large. I have been using it since 2003 and wouldn't even think of setting of an Apache with PHP and MySQL again...it's just too much trouble even with assistance.
  14. If you haven't done the re-install then make sure that this functionis in your Sources/Admin/ad_member.php file. the function is in it's entirety below //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------[tab][/tab]//[tab][/tab]// DELETE MEMBER SET UP[tab][/tab]//[tab][/tab]//+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------[tab][/tab][tab][/tab]function delete_form() { global $IN, $INFO, $DB, $SKIN, $ADMIN, $std, $MEMBER, $GROUP; $ADMIN->page_title = "Member Account Deletion"; $ADMIN->page_detail = "Search for a member to delete by enter part or all of the username, or configure the prune form."; $mem_group[0] = array( '0', 'Any member group' ); $DB->query("SELECT g_id, g_title FROM astahost_groups ORDER BY g_title"); while ( $r = $DB->fetch_row() ) { [tab][/tab] $mem_group[] = array( $r['g_id'] , $r['g_title'] ); } //+------------------------------- $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->start_form( array( 1 => array( 'code' , 'delete2' ), 2 => array( 'act' , 'mem' ), ) ); //+------------------------------- $SKIN->td_header[] = array( " " , "40%" ); $SKIN->td_header[] = array( " " , "60%" ); //+------------------------------- $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->start_table( "Member Lookup" ); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->add_td_row( array( "<b>Enter part or all of the usersname</b>" , $SKIN->form_input( "USER_NAME" ) ) ); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->end_form("Find Member Account"); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->end_table(); //+------------------------------- //+------------------------------- $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->start_form( array( 1 => array( 'code' , 'prune' ), 2 => array( 'act' , 'mem' ), ) ); //+------------------------------- $SKIN->td_header[] = array( " " , "40%" ); $SKIN->td_header[] = array( " " , "60%" ); //+------------------------------- $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->start_table( "<u>or</u> remove members where..." ); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->add_td_row( array( "<b>The members last post was over [x] days ago.</b><br>([x] = number entered)<br>(Leave blank to omit from query)" , $SKIN->form_input( "last_post", '60') ) ); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->add_td_row( array( "<b><u>and</u> where the member has less than [x] posts</b><br>([x] = number entered)<br>(Leave blank to omit from query)" , $SKIN->form_input( "posts", '100') ) ); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->add_td_row( array( "<b><u>and</u> where the member joined [x] days ago</b><br>([x] = number entered)<br>(Leave blank to omit from query)" , $SKIN->form_input( "joined", '365') ) ); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->add_td_row( array( "<b><u>and</u> the member group is...</b>" , $SKIN->form_dropdown( "mgroup", $mem_group, 0 ) ) ); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->end_form("Prune members"); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->end_table(); $ADMIN->output(); [tab][/tab]}[tab][/tab][tab][/tab]//+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you can't find that function in your code then that is where your problem probably is.
  15. If you haven't done the re-install then make sure that this functionis in your Sources/Admin/ad_member.php file. the function is in it's entirety below //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------[tab][/tab]//[tab][/tab]// DELETE MEMBER SET UP[tab][/tab]//[tab][/tab]//+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------[tab][/tab][tab][/tab]function delete_form() { global $IN, $INFO, $DB, $SKIN, $ADMIN, $std, $MEMBER, $GROUP; $ADMIN->page_title = "Member Account Deletion"; $ADMIN->page_detail = "Search for a member to delete by enter part or all of the username, or configure the prune form."; $mem_group[0] = array( '0', 'Any member group' ); $DB->query("SELECT g_id, g_title FROM astahost_groups ORDER BY g_title"); while ( $r = $DB->fetch_row() ) { [tab][/tab] $mem_group[] = array( $r['g_id'] , $r['g_title'] ); } //+------------------------------- $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->start_form( array( 1 => array( 'code' , 'delete2' ), 2 => array( 'act' , 'mem' ), ) ); //+------------------------------- $SKIN->td_header[] = array( " " , "40%" ); $SKIN->td_header[] = array( " " , "60%" ); //+------------------------------- $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->start_table( "Member Lookup" ); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->add_td_row( array( "<b>Enter part or all of the usersname</b>" , $SKIN->form_input( "USER_NAME" ) ) ); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->end_form("Find Member Account"); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->end_table(); //+------------------------------- //+------------------------------- $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->start_form( array( 1 => array( 'code' , 'prune' ), 2 => array( 'act' , 'mem' ), ) ); //+------------------------------- $SKIN->td_header[] = array( " " , "40%" ); $SKIN->td_header[] = array( " " , "60%" ); //+------------------------------- $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->start_table( "<u>or</u> remove members where..." ); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->add_td_row( array( "<b>The members last post was over [x] days ago.</b><br>([x] = number entered)<br>(Leave blank to omit from query)" , $SKIN->form_input( "last_post", '60') ) ); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->add_td_row( array( "<b><u>and</u> where the member has less than [x] posts</b><br>([x] = number entered)<br>(Leave blank to omit from query)" , $SKIN->form_input( "posts", '100') ) ); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->add_td_row( array( "<b><u>and</u> where the member joined [x] days ago</b><br>([x] = number entered)<br>(Leave blank to omit from query)" , $SKIN->form_input( "joined", '365') ) ); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->add_td_row( array( "<b><u>and</u> the member group is...</b>" , $SKIN->form_dropdown( "mgroup", $mem_group, 0 ) ) ); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->end_form("Prune members"); $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->end_table(); $ADMIN->output(); [tab][/tab]}[tab][/tab][tab][/tab]//+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you can't find that function in your code then that is where your problem probably is.
  16. vujsa said it first I wonder why you would want to use a server side script to take a client side markup. PHP can generate html and works real well with HTML forms and SQL databases, to learn the basics of it though is not that complicated and if you want to run a forum site learning PHP and some MySQL would not only be helpful but almost a necessity.If you ever find a converter to do what you want it would be more of a novelty than a practical tool.
  17. The PHP-Nuke 7.7 version that is on the Fantastico in the Control Panel is broken, it is inserting the WYSIWYG editor into the forums, I didn't test for the PM's, and it is probably there also. The problem is in the includes/javascript.php and if you have put this on your site and have never used the PHP-Nuke you might not know that it is not only wrong but it doesn't work properly becuase the WYSIWYG is an HTML editor and the forums are looking for BB Code, so if you have this version installed send me a PM and I'll give you the code to replace the JavaScript and fix your installation, that problem started with version 7.6 and FB has never seen fit to fix it and keeps releasing new versions with the same flaw. He needs better quality control.
  18. Sure you can delete them as long as you aren't using them, but if you do it could wreck your system, you might want to find out what they are for, if they are just temporary install files it shouldn't hurt anything but it looks like Linux files and I don't know that much about Linux.
  19. You said you had some MODs on that Board did you manually install them or did you use the Modinstaller? and the area that would be concerned with modifying users would be the sources/Admin/ad_member.php file and here is the code for that case //--------------------- case 'del': $this->delete_form(); break; case 'delete2': $this->delete_lookup_form(); break; case 'dodelete': $this->dodelete(); break; case 'prune': $this->prune_confirm(); break; case 'doprune': $this->doprune(); break;Look in that file and be sure that it is there.
  20. I would get XAMPP which is an apache webserver, with PHP, MySQL, FileZilla FTP server, Mercury mail server, mini Perl, Coccon, Tomcat, Python and more, and it installs on Windows with an install program sets everything up in minutes then to learn about MySQL just go straight to the source at MySQL Manual or the main site at MySQL home. But if you want to actually be a dedicated database server you will need more than a local machine with just a MySQL database, you'll need a server farm and a T1 connection and loads of money to get started, and a tech staff or at least some one who can arrive within no more than 1/2 hour of a hardware failure to get the system back on line or you will lose customer quickly, especially if they are losing money every minute that they are unable to use the database, you might want to do a lot of study and get with those that already do that sort of thing before you try to just start up a service that has other peoples data on it.
  21. One complaint many people have with the PHP-Nuke is that it uses phpBB2 forums as its forum software, and also that it is hard to modify the phpBB forum for PHP-Nuke. MODs written for the phpBB and phpBB2 will 98% of the time not work with the PHP-Nuke as writeen unless they just are concerned with one or two files and then only if they do not need tables to be modified for the MOD. So you have to look for Ported MODS (which I write and demonstrate at NukeXtra) N Now there is a modified version of PHP-Nuke referred to as IPB-Nuke and you can see it working at NukeXtra IPB-Nuke and not only will you see a PHP-Nuke using the Invision boards as well as some modifications to the BB Codes in the posting area...try going to the Test forum and start a new topic to see the difference of that Invision and all the rest. I know it is different because I wrote the MOD for the posting body myself and am still refining it to add more options, that work with both the Firefox and Internet Explorer, I do have some functions for button that don't work with both so they were left off. If you want MODs that work with your PHP-Nukes phpBB forums you can download them from my site and if you want to have PHP-Nuke you can also get that at the IPB-Nuke site as linked above. You do have to provide your own Invision board due to licensing requirements but if you have Invision or a trial you can use it with the download of IPB-Nuke.
  22. I went there and yes it is fairly simple or let's say small but it needs to be much more definitive, as it is now it is useless to someone like me, The only category that even comes close to working produces no real results because you need the user who is neive to the site and doesn't even know what to begin to enter into the text area boxes... for example the What: box or the Where: box the only thing that even provides a clue would be the drop down selection for categories, so I tried entering electrical for the What: box and Nashville Tennessee well you should let them know that the Where should be entered as Nashville, TN by putting Where: (In the form City, ST) or perhaps a drop down box, and lastly when I did get it to conduct a search it returned 192 job, some were even in Nashville, TN and some of those were actually even electricain's jobs, but it had Salt Lake City, UT, Oakland, CA, Tampa, FL, Churchill, PA, Ogdan, PA, Belle Vernon, PA, Northills, PA, Warren, PA and I could go on but I want a job in Nashville and they were mostly all on the first page, and some weren't even electrical there were two actual elctricians jobs out of seven for Nashville so you need to make it where it filters out all the superflous jobs and additional pages of jobs that are not related and do not meet the criteria, I only viewed 5 of the 20 pages but figured after seening just about every city and township in Pennsylvania for 4 pages it would prove to be a fruitless endeavor.
  23. Houdini

    About Vbulletin

    First things about installing most BBS or CMS is to create your database first, then populate the database you created with the tables that the BBS or CMS needs to operate...guess what will happen to a new install that finds the database that has no tables it will be sutck on the first action because it can't read a non existant table, mostly whichever table that software requires to store such data as passwords. His donfig could be correct but the database is lacking tables. That would be the first place I would look, as it is one of the most common problems I have to answer when people install MODs that I Port to the phpBB for PHP-Nuke.
  24. OK Hope you enjoy it and have no problems.Can you set up your site to require a login or other security measure for comments? If so can you also assign that theynot only enter a username but a security code that a bot can't read?Just wondering!
  25. As I stated above you should try to make an effort to learn XHTML if you presently do not know HTML because of problems that can crop up with your site. Unless you have a Webmaster besides yourself to maintain your site then except for expediency a WYSIWYG editor is of little value.If on the other hand all you want is a simple static website with a few links which are local to your own site (for out of your webspace) and do not link to other sites (which can change URLs or disappear altogether) then learning XHTML is a great idea.
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