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Everything posted by DogEater008

  1. they actually did.. if you are on alot of webmaster forum.. you would know.. https://www.eurodns.com/ isn't the only stite that igve out free .be domain either. .there are many other domain site that offer it for free.. but all of them are over now.. i guess it doesn't depend on the site.. maybe the icann is responsible for that.. well.. i wasn't so greedy like some people that signed for 10 domains.. i signed up for only 1 .be domain. .don't need that many.. .i would rather get a .com domain instead...
  2. lol.. i don't really know what the point of this game.. it seems to me like sim city or something.. isn't it about like... you try to pimp yourself and get photoshoot to make your new playboy issue?.. i don't know.. i saw my brother played it once.. ahaha.. i found it was funny...
  3. you could also take a screen shot of the opening window only by hold down to ALT and press print screen...another trick i learned is that.. if you want to take a screenshot of a video in window media player.. all you have to do is press control I and it will ask you where you want to save the picture... really easy... it works for all version. =P
  4. invision board is much better than the last one we used...just one question. .is this version free.. or do you have to pay for it?.... ehehe. .if it is. .can you tell me where i could get one? thanks..
  5. nano technology isn't really a robot.. it just a molecule that you could maniplate or control with something.. .for example of nano technology.. .everyone is most likely using it right now.. All new computer processors are nano technology.... Your CPU is an example of nano technology... But if you're someone like me that is using really old computer (700mhz) it's micro.. not yet nano.. so it's slower a nano meter is 1/1000000000 meter...
  6. frist make sure you enabled file sharing in your wireless ethernet properites. . Then make sure that both computers in your network have the same ip and sub ip.. for example. and sub ip is could check your ip's by going to run (start menu) and type in cmd and click ok.. a black screen pops up... type in ipconfig and it should give you all the ip 's of your computer (including your internet ip).if both of the ip's are the same but you still get the same problem.. make sure you config yoru router correct (probably firewall is turned on). And if you have a norton anti virus or nortorn internet security or any other firewall software you might have running.. .you might want to disable them or config them to make it work.if you think the got everything correctly.. then you might want to just rebooth your router or whatever you are using... by unplugging the power cable and plug it back in.
  7. wow. .thanks for the background infomation about april fool. .when i was little.. i was confused... if april fool was on apirl 1st or apirl 4th. .beause fool sounded kinda like fourth. >AHAAH. I hate this day because.. i usually don't remember it.. and people told me lies.. and i believed them.. .for like breif second.. which made me feel really dumb.. lol. .I could think of so many mean things to do to girls though =P.. maybe i should do that this year.. ask a girl out and then say apirl fool. >AHAAH. she will hate me forever and become the biggest *BLEEP* of the whole school =P
  8. i don't really think it worth it spending that much on a graphic card.. .unless you are one of those hardcore gammer that requires a powerful graphic card.. well.. it's your money. .so i don't have any saying in this.. but make sure your computer could handle the graphic card. .AHAHA. .would suck if you bought it and your computer can't handle it.... or can't handle the game that you wants... which make the graphic card have no use...by the way.. how much would that cost?... i bet it would probably be over 600 dollars.... (just buy a new computer with it .. ahahaa)
  9. i don't have much experience with hosting or paid hosting. .so i have a question.. So far.. i know that about cpanel (after getting my free hosting at Xisto)....and it works great.. .but does aother hosting provider have something similar?.. like for example... Yahoo paid hosting. i might have to design a site for a bussiness so i need to know this. .so it will be less work for me =P.. AHHAHAand yes i do agree that fantasico needs more scripts and they need to update their scripts.. .alot of the scripts are older version.. which mean you have to update right after you install it.. .and it might take a while for 56k like me to update because i have to upload a large file. another thing i don't like about fantasico is that.. sometime when installing a script using fantasico.. it doesn't work as well if you were to manually install it by yourself..
  10. cheaking make the game less fun for you and other people that you played with.. .There are now so many gunbound aimbots.. that i don't even bother to install gunbound on my computer anymore.. because everytime i played.. i get owned by everyone.. because most of them were running aimbot and have 100% accuracy...Cheating like that is like a waste of time.. .better off not playing the game and do something more productive...well.. i guess i shouldn't be saying this because i used to cheat with diablo too =P.. i got my friend to rush me trhough the whole game and then just went into cow level to level up. .which then made the game really boring because all i'm doing is joining cow games and gain exp. to level up..... so i quite.. and came back a few months later.. my account was disabled for being unactive. .ahaha. .i wasted so much time on that game... ehh. .sorry.. i got out of topic again =p
  11. ahaha.. i remembered when i was little.. .i really wanted to have glasses because i think it looks really cool.. and make you really smart looking.. .I probably had bad eye sight back then too. .but i probably couldn't tell the difference... when i entered middle school.. my doctor did an eye exam and he said i should get glasses.. so we went to the optomatist.... the first time i put on a pair of glasses.. i saw everything so clear.. it was like in another worold. .AHAHA. . that was in 7th gradeBut now.... i hate to wear them.. first is because i don't like my glasses. .because it was one of those cheap ones... second... i just don't think it matches with my face much anymore.. so i stopped wearing them.. only wear them in class when i have to look up in the board..... it's pretty sad how i broke my glasses and had to super clue them back togehter (nerdy ehh).. the good thing is i think i'm going to get a new pair soon.. .I'm going to try and convince my parents to let me have contact lenses..... they think it will damage your eyes and stuff (listen to their stupid and ignorance friends)
  12. at where i live (united states) the slef serve checkout thing had been there for years. Fred meyer and kmart and stuff have them. I just don' t see why people would use it... unless they're buying something that is embrassessing.. and wants no one to know... but other than that.. i couldn't think of a reason why customers should use it. I use it sometime.. i guess it was fun the first time using it.. .but i would much preferr someone doing the checking out for me... that is what they are paid to do.. so might as well do it...oh. .and one interesting fact that i learned from it... did you know the self serve checkout machine is acutally running on window 98 or something like that. i remembered this one time at fred meyer, a techncian was fixing one of the machine.. and i saw the desktop of the screen.. .and it looked like window 98 or some old similar version... aahaha.. yeah.. i did find that interesting.. .not sure a bout you guys htough =P
  13. lol.. i only use the term "happy" or retard when i talk to my friends.. Only those that i know very well or at least we know something about each other. I really never have a problem with homosexual really.. I have some friends that are too. It just sometime freaks me out with a straight guy act so metrosexual.. lol.. I only use retard when a friend of mine is doing something really stupid... which they normally do and it's just fun to say it. well.. i guess that wasn't the entire point of this topic but.. what i'm trying to say is.. there isn't really anything wrong with using the terms "happy" and retard... as long as you don't really meant it when saying it to someone.
  14. ahaha.a. i haven't broken any rule... except for number 28... ahaha.. but i don't think she is offended... .well.. she called me short and skinny =(.. she got me back for that.. AHHAHA\yeah. .and thanks for the advice... ahaha.. but most of them are pretty much common sense.... basically saying .. you should keep your mouth shut at all time and let the women be the men and the men be the women =P.
  15. I live in the US.. .so most of the phone over here SUCK.... currently.. i'm owning a sony ericsson w600i. It's a pretty good phone. I'm kind of disappointed in the looks though. WHen i first saw it online, it looks so nice but now when i look at it.. it's kind of ugly. AHAHAHI have used motorola before.. and i dislike it. owned a moto v180. Broke less than one year. Razr doesn't seem that nice either. .5mb of shared internal memory. . . SamsungNice but most of the samsung phone here in US is too typical. I don't like the style much.Panasonic.. My friend just bought a panasonic phone.... i do have to admit that it looks damn NICE... but the functions arn't that great. It takes forever just to load up a picture and to open a folder.
  16. wow.. all the first page was like 5 feet 8" and up.... except for one person. .lol..well.. i'm 5 feet 5.. .pretty short... need to grow more.. maybe sleep more. .AHAHAH
  17. yes. i do.... i only read people post when they actually put time in writing.. not just.. one or two lines. .. of course i won't be able to read everyone post or else it would take me all day just to reply to one topic.. Just read enough so that i get the majoirity point of view from people.well..i guess i'm kind of doing it for post.. .or else i wouldn't be here. I have other things to do in my life. .Alot of thing.. stress from school and everything happaning at the same time. But i don't spam or just make random post or random statement just to get enough point. I reason why i read is so that i could put some thoughts into my post.. and normally.. that get you the most points.. other then making 3 or 5 random statments that will only get you 1 or 2 points altogehter.
  18. it works for me... i redirected my domain to ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com and it works fine.....but i couldn't access it for some reason when i'm at certain places. Like i just came home from my brother's apartment.. .He has comcast cable internet. I tried to go to http://www.hellohello.be/ (my site.. hosted by Xisto). It said server wasn't found or something similar. Some of my friends have this problem also. ..... oh well.. lol.. sorry.. it got kinda out of the subject.for subdomain.. don't you have to create one.. and install or put whatever into that dir. ?... ehhh.. i'm not sure .. i never tried it.
  19. ahaha.. downloading a tool bar.. .hmmm.. i don't see how they are going to profit from people doing that. Unless they have some adwares in the tool bar or even worst... spyware.. .stealing infomation from your computer and sell them to third party bussiness.. i just never get how they are going to make money off of that.I guess putting ads on your website is the most promising.... even though it is tough work to get your site to be active.and by the way.. euro currency is higher than us dollar. So 675 euro is around 700 or 800... that is alot..
  20. i really think that.. if you are going to dedicate your .. site or whatever to a topic.. you should be an expert in that topic. So you can keep up with what they are saying. It would be weird of the admin of a forum.. doesn't know what he/she is talking about and ask for help... never seen that before. That's why i'm having trouble creating an active site. So i have a lot of catagory about different things. You need to get the basic structure first. What i meant is, you need a few of decent posters that can take initiative and make the forum active. From what i learnt from my experience that, even if people joined, they won't stay there for long because there isn't any post been made for months by any member. So you actually lose members. It's really hard for me because none of my friends ever posted on a web forum before. They find it difficult to post something.
  21. ahaha. .50 cents a domain? that's unbelievable. .lol. i will probably regisiter a whole bunch .AAHAH. .Does it except paypal?
  22. there isn't really a way to judge of one group is cooler than another. Sometime i think that .. those people that are really outgoing and make alot of friends. Half of their friends talk behind them. Also, they probably are crazy about the attention they're getting and not being themselves. I really hate those people, they seem so fake. Pretending like they are cool with everyone. I'm sure you have friends that think you're cool. Who cares if you never had a boyfriend. To me, high school or teen relationships are crap. 90% of the relationships aren't serious. Usuaully last for 1-2 months. If you said your friend had alot of boyfriends, chances are that she's a slutty type. I cannot judge on her since i do not know who she is, just my inference..If she's your best friend, she should have introduced you to her other friends instead of avoiding you. I understand if she abandoned you because of her boyfriend. I would do the same thing if i have a gf, but really, i don't see any point in having one. You waste money, time, etc. And the relationship isn't that serious. This might sound reallly corny, but fitting in with everyone isn't all that great. You would alway have to put of a front and be carefull of what you're saying so they won't think your a loser and such. lol. Popularity won't do you any good in the future. So.. just ignore your friend and be yourself. Hangout with your REAL friends...
  23. ehh. isn't the black hole created when two stars collided? ... correct me if i'm wrong. Lol. but there are theories that say, the black hole might be the key for time travel (i doubt that this is true). The reason behind is because the massive gravaity is strong that it can even to bend time. Like the specail relativity theory created by the greatest physictist, Einstein. Time isn't constant. So when you're up higher in elevation (where there are less gravaity), time will actually move faster. So, if you ever get sucked in by a black hole (assume that light could escape and people could see you getting sucked in) to them, the process of you being sucked in by the black hole might take a few hours or days, or even years. That is because the black hole extremely slow down time. And to the observers, their time are moving faster. Even though you might not feel as time is any slower for you, you might die just in a few nano seconds, but to observers.. it will take days. We might never know the truth about it, black hole is just another theory like all the other theories... it cannot be 100% proven because it cannot be seen... impossible to be seen. Well, what i learnt from chimistry this year is that, supernova is a sun exploding. Why is the sun going to explode? It is because, a fussion reaction is occuring right now at this minute in our sun. It combines hydrogen atoms (or whatever.. can't remember, but hydrogen atoms are the basic) to form harder, denser elements. Like iron and other type of metal, or even harder. During the reaction, some mass will be lost, but then the lost mass was released in form of energy (e=mc^2). After the sun get to a certain point where it has nothign left to create a fussion reaction. It will burn out and explode. Then after that, it will type probably billions of years to get all the ingredients need to form another soon again. The sun is like a huge nuclear reactor =P.Well.... lol. sorry about the messy explaination. I'm too lazy to read it again. lol.. And remember, i could be wrong.. i'm 15 after all =P.
  24. yes .. 1 terrabyte is 1000gb. .. I once saw a 1 terrabyte hdd on office max website once. It was huge though. It's not regular hdd like we use, it's like a big box. Not sure about the size because i only saw it in pictures. But it's probably just a box filled with many hdd and connected it all together. Lol.. i'm not sure.. too lazy to do any research on that.well.. if i add up all the hdd space of all my computers including laptops. It would probably be over 1 terrabyte =P. I once saw this one guy on DC++ (if you know what that is)... he was sharing 1.1 tb of stuff. lol. the guy must have no life downloading all those stuff =P...
  25. i could imagine typing like hard surface like that.. OUCH.. it would suck for your fingures. Just imagine taping on your desk for a few hours a day.. =P.. i would rather get a wireless keyboard or something. One thing i don't liek about it is that.. If you want to get into a comfortable position.. then you would have to walk up to the projector and adjust it.. but with the wireless keyboard.. you could lay on your bed and surf the internet.. =P.. that's what i'm doing right now.. Wireless keyboard + wireless mouse + computer screen next + queen size bed = heaven =P.. .It's great.. you guys should do it. .AHAHAHAand.. i wouldn't spend 200 dollars.. just for that =P. .there are better things to buy with 200 dollars.
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