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Everything posted by sportytalk

  1. I agree with the comments posted above. Design wise, it's your site so you should be the one to decide how you want it to look. (When I'm creating my websites, I always make them the way I want them and use the colours and fonts I wish to use). Once you've decided how to design it you could then ask for users to decide on colours and/or fonts just so you can fine tune it, if you wanted your users to have a say on the site's design.I don't think I can comment on it a great deal without the content being included. The content would allow me to view the website the way it would be displayed if it was finished. At the moment, I feel the website looks bare, there isn't really a lot to comment on.There are a couple of things i don't really like about this website. I don't like the vertical scroll bar on the header (which includes the dragon designs title). Only other thing I'm not to keen on is the font. I feel the same way about this as mystixs does. Nowadays, fonts like the one you have used are basic and old. I quite like Helvetica. At the end of the day, it's all down to personal preference. As I said above and as some of the other users have said, build for yourself not for others.
  2. The website looks good, it's well laid out, but I can see why people don't stay along time. The site is good, includes a lot, but once you've viewed it, that's it. You need to have something different, something which isn't like the rest of the layouts. Maybe a bit of php making the site a little bit more dynamic. A script to fetch a random image or something?Otherwise an alternative would be to include something like mystixs suggested in the above post, a couple of games or an arcade or something. Basically something different so that you're including including content for everyone rather than just those people who need layouts etc.Keep up the good work, that looks like a very good site. Extremely helpful for those people who need to improve their myspace profile
  3. I quite like this breed of dog, but it's a shame that he has had to spend a while in a shelter.Personally, I don't like animal shelters. I think they're quite cruel for the cats, dogs and other animals that use them. They are unable to have a normal life like they should with a proper caring family, they are stuck to seeing the same things every minute of every day. Also, if the shelter you're getting the animal from has been poorly treated, he may get frightened easily or start chewing at objects, sometimes even yourself.This dog looks quite good from the photo. I hope you enjoy having him as a pet. He doesn't look fierce in the photo.
  4. I used to love Tetris, it was one of the first ever games I can remember playing. When I was young, I can remember lining up all of the tiles so that there was one long line. This line then exploded and points were added to your score.There have been many games which have recreated pretty much the same game but with different kinds of tiles, different game name etc. I believe there are a few shockwave tetris games out there (I think the Arcade this site used to have included one of these shockwave games).It's a shame Tetris isn't as popular nowadays, or doesn't appear to be. Maybe it would get more popular if a modern and addictive tetris game was to be released. It would be nice to bring back the original games, the games that were out long before modern internet games.
  5. I agree with what shining said in the above post. You've explained all about virtual hosts in an easy to understand way.I don't really need to create virtual hosts at the moment, but they sound like a good way to have more than one website run on a local webserver at the same time (with different server names), making development a lot easier.If I ever do decide to manage more than one website at the same time by using virtual hosts, I will come back and read this tutorial.
  6. If it really is true that humans destroyed life in Mars, there could be the problems of trying to work out exactly what it was that was destroyed. This would then allow current scientists to launch space probes and other scientific equipment, such as satellites, without destroying any more life (if there is any).I agree what was said in quite a few of the previous posts in this topic, it's very unlikely that when the first space probe visited mars it destroyed all life. There's bound to have been some living objects which weren't destroyed. By now, these living objects would have duplicated so the one's that were lost 30 years ago would now have been replaced.I find space quite interesting. It's only really been with the help of modern technology that we're able to study it in as much detail as we're doing. I don't suppose any of us will be able to find out for sure whether life was really destroyed 30 years ago or if there is actually some kind of life on Mars. The only people who have an idea whether or not there was/is life and whether it was destroyed are the scientists who spend all day every day studying different planets and galaxies.
  7. There are some very good links, posted in the previous posts in this topic, which explain in an easy to understand way how to go about building your own computer.These links will certainly help the people who are stuck with building a computer or people who want to get started with building a computer but, but are not sure where to begin.I've just looked at Tom's hardware website which one of the users has posted in this thread. On that website, there is a step by step guide with images explaining each step. I feel this makes the guide a lot easier to understand. I know when I need to understand something, if I've got images there, it helps me understand what it's about.So for those who learn in a similar way as me, with learning through looking at images, I highly recommend viewing this site. It looks so simple to follow.
  8. I feel pretty much the same way about chemistry as the person who posted before me does. I hated chemistry as I found it was a rather complicated part of Science. However, there were still a couple of parts of the chemistry syllabus which I found interesting.When I studied Chemistry at school, I can remember how we had to keep studying these elements of the periodic table, working out how many electrons each one has in their outer shell and then work out whether there was a negative or positive charge. We then had to work with ionic bonds, sharing electrons etc.I live in England and I did the double Chemistry syllabus for GCSE, but I was pleased that I was able to give it up for A level. As I said above, th most of the course was complicated. My strongest section was working out the number of electrons quite easy. I feel I was only good at this topic as I was good at mathematics.Chemistry wasn't my least favourite subject. History was a lot worse, due to being complicated and being boring.
  9. I think the ability to be able to access the internet by using power lines is a good thing and possibly one which will be used by most people in the future.There are many advantages for using the power lines to access the internet. :- using the electric is fast, easy, saves having ethernet wires through walls/ceilings, would most likely be a cheap method if it was a standard thing that broadband was to be included by electric cabling.However, there still are a couple of disadvantages. These are :- If a lot of people are using the internet at the same time. (I would guess that neighbours and nearby residents would be using the same connection), the speed could be greatly affected, there could be plenty of downtime, especially during storms and also if someone had poor fitted wiring, an electrician would be needed to come and work out why there isn't a broadband connection travelling through the electrics.Overall, I think being able to access the internet through electrical power lines would be a good thing and as said above, it would make the internet a lot easier and quicker to access. People would just plug into the electric supply and they'd be online.It would be good to see this method being used a lot in the future and I think it will.
  10. Thanks for the replies.I'm not fussed in having a complete uptime system, just something simple. Having just the uptime in days, hours, minutes and possibly seconds would be good enough. It's just to go on the staff status page so the staff and myself know if the site's been down so we can apologize to the users.Thanks for the code St. Michael. However, it has been said that there is a security issue in using the shell_exec function. The first reply of this topic states that there isn't really an issue if user input isn't taken but i'm really not sure. Different webpages and different people say different things.Is there a security issue if I just display the uptime in text?. I don't want to use this function at all if Xisto don't want it used or if it could make my website or the Xisto vulnerable. My scripts would not be taking any user input. The uptime would be displayed in text form in the way mentioned at the top of this post (Days, hours, minutes, seconds).If the system command runs a program on Xisto, if many people view the page at the same time, wouldn't that then flood Xisto with this program being executed?I'm really not sure which function to use. Both seem to have their advantages and disadvantages. If there are vulnerabilities in both functions, I'd rather just use my third method, which was to forget about displaying the uptime.
  11. I have decided that on one of the staff pages on my website, I'd like to include the uptime of the website, which I assume would be the uptime of the Xisto server. I've read a couple of tutorials on the internet and the system uptime works, but there's also another method which supposedly does the same thing. The problem is, this other method has had discussion about whether or not this method displaying the uptime is secure. I read on another site that some servers tend to block this php function from being used. The methods which I found were system("uptime") which seemed to work on here and shell_exec('uptime') which I haven't tried as I wasn't sure whether it was a secure enough function to run on the Xisto forum. The site at which I found the php tutorial had a forum in which one of the registered members said he thought there may be a security vulnerability in using the exec function and it was said by someone else that some servers block exec from being used. I'm really not sure which to use, or whether it's worth actually displaying the uptime in the first place. Does anyone know the difference between these two methods? Which method would be the best one to use?
  12. I've seen the trailer for halo 3, it looks very good.I've heard rumours that it is being held back until the playstation 3 is released.There is also another halo game coming out, it's called halo wars I think. There is a trailer for it on another website and that looks like a good game aswell. In fact, all the halo games seem to be of a good quality.
  13. This is a nice tutorial including some simple html and javascript scripts. As said in one of the above posts, these scripts certainly help the web designers add more dynamic content to their websites.It is important to note though, that internet browsers allow you to disable javascript code. If your users have javascript disabled, they will not be able to see the dynamic features which you intend for them to be able to view. You need to be aware of this and ensure that there isn't too great a dependency for using Javascript.Nice code though, will certainly help those who are looking for codes similar to the ones you have posted in this tutorial. Thanks for sharing
  14. It would be interesting if people could actually through their tongue, but as mentioned above, people see by the lens in their eyes. The images they see are transmitted straight to the brain which then sends a message back to another part of your eye so that you can actually see.This process works the same way as a video camera. The lens actually produces the image.Other than having a lens or some miniature device acting as a lens on your tongue, I can't see any way it's possible of viewing with a tongue. I suppose technology is always improving, so it's extremely hard to predict what kind of products are going to be released. They seem to be releasing all kinds of things every other day!Allowing blind people to see is a huge thing, so no doubt this topic will be brought up a lot in the future in scientist magazines and articles in news or blogs if the scientists manage to fully release a device or way which allows people who've never been able to see before, to be able to lead more of a normal life, like being able to watch TV or something simple like seeing where they're walking so they don't need to use their cane to feel.I'm sure in the very near future, blind people will be able to see with the help of technology.
  15. I agree with the above posts. That's a really good signature, but I can't help thinking the text that's included spoils the design.I love the way you've included details, such as cigarettes and the look of evilness on Santa's face. Good work
  16. A nice tutorial. CSS is one of my weak areas when working on websites, so I really need to re-learn how to do this. It will certainly enable me to produce websites that are more professional and use more of a template.Thanks to this topic, I am now able to re-learn CSS by reading and following through this page on this website's forums. It is very easy to read and simple to understand.I'm sure other users on this website will find this CSS tutorial and agree that it's a very nice post. Thanks for posting.
  17. Cool, they are nice images of the lava and the volcano.I live in England, where we have no volcanoes or anything like that. One of the things I've always wanted to see is a volcano, especially a look at what's inside an active one. I've seen many volcanoes on cartoons and files, but you can never be sure whether these television programs are showing realistic images or making up images which look nothing like what volcanoes really look like.I didn't know that it was possible to climb up to the top of one and have a peep in unless you got seriously injured, burnt or killed by the hot lava that was coming out from the insides of the volcano. Even though I fancy climbing up the volcano, I don't think I'd ever be able to force myself to do it, even If I go to Italy, with the thought that if a bit of lava would hit me, I might die.Thanks for posting the pictures brainless. Even though I live miles away from the volcano, this topic made it possible to see images of what the volcano would look like if I was able to have a look. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit to the active volcano.
  18. I like watching the English Premier League and the English Coca Cola Championship.I live in England and support a team who plays professional football and is in a high national division, so this maybe why I'm slightly stuck to watching and enjoying only the English soccer leagues.I agree with the post above stating that the football in the English Premier league is played at a fast pace. I sometimes get bored with watching the players fight, but I guess fighting occurs in every sport, more times than not though, I enjoy watching professional English matches.I have watched a few spanish and italian games, but I don't feel watching these matches is the same. I don't know the players as well as the players who play for the English clubs.
  19. I had never heard of Wilbree before viewing this topic.Wilbree sounds like a fantastic new method of communication, going by what was said in the first post of this topic, by delivi.If it consumes less power than the current bluetooth communication does, then it's got to be a lot better, especially for those who like to save energy and those who do everything they can to keep the price as low as they can.Also, If this new method of communication can be fine tuned so that current bluetooth signals can be used, there won't be a compatibility problem and as said above, the cost will be a lot lower.I agree with the above post, wilbree will definitely become popular in items ranging from mobile phones to personal computers/laptops. I don't know how long it will take before it's switched over to use this method but I'm not impatient waiting for it to be released on every day items (such as mobile phones), as I don't really use bluetooth or infra-red so this doesn't really affect me, however, no doubt for people who use methods of communication like these, they will like the new wilbree.
  20. Wikipedia is a very good site, I like the way it is possible for your site's users to update and add stuff to the site. However, you have to be careful they're not posting someone else's work/copyrighted work which you as a webmaster would get told off for.In the past, I've thought about creating a site based on one of the wiki scripts, but I thought wiki is well known everywhere, so your users will know you didn't actually create it. I prefer actually creating my own code so you can feel good about what it is you created.Anyway, a very nice tutorial. If I decide I want to have mediawiki or I suppose any wiki would have pretty much the same instructions, I will come back to this topic. Thanks for sharing it with us, I'm sure theres some people out there who've read this topic that wanted to have a script like mediawiki on their site, but didn't know how to install it.
  21. I have a friend that's got that phone, he keeps complaining that the phone doesn't have the functionality to play wma files or any other types of music, as the built in music player is only a miniature mp3 player. However, even though the phone is only a capable of playing mp3 files, one of the things he does keep blabbing to me about, is how the phone is capable of storing a heap load of songs, it's not a big phone either, it's a nice small size and shape. It's also got a great camera on it, it can record videos and you can video call people on it. I personally think he's got a lovely phone and I love the design of it and think it looks like a great phone.Even though my friend keeps moaning to me about how his phone only plays mp3s, i can't see what he's moaning about. A lot of phones out there only support mp3 and even modern mp3 players such as ipods aren't compatible with the windows media file type.
  22. wow, those graphics look amazing and a friend of mine agrees with me and says that they look superb compared to games like command and conquer, red alert 2. My friend used to play red alert 2 all the time and I used to play other games, which were based on the same kind of storyline.Playing these kinds of games was really great fun, especially when the games were taken online.Having recently spoken to my friend, between us we have come to an agreement that the required system specs are quite high, especially when compared to the old specifications of what games such as the old red alert 2 game had.Both I and my friend reckon that the game will be amazing on the xbox360, especially online, since so many people have an xbox360 with an online gamertag, command and conquer red alert came out on the playstation. I haven't actually played this game on the playstation, but according to other people I chat with, they all said to me that the game was a very fun game to play. They say the graphics are low. I wouldn't really know as I haven't tried it, but I suppose as long as the game is enjoyable, the graphics don't really matter a lot.Both I and my friend reckon that the Command and Conquer 3 game should be really good.
  23. My favourite game would have to be out of either Sonic the hedgehog or super mario brothers.If I really had to choose one out of these two, I guess it would have to be Mario, there's just so much that could happen on that game, and is great fun to play. You can play the same level many times and each time you play, there could be a different outcome.On many games, you play them once and then once they've been played they become boring and are they are never played again.
  24. I agree with the other replies on this thread. That code there is an interesting one, is quite long, but it's very easy to understand and sounds like it does its job. I don't have a use for a download protection code as I don't have anything on my site which users can download, however, if I ever did have things which were up for download, there's a high chance I'd include a code similar to this one. (I wouldn't want users from other people's websites coming to my website via a hyperlink to download something. They'd coming onto the website when they aren't actually browsing it or using it like a normal website, they'd be coming only to download, hence they would be using my bandwidth. Additionally, most of the users wouldn't realise they'd been referred to a different site that this other webmaster doesn't own and the users would still think they're on this other website). As for the parse url, i've just researched it for you on the php manual section of the official php website. Basically, i haven't ever used the parse_url function but from what I understand it separates the address into each various sections, such as host and port. Here is another quotation from the php manual. This is the section of the manual which states the various section which can be retrieved by using this parse_url function which s2city used in his code. Hopefully you will find this post easy to understand. Thanks for sharing your download protection with us s2city. Even though I most likely won't have a need to use the code, there's bound to be a lot of users that do need to use it and I feel quite confident in saying quite a few users will use your code, even if they don't give you feedback on their views
  25. Well, i suppose I was in a similar position to keri-j. I had heard of the word fallacy but I didn't know what fallacies actually were / didn't understand how they work.Thanks for explaining all about fallacies Plenoptic, your post is very nicely laid out, nice to read (there isn't too much text and it's not dull) and your post is very easy to understand
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