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Everything posted by guangdian

  1. i think it will be forbidden for the copy right.
  2. they all say that i didn't check it.. if it's true it's realy an age of dwan~~
  3. just try to install it again..read the readme.txt o f your programme detail..set up the mysql username & pass & database correctly..
  4. ye,the google ads always do that to the men cheating. - so much money...o~~~~zz
  5. i think you must pay money for it..if you don't wanna noone would help you for so a large. thing.
  6. Google maps.. i've useing it so much but now i always can't access it smootyly...;_0 i'm afraid
  7. guangdian

    Php Sig

    [qutoe]its a text rpg really??got that from sf.net or created by your hand?let me check it..or you can give me a rar file of the game. i ' ll install it.i just searching a good php game or rpg with text php code for so long...long..
  8. swishmax is easy to use but mm flash not so good to use i think
  9. i just like Hyundai also..it's really good ..i'm been got it everystreet in there.
  10. that is really interested me.. i think i'm been moved..i just wanna check or try..can you give me more details..
  11. it's pretty good i got the same view on fire or windows ie..what cms u r using to creat?it's just simple ^ good stly.
  12. OH yes?? I don't really check it frequently.. if is that true..then how count?? if opaque is missing here,then the server belongs to oursevels??? hahaha:))
  13. i'm sorry wasie..some years ago when i was a little boy on midschool..a very beautiful softly &gently girl got the same thing you said..she left the world..Now i can't forgget her even now..just remember she evr taught me what's the difference betweent.."australian"& "australia"i think however in everycountry in this world " traffic accicdent' is the most killer of our lives..i just feel sorry.. any one if he or she lost a friend but not because anything else it because an accident..
  14. doz the tos changed? i think one of the moderator should post to describe it here? the bad thing i thought is " ar the serve is been hacking??" i wish not.
  15. what do you want to do when you done that??
  16. she is clever but you r fool i just interested where country r u in?... if they just don't know the basic knowledge why they should be taught basic programme? basic programme is just the languge of 10 year before..none will use it. why youi teach them it?
  17. I'm not sure of it i just come to ask it if it can,if this can't when i got 100% level warned then all my account will banned terminated, for ever??i
  18. it's really like that! just spend the most time on your work & get money from your work..
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