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Everything posted by guangdian

  1. i just don't know whether there is a plugin or hacks for the IPB..haha.if there is then we can feed up our pets..but who wannne be pets.. just to be...
  2. oh.... i think we need Giant anti spyware for it..but Gint anti is soft of microsoft then they kill themselves.haha:)_
  3. Yea.... :\) i'd think halo 2 is the newest verison but quake 4 is' not
  4. O kay members now i came back from a 3 days post right terminated.it 's just a missed affairs of this thing ..is there anyone been warned beyond 30% ?i think no there...& really ... i' m . plz don't recognize this post is a spam .but no..it's just general talk..----------------------------------------i' have been in the job lost for 3 months...i'v run out of my money ,i only feed up by my family .what's the worst thing like that! oh...it's really a hades now im in..i ,, i just don't know what to say..coz the society 's so unfairl.. u got the job but i don't ... why?? just because i'm a technical worker? plz don't say that.\\i"m good at CMS, & Linux php+mysql enviorment...any one could employ me here?/ i just wanna got some pents for the meal.. it's serious-------------------------------------------------now i really wanna know where i can get a host free resellor account , i'm searching for it for so long a time . the member give me the link , check it. found nothiing it's so many but i don't which is not cheat...they are all so expensive..i just need a free host 2G --5G abt, & can open the new cp webhost by myself..then i can got money from soling it. i just don't know where to got itplz give me some advice.
  5. yea,that's sure got -4 one time...i think it's just a key time or second for thi credit system...
  6. OH ya?? i never can't log in to the forum.. good smooth..
  7. From RFC 2672 which proposes changes to 1034/4.3.2/Step 3 like this... c. If at some label, a match is impossible (i.e., the corresponding label does not exist), look to see whether the last label matched has a DNAME record.... text on what to do for an exact DNAME application...If there was no DNAME record, look to see if the "*" label exists.The impact of "* DNAME" would only be felt in two ways.One is if the QNAME had a "*" in the middle of it, running across the * DNAME along the way. In this case, it's not a wild card (synthesis) situation.The other way is if the QTYPE is "DNAME" or "ANY" and the QNAME leads to a source of synthesis.Thinking of the latter I have to question the elided text from the quote above: If a DNAME record exists at that point, copy that record into the answer section. If substitution of its <target> for its <owner> in QNAME would overflow the legal size for a <domain- name>, set RCODE to YXDOMAIN [DNSUPD] and exit; otherwise perform the substitution and continue. If the query was not extended [EDNS0] with a Version indicating understanding of the DNAME record, the server SHOULD synthesize a CNAME record as described above and include it in the answer section. Go back to step 1.What if the QTYPE was DNAME? Why continue? Why include the CNAME if it's the DNAME I want?Once again, I find so many holes with RFC 2672...how do you clarify it? (Yes, I know that DNAME's "work." But I am beginning to think that there are too many rough edges in the definition - what makes rough edges acceptable here but not in other applications?)-
  8. i just found some one is shouting on box but i don't how to play it .i sign a type of soldier. i just don't know what doz the meaning of "attack,rank,weight" can you help me.
  9. some times i just got worried abt the email system of this freewebhost.my email box of it got so lots of spam mail.i just give up it , just use the gmail.:0i think your problem something like a server problem.wish some one come with it to give some tips abt that.
  10. oh.ya.safin is the best male competitor of french open. i'd like the beauti sunshine in the platform ..wish them good days for the match..
  11. i'd learning it mysel i think go to school is a wasting of time..it sucks hard ^ so slow to learn something useful
  12. [ quote]IE ver 6 still works just fine.BOTH webbrowsers worked just fine before the update.Have re-uploaded a backed up/previous version of the homepage to the server in an attempt to correct the problem. ..result>> Netscape still can't find my homepage.so if ie 6 can works .. nothing wrong with you.
  13. what i wanna to say is i'd my job lost for 2 months now. i have no money even one pent .. i just up to my family for survive.. wha't ;s wrong must be with me..faint
  14. o,really.i think the important thing is speech freedom & democracy human rights
  15. it's okay..just share your password to us then the more member got it the more different member got the same cpanel username if it' won't been modified.
  16. very nice.. i'd prefer email .. not im not face 2 face it's just boring but no good to business.
  17. I just don't know what u are talking abt , i think also i'm being spammed.i'm sorry.who's the Marat Safin?i just a technical worker don't know anything else in the world...haha:)
  18. i wannna nothing for it.1st i havn't got a wife 2nd i have no money for feed up even 1 child.
  19. there 's no free version of ipb. it' always been a business soft ware & hurely;; you just click the file manger to upload your files or use ftp.
  20. hi, admin here. i think i need more subdomains .. it's the time. & the one ever answered me just post the url of request form plz post again..& just give me some advice of request.. it's the further thing now i met.although now i havn't used off the subdomains i have but i will need more some times later.
  21. hallo hype then .. your cpannel name is admins.. it's so coolyou must do something business with admin.haha.
  22. i'm not sure the old laguage "pascal " should getting rerise for the future & now.. we'd just see some magazines of software enginner & find the answer..i think python & ruby & php will go for the van ..
  23. i just waiting for it. i think the good moderator adding the level to me will back to get it to 0% haha.
  24. i think i am the man you are searching , mike. i have got the same problem before. when you use http://yourname.net/boards/ then it direct you to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you must use http://yourname.net/boards/ then it will solute it. ( it just a "/" added in the end) the Admin of the Xisto has answered me the question of mine . the bug can not been soluted .. it's just a bug! we can do nothing to it. so just modify your code.. if you have more problem abt it. just PM me. I think the question answerd .. the thread 'd closed.
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