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Everything posted by guangdian

  1. now i'm using mozilla 1.7.1 & anyone use that version i think it's the newest version.isn't that?
  2. yes,even we install the plug in of spelling cow,then how many people would like use that? no one i think. just because the poping-up & less controllable. I just know that thank you.
  3. yes,it's just a free webhost site,not a educational instituation or language school. on Global world,there're more & more people learning english.why they are learing,because it's not the native language to them. i'm not good at english either,and i'm also make lots of mistake on spelling.but it's not like the spam or something like that,it's just a spelling mistake,or they are learning it.they will be more smoothly with it. if you add the negative point system i just can't say anything.trap17 has been so scarcely i think.it no need to do more.credit system is enought. if my words contain something do let you unlike,it's my default,i'm not very familar with all the words of english. that's my opinion. Guangdian
  4. i have click the referal..it's just get me to the clicksor.com& wish this will help you.but i'm not register it.
  5. i just can't see the text of the logo..can't know wht's is it..more sharply.need .i think...
  6. I'm sorry for that..but i've pm you...
  7. i prefer nothing coz i have no speakers or headphones by the computer,the computer not belongs to me....bad luck...
  8. Oh,,you r lucky to get out ,..it's good.the poem not so so.~
  9. anyhow you can just download a version of ipb1.3 then uploaded to install.it's a good way let you know more abt ipb & how to install it manually.
  10. i think it's a sort of "security & exploits".hnnwhat abt phpbb3?i'm waiting for it.i just know that 2.0.15 has get out.to me it's really an long long ago~..
  11. hi ,,i just wanna joing i just wanna you give me more details. how to do it..i 'm been confused.haha
  12. i register it & select free for all/i got lots of ads on the web..& i dont' know how to play it...it always give me that" i have to got the enginers to created weapons" OHoh...i...confoused.doz that a rpg txt game?
  13. i've checked it's page... now i'm being registe it yes,confirem.. i just got received the mail.join~
  14. [qutoe]you can start a division of your own in a new game we also particapate in tournaments[/qutoe]Thak you sir.call of duty ..which version u r using..it's pretty good & using so much memory.ha.but now my computer need upgrade for that type of game.coz my grapic card so old.can't runs smoothly.
  15. i just don't know the Journaled file system you said.that.the freebsd system just very much the same as the unix system if you r just using the linux for more then just learn the unix system i think it will help you much to solove the problem of bsd
  16. i think you just need learn more abt ht script .. script to created the dynamic or login pages.i think.
  17. i'm just know a little of messenger service of windows.i think he should use quote tag but not the code tag..you can test it.if you using code tag , code so lots of things.you will get many credits.but if you using the quote tag,i think you are get nothing...i dont' know if i'm right.
  18. you r not a lonely one ,sometime i meet the same problem..but anyhow it will depends on the isp of yours & what type line of you have ...& besides,you all feel the tra17 so slow just give the details of which country R you in,,you know Xisto is located united states,& if you are the back of the earth,i mean the other side of the earth,then it will definetly been slow than the guys in usa using the service of Xisto ...now the connect speed of the internet service is growing so fast ,,some years before we just can use the telephone to dial on isp to be online,but now if you r using a webhost of abroad now i ' m sure you just didn't use the telephone dial,& i think you using the adsl evenly at least..now more & more people are using the faster isp connected type..some years later we all use the IPv6 line to internet,so until that time all of computers are became the host ,because it's so fast ,,it's just 10 times quicker than now.that time we just needn't freewebhost then our computer would be the best host if we didn't powered it off.of course i said so that.just wanna say that we are just using the different connected so we are just not the same speed to connected to Xisto.or download the pages of Xisto & Xisto/s forum.Good luck.PS:there is much more free webhosts,of course Xisto's very good but not fit for all people.you can just search on free-webhosts.com or clickherefree.com you can find more ,,& what 'is not fit us sometimes fit you.what is fit you some times not fit others.that's all.
  19. O H.no ,i think cost 40--50 credits should be like that::1G / 10Gbw. d o you agreed with me...
  20. YOU R username & your words is so long .haha:)
  21. oh,yes snild..guangdian.trap17.com/phpwebsite/it's ther real url thank you ...plz help.
  22. i just search ed so much no one is good i just wanna like " pagetool" simply ,,,, simply,,brifely.. but i can't install it... bad luck...i just don't know where i can got a good one btw...it's the link http://www.pagetool.org/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t
  23. YOU VE got a beautiful logo.........designer is sure very nice
  24. it's phpwebsite when i enter ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access /phpwebsite/setup/ on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.Apache/1.3.33 Server at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Port 80
  25. i just using mozilla... i have heard this news on newspaper..sometime right now on cyber so unsafe..i suggested we all use linux system..i hink de_bian..is verys good
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