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Everything posted by guangdian

  1. Hello everyone, i just want to have your comments here cause we own a computer cafe and we are going to upgrade from AGP to PCI-EXPRESS... is PCI-EXPRESS good? Is there any bugs in PCI-EXPRESS...Please comment out on PCI-EXPRESS... Thanks!
  2. it really sounds hard i think if you build your computer as that way,sometime i just using the icafe computer,i just have my own,but i just play game or watch movie by dvd on it.i just don't get it do nothing else
  3. i just playing the Delta force BLack hawk down..when i failed a round then it says i can push R to replay the round or to push Enter to end and back to main menuwhen i push R it replayingbut when i push Enter it display nothing except the black screen all.----------------------sometimes i think my graphic can not support Opengl32.sometime when i change the window desktop and game window my screen also got all balck screen ,display nothing..-------------------my graphic card is Unika 128M 128bit.
  4. oh yes it's good idea.but i think we would do more post on Xisto forum i think it's enough...
  5. i think you just forget you have install something,maybe through fantastico..
  6. i just like the next one the second one that i like green..
  7. you are welcome sir here.thank you for your good heart with the services.. i wish you will be happy here.good luck Guangdian
  8. there were so many host like corrupted the accounts but not only Xisto..haha:)Good luck sir.i think when you have been corrupted you got the chance to search for better service.
  9. i just know that GT4 can play online but must install a gate of it. i just not sure of it..
  10. i just cannot view my site @ tra17 .. is also can no t connect..
  11. i have been useing firefox and internet exploer too..they both good i just be using to use ie but not fire
  12. i just can not seen your sig.you just uploaded to the Xisto host or anywhere? i just can not got it.
  13. i just don;t know what you are talking about? hammer ? with head?i think it's something like a logo of some party?
  14. thank you for it sir.enjoy the game enjoy the online.enjoy your swat clan..i have to go~ ^_~
  15. you have trapped in it? hoho~ but it's really interesting when we were young.
  16. i just have no money for these things so i have no girl no woman..i'd like the life of single.
  17. i just know that have been made for movies... there is a movie with the same name..
  18. there just can not been displayed .you just check the url that..
  19. have you ever played the RGP game online of World of Warcraft...?i think it's so good playing...yes.
  20. if you have host of php.you should use php language for this login pages..if you have asp host you should use asp language for login pages..and also the Xisto give us php host then you should write some php login page.if you don't know how to write it you can search the code of it.
  21. i just not vote for it do you have heard of OpenNext or PP?or do you heard of exeem or Bittorrent...i think this is the best used p2p programme..and i don't think the things you talked about i have heard of? i just don't know the programme you give on thread..yes..i think sometimes i just don't use the p2p mostly i just download something with http..do you?
  22. when i first connected to internet i found it on word i can made html pages..then i started to learned it.
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