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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. im wondering too how much a pack of 50 cent is gum is i think its 26 ruples in russain lol
  2. well knowing those guys some bought the software oh wait who am i kidding
  3. hmmmm from a rating of 1-10 hmmmm i dunno lalalalalala
  4. yeah 15 "good" posts just to get in that maybe i will do but i did some nice ones in the normal section
  5. ooh pretty colors i think rejected is talking about me (thinks of plans of spamming email)
  6. yeah i just went there not bad of site but i just don't want to go through all the ehadaches of posting this and that just give me the renders already.
  7. i bow down to the mastr of sig making make me your apprentice and we shall destroy those rookies
  8. blue is notorious on him with what i got going also i added arain effect to make it more interesting now to work on borders
  9. now thats kick @ZZ render is perfect make the text a little bigger
  10. thats what i thought to you just have to find the right combination of brushes my blood rayne sig i test out different brushes to find what i was looking for
  11. also what i figure out you have to do it in layers as well if you don't care to do the cut in paste and you have to match the color for both the render and the brush effects take notice at my super mario and blood rayne sigs the blood rayne came out a little better though.
  12. thanks dragon they are getting betterwell i am a noob still but anyways if you need some help just pm all i can say is that i will try can't give 1000% the best but its ok :Don the topic of the mario redner you wouldn't believe the shading i got with the mario that wa th best one i could use hmmm i just had another ideawheres that tutorial on animated squares
  13. thanks now i know your password lol actually im goign to me this to the ven since this is more complaning and less technology.
  14. yeah that burns my eyes too what did you use to create that i say the color format looks great if you blend it mroe together and brush it and warp wave polar mosaic and some other stuff you would be goodwell i can say its not ms pain unless it is then not bad for that program /
  15. not bad in paint me wonders what it would look like in ps though?
  16. work with the brushes a little more like johnny says to me text goes well with the coloring but other then that it looks pretty good for a first timer
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