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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. hye johnny suggestion do a diagonal delete of the box then blur it just a bit, you were right about the johnny storm one nice might have to use it.
  2. its funny the head of the commitee is french im surprised france didn't get it. but we all know why new york didn't get?but the game in london should be interesting but do they have the room for it really. i think they would have to destroy some houses inorder to pull it off but we hsall see. in 7 years.
  3. it must be me but the font just doesn't go with it for soem reason, it must be me (most likly) but everything else looks good.
  4. not bad of a tutorial should have thought of that long ago but i assumed that it was already done. but gj either way.
  5. thanks i wish i skills like those at gamerenders i did post some of my stuff but got like 2 replies but hwat can you do just read tutorials and get better.
  6. its cut johnny the beam is cut yeah i would go with the losing of the bevel too and maybe some more brushing.
  7. well if the real world news reporters use a form of wriing called short script (i might be a different name ) it makes it easier to write things faster and makes it more conveniant to write, so the reporter is can write more without missing anything.you can said that lol is short script for chatrooms.i know back in the day of chatrooms it took hours for the text to show up after typing it, that crappy lag and 28k modem. i miss those days.but anyways i would think bill gates uses "lol" its practically godfather of computer industry.
  8. yeah good luck its called compitition and if your skills are like not impressive then yo uhave no chance and the advertising alone is goign to kill you so hone your skills and then when you got a good client list going then sell on the net other then that have fun.
  9. another good suggestion would be get templates that come with css and see how it works you can't really code css unlss you have an understanding of how it works.
  10. i see some site where people have done my suggestion would be to to but the music in flash i saw one website do it, which makes it impossible to download. all they have to do is click on the song and its a playing.but their are plenty of websites especially back in the day before napster ruined it that people put music files on line background music and want not.i think the rule is as long as your not making a profit and or its not downloadable it fine.
  11. hmmm this is a tough one but the one thing i did see is that you over smudge the smudge tool on the right side. hmmm i would have blended the render just a tad into the rest of background. font looks somewhat ok hard to read on the left side. mmmm now thinking about it maybe blur the image about 2-3 times to get rid of the rough edges around the edges. brushing looks ok but could be done more.
  12. and as many possible way to be used if you know who look at ipb forum nothing but php scripting and some minor html.
  13. underground series can't wait for number 3 to come out why cuz you mod a police car from the pics i seen oooh yeah.
  14. i have to go with maggie quite and she shot Mr. Burnsall the holloween episodes except the ones that didn't work out that well.HEY KIDS HUHUHHUHAHAUAHAHA!!!!
  15. yeah in agreement why hide it unless its one of girls that like to move around alot all that secret crush stuff is the 5th and 6th grade. i would disagree with this whole topic well of course don't go buck wild that your scoring the hot cheerleader on the internet then you really got some problems. btw the way I SCORED WITH THE HOT CHEERLEADER!!!! WOOHOOO.
  16. 4 base home plate we all know what it means, buts that what im good for saying some weird stuff but most of those are true one way or another. i see it alot in the world especially the oops part
  17. how about building up your stats and i mean in levels and get some weapons also use this set up gun mage white wizard and black thats what i used mostly beef up their stats and you will be fine.
  18. or if you have to go 7.0 it took me awhile to get cs2 but something completely different.and on the paint shop pro from what i seen on this site at least nothing to fancy maybe its just me and most likly it is go adobe man.
  19. yeah im in agreement fix the font a bit make the render stand out just a bit, good work on the brushing, it could be me but i do notice a repeat in some of the brushing or it just the fact that brush comes out like that.nice coloring job too.
  20. i think this is the funnies news in the world when i first read the headline i thought hmm didn't get paid but when i read it really and i mean it good luck in getting that money HAHAHAHAHA
  21. even though this topic has been discussed before limewire is better.
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