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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. found it took like 2 seconds actually that episode is where the do the willy wonka factory joke with the beer.
  2. hmmm i would think that was directed towards me but i get all my srouces from gamerenders, so you have nothing me, plus he got the render from my fine tuned packages.
  3. funny you could turn that into an animated sig (rain effect) it would be cool to give it some life due to the lines in it.
  4. yeah my problem is the font and most likly it will always be that way but thats the best filtering job i ever did for a render might do a few more mothing blur sigs.
  5. heres something funny if they like to do that stupid stuff start putting weird stuff on it to drive away customers and make them lose thier business, make sure to do that after you get paid.but anyways thats what i hate about people that have no clue what goes into webdesign, its not like one line of code and your done, yo uhave to plan it out and make it run smoothly for every.i feel for you....
  6. it was a good idea to change it too cuz of so many topics going into sigs and other graphics, yeah it takes little longer to get to it but it better organized way,hey johnny see if they can add the mod for battle wins and losses like on game renders.
  7. well th thing is though like me and other people we just don't have the cordnation to use the pad trying looking at your feet and the screen at the same time, i never tried the game due to the fact that i might trip over myself and make @ZZ out of myself cuz of it. still the songs are pretty good though, they tend to use the same ones over and over again.but what gets me though how many version of the game, gameplay can you make?
  8. Hewlett packard, the worse computer company in the world, we had it where the that windows tips boxed stayed frozen with in the windows, then we went gateway 2000 it had a pretty good run until we started having are problems with it and now we have a dell and its bene pretty good to us so far.
  9. well with me and my current girlfriend we have called it quits so many times its not even funny, nut most of time its cuz of what we see to each thats makes it hard, so we don't talk to each other for a couple and days and then sit down and talk about to resolve the issue, funny thing is though im more upset cuz i love her that much
  10. whats the game about that would be helpful to the viewers don't you think.
  11. just found out the ending from a reliable source about number 7 harry and voldemort are.....yeah like i know what going to happen, my theory is to finish off the series harry dies killing voldemort, bad enough most of the main cast get killed off in book 6, so might as well finish it off, with ron and hermonie getting hitched.
  12. i would by the mask just ot scare all of you MUHAHAHAHA, but you have to admit it well designed mask. ***kncoks on door for candy OH DEAR GOD its the evil clown siant-michael.***and the movie is called "Thing" by Stephen King
  13. but doing it in forums like trap is telling people that your just typing spam for your pleasure and ruining topics that have either good questions statements and other stuff, in one shape or form most everyone is guilty of spamming the boards.lucky i only use when it seems useful.
  14. me personally it doesn't matter what you are, its what inside that counts, but the fact that it has been a big issue since who knows when, tells us that people have nothing else better to do with thier life except to instigate problems and then throw feul in the fire by making it worse.it may be wrong to some people it maybe right to other but guess what you have deal with it until the day you die some make good use of it and talk to people that are gay bi straight and you will see that they are agood person.i do have a funny joke though but since i will be the good person i will not post it.
  15. that is true the milk the fights scenes for abuot 20-30 episodes like the freiza saga, but go to admit though some of the best draqing techniques where used to do this.
  16. lasso tool and the blur tool, to cut them, but i have to lay off the blur tool or they won't comeout as good as they should be.
  17. someone tried to get lucky which could mean a forth person might have been in on it, but at least no one got killed this time.
  18. cheese hahaha the old myth still lives on but reguardless i think its a waste of internet space really who is going to plan a trip the moon, yeah good to know some info on the moon landings but you can do that with a single image..but the cheese though, the geeks live on.
  19. "threw up" eeew no problem hulunes, soon you will be as great as i am and maybe take johnny out of the limelight in designing lol.
  20. its should still be interesting though, most likly the voices will be different.
  21. not bad but another way to prevent people from hijacking your images do what ign.com doest, water mark it, but this could be a useful script hopefully its gets downloaded alot.
  22. hmmm not bad of a scriptm could be useful on alot of gaming servers. kudos
  23. well i told you about the font, the background could use a little more brushing, the color looks good except for the orange spot, nice use of the scanlines though, told you about hte blending so 8.5/10
  24. no problem i got to stop using the blur tool when doing the rough edges
  25. when i was in iraq i had strawberry/banana and orange they were pretty good. almost every day on that hot summer day.
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