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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. yeah i just saw it snlil download my packages i got some better looking halo renders then that no wonder it was choppy it look like i did it XP.
  2. the render its self if you look at the owl on the right you can't miss the somewhat straight line running down it.but on the arrows thats understandable.
  3. you mean sig battles, yeah we are doing that now its slowing getting some attention just need more people to participate in it thats all.
  4. well i think gene wilder puleed off a good willy wonka, johnny depp on the other hands makes wonka look very disturbing it just gives me nightmares thinking about it.
  5. and why downloaded it when you have several portals that can be uploaded from the cpanel.
  6. not bad of a job moon, the font colorwise ok but the actual font doesn't fit i would have gone more gothic in the name and use a font a called vistor for "the broken one", nice looking scanlines they fit well ***make a note on that snlil***, the nreder could have been blended more but over quality you did what you need to do.8.5/10
  7. hmm i would say something but i won't its just to easy, but yeah that was corny.
  8. that couldn't be images no possible way, it has to be brushing, but its still good brushing though but the render could be better blended in and maybe smaller, text just a little work maybe add a storke to it to stand out just a bit.7/10
  9. hers are some useful websites to help you out but you would have to search thgouh alot of scripts to find waht your looking ofr though. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.dnsstuff.com/
  10. well its all good and deep stuff but i tell you how the real world works. your statement: in order to get ready for a formal capitalistic market you have to be a capitalistic from the beginning, if you follow old traditions like the tribes in brazil who rely on trading goods for other good, you will be going no where and eventually the bigger store will shut you down, that is the rule of capitalism, take out your compition by offering better services then the store next door. well thats how the barter system has work since down of man, weddings for an example were a big deal look at india, bartering is still the way of traditional weddings (correct me if im wrong). remember people beleive paper has value it doesn't but people beleive thats how bartering and trading has evolved from ancient times. and whats being said is true look at the whole incident with china they fix the value of their money to usa, thus screwing up the economy for many counties as well, but since they decided to cut off the currency altogether to the point where the value will still coninside with the the market , it will help people pull out of slumps and making business grow, the second part to this is that the local governments, can change the value of thier money, thus creating problems because then everyone has to try and much thiers to balance things out, why do you think most of the world bases thier money off united states, cuz we are the purest form of capitalism, look how the current market is right now, are us dollar sucks compare to everyone elses, cuz the market is in a slump due to big business taking over the samller ones. and to finish up my opinion or rather the real world.. it never lasts, people are to suspicious of each for it too work, why do you think we are having all these problems cuz no one can trust anyone anymore. but now big businesses rely on cheap labor, thus making more problems with the economy in the long run. WTO has set teh rules if only people would following them we wouldn't be having as many problems, but then again no one cares what people think its all about making money and being number #1.
  11. welcome aboard, yes thier are alot of topics to choose from, but be mindful of the TOS and other rules to the site and you should have a good time here.
  12. yeah thier is no easy answer for this, anger runs in my family and beleive me when i say this, i would make the pope cry if he heard what i say when i release, but for me it took time and maturity to keep it in and then slowly let time cool me down, its slips occasionally but best thing to do is leave the situation and cool down for a few minutes to compose your self and ask youself why you are angry.
  13. hmm funny i have never notice that in the forums and i been here like forever, learning something new everyday i guess.
  14. somewhat right but you have to be more specific since this is considered spambut xcitem.xom/design is something i did
  15. that should be interesting to read johnny do i triple dog dare you.but since snil used your tutorial you would think it would have come out better, render sucks, looks like you did the trasform thing wrong again, brushing is plain, which means you look at the pictures and not read the words thats why its a tutorial snlil you "Read" them . the text meh i give it a so-so since it matches the colors, border ok, the scanlines make it even worse, and to finish it off need more contrast in your brushing to much white and a little black make it like someone is brand new to designing sigs5.5/10do i have to stand over your shoulders and use a ruler when you use the wrong brushing techniques????
  16. aaah ok but you can still make loo smooth but i guess its in taste, text looks alot better too it matches its surroundings, just now notice the eyes in the background in the first one but its looks better without it but, the render though, the left sides is nagging me cuz of somewhat straight line going down suggest blending in that side just a bit.1952, aah yes i remember that year won my frist drag race across the ice fill pond.
  17. big improvement on the seoncd version 9/10 the font just a bit and the coloring somewhat.
  18. i like to know where you have been this topic is like so old its not even funny, i hear its up and running too.
  19. well rollar coaster tycoon is all about modding, as long as he doesn't make profit off of it is ok, but it should be interesting how this comes out, but 15 minutes though that is a tad to long even for a ride trim it to like 5-8 or you not going to get the excitement factor up at all or makra profit off the rid.
  20. well court tv has been going in since the 80's peoples court was the first reality tv show base on law and all that judy judy and all that crap is just to make money. but is that what reality tv is for people to make money and ratings.
  21. free hosting does have a dedicated ip address if you look in the upper part of the cpanel you will notice the ip number up there so i would have say you wouldn't need a certificate, but its always good to use thogh.
  22. well the thing with tech brushes though, you sort have to do take your time with them that means alot of trial and error to make them look good, you can't slap it on and say this is the best, i would have to say tech brushing is one of the hardest to and the one johnny did not even close, cuz the image is to flat, he had a good start but its need to stand out. vectoring is next due to it bening able to make it stand out.and then grunge, abstract, fractal are next due to them being the most easy to brush due to so many combinations to use them with.
  23. yeah its fei long, im sorryu though the render is not going well with sigs and the smae with the text, everything seems missed place.6.5/10
  24. talking about the full version, the demo won't have everything on it, like all the so called security features and the infamous black box program that comes with it.
  25. nah it won't happen, man is not even close to unlocking the mind at 100%i think they are at a low number like 0%. So if they did maybe we could solve all problems and answer the questions who what where when and why.
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