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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. naaah i wait until i become admin here MUHAHAHAHaok this is the last reply to this topic then it can be closed
  2. i agree with johnny we did them as long as their is something showing that you recieved the sigs by all means do what you want.ok this is the last reply to this topic then it can be closed
  3. like we already did , don't forget to put it in the rules.
  4. well after looking at my last sig that i did for johnny, i was unsatisfied with it since my skils have improved greatly in recent weeks. so here it is johnny gift sig version 2.0
  5. well for those who knew me during my mod status, i did not take the moderator oath seriously, thus i lost my status, which actually has been benificial in some extent, i barely posted on the forums, and did not do my modding duties by ignoring those who need the help.but look at me now one of the top names here in the forum, helping alot of people out, from behind the scenes and on the forums, and most likly after i get my surgery done and over with, i can reclaim my glory as your wonderful mod. ***4 more years!! 4 more years!!***but topic on hand though i practically know all the mods and admins to the extent what kind of work they do here on the forums, if you take notice to the number of people on this forum we have nearly 7000 people and about 60-70% are hosted here. which means t17 has a good reputation as a hosting website.and the vetren players here on t17 that are not mods or admins, are just as good as anyone of us, some deserve to have the mod status all they have to do is ask lik me and about handful of other people that became mods after my induction.so saying on that for those bashing on the mods and admins, well guess what its all volunteer work, we don't get paid to be here we do it cuz we want to.. its the jobs of the admin, mods, hosted, new/old member to make it easier for everyone to have fun and be helpful those who seek it.
  6. don't forget that if you got these instructions written on your hand or arm your going to ruin the mood and thus ruin the whole experiance, like in starwars "use the force", let go of the mind and let the lips do all the work and hands every now and then.
  7. well since i don't really deal with politics, due to the fact their are so many crooked people in governments. if you think about it the only people that are benefitting from anything are politicians, health care, money, and have the guts to ask their own children to go to war.i could never be a polictian, one to much stress to deal with other people and thier annoying opinions about what sould be done compare to what actually should be done. in which im basically saying you scratch my back and i will scratch yours.
  8. i know i know i will never do it again please don't beat me into submission i will put the text somewhere else.
  9. well im just having a hard time with the name placement now :(
  10. mght as well all curious minds are afloat on what the actual render is even though you can't see the face, which doesn't matter its still a good sig.
  11. well this is simple compared to the well detailed ones i would say the ones i seen weeks or months worth of work just to make it look good.
  12. snlil you could do what me and broke did lus post a link and have like one sig showing,
  13. yeah suspend ***cough*** ok so that would have been overboard." " <--- those would have worked to XP
  14. wow did i miss something here, well after seeing your design i had put you on list and thats why you got a gift sig
  15. i olny see one my yeah its good blended in but the blue though, theirs something about it thats nagging me, maybe the choice of blue.
  16. the border is there i used a black border and overlayed it so you can barely see it, yeah im somewhat disappointed with migt do another car sig see with the new tech brushes i will come out.
  17. i agree loading images is like serious usage of bw, even though they are big in size but after a few thousand images your going to being running into problems.
  18. your at 1333 posts johnny, i should at 1200 posts but tonight.
  19. just what snil said well i think the tear would have been not need 4/5.
  20. i have no clue the guy who posted this render did not say what it was.
  21. stored neatly in zip format that i collected around the net818 downloads woohooo almost to 1k
  22. oh come on now, we don't need to go that far now do we,hey johnny its not like you could create one.
  23. i will thank you , now to use the right font and alaising technique to make the font look good thats the next challange to do.
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