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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. cutting out renders yeah its takes some work but i cheat though XP when cutting renders find the ole white background and then cut away.
  2. mommy snlil yelled at me again XP but what johnny said when you blend you want pic the area of the render to start and when you do the lasso toll highlight big open spaced area as well then the hair will just disappear. and if all else fails just brushing it will black and overlay.
  3. in your snlil, telling me that i was picking on becca cuz of a typo, but anyways the best way to use the resurrections font is in gothic type background and the serious looking grunges, liek the one moon posted early.im sho shoexy yeah XP thanks becca you got me doing it now
  4. sniper bullets and cannon fire here i come , ash its just takes practice brushing is it art, its all random at first but once you get into the layering of brushes it will all come out good in the end.
  5. yeah seen alot of tutorails like that at deviantart why who knows but its better then scrolling thorough 2 pages of words and then clickig on the links to the images to find out what it looks like but that was so long ago (3months).
  6. thats is why im called master of the sig, but anyways i been doing it for 4 months and after readind some tutorials in which i still do, i got better. but you cannot rely on tutorials only you got to find your own technique, so work with tuts fora few weeks combine them tear apart aafter that do one solo without it and you will find out how much oyu remembered. also compare your new stuff with your old stuff and you can tell the differance in them.
  7. how dark can you really get with grass when doing 3-d modeling? well i answer that to give it that feeling that a object is in its way, tryout some clouds and stuff give it the ole misty cloud look on the thee ole mountain top. and see how snows with it as well.
  8. hey no spamming that your finally warnings 859 and areawe you have to give reason why and just not say "its looks cool" because its consider spamming XDanywayskeep working at it and you will get there.
  9. got a better site to go to since the templates cover everything in design, http://www.oswd.org/
  10. well i not but anyways i usually see them after its over so but never participated in until now so hopefully this goes well once it gets started.jibba-what
  11. thats cruel biscuits, i was going for the even number of letters in your name but since im starting on v2 sigs yours will be better if not you can come to my house and beat the snot out of me .
  12. hey no spamming admin have been notified about it but anyways on the backlash (/0 xhtml uses that too now to make hte coding stricting in a sense, but questions is it for the use of cell phoens to display the info on them?.
  13. i saw this was like finally but got back to reality and said thier is always a loop hole, funnu thought it has never happen to me i should check on that.
  14. well your forgetting one thins gas is flammable meaning ti will blow up, thus melting all the wiring and cuasing huge problems, you can consider this a failed project from the start. its impossible to rpotect the wiring from getting damaged.
  15. yeah can't see the image, how am i supposed to destroy your dreams j/k when i can't see it.
  16. it simpel if you have photoshop when you click on a new file choose transparent as your background and then save it as a gif or png, preferably png to work withthe transparency.
  17. yeah you gotta love the sound waves bouncing off the buildings and if you play the bass loud enough you might get the building to shake of course you need like 10 of those to pull that off. reminds me of a episode of seinfeld, cut off thier electricit. to thier apartment room whatever MUHAHAHAHA.
  18. its all one image the render is in a battle stance thats why its looks off unless snlil you did take 2 different images hmmmm...
  19. snlil im saying in general that school is out remember about 80% of the members here are still in school, yeah i finished highschool and plan to go to college after i do some stuff.also snlil your huge posts are becoming smaller and smaller every day
  20. nnot bad not bad since i know your work and you have battled against me you got my vote.
  21. yeah we got some more siggers here ok to start off welcome aboard and now for the comments of t17 elite.sig 1-2: brsuing is little plain add some more depth to it, text is pixelated and doesn't fit with it. the image even though it blends well it still kind of plain.sig-3: brushing plain render blending not bad, text could be bettersig-4: you best one out of hte group nice little animation you have, good render, brushing ok but still could use some work, text well its just plain bad.sig 5-6: look a little better, brushing need work renders could look better, the text bars look good.now for the scoressig1-2: 4.5/10 4.5/10sig-3: 6.4/10sig-4: 7/10sig 5-6: 7.5/10 7.5/10get some brushes get some fonts and read some stuff, also the one thing i notice is that none of the except #4 and #5 had borders in them borders area good thing to use all the time it gives it the depth that some need.
  22. well let me be the first to welcome you to the sig world and now for my favorite partpros-good for starting outnow the cons-brushing need work-get rid of the scanlines or lower the opacity-if your going to copyright your stuff hide it with in the image itself so it does not distract the person looking at it-the render even though good you displayed it all wrong i suggest ready up on some tutorials especially johnny's and the n go to gamerenders and read all thier stuff and in a fgew weeks you get better.4/10-starting out
  23. no it not consider spam unless thier is a reason why you posted the link but double posting is a spam so i give you a warning on that. anyways yeah sourceforge is good place for beginning programs to look at software and also a good way for them to fix anything if they find it as well. tucow- for them its mostly web design stuff, good but don't use them anymore. download.com-i end up here most of the time when downloading something since its a nice place to advertise your software zdnet0 don't they work with another download website as well? the other i dunno if you using combination of letters and numbers i think thats safe haven for virus makers to put their stuff up.
  24. i have a good suggestion put a restraiing order on the whole family at like 500 yards so then they would have to move, cruel yes effective of course. but yeah thats disturbing that a family would harass you like that but of course if they were part of amob i would be more worried, they might put a hit out on you, oyu be surprised what a father would do if he was a head of syndicate.
  25. yeah alot of GTA games are coming out some good and well detailed and the one mentioned about not worth even putting into my pc or ps2. but of course these games are dull after awhile, i lost intrest i nthe gta after running people over and blow up cars got dull.
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