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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. remove what form my head XPbut was thinking though (hard ot believe) look up some tutorials on indent text into objects i thought about doing it but couldn't find any good renders to pull that off with.
  2. i consider doing some more later on once everything has calm down (which won't happen) but main job on renders is providing easy access for people to get them downloaded. most of them are coming from gamerenders.com but problem is though so many renders to go through its rediculas, so i just go for new posts with renders in them to make it quicker. plus i hand pick the ones worth of value to be used.
  3. my my my alot has been going on in this topic but anyways time to put my 2 cents in snlil: im not weird like that, crazy maybe but not wierd, and with the ruler i would hit you like the nuns do in those catholic schools i be hearing about. snlil: on that one im white and i got my windows down and the music on loud, just so i can make people made and stuff and to listen to the music and and not the people and the car horns., plus i got some sweet bass going on in my pimped out van. that assumption i think was made back in the 17th century or whatever, but since the continent is called asia (like to know who decided that) they are native asian's no matter how you word it. i thought all chinese/japanese, korean parents are like that why do you think they are smarter then everyone else in the world, cuz they beat the info in them , well of course japan's school system even effective i would lose my mind wearing uniforms and going all year long, unless that changed recently, i wonder how the colleges work out over there too. (ponders that very thought) but anyways before i keep on quoting everyone in this topic i iwll stop and say for all you noobs are thier read this tutorial. PEACE!!!!
  4. or what if he doesn't you not going to vote hmmmm...... very suspicious.
  5. arms please i can whip out a crappy sig and it will still look better then your stuff but anyway bashing people stuff is a no no here and swearing a big no here, and by your latest work you not even close to be in par with us there are people that just started and they look like they been doing it for months like i said in my other post and when you think you did a good sig then post it other then that this topic is closed.
  6. curious how you did the eyes thing johnny said it came with the original image, ok its ok for those starting out but i have my blending technique, well its a mix but it works out for me in the end.
  7. yeah i just did that with my latest sig try to find it w00t XP. but anyways i would say this sig is pretty much all posted out unless someone elese has somehting to say about kube gift sig.
  8. ok but not great, dude looks like sideshow bob from the simpsons.6/10
  9. if you want i will tearyou a new one should i start with your old stuff or wait untill oyu do a new one ?
  10. hmm well it looks ok for that size i would hae used a lighter color on the text but yeah you can't do much with a banner that small.
  11. the rules are you once you find it circle name and then pm it to me it just that simple buty anyways i used a combo of grunge abstract and fractal and it came out pretty good it look more fractal then anything else but you decide.
  12. ok so the ressurection font was of bad choice for this one, so sue me for millions of dollars that i don't have, but yeah i should look for some tech fonts since the use of the current fonts that i have is getting stale.
  13. yeah i notice it too but wasn't going to say anything, cuz im cool like that but anyways, looks like the applications are coming in nicely so we should see how it all fairs out at the end of the week.
  14. yes you did johnny yeah it makes fair judgement to do it that way. start it off slowly and work our way up butSOTW you have to have a general theme, so the brushing would have to be the theme then.
  15. ooh oops my bad its was first 7, i forgot this battle started when we were still tinkering with the rules for battleing.
  16. thats some pretty good stuff to bad they did make the search results like that htat would be even funnier, but now google can get slammed for copyrighted material since they don't own the elmer fudd name hmmm... time to make some money.
  17. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/25226-what-i-have-been-doing-shocking-isnt-it/ read that topic and shall know but it don't matter im somewhat getting back into my rthym of things.
  18. thats in abstract brush i have the same one or actually several of thembut since crushing down my brushes i don't remember who did it, which reminds me i should redo my brush files but anyways hey snlil if you want i can send you a brush package that i got from senor maniac got tons of them in thier.
  19. what that using brown is bad thing, well it is but you can make it work if you go bronze, add justa a touch of orange to it and it will look good, but of course thats a matter of opinion and that is mine.
  20. its the scanlines that you use in some of the earlier stuff., but yeah using those and descreasing the opacity make it a little better too.
  21. another pop out i havn't done one in while now "another pop out" PSH well the background thats going to be the tricky one since it was going to be matrix themed from the beginning was going ot go tech but decided after remembering some matrix style stuff in gfx design.
  22. highly recommend a spa get a mud bath do the tanning thing get a massage and relaaaaax.but yeah get better and we miss your wonderful posting and shouts here
  23. yeah well the tutorial im doing will be whipped out quickly but the actually project goign to take awhile since this is going to be my masterpeice johnny already saw the work in progress with it but i got the basic steps on this one finished already just have to do all the layers to it.
  24. yeah johnny made some changes if you havn't notice the red in his name.like the fingers was hard to find :Dhey snlil i hihgly recommend going to gamerenders.com for tutorials believe me anything that has been done has been done at gr they got enough tutorials to make you drool and be up for hours.
  25. i somewhat your your rep at gr so ad looking at your stuff you are a in as my paper wieght when i need someone to hold down my sigs for mej/kanyways you have my vote.
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