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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. hey snlil who said i was using hue/saturation i gave that up long ago when i found that luminosity will do the same thing.
  2. well vanilla can't really explain the choice in color but blue is somewhat common in mints so it makes sense.btw hardcore gamer first internet junky second.correct me if im wrong managa edit would be like changing one language to another or adding color to it.
  3. hmmm i would say using a contrasting background to make the image stand out just a bit, other then that your working those filters to the max
  4. hmmm i will go a little deep on this one,the renders are pixelated did you resize them from a bigger render if so make sure to click on the link icon on the menu options when you transfrom.yeah i would have gone with a white border and white text but also the background is too dark for your renders i suggest adding some white brushing and then overlay it to make it just a bit brighter.
  5. should have done a few more layers of brushing. to smooth it all out.
  6. well after that sad excuse for a hidden name sig i had to dig in deep for this next one. you would have to look ver closely at you monitor to find this one.
  7. and ten different shade of yellow and brown XP and which font are you talking about the matrix or the visitor?
  8. jsut noticing a little more of the image, i see the depth going on with the bumper. but i dunno maybe make it ore squared.
  9. i should look for brushes that got the depth effect going on with out trying, i have a few just havn't found them all yet. but then their are c4 renders i could get, but some of them just don't work for me for some twisted reason.but again if i can fluke job the brushing then im fine with that, but i knew what i was doing with this one.
  10. well i like to argue on that one, yeah people take their time but the expert ones can whip out some sick looking sigs in matter of minutes, but with sig up there who knows with a little more work it would come out looking illing (gotta luv the thug slang).
  11. hmmm i doubt medical science will ever find the answers we want to seek, in the mysteries of my sig making.
  12. i wonder if anyone notice bricks in the background of the sig?
  13. wow i give you a yes, that soem sweet stuff makes johnny fractals look lame XP
  14. just blend in the tips of the hair and that would be good enough don't want her to look "butched".
  15. well all they have to do is slap the head of the render and bam their you go, but they do that for larger ones.
  16. i tested it out the only good thing that it was designed to be random im going to post a sig with the brush being used but meh, something i wouldn't use everytime.
  17. i did but since i can't have an account over there (hosting reasons) it thought i just ask from a reliable source
  18. no snlil thats garbage animation with like 2 images slap together to make it look cool, but then of course i don't see those ads no more so they might have change them.....yeah right
  19. well not kill it when you do second layer of text you want to make it smaller and use like times new roman or my favorite visitor as the font, you never wantt to make it the primary focus on a sig. or you ruin the whole feel for it.plus it look more purple then blue.
  20. and now for the next part. when using the wind filter is usually works well with the motion blur, only if you pull it off right i yet to get that right yet.also when doign tech borders you want to do 2-3 layers with different colors and then ue the lasso tool to cut them in different places to show all the colors.but i have to say the first 3 things you have to work on is text brush and renders once you got a good at those then take it to the next step, tech borders, gradient effects, and filter effects.4/10-font border, render, brushing needs more work.
  21. well all i have to say is that the first one was the hardest a few people got it some where close and other well they had no clue so here is the answer for number 1. well number 2 was bad from the beginning so im going to stop that one since it was easy but here is the answer.
  22. im drooling with anticipation, and all over my food cuz im hungry, im going to be watching the text before anything else so make sure its good.
  23. i believe a similaor topic has been talk about whats the best virus software, please search forums before posting thanks you.
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