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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. not evem hubble can pick up pluto clearly, you would have to set up a system of telescopes in space to see pluto but that is a big discovery though especially for pluto, but of course we are still waiting for the biggest answer to the biggest question of them all is their life outside our solar system.
  2. hey haslip i solve your problem right away delete xampp and get WampServer its alot more organized this then xampp believe me im using it right now thanks to mayank.
  3. yeah thats the funny thing thats where most of the renders are coming from which gives me an search idea though.
  4. yeah its good but its time to give it a update look to it.
  5. sig-1 I like the grunge background that you did font could be a little better I would have given the render a little blend to it.Sig-2 need to fix the color of the render you can see the shades of grey in it, with that kind of background I would have given it some depth though.but some good stuff.
  6. well one thing I don't see a sig unless your talking about the one in your sig block the only thing I suggestion is fix the animation a bit by doing this.After you do your animation then go backgrounds in new frames to make the animation more smoother.But overall effect is pretty cool I give it a 7
  7. im beginning to up load some more renders packs this is just the first of many also make sure to save this link as well as this is the central hub for the packs. These Are the Following Renders -zelda -xenosaga -worms -weapons -warmhammer -warcraft -xmen -unreal tournament -unreal championship
  8. mad skills more like you where half asleep when you did these but I would say the 3rd one is the better of the group and your grunge is a little bit rusty as well.
  9. you crushed my dream again :huh:sig 1- where could you move it to most of the animation covers it up maybe I should hae initialed it.Sig 2- more like i could have done more to the render, yeah a falt text would have been better.Sig 3- should have tone down the lens filter a bit and drop a little more detail into as well.Sig 4-if you go to the chaosgfx website you will notice the same render its the wolverine render. lets just say I hit the light in the right spot for that one. picked up this tut on gamerenders for this little effect.
  10. well of course another suggestion and all webmaster should take notice make daily copies of your site including msql dbs and all that other good stuuf so if a moron who can't keep the money flowing cuz hes not getting paid enough at Mcdonalds and decideds without notice to shut the site done you will at least have most of your site there to be put on another hosting service and begin again somewhat.but yeah I would edit that post about hacking a website cuz you don't know when it could happen and you had nothing to do about it except for the mer fact that you mentioned it.
  11. well its more like old news since alot of people know about it but the question would be would msn live convert the hotmail accounts or would everyone have to make a new account.Highly doubt it though but maybe a redirection would be inline for the accounts.
  12. the only thing good about msn really is the better look and finally the use of message history.Funny though is that people who have msn can download the program and then upload it to another site for people to get it (not to smart there).but other then that its ok.
  13. Yeah that is crazy 3 versions at the mostHome Business DevelopmentIt covers the basic needs for the user but yeah the price tags are goign ot expensive as well especially for the last 3 packages.
  14. maybe make the background a couple of shades darker so lighter background stands out a bit more other then that nothing wrong with it.
  15. Sig size 320x120render: wolverinecolors: anytext: your namewill acept any challanges.
  16. nah we keep things going for these two since #26 is juust doing tabs it will be a quick vote thing.
  17. yeah I agree with snlildude gfx sites are hard to keep going theiros only a rare exception and thats gamerenders.com chaosgfx.com nsl.com those are the three biggest due to the fact that they are updated every 5 seconds with something new. I been to a fews sites that Have died out.But here are the suggestions that you will need though1- Provide alot of tutorials2- Provide renders, brushes, fonts, psds, templates3- forum skins4- contests (for like credits or points)5- affiliation with alot of sites from the big ones to the small ones.6- gamesthose are just a few suggestions but the most important thing is you need a active crew and people to stay active in the forums as well.
  18. Well the first telemarketer to call me I will make them cry like a little girl, thats what I hate about people they are so desperate for money that they take these stupid jobs. she was lying to you and making you hear what oyu wanted to hear and yues you were stupid enough to fall for it.
  19. well everyone is still in a uproar about google "selling out" so to say about free speech about surfing the net in case of china but what can you do about the worlds biggest communist government, when you don't want to the truth to come out you make rules and laws to make sure the truth doesn't come out and so you can control it and change it how they like it. Plus that how you retain and keep power by control.I only image what hte summer games in china will be like, get caught usings steroids and you get kicked out of the games and hten china arrests you for possession or something like that.
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