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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I know many of you are wondering why I havn't been on or 3 times I was I never said anything.Well im in the deep funk of not wanting to any programming, gfx, moderating, or general support their of, or any contact of any kind minus a few people here and there. I know most people go through this but mines at a deeper level of conflict, I even passed up on going to school again so that How distrubed I am. I try to update the website and other stuff but making no promises their so I talked to OpaQue to give a couple access to the site to keep it updated in my absense.
  2. Its the year of the saint im suprised that I got this many awards of course i wasn't expecting mod of the year of course I was really shocked over Spectre winning over the k-man maybe next year.Thanks for the votes guys.
  3. This topic is going to be closed to the nature of the content that is being posted here.
  4. i fixed it maybe thats why no one voted for me
  5. @haslip your right ahahahahaha He pleno just incase I don't win I want a recount on all the categories if i have to I start digging up some names and vote for them . But just thinking about it now pleno you should put a security thing so people can ONLY vote once so people like me (which I haven't vote more then once) for the same people over and over and over again.
  6. oooh must have missed that link but ok it makes sense now sorry about that.but interesting that they are using xmas trees, well instead of burning them after xmas is over donate the tree to the scientists. (oh no herbal remedies is that like against law for using something like that? Blame the Kevin Trudau infomercials )
  7. But if you guys could go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and click on the banners to up boost up the rankings for the site it would be much appriciated and to help get new members to join the site as well thank you.
  8. Download all the images in a easy pack
  9. I have to go with the simpson due to the fact that the show has lasted longer the futurama.Now If they went back into production for futurama then i might hcange my vote for that.
  10. dude that is freakn awesome I like how you do the ball its got some amzing 3-d properties to it and its given me a headache that how good you did it.But a Suggestion center the Orb and make the background completely bacl and change the font on the text as well.
  11. my votes are Hey Questionshouldn't you have a List of the current Votes so we know where everyone stands?
  12. Welcome to Xisto and enjoy your stay. Saw some of your design they look pretty good, saw some the of the source code to a few of them to get a general idea what kind of skills you have, which are pretty good.well i ask this one question have you started designing in xhtml and stat using external stylesheets yet?
  13. Well i followed the story on and off since it happen and when i heard the news that they found them I was like awesome but when I found out hte twisted truth I was like who the hell did that one. Of course the question is who did it, and oyu know on one is going to fess up to that answer though.But whos to blame though now, you know the governor is going to get hit, mine company if lucky might still keeps it's business which I that will ahppen when you 13 different sets of lawsuits goign ot be fired at them once the people are named.
  14. I guess If I learned about linux and unix software,hardware, OS I could agree with you on some points why vista is just a car accident waiting to happen.At a Graphic standpoint the desktop looks more up to date and pleasing to the eye. (referring to eye candy).Of course last I knew was the rumored blackbox (used to report errors that happen on your computer ) that was going be included into the OS can anyoen confirm that still the case?Of Course Microsoft shouldn't even bother have the word security on their site and softwware cause the day it hits the market, everyone will find all the backdoors, security flaws within 12 hours after purchasing it and patch after patch will becoming out.Now if bill gates where smart (theirs a debate on that one) instead of whipping out a new os ever few years I take my sweet time with it and like double and triple check all the source code just to make sure nothing will give someone the edge that would be the smart thing to do.
  15. well not to go off topic to much about outdated hardware. I think its time that the floppy drives goes the way of the dodo, think about it we got external hard drives, we have usb memory sticks that hold 100-200x more info then a floppy..:example:.1.44mb floppy vs the 150mb usb memory stick.I don't feeling like carrying 200 floppies for a report or anything (I highly doubt its gone that far).But with the current updates to dvd-rom hardware I give 5-10 tops before blu-ray is the standard in computer systems.you can garuntee that all sony products will be installed with blu-ray in 2 years tops, Sony Playtion 3 is blu-ray standard, you can expect dvd players and walkmans to be blu-ray within 2 years, computers that will be a longer trial most hardware compare got to hardcode (did I get that term right) all their products to both Vista and blu-ray.But of coure we are all hoping for when neural networking (pluging a cable in your skull) comes out then the only computers needed would be servers.
  16. what does this have to do with stealing xmas trees? this would be considered a off topic/spam post.
  17. Step 11. Now go back to your original render and press ctrl+j again and move the copy as the top layer. Then go to filter then to sharpen and then click on sharpen (why they put on twice who knows XP). Now Press Ctrl+F two more times and then go to layer properties and then lower the opacity just enough when both the sharpen and gaussian mix well. Step 12. (Optional) Make a new Layer and select the grunge brushes that best work with this, meaning trial and error. Step 13. Now to Add your Text, This is up to you. Step 14. (optional) Now you can Add any little special effects that you would like Step 15. Now Add a Border and you are done. Step 16. Final Result
  18. How to Create a Sharpen/Smudge Sig Saint-Michael Style Step 1. Open Adobe PhotoShop(wow your good already) Step 2. Open a New Document. (my size 300x120) Step 3. Grab a render that has alot of detail design to it in which you want to smudge and sharpen and resize it to fit the document the best way you want. (using prince of persia) Step 4. press ctrl+j to make a copy of your locked layer and then delete the locked layer. Step 5. Make Several Copies of your render and place them all over the background to make sure it is covered and then using a feather brush (defualt brush size 27) erase any parts of the render that look cut off. After you do that turn of your default render layer invisable so as not to do anything until you need to (which is on a further step). Step 6. Now Create a New Layer (Shift+Ctrl+N), then go to image and apply image now you have a copy of and the renders that you just layered into a single copy. Now turn your all your layers except for the first one and the last one which you did the apply image to (should be the last one). Step 7. Now make a Copy (ctrl+J) of your applied image layer and then select the smudge tool and then select the default brush (Large Charcoal Smear (size 36). Now go to Brush tab in the upper right corner and use the following settings. Step 8. Now smudge it until you cover the the duplicated layer. Step 9. Now Make your Orginal render Visable again and then make it the top layer. Now press ctrl+J to make a copy of the render. Step 10. Now Select that copy go to filter then to blur then to gaussian blur and move the slider around to the point it covers most of the render. (for this render 2.1). Then on your Layer Properties select lighten. You should be close to what I have.
  19. heres another latest sig design, will be using it against samma at another site for a sig battle.
  20. I will teach you how to do a quick reflective text on your sigs and other graphic designs that have text on them. Step 1 Put Your text on your sig design Step 2 For Best effect the First letter of each word have a different color. Step 3 Go to layer then to Layer Styles and Choose Dafault Settings of Drop Shadow and the select stroke and select black and 1px Step 5 Now Make copies of your text and then go to edit > transform > Flip Vertically it should look like this. Step 6a Move the copy text as close as you can like so. Step 6b Now on your layers menu right click on your copied text and select Rasterize type. Step 7 now select your marquee tool and set your feather between 5-10 or what suits the text best and then press your delete key and you should have this. Step 8 For best effect for reflecting text lower the Fill percentage until you get a gradient effect from dark to light on your copied text. Step 9 final Product
  21. How to Create a Sharpen/Smudge Sig Saint-Michael Style Step 1. Open Adobe PhotoShop(wow your good already) Step 2. Open a New Document. (my size 300x120) Step 3. Grab a render that has alot of detail design to it in which you want to smudge and sharpen and resize it to fit the document the best way you want. (using prince of persia) Step 4. press ctrl+j to make a copy of your locked layer and then delete the locked layer. Step 5. Make Several Copies of your render and place them all over the background to make sure it is covered and then using a feather brush (defualt brush size 27) erase any parts of the render that look cut off. After you do that turn of your default render layer invisable so as not to do anything until you need to (which is on a further step). Step 6. Now Create a New Layer (Shift+Ctrl+N), then go to image and apply image now you have a copy of and the renders that you just layered into a single copy. Now turn your all your layers except for the first one and the last one which you did the apply image to (should be the last one). Step 7. Now make a Copy (ctrl+J) of your applied image layer and then select the smudge tool and then select the default brush (Large Charcoal Smear (size 36). Now go to Brush tab in the upper right corner and use the following settings. Step 8. Now smudge it until you cover the the duplicated layer. Step 9. Now Make your Orginal render Visable again and then make it the top layer. Now press ctrl+J to make a copy of the render. Step 10. Now Select that copy go to filter then to blur then to gaussian blur and move the slider around to the point it covers most of the render. (for this render 2.1). Then on your Layer Properties select lighten. You should be close to what I have. Step 11. Now go back to your original render and press ctrl+j again and move the copy as the top layer. Then go to filter then to sharpen and then click on sharpen (why they put on twice who knows XP). Now Press Ctrl+F two more times and then go to layer properties and then lower the opacity just enough when both the sharpen and gaussian mix well. Step 12. (Optional) Make a new Layer and select the grunge brushes that best work with this, meaning trial and error. Step 13. Now to Add your Text, This is up to you. Step 14. (optional) Now you can Add any little special effects that you would like Step 15. Now Add a Border and you are done. Step 16. Final Result
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