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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. not bad nice and smooth, text could be a bit smaller though.
  2. good job like the brushing I get rid of hte renders on the right and move the render on the left over a bit.also good job on the grunge work to the render.
  3. smooth animation but the background could use a lot more an maybe add something more to the animation as well.
  4. it looks good, just needs more to it in the brushing area.agree the text is horrible.
  5. I would say its a nice vut but that green though, is throwing off the tech/vector brushing badly. a solid color would look better for it, anything not green.I can look past the text.
  6. Heres the jist of this post http://forums.xisto.com/topic/36390-saint-michael-going-to-school/ I want to compile a List of books that I could/should/ or would need to use to help do my schooling as such. Listed below are the links to the courses I will be takening, mind you they don't go into much detail without looking up each individual course but gives a general Idea. What I need from the members is list of books that would cover almost all the areas of study that I will be taken. Im going to be getting most of the for dummy books for referance but I need some hardcored material. Also any website links that I don't know of that will help me increase my knowledge as well. THESE ARE THE LINKS TO THE DEGREES I WILL BE TAKEN http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Thanks. I know I shouldn't be asking this kind of stupid and pointless as well and though I can afford most of them I think but hey I take a shot at it. Looking for donations to Help purchase books/laptop computer for school. If you would like to I set up a paypal account and you could send it that way. Just pm me and send you the info. Of course I take no offense if you don't or actually bad mouth me about that, but hey a guy can try. Thanks for helping out.
  7. I'm finally going to do it after a good 6 years of procrastinating, playing military and other problems in my life I'm going to go school and get my college degree or degrees more like it since its 3 Associates Degrees. Im going to go to a community college (cheaper and effective that way). Due to the fact that my local CC has 3 degrees that I want to do Computer Systems Management http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Network Admin http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Website Design & Admin http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Sign up Started Yesterday but I spent last few hours while watching a movie figuring out what I want to do, and of course figuring out why I waited so long when I could have had a MBA already. For me its confidence Issue and the fact that these 3 fields are the most competitive fields in the industry and also the fact that their are people better then me out there. But of course for me its location location location as how I can apply it once I'm done with schooling. I been crafting my website design skills since the 10th grade, learning all that I needed to know to craft the perfect design and all that junk. I know the people I know the resources where If need a question answered or a coding challange just to see if I could do it. I had this all figured out while I was in the army for instance Most of the classes I be taken fall into these 3 degrees not only am I saving money I saving my time and speeding up the process. Also with the looks of the number of credits I earn with this as well, I most likly would have to do a few courses in university to get my BA in no time mind you I keep my grades up and junk like that. I Also have the money as well thanks me being a vet in the military and also the fact that apply for college money when I signed in October of 2000 I be paying most of my college courses just like that. I could Ace most of these classes in heartbeat especially with what I know and were I could go. Also of course I could d/l a lot of books as well just to refresh or something I miss as well. Hopefully I get support that I need from my family and admin/mods and other memebers I know here on this site as well. Of course your truely is not going to cheat through this either, Like posting every question on the final test in the forum to get a answer Finally going to use my hosted account for something as well. Of course once my financial aid kicks maybe I bump up to a paid account so I can really work my magic as well. Who Knows I could go into business With OpaQue and help run the xisto network as well (something to think about in the near future) But for now I think I start off With a List of books that you all would recommend for the courses that I would be taken. But that will be in another post. I know I shouldn't be asking this kind of stupid and pointless as well and though I can afford most of them I think but hey I take a shot at it. Looking for donations to Help purchase books/laptop computer for school. If you would like to I set up a paypal account and you could send it that way. Just pm me and send you the info. Of course I take no offense if you don't or actually bad mouth me about that, but hey a guy can try. Thanks for helping out.
  8. I have to agree if he his the jealous type that you say he is I see problems in the far future for you especially. I would say either do or you don't but another thing I suggest is that you do this over the phone just in case since he could take it the wrong way.Trust me alot of guys do we are idiots like that. Also since it is a long distance relationship. talking over the phone about it make it even better.But a question I have is does he know where you live and visa versa?
  9. Samma has this hands down, sorry albus I take experiance over rookie in this battle, you have good ideas you just didn't work on them more.
  10. what kind of profits are you making from adwords?? in terms of are you breaking even or are you making a profit from all the advertisements.Best Suggestion would be don't use words that have nothing to do with your website.
  11. only problem with sat phones they are very expensive to use 1 minute of phone time would cost $8-$10. Of course Yeah you have to be out doors with a clear sky on both sides of the world to get a clear signal.
  12. Well their is alot of sites but he main issue is that their are patches for anything and everything related to php/mysql you would have to be very speficic in your searches to find hte right patches to correct the problem. One website I found. http://www.sqlsecurity.com/ best thing to do is google sql injections and click the first 20 sites and see what they have and what not.
  13. besides it being off topic to answer your question php makes websites more dynamic and also php can be used to make hard work easy if you know what to do.but topic on hand best way to find out how to prevent sql injections is go to security websites and see what they have for patches and what not.
  14. the answer is simple as long as a bush or cheny is involved we will never leave.Put it like this Thanks to Bush USA is now in the process of destroying itself. Just look how bad it is with central and south america and all the little countries surrounding us.I say by the tiem we actually pull out of Iraq the us will be so broke it will be impossible for us to recover. Our money is worthless, oil prices ar emaking people poor, corrupt government officials who will take a bribe to let someone do illegla activities but will put the dealth penatly for stealing a candy bar.Im glad I don't vote at least I can say I don't help in the corruption. Maybe I move to Canada or something.
  15. closing post since the question is redundent since this is a forum to get a free website.
  16. I place My vote later this week in this Post But I have to say this SOTW #35 has set the new reocrd of 11 entries since we first started SOTW here on trap. [my vote goes here]
  17. well what tyssen is getting at with relative position is that not everyone uses the same screen resolution 800x600 and the standard 1024x768. When you change the look of your screen everything look different example: content box is in the middle at 1024x768 but if you go to a higher resolution your content box is on the right and your navigation menus are all messed up.Something like that, They have example templates for fluid design but when you get to editing the files then it stop becoming fluid, then you have to figure out what went wrong.Some people take it to the extreme first they test it out on all the major browsers then they test it out on all different screen resolutions.But a good suggestion I have is open your image in ps or whatever you use and save it as gif you keep the same look but mbs are reduce just enough to save some room. also preloading images is a good thing as well.But with what she has for the design fix position wouldn't hurt it that much best bet is position it just enough that it looks off cenetered then try the different resoultions.should be much of a change really.
  18. ahaha I was laughing the moment I read the password word oh thats to good not to email that to other people about.
  19. start out I say its ok,But rules of Thumb Don't have a colored background you will just end up ruining the render when someone has to erase all that.use the eraser tool and the polygonal lass tool as well don't rely on the magic wand to erase the background for you.Also the edges are pixelated and edgy they need to be smooth asll to be a quality render.
  20. well with the pages you could do 1 of 3 things you can do a php include or a frames set up for the content on the right it would solve your problem as to why your background not showing up when someone clicks on a link.Since all it will do is open the link with in that area.and the 3 thing would be getting some like cutenews to manage the links its basically the same thing with the php include and the frames.It looks ok in IE actually it looks better in IE due to the fact that the content location is more centered in location then it is in ff.Of course don't forget to put border="0" w3c image to get rid of the red border.Also I would say move it a bit to the left to get away from the scroll bars and to put a little gap there and fill out the left a bit.and where you have same right reserves image get rid of the one in the upper left corner you only need one. <_<I would put the html validator link in with your content box as well.Well cornerning the left maybe adding a smaller content box just for links could help it out a bit as well.
  21. background could a tad more colorm render and the background are to dark to really see any detail, But from what I can see the brushing is ok though.
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