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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. this is the wrong section to request hosting anyways.Topic closed.
  2. go here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/31829-does-Xisto-support-asp-please-help/ Notice from BuffaloHELP: No need to go that far back. Check http://forums.xisto.com/topic/40683-asp-on-Xisto-to-make-password-protect-pages/, 3rd post. Topic is closed. The End on ASP.
  3. Unless you plan to play computer games whos graphics are very detailed and your need the processing power to show them how they should be then yes get it. If you don't play to play graphics laoded games then don't worry about it.What I suggest is go to the website and read up on it to get a better idea on why you would want it.
  4. lets keep the spam down to a minimum, so far I havn't found any bugs although the session in to admin panel doesn't last long.But yeah the admin panel has changed greatly alot more has been adedd to it. But what mx mentioned opaque will have to reformat the coding again but due to that long process we will be on this version for awhile to to begin with since this is beta mod and who know how much more they will add. also if you go to invision site they list everything that will be added even BuffaloHELP's little bbcode image fit .LOVE!!! the new profile set up although takes a few minutes to find everything.LOVE!!! the new posting layout as well. Posting panel has changed as well and makes it alot easier to control the bbcodes as well.
  5. Although I know the truth about what really happen I won't mention it because I'm a nice guy and won't destroy a designer like that.[hide=option]he left 2 links blank and so it messed up the layout and gave an extra space in ie but not in FF. TISK TISK...Ok I lied im Evil I can't help it :)[/hide]on a side note the problem was fixed initially so if anyone else has problems I will keep this open.
  6. All three are great they have their strong points which are obvious and their week points which are still as obvious. It just a matter of preference on what board oyu want and willing ot pay a ton of cash for, minus the free one.
  7. Although from the conversation I am having with mxweb off the site, his concer is more css related then actualy browser support, in which he would have to create another set of css that goes with the browser that a person is using.So you need to include in the php css link as well as the browser type, what I suggest is go to pixel2life.com and then search redirect in php and they have some scripts that do what your asking in your post.
  8. althought a bit late, fro mthe conversation we just had inthe shoutbox it would seem their is a error in the coding that is not reading the folders correctly. Next suggestion would ot contact or search the scripts site about how to correct this.
  9. One thing that I see after finally seeing it, is if your goign to do adsense adds like that put that in a portal page just because it makes the site go screwy. Then just put the ad's in specific spots in posts and what not. go here to see where to place them https://support.google.com/adsense/?answer=43868 the left and rides should be for the portal page and not the actual forum. Other then nothing much else to say.
  10. The only way antivirus will block you out is 1 settings are set up like that or 2 it errors on you and you have to shut it down. The second one being done ot me. But yes check your settings and see if their is a timer of some sorts. But if hte timer shuts your browser connection off it shut off your im and your game connection as well.
  11. they would need a good reason to suspend and that other part is very illegal as well. Webhost can not redirect hosted sites like that unless they own them. The only redirection webhosts can provide is suspended accounts or closed accounts redirection.Nut buff makes a good point on dns hijack, but I don't think it would have been necessary since your domain in a way is low quality. But you did mentioned you abandon it for awhile maybe that is why because their was time limit of some sorts to that account.
  12. I have slight adjustment to your rules thereI assume your using ipb or phpbb (think they have warning set up) anywho1. Warning2. 30% warnings equals a suspention of 1 week2. 60% warnings 14 days on top of no posting for another week3. 100% instant ban.Although your giving them a chance to clean up their act in posting, you giving them to much freedom cause all they have to do is get to the final warning and then play it safe by either making another account. Or actually posting nice. Don't give loopholes out like that. Of course you can always make effective points about those who break hte rules as well, so everyone will catch on quickly.
  13. heres your answer http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and heres the reason
  14. If they are lucky yeah, but knowing how our government screws people over they put him in for some sort of dirty deal, just to make themselves look good.Hopefully the government will see that he has done more good in 15-20 years then most people have in their life times.
  15. this problem was solved through msn messenger, but here are the steps to set up a sub-domain on your parked domain on your trap account.1.Log to your cpanel.2.Go to subdomain3.Select your park domain through the drop downlist.4.Type in the url you want and if you want to set up a redirect to one of your directories its just select it from a drop down in the sub domains and your set.
  16. All I see is search engine stuff in spanish(??), nope. nope and no and not even close. I would say it had to with ads maybe.
  17. yeah I heard about it, put it like this once they go to Mexico, they will be coming back in body bags, if the guards don't finish them the inmates will. Just cause of that fact of them being bounty hunters and the Mexican prision system is pure junk.
  18. that would seem plausible, but heres hte thing why keep your computer running at night anyways especially if you have game running, because anyone who picks up on your habit, they kill off your character rob you blind and then drop the equipment off to another character without you knowing who did it.Also most messengers do offline messages as well, so their is no need ot keep that running as well. However power save shouldn't be doing what you post says it's doing, power save is used so your computer doesn't soak up energy while it's running. Although I am assuming that this computer is a laptop, power save also just trims down the battery usage so it would last more then 3 hours when unplugged.With your browser though that's still wierd, only reason I could think of is that a error happens within your virus protection software that cuts off the connection to prevent anything from going in or going out. It's happen ot me several times before.
  19. albus you sure that $100,000 dollars or $100,000 pennies, gfx designers 40-50K tops. Writing that would about right and then if oyu sell a book you might as well put another 0 somewhere as well.
  20. can you give your computers full system specs it could lie in there.But for this you need at least a gig of ram at most 2 gigs of ram and better gfx card on top of that if you running anything less the pentium 4 you will suffer some problems.But most like it's a bad download, which you shouldn't be downloading anyways.
  21. I got some bad news right now I hit a snag and that is getting my IP banned on the gamma server (don't ask how I don't know myself). So right now this project is on standstill till its figured out.
  22. for a slight update I have perspective rating system for the scripts that will be reviewed. Hopefully in a few days I will have a possible review set up for everyone to use and demo of how it will look as well. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ edit:I got some bad news right now I hit a snag and that is getting my IP banned on the gamma server (don't ask how I don't know myself). So right now this project is on standstill till its figured out.
  23. for a slight update I have perspective rating system for the scripts that will be reviewed. Hopefully in a few days I will have a possible review set up for everyone to use and demo of how it will look as well. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. just to toss an update added some stuff to the set for appear no workable links.Also OpaQue is aware of the idea so we are going into the right direction.What I want to do is get as many people from both sites to contribute so we have to figure out some sort of access for the non admin of the site.I did add a poll to the site to see what people think so far (the look of the site not the function part)So anything I should change or add let me know.
  25. I Toss the idea to him he pretty much had the same concerns that havn't been listed yet but he like the idea. Also I need some one to create the following banners for the rss feeds using this generator http://button.blogflux.com/ any color combo will do, but keep it within reason I also Added some new stuff to the site, for mostly appearence I did add a poll script to see what people right. This time I need some input on what I should keep or change on the site.
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