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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Im a surprised by the amount of replys on both sites I got on this hopefully I will have a general Idea on the set up on how the tutorial/rating system will go.Only problem that has come is access and management of the site. Although the look may change in the future, the problem everyone will need access to the site to test their scripts and what not. doing ftp accounts will be fine and access to cute news would be easy.But the main problem right now is that it's impossbile to isolate mysql for individual people to use. With that being the case only the most trusted would be aloowed full access to the site while others have to test out the scripts they are doing somewhere else and then give the admin that info to load up themselves.Right now we would need to figure out how to solve that little problem to make this a reality.
  2. Im a surprised by the amount of replys on both sites I got on this hopefully I will have a general Idea on the set up on how the tutorial/rating system will go.Only problem that has come is access and management of the site. Although the look may change in the future, the problem everyone will need access to the site to test their scripts and what not. doing ftp accounts will be fine and access to cute news would be easy.But the main problem right now is that it's impossbile to isolate mysql for individual people to use. With that being the case only the most trusted would be aloowed full access to the site while others have to test out the scripts they are doing somewhere else and then give the admin that info to load up themselves.Right now we would need to figure out how to solve that little problem to make this a reality.
  3. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ right now all it has is web stats scripts running and cute news. What I did was book mark the scripts that I used and once I set hte rating system up then I use one of them to set up how to code and rate it as well. I did see a ratings system but I have to find out if it will work through cute news because I didn't bother trying a different news script. Plus it solved the access to the site at a point. When people are ready to upload a script that they went through, they just copy and past the info and bam done. Can anyone verify that putting a php include in a cute news article will run properly? Also recommend a good rating script as well that can be used for this site.
  4. depending on how most of the scripts are set up all it takes is just one include line to get it running also I whip this up call it a demo of whats to come http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ right now all it has is web stats scripts running and cute news. What I did was book mark the scripts that I used and once I set hte rating system up then I use one of them to set up how to code and rate it as well. I did see a ratings system but I have to find out if it will work through cute news because I didn't bother trying a different news script. Plus it solved the access to the site at a point. When people are ready to upload a script that they went through, they just copy and past the info and bam done. Can anyone verify that putting a php include in a cute news article will run properly? Also recommend a good rating script as well that can be used for this site.
  5. The easy part about this is that most of the work is already done for us, the primary job is to make sure it actually works. In way you can call it a website review to either show that they know what they talking about or just wasting space. But tweaking it enough to were support is not needed. (although that might change depending what kind of scripts are used).Thats the goal I want to get with this site is people just read the instructions and be able to understand it without asking a ton of questions. Unless the script is completely useless then we put it up for someone to correct so it actually works.Only problem I really forsee is behind the scenes access to the site so people who can contribute can load up the files and what not and security since mysql will be involved as well.
  6. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/41333-topic/ Last couple of weeks I been having this idea for another volunteer xisto service. We take php scripts from across the net, from tutorial sites, download sites and what not and test them out to see if they actually work. Then give them a rating of 1-5 1 being the script don't work and 5 being the script works like it supposed to. If they do work we provide a live demo to it. Now The set up would go like this if the script runs into problems we would post the problem through a news/comment system (like cutenews) and we would provided the neccessary files for others to take a crack at it and if they solve the problem we of course would test it out to make sure and if it does work we change the rating and of course give to the person/s for solving it. If it does work we have a link to a demo version of what it susposed and of course provide a tutorial on how to set it up. Any thoughts, suggestions, people want to join in this little project? their is no time frame yet depending on the responses on this forum and on trap. of course I'm not good with names for websites but toss some name suggestions as well.
  7. Last couple of weeks I been having this idea for another volunteer xisto service. We take php scripts from across the net, from tutorial sites, download sites and what not and test them out to see if they actually work.Then give them a rating of 1-5 1 being the script don't work and 5 being the script works like it supposed to. If they do work we provide a live demo to it.Now The set up would go like thisif the script runs into problems we would post the problem through a news/comment system (like cutenews) and we would provided the neccessary files for others to take a crack at it and if they solve the problem we of course would test it out to make sure and if it does work we change the rating and of course give to the person/s for solving it.If it does work we have a link to a demo version of what it susposed and of course provide a tutorial on how to set it up.Any thoughts, suggestions, people want to join in this little project?no time frame yet, watign on the responses on this site and at Xisto as well.of course I'm not good with names for websites but toss some name suggestions as well.
  8. Also once you get a basic understanding of both php and mysql I suggest you look up tutorial sites that deal with both php and mysql. this in fact will help get a better grasp of all hte techniqual talk from the resources haslip mention.
  9. Although this is a good non javascript method, if people do use this they might have to fall back on javascript to preload the images if they decide to load hundreds of images and of course making them thumbnail and move them original size.Although you could just make it a link to the original do what the demo shows.
  10. Right now the only topics that would require to be close all those who have questions and problems with their accounts. When it comes to programming they only need to closed if it's beating a dead horse ie: post are becoming repetitived.Anything community related is open 24/7 reguardless of how old it is. Like the How did you Xisto Poll topic.
  11. The sim comes with hte ability to set up commentary, ads, and some other stuff I havn't used it in a few years and gmmick matches are like barbwire cage TLC. But interesting your doing it a different way maybe this will get pick up do you plan ot let the AI wrestle or you going to do the online game play and play the match out to that?
  12. I came across a post looking for answer, although I doubt your friend did this check to see if windows was installed again on the computer the post I saw said something of windows.002 as file. Check to see if something close to that has happen. If that the case delete that file and then try another boot up if still having problems you need to save all the data on there that is important and then re-install it.edit: I havn't found anything reliable about how to solve this, although what I suggest is start deleting files he doesn't use any more and get some memory optimizing software and try to clean up the memory that is being sucked up.
  13. Yeah they robbed you good. I used expedia for awhile but they got to expensive for my tastes.By the sounds of it you called expedia to purchase hte tickets, if you did then yeah screw jobs will start coming I just buy the ticket straight online without a problem.However I think they did that on purpose though, have your recieved any calls from the police or FBI at all?Did you make your flight at all because by the sound of it, you missed it and with that keep on complaining to them until you get all your money back.
  14. your fine as long as you don't use the websites thats are listed in them as your own.But I follow the advice albus gave. change the titles around to make it unique to yoursite, it will benefit you more since it will reflect your site.
  15. the problem lies in with the search feature of forum you only can put in like 1 word and it will bring up every single posts. Trying to put in a 2 ore more words gives out these errors.I tried to look at the first couple of pages see if anything comes up. Before posting.
  16. lliudom do oyu know about geeksoft,net I suggest you look at that site because right now its like a handful of efeds sites that are activly running right now.also if you have ever used zeus pro go to my old sitegeocities.com/y2wbvt and then click on the download link and you can download the sim and about 1400+ gimmick matches mostly created by me back in the day of zues pro.
  17. Posts digressing from this topic have been removed. To counter the off topic discussions, this topic is closed.Please PM a moderator if you would like to continue this discussion and *NOT* go off topic.Thank you.
  18. Also you can only have one hosting either from trap or Xisto, but you can still post useful information and what not.Well although its possible to cross brand accounts by just copying the db info from asta and then put it on trap and then visa versa.
  19. actually this tutorial will help you because it will make iframes pointless to have. http://www.zymic.com/tutorials/photoshop/expandable-content-boxes/
  20. some people might have gotten away with it in the past with the old credit system. But everyone knows what happens when the cheat the system, they get banned no questions ask. But people have been good about it when they first join up so most members who been here awhile give them the heads up before mods do. Also those who do read the readme provided they get a better idea on what we are looking for.Now when it comes to their requesting admin. sometimes mods look at the general view of that person posts. If they are nice and long and contribute to the topic then they are in it's just that easy. Now if about say half their posts are short and the half are loaded with quality its they are garuntee hosting as well but if more then 75% of the posts are one liners or straight out spam then they get denied and are informed in their request topic to develope the quality of theirs posts. When they get that usually we ask that you post at least 10-15 quality posts and then resubmit. If you have improved on the required posts we ask for then you can get hosting, but then we expect you to have quality posts from then on.If the opposite happens we will say the same thing, by then of course we might put restrictions on your post like moderators have to preview or suspend your posting for awhile. Lucky for us we really havn't done that. But of course most of the time those who just straight out spam we ban that user account. If they decide to do it again then we ip ban them.I do believe this is a post around the forum that actually has the breakdown of group lvl and the points they get per post and the actual point per word.Hopefully this explination helps even more.
  21. Quality is based on one thing i example this in quote: thats a one liner which consist of a couple of words with no real help or contributing to the forum. now you see thats a bit longer, any posts that at are 3 to 4 sentences long are considered quality posts. Hopefully that helps you out.
  22. Did they mention what the book was placed in at all? it would make some sense. But I will go with they knew who she was and what she had.@danny Question #1: sold to the highest bidderQuestion #2: she would wait to get on another one.Question #3: He dies in the 6th book and he sacraficed himself from what I was told and saw somewhere.
  23. agreed we need more info, also on top of that, it doesn't even look like the site is activated, because it's showing up dead to me at least.
  24. Yeah although it would be interesting but it unpractical:1:people will just be clicking and no posting this the website would get index.2: pretty much google will get suspicious nd cut the funding no questions ask, amoung the other illegal things that were mention.Also not beat a dead horse I will close the topic.
  25. nah won't do 5k I might when I get to 10K but then we would have to make shouts equal posts because thats at least 3 years of work depending on what I'm doing and I cannot spam to.Well my earlier posts maybe 1 sentence long with like 5 or 6 words, but Im not going to change cause that will take like forever.
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