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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well if you notice the forum it is under it isa joke forum with no post count.although I did find this amusing can't wait for other responses.
  2. Actually it's more convient for authors to write on paper because if they have to change something they can easily do it and keep it safe. Now on a computer it doesn't take much to crash a computer and with 700 pages done it would just ruin her to lose all that info.Also writing is a art form so idea's just pop out of no where as well. So writing them down faster on paper is better then waiting for a computer to load and then waiting for hte software to load then forget it.
  3. First a shout out go to all the members that either have responded to my topics and or posts and topics that I have responded to as well.It has taken 2 years 3 month for Xisto to reach this and a single member as well/Of course my boy OpaQue for making this all happing as well.Also with Derek as well for doing behind the scenes work RIP.Let see the staff old and new.Invision Power Board for being born :)My evil mod mentor.Let see my skills of web design and be able to help out those starting out who got questions about it.My many rivals near and far.Jlhaslip (grandpa)Albus Dumbledor (AD or the professor)BuffloHELP (buff daddy holla)Mama Soap (mama)Kubi (Kube Square)Pleno (the second biggest mouth in hte shoutbox besides me)OpaQue (Opa)If I forget anyone else yeah well i been busy.
  4. The schools are the place for people to be open minded but it's outside the schools were people need to be open minded as well. Parents who are raised on hate raise their children to hate as well and then so on.Although I find it interesting that your in a catholic school which practically forbids anything but straight. I'm surprise the teachers and the other staff don't bother you about it.But if Catholics are getting used to people being bi or gay then maybe the world is on hte right track.But their is still hate in the world so all we can take is little steps.
  5. to do one by scratch sever tutorials sites do provide them.I suggest pixel2life.com first since they have a huge database of tutorials on how ot set scripts up and what not. I do believe they have aunction scripts there.Then with that you don't have to spend a few hundred dollars on scripts or spend hours search for scripts that are buggy as well.
  6. I will provide you some links to give you some idea's on creating a forum http://www.pixel2life.com/tutorials/count/hp_based_forum/ http://www.pixel2life.com/tutorials/count/ds_and_replies/ this should give you some ideas on where to go next and what steps that need to be taken as well. Also looking to CMS scripting as well I do believe their are sever scripts on how to start one by scratch. Also if you go the affiliates section at gfxtrap.com we have several tutorials sites that do cms as well.
  7. Believe your not the only whos relationships go sour. The jist is that it's not politics/religion it's the seperation that the mother feels every time her daughter is gone.Also being that they were both alone for so long and that her mother is blind the mother can't trust anyone else except her daughter as well to take care of her as such.Instead of fighting with her mother what I suggest that you build that trust between the three of you that you will not only take care her daughter but be able to support the mother as well.Trust is the issue and you have to build that up and make the mother feel comfortable.But unless the mother is doing this on purpose then she is just a control freak. But hopefully what i mentioned above is true then just try to follow at least some of it to get the trust going.
  8. go to http://www.pixel2life.com/ you can find quite a few login scripts.Ok I will ask this question what do you plan on having on your website/forum. what mods are planning on using what is the interaction between the website and the actual forum.I know alot of scripts to use, but I want to know if it's going to be a wasted effort. I know Im not the only one who works on websites for others and either they don't listen and the website bombs just after the first month.
  9. As long as you don't make it a issue about what other's think about your interracial relationship then don't worry about it. They are not dating your girlfriend or boyfriend.
  10. yeah well unless I missed some W3 goes into the very basic stuff, the rest you have to find out more from somewhere else.
  11. Well i can proudly say I don't drink (minus the going away party), I don't see hte need for it. Getting drunk just makes a person become a bigger idiot and also unsafe and desctructive as well.I agree drinking is ok, but doing it safely and in moderation can mae the time drinking more enjoyable as well.
  12. Well I know since the new upgrade 2.1.5-to know people can create topics and the set a date to them as well. Unless that changed with this version, I could look around and see if their any mods out that set up a closed topic on a specific date automatically.I recollect seeing one but I would have to check again.
  13. Pretty much what albus said if you take about an hour to post quality posts you can get like 15-20 credits with no problem at all.Also it's good to have at least in my opionion 30-60 which will cover you from 1-2 months, but you can always get more. Post were you can be most helpful at and you should be set.
  14. just on a side note to help move the application process along a mod can also deny appilications as well since we do follow the same guidelines when we look at reported posts and or other topics that might warrent our inspection.
  15. To use the proper tag use the following <a href="test/page.html">A Test Page</a> SELECT t.tid FROM a_table t WHERE t.val="This Value" $this_var = "Hello World!"; make sure to remove the spaces within the brackets. use this post for a reference or click on the shoutbox bbcode it will show all the tags that this forum is being used.
  16. Not a problem let us know how the httaccess editing goes. Topic closed
  17. Yeah pretty that script will remain a gaurded secret until well pretty much til the end because one reaso nand one reaso only. It will get used and abuse for something completely differnt.
  18. no problem keep us up to date as well. if you need any more php help go here. http://www.pixel2life.com/. that got quite a database of php tuts that can help you out.
  19. In terms of programming:HTML-once you mastered the basic ideas of html then css, xhtml, dhtml gets easier.PHP AND Javascript-once you have mastered the basic ideas of javascript then learning php will get just as easy.C++-their are many compiler languages that oyu can learn to get a good grasp of this, but if you put in alot of effort then it will be just as easy as anything else.
  20. also just to ad a bit of more to haslip post each block will change color at 20% intervals and at 100% your account is pretty much suspended along with what ever the the overall reaso nwhy you got those warnings as well.
  21. I'm with SarcasM, the 3rd one killed the series, unless James Cameron comes back and direct's this one and Arnold makes an appearence, then this movie will bomb horribly.Hopefully they actually do the future it's been 20 years and we have yet to see it. Mind you bits and pieces of it but make it wit hthe future this time.
  22. Although I can't in terms of what you can add but i will provide you some links to give you some idea's on creating a forum http://www.pixel2life.com/tutorials/count/hp_based_forum/ http://www.pixel2life.com/tutorials/count/ds_and_replies/ this should give you some ideas on where to go next.
  23. also to add on top of that when validating css, make sure your {x}html is validated. For some strange reason unless I'm a moron (most likly) the css validator tends not to validate itself because of an error in the coding somewhere. Can someone explain that to me so I don't have ot yell at my computer every time I validate css. also I recommend this site as well this place is loaded. http://www.alvit.de/handbook/
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