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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Reason is more optimized is due to the fact that vista eat's up most of the resources to make it run smooth. But yes it is basically fancy version of XP but with a better but crappier security system (Black box). Speaking of that with vista coming out Microsft is also having it's wn anti-virus program which has made many people angry. In which European officials have sued (I think) because of the possible monopolizing microsoft would have over it's competitors and what not.However I think Microsoft should have kept this a secret because every hacker, cracker, phreaker has got a taste of what vista can do and I bet they found stuff that microsoft bug team has not. Should be interesting, but on top of that most computers 3-4 years old won't be able to handle hte load unless over time computer uses have updated their systems and what not.
  2. Well thats two games down 1-1 so we do know it will end either at 5,6, or 7. Wonder what this time that the tigers won this game and not the first. Just great this is all we need now. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Why can't people play straight and just follow the rules. That is one of the many reason i don't watch baseball is because of news like this that makes me turn away from it.
  3. Well what do you expect wiwth most of hte man made satellites around earth are controlled by us, especially military one's. Also were like a handful of countries that can support space missions wiwth the shuttles and what not. But I think the only reason their doing that is to prevetn anyone from shipping satellites with nukes in them.
  4. 2 years ago while I was Iraq, the sand and dust must have done it since there was plenty of it.
  5. Although Im not a linux user or expert but i google your problem saw a few sites that could answer what your asking but the closes one i got that could provide answers comes from this site. The guy has a different computer but the solution could work. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. I would think Microsoft Mysql would be supported on windows just because they are coming from the same company. As for ASP this website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ says it's windows based so the answer would be yes to both. edit-I should look at the forum tracker a bit more
  7. Yeah another celeberty birthday herer at trap, so heres your fruit basket, 10 layer cake and emoticon of me <----thats me.
  8. I thought your name change would be cooler j/k . Well welcome back and enjoy the thousands of topics to post about.
  9. welcome tech long time no see what I recommend is search around gamerenders.com and pixel2life.com and good-tutorials those would be some good places to start with.Think the next step for the paper design would be burn holes and give it that old fashion look to it.
  10. Just found out the score (was with a friend), I am shocked that the card's won especially since they went in tired. But im still going with my 6 games with the tigers
  11. I love posting this link because of what it has to offer. http://www.alvit.de/handbook/ they have small section of ajax sites that are loaded with tuts and what not enjoy,
  12. it was the link that in that image, but since this matter is closed theirs no need to discuss this.
  13. not bad only thing you really need to work on is glass and a roof as well, other then that hte car design is awesome and unique as well.
  14. Well kubi post does explain it all, I do remember a few incidents that had nothing to with trap. Although you want to go online and fool around do it at home school resources are used to help you learn and study. Yeah I did it in school as well, but if you can't wait like 7-8 hours to get on a computer then you have some problems. Do you know if oyur school has blocked out proxy sites? If they havn't then I suggest hte following proxy to use. http://anonymouse.org/
  15. Windows live messenger is connected to a server through microsoft, so the reason your getting that is is because the connection is down due to a connection error between your computer and that server. Best thing to do is shut it down and then resart it again.Also mae sure to do this as well ctrl+alt+delete then click on the process tab then look for messenger there as well and shut it down, it sometimes help.This happens to me sometimes even when I know my connection is fine so you have nothing to worry about that. All it is is the other end of the connection.So it's not your computer, it's not your p2p client, it's not email accounts because then that would be bad business right there.Virus are not made to shut down messenger program, although their are some viruses that make it impossible for im to open up because they error out the moment it is started. That has happen to me several times before.Pop up has to do with adware and spyware that is connected to your computer, it may slow it down but it won't distrupt the connection, Best thing do is get the proper software to clean out your computer and what not. But I do suggest that you get your mother board fix though since it does directly deal with your ram and memory. Which is used for help programs run smoothly.
  16. I agree that the search function for ipb is it's only downside, even the advance features and using wild card * nd the + or - signs in your words don't help. Best way to find out is google it. Their are not to many mods that can easily replace it the search function for ipb. Best Idea I can give members is use the google link keri gave and if you got the time browse the first 3 pages of that forum and see if your question does pop up.
  17. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this video says it all, I only can imagine the time and patience to get hte angle right for this to wowrk perfectly.
  18. It don't really matter to me. I'm not much of a baseball fan since the strike, but yeah agree with pleno their not just the underdogs but it been like 20+ years since they wewnt there I don't think the tigers have even been in the playoff's since then. Plus the tigers had like one of hte worset records besides the expo's so that why I'm going for the tigers.
  19. how secure is this script and what not, I bring that up because alot of script kiddies are always interested in exploiting a website and what not.
  20. It was a stupid hoaz, they arrested a guy who made those posts, what a moron, trying to cancel football games and scrwing with peoples minds. I hope they get him on terorrists charges and even treason as well. It's bad enough we have to deal without from the the outside world but our own citizens, if he is one doing this as well trying to get a kick out of it.
  21. I know that game rather well, I assume that you have played it online. Although it's not impossible, It would be rather hard on a cell phone due to all the graphics/sound/ drop an dragging and all that. What I suggest is that you get a hold of triple triad websites and see what kind of programming is actually required for this. From the sites that I have seen you have to create a software package for this bad boy. I don't even think wap coding could pull this off correctly without chopping alot of it down to almost to a game of solitaire. Here are some sites that actually still playing an online version. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.ttadvance.ca/ http://www.ttnetwork.ca/ Also I recommend getting a hold of wappy (member here) he's the only one i know who good at coding wap so he might be able to help you there.
  22. Well it's official this should be a good world series since it doesn't have the the Yankees playing. I bet 25 Hosting Credits that the Tigers win the world series.
  23. The 3 game series is being released june of 2007 some info about characters names have been released but as for story no one know yet. Or more like I don't know yet.
  24. Albus posts are what we look for with our members. Quality, straight to the point without any spam. Members like Albus who have been here awhile do what is neccessary to help the mods and admin out. Call it if you wish under the table senority over the rest the of the members that have been here for awhile. Also thats what we look for in moderators as well, people who keep the peace between members and keep the forums spam free and help others out if they got questions if a mod or admin are not around.It's stuff like what albus and others do that we take notice on who could become a perspective moderator on our forum. The reason we have mods is so to punish those who break the rules and maintani order if all our members followed the rules then the only job the moderators would is answer questions. But since some people join this forum act like 2 year old's we have to set them straight, but if out older members get to them before we do, then we don't have to punish them because by them they would have fix it themselves instead of us fixing it for them.
  25. I'm in complete shock when i read this artical, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Although this was hte first step 2 dimension with a shadow, it will be only a matter of time that we can full hide a object without being seen. The possibilities are endless, especially military possibilities we can make are elite soldiers (Special Forcesm Rangers, Navy Seals) more elite that they cannot be traced. Lets see a sniper won't have the need to wear the guillie suit to blend in with the background. Although sea wise it won't do much because of the waves boats make. But of course their is the bad side to this, a scientist could decide that he wants money and start selling it off to those who want it. If the governments are smart this time they should restrict this to military production sites that don't sell weapons to the open market.
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