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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. What albus is looking for is 100% in some of it the rest is in pixels like so <table> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> </table> <table> <tr> <td width="100%"> </td> </tr> </table> <table> <tr width="100%"> <td> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="750px" height="1000px"> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> </table> <table> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> </table> But the set up your trying to do is similar to this tutorial http://www.zymic.com/tutorials/photoshop/total-layout-tutorial/, Although you don't need photoshop to do this the concept is just the same. Best way I learn is look at other websites and look at the code, I don't do direct copies of it but I take patches here and there. Now to help boost your css skills I recommend this site http://www.alvit.de/handbook/ for it is loaded with hundreds of css sites of different aspects. Also if you want to get down and dirty and slowly learn how to to build wewbsites http://www.oswd.org/ go here and check out all the templates they have. Who knows you could patch different templates and get a killer design. I don't put to much effort in books (to much reading and remembering) but most people seem to learn quicker with it, how I don't know but they do. Also the next question you want to answer is do you want your site to be fluid (meaning all resolutions and browsers accept it) or fixed (absolute positions). Although most people want to go with the fluid design, it takes time and a lot of coffee, because fluid design is the most difficult to work with. Due to the fact that you have to code it to at least 3 browsers (IE,FF, Opera) and about 6 resolutions (800x600, 1024X768, 1280x1024m 1600x1200) with some of those resolutions are gear towards wide screen computers. With Fix design, it takes sometimes but with this though you have to have at least 3 different css scripts running 1 for each browser. Due to the fact that each browser slightly changes the look of the website. All it takes is time and patience to code a website properly but to do it well you have to remember a lot of coding, something I am not gifted at. But of course if you bookmark a few million sites that help you learn that go ahead and do it. OR if you want to take a template and gut it out and recode from there, not a problem with that either. This is just some in sight fro ma person who been doing it on and off going on 10 years now. Hopefully some of the info I have provided helps you out a bit.
  2. Well it's over I lost the bet on 6 games, since it was Finished in 5 and least this team didn't have to cheat to win.
  3. It's finally over after many months of finding out if the yankees would win another one, the Cardinals when their first world series in 20 years. If the Tigers did cheat it would have been even better but it's to late for that.So congrats to the World Series Champions and See y'all Next YearWOOHOO THE YANKEES LOSE AGAIN!!! :(Now we got hockey football and basket ball for the rest of the year.
  4. Well since Fire fox got updated and I have got the universal package browser for web design I thought why not share it to those who do not know about these tools so here we go. I will explain each tool and what it is used for and then give you the simple instructions on where to get it and where to find it. First download Firefox http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ then install it and your set from there, Now for the plug-ins and add-ons. ColorZilla What this program does is that once you select it a small ink dropper icon will show up and when you move it around it gives you the hex and the RGB code for that color. So if you want to use that color you can copy it down and use it for your web design. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You can find it at the bottom left corner next to MeasureIt or you can right click and select it from there as well. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in CSSViewer This next Add-on/plug-in does exactly that, In the last few years web designers have been switching from hard coding their design to css. With css designers are able to design 1 page of coding that will be universally use through out the whole website. So what does CSS viewer simple, you get to see what that css code looks like for that website. The benefits of this well you get a better understanding how CSS design works and how to effectively use it. Downside is that people can copy it down and then modify it to there news thus saving the hard work of doing it by scratch. When you download it and install it you will see it up top under the url bar and the navigation bar as well. It is a simple drop down menu in which has options on who you want to view it. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Install it from your desktop and it will appear under the navigation toolbar or if right click you can select it there as well. Firefox Update Is not been updated but a substitute for it is under the Web Developer plug-in CSSViewer. Next Add-on/plug-in Html validation Name says it all with this Add-on/plug-in, you click on the drop down menu to what you want to validate, HTML, CSS, RSS Feeds, Links, Section 508 (security), find out how fast the page loads and more. The validation is done by w3.org who's validation is supreme as to what it check. Although sometimes there are errors that are not errors, but thats another story. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Best part about it if you look at your your url bar you will notice that it is yellow if you do that means the website is 100% valid in html and css and whatever else you can think of. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ After installing it from your desktop you will see it under the navigation toolbar. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in MeasureIt Basically this little Add-on/plug-in measure the width and height of your website in pixels. Meaning you could get proper measurements for you site and be able to use them in your div tags alot better without the need to trial and error it to make sure everything lines up correctly. From the info page they do mention that the ie tab Add-on/plug-in doesn't work well with it. Maybe in a future update it will. So Where do I download it and install and then use it. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Install it on your computer, open Firefox and you will see it on the bottom left corner right next to colorzilla Add-on/plug-in. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in View Source Chart This Add-on/plug-in basically is another way to view the website source code, but in a more structured way, it could be useful or it could be a waste of space depending how you want to use it. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ install it from your desktop and all you have to do is right click somewhere on the website and select View Source Chart Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in Web Developer By the time you have installed most of the Add-on/plug-ins you have most of what you need. But if want the ultimate package then you need to download this Add-on/plug-ins. This has so much stuff on top of what I mention it would take a while to type it all down but once you download it you never go back. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Well to Download it go here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Install it from your desktop and then when you open Firefox you will see it under the navigation tool bar you can't miss it, since it is a series of drop down menus and what not. Also if you right click as well you can select the tools in those sub-menu's Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in X-ray This Add-on/plug-ins basically is another way to look at the source code of the website. But it's usefulness is like beyond your imagination. Because it saves the time and effort of trying to look at the source code and then back to the website and then back to the source code again. It also shows you how that part of the page was set up as well. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Well to download it go here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Install it on your computer and then to use it right click and select X-ray and your set it's that easy. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in FireFTP This basic add-on/plug-in is simple, if you webmaster and you want to move multiple files and you don't have enough Hardrive left on your computer to download ftp software then this little add-on/plug-in is all you need to move all those files instead of uploading them one at a time. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Install it on your computer and to use it click on toe Tools menu and then select it from there and your set to load up all those files and what not. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in IE Tab So you want to create the ultimate site that is both fluid in FireFox and Internet Explorer? well with this add-on/plug-in you can do exactly that. This add-on/plug-in also saves the time of you going back and forth between browsers when all you have to do is go back in forth in tabs, this not only saves you the time but computer resource usage as well. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Install it from your desktop then right click on the tab and then select Switch rendering engine and then BAM you have you website on what it will look like in IE. Side note like I mentioned about MeasureIt doesn't seem to work with this add-on/plug-in at this time So I will keep you update when and if it happens. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in Window Resizer So you want to test out out you newly create website in different computer resolutions and you don't feel like right clicking and changing your resolution every time you change the code to the site. Well have no fear this little add-on/plug-in will do the trick with this you will be able to change the way firefox looks at different resolutions with out spending 3 minutes everyitme going through each setting just to make sure your fluid design stays fluid. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Installs automatically and to use it click on tools menu in the browser and select resize window and your done. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in Opera View Same concept as the IE tab but you can view what your site will look like in the Opera Browser. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download Here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Install automatically, then to use it just right click the page and select opera view Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in Load Time Analyzer With this extension you be able to optimize your coding and images by seeing how long it takes for your web page to load in different aspects. Like css style sheets, scripts images and other stuff. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ installs automatically you will find it on top of the tabs you can't miss it. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in Offline Validator So you don't feel like uploading your page to your website and then test it's validation and then reedit it from there then upload the page over and over. With this extension you will be able to validate it offline from your computer and be able to make any changes you need to without all that hassle. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Install automatically, to use it go to tools and select validate page and it goes through it's little process and bam there you go. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 So with all these add-ons and plug-ins you will be set to design websites without all the hassle and stress that goes with it and using different programs just to get it right. So enjoy these tools and use them well and you could be designing just as well. Also I as go through the add-ons/plug-ins I will let you know about them through updates and what not. Also if I am missing anything that web designers could use drop a post or pm and I will make sure to add it and what not.
  5. this link will provide different ways to set up rounded corners and what not. http://www.alvit.de/handbook/
  6. Well since Fire fox got updated and I have got the universal package browser for web design I thought why not share it to those who do not know about these tools so here we go. I will explain each tool and what it is used for and then give you the simple instructions on where to get it and where to find it. First download Firefox http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ then install it and your set from there, Now for the plug-ins and add-ons. ColorZilla What this program does is that once you select it a small ink dropper icon will show up and when you move it around it gives you the hex and the RGB code for that color. So if you want to use that color you can copy it down and use it for your web design. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You can find it at the bottom left corner next to MeasureIt or you can right click and select it from there as well. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 It Works for FF 3.0a2 Next Add-on/plug-in CSSViewer This next Add-on/plug-in does exactly that, In the last few years web designers have been switching from hard coding their design to css. With css designers are able to design 1 page of coding that will be universally use through out the whole website. So what does CSS viewer simple, you get to see what that css code looks like for that website. The benefits of this well you get a better understanding how CSS design works and how to effectively use it. Downside is that people can copy it down and then modify it to there news thus saving the hard work of doing it by scratch. When you download it and install it you will see it up top under the url bar and the navigation bar as well. It is a simple drop down menu in which has options on who you want to view it. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Install it from your desktop and it will appear under the navigation toolbar or if right click you can select it there as well. Firefox Update Does work in Firefox 2 Next Add-on/plug-in Html validation Name says it all with this Add-on/plug-in, you click on the drop down menu to what you want to validate, HTML, CSS, RSS Feeds, Links, Section 508 (security), find out how fast the page loads and more. The validation is done by w3.org who's validation is supreme as to what it check. Although sometimes there are errors that are not errors, but thats another story. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Best part about it if you look at your your url bar you will notice that it is yellow if you do that means the website is 100% valid in html and css and whatever else you can think of. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ After installing it from your desktop you will see it under the navigation toolbar. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in MeasureIt Basically this little Add-on/plug-in measure the width and height of your website in pixels. Meaning you could get proper measurements for you site and be able to use them in your div tags alot better without the need to trial and error it to make sure everything lines up correctly. From the info page they do mention that the ie tab Add-on/plug-in doesn't work well with it. Maybe in a future update it will. So Where do I download it and install and then use it. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Install it on your computer, open Firefox and you will see it on the bottom left corner right next to colorzilla Add-on/plug-in. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in View Source Chart This Add-on/plug-in basically is another way to view the website source code, but in a more structured way, it could be useful or it could be a waste of space depending how you want to use it. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ install it from your desktop and all you have to do is right click somewhere on the website and select View Source Chart Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in Web Developer By the time you have installed most of the Add-on/plug-ins you have most of what you need. But if want the ultimate package then you need to download this Add-on/plug-ins. This has so much stuff on top of what I mention it would take a while to type it all down but once you download it you never go back. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Well to Download it go here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Install it from your desktop and then when you open Firefox you will see it under the navigation tool bar you can't miss it, since it is a series of drop down menus and what not. Also if you right click as well you can select the tools in those sub-menu's Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 It works for FF3b4 Next Add-on/plug-in X-ray This Add-on/plug-ins basically is another way to look at the source code of the website. But it's usefulness is like beyond your imagination. Because it saves the time and effort of trying to look at the source code and then back to the website and then back to the source code again. It also shows you how that part of the page was set up as well. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Well to download it go here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Install it on your computer and then to use it right click and select X-ray and your set it's that easy. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in FireFTP This basic add-on/plug-in is simple, if you webmaster and you want to move multiple files and you don't have enough Hardrive left on your computer to download ftp software then this little add-on/plug-in is all you need to move all those files instead of uploading them one at a time. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Install it on your computer and to use it click on toe Tools menu and then select it from there and your set to load up all those files and what not. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in IE Tab So you want to create the ultimate site that is both fluid in FireFox and Internet Explorer? well with this add-on/plug-in you can do exactly that. This add-on/plug-in also saves the time of you going back and forth between browsers when all you have to do is go back in forth in tabs, this not only saves you the time but computer resource usage as well. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Install it from your desktop then right click on the tab and then select Switch rendering engine and then BAM you have you website on what it will look like in IE. Side note like I mentioned about MeasureIt doesn't seem to work with this add-on/plug-in at this time So I will keep you update when and if it happens. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 It works for FF3b4 Next Add-on/plug-in Window Resizer So you want to test out out you newly create website in different computer resolutions and you don't feel like right clicking and changing your resolution every time you change the code to the site. Well have no fear this little add-on/plug-in will do the trick with this you will be able to change the way firefox looks at different resolutions with out spending 3 minutes everyitme going through each setting just to make sure your fluid design stays fluid. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Installs automatically and to use it click on tools menu in the browser and select resize window and your done. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in Opera View Same concept as the IE tab but you can view what your site will look like in the Opera Browser. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download Here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Install automatically, then to use it just right click the page and select opera view Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 It works for FF3b4 Next Add-on/plug-in Load Time Analyzer With this extension you be able to optimize your coding and images by seeing how long it takes for your web page to load in different aspects. Like css style sheets, scripts images and other stuff. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ installs automatically you will find it on top of the tabs you can't miss it. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 Next Add-on/plug-in Offline Validator So you don't feel like uploading your page to your website and then test it's validation and then reedit it from there then upload the page over and over. With this extension you will be able to validate it offline from your computer and be able to make any changes you need to without all that hassle. So where do I download it, install it and find it to be used. Download it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Install automatically, to use it go to tools and select validate page and it goes through it's little process and bam there you go. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 So with all these add-ons and plug-ins you will be set to design websites without all the hassle and stress that goes with it and using different programs just to get it right. So enjoy these tools and use them well and you could be designing just as well. Also I as go through the add-ons/plug-ins I will let you know about them through updates and what not. Also if I am missing anything that web designers could use drop a post or pm and I will make sure to add it and what not. Notice from jlhaslip: Edit title per Report
  7. @NDPA awesome fine this practically makes a web designers dream complete although I had to Google it since the main site wasn't showing it up but here is the link for it for those who want it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ @yacoby reason is Fx is the First Letter "F" and the last letter "x" is being used thats why
  8. It took a few minutes but I found your answer odo http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://apache2triad.net/forums/archive/o_tn-slimftpd.html http://www.mcafee.com/threat-intelligence/malware/default.aspx?id=119409 http://www.mcafee.com/threat-intelligence/malware/default.aspx?id=100451 From these links basically slimftp is a program that is Trojan loaded so that is why mcafree is deleting it because of the vunerability this ftp has. So I did some more research and suggest that you try this out. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It should be a effective replacement for slimftp. But if that doesn't work google the following string +apache +ftp and see what could be used to get you going.
  9. They also seem to know the scripts as well, or they can get to the directory somehow. The site is German but they seems to use a Turkish IP as once of it's back ups IP's.
  10. The remake is not going to happen not matter who says square enix change there minds about it.Well there is Metal Gear Solid 4 which should be interesting game to play this x mas i think.
  11. My best guess would be their send that little update program with in the following weeks. Of course Since their was a beta version out I think they only got the update and the 1.5 users didn't.
  12. Stupid question, might have missed it somewhere after reading that last line But what is this PEEC all about?Next Question I have would are your referring to this forum about what you just mentioned?
  13. This isn't even real news moving this to the joke section. And what NDPA pretty much summed it up.
  14. Highly doubt it. but all it takes is one person to find a unlimited power resource of energy and a cheap and effective way to construct space ships. Then maybe. But for that price Only the Forbes 400 (who are all billionaires) can afford that price tag. The closes way we can get to outer space would be a zero gravity machine or taking a plane that borderlines our atmosphere.
  15. I'm want to say no but I have no clue nor have I seen it in the cpanel or anywhere else in the hosting accounts. But in case you do have to install it only software that I have found, there could be others. http://adodblite.sourceforge.net/howtoinstall.php
  16. Well worse case scenario, you re-install the os and go from there, but I doubt you want to do that. Well uninstall IE is possible it does turn your computer to junk, can't receive patches and what not. I wouldn't worry to much about IE7 besides the obvious, but I would download it just to be up to date for security reasons and some other junk. Most people don't like the way the nav bars are set up, but thats them. So download it and that should fix your problem.
  17. @Amezis fx that is so lame, Although I wonder if they are not trying to be confused with Final Fantasy or Fear Factor. Foxfire ahahaha Shippo from Inuyasha. But I know What I said (FF is what I am going with) :(Hmm I swear that when I opening it up on the other computer (Desktop) I saw fasterfox running, I have to check again. I know the adblock plus still works and some others as well that I didn't have downloaded on this computer.
  18. Oh I know that I just don't feel like typing a few million html codes, yes I am that lazy. Although I might have missed it somewhere But I didn't see a phishing plug-in or add-on is there one around for FF at all?
  19. I find that funny that you got banned I file front, because I use it to host image files. Are you sure you didn't get banned for having illegal files uploaded to it?
  20. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay here make sure to read the forum rules and what not to get a good idea what we are expecting from our members.
  21. go to a grocery store and buy 1 potato. Next make a huge successful website and plaster adsense ads all over the place and there you go.
  22. I highly doubt auto correct would be insufficient, because how would the browser determine which dictionary to use. Then of course their is the many different languages as well. Well this could be useful when searching stuff up and junk.
  23. it's not bad but drop the scan lines, it takes away from the professional look it is giving.
  24. I noticed that as well but I think give it a few days and that would pop up but anyways the Following tools I recommend for web designers for FireFox 2 that actually work.ColorzillaCss ViewerHTML ValidatorMeasureItTalkbackView Source ChartWeb DeveloperX-rayAlready I find the spell checker a bit annoying to say the least that common words we use in the design world are errors. But now this should help post become a bit cleaner as well.
  25. First time I heard about googleplex was the 6th grade, but now they thought of a new one.That is just insane and the grahams number link that just make my skull want to explode. I don't think even stephen Hawking could do anything with that, without spending a few years with it.
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