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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Not bad better what I could do, I can't not free hand like that, just that text is somewhat of a let down. I would have gone with a simple black brush and wrote my name within the picture itself.
  2. It would have to be a combination of the physics of Grand Turismo and style of Need for Speed Underground series and Most wanted.
  3. Actually EHD (External Hard Drives) at 300-400bg can come in smaller sizes instead of looking like a tower. It's due to the fact of the rapid updates in computer technology that everything is becoming smaller and yet just as powerful.Mine is a Dell 180gb (EHD)
  4. it's not so much that hackers know what they are doing, it what he web designers are not doing. Due to people not chmodding their files properly all hackers (script kiddies), just have to create a simple inject script and test it out and see who is vulnerable. Then either deface the page or trash a whole website.
  5. Actually it best to start off with the 4.01 just to get a basic understanding of it. Then once someone gets a good understanding of html then move on to xhtml. Agree with that you seldom find any strict xhtml sites, well at least I haven't, just because of how hard it is to keep it within those properties. I have seen some good templates using the strict DTD format.
  6. I recommend this site they have plenty of flash tutorials on how to design, code and being able to apply them.http://www.pixel2life.com/
  7. To create something like that besides time and patience would be software like this 3D Studio MaxAnim8orAutoCADAutodesk CombustionBlender 3DBodyPaint 3DBryceCinema 4DLightwave 3DMaya 3DPoserRhino 3DSwift 3DTerragenUlead Cool 3DWings 3DZBrush
  8. This was released on the 11 of October, so it will be hitting the 1 month mark in a couple of weeks.The original due ot the fact it's not as complex as it is now.
  9. Yes it will be pre-installed along with IE, I don't know of any other free Microsoft software that is being updated at lthis time. Besides Microsoft Office 2007.
  10. My question is why go through all the hassle by joining our competition when you can test it on your trap account and still have the same results?Also why would anyone not like Xisto, most of what we offer you don't see anywhere else and we do it better. I feel as though your trying to turn people away from our services.
  11. -First thing is to delete any unuse files-defrag your drive-defrag your registry-download Ram Def to help optimize your ram a bit more-Although you have to pay for it but the trial version should help, get Advance System Optimizer that can do most of what I just mentioned-get anti-spyware/adware programs, good anti-virus program to help clean anything in the background.Hopefully these steps will help speed up your computer
  12. that means the sound card is not installed, I do believe the system cd has the sound card files in it.So grab your system cd run it through windows and look for sound drivers or something sounds related and their should be a install file, click on that and see if your sounds comes back in.
  13. no you can replace the graphics card it's almost like a hard drive when you replace them but smaller.
  14. the way I am reading your posts it's almost saying that when you change the settings he knows about it and changes them right back under account. That means he somehow has admin access to change them. If he doesn't have admin access then he should not be able to change the settings you put in.
  15. ROCK ON!!! I solved it without even trying Topic is closed.
  16. I practically forgot about that, although i been using the beta since it came out. Funny no one really kept tabs on this even while everyone was waiting for IE7 to come out complete.downloading now
  17. I don't know whats more disturbing the fact you found that render, you cut that render or you actually put that render in in a sig and showed it to us. :lol:could use some brushing A LOT of render blending
  18. How many computers are connected to your intranet?How many are running at the same time?The reason it is so slow is because the connection has to evenly distribute internet speed across it's network so the more computers the you have the slower the connection will be, You can solve this by getting a T1 line which will put the speeds up at least dial up if you have more then say 5 and maybe at broadband speed with 3-4. Or disconnect computers that are not being used and then it comes time to used them reconnect them.Although this is a noob suggestion hopefully a more expert answer could be giving.
  19. Best thing you can do is set up maybe 5 dbs (polls, forum, log in, shoutbox) or anything else that you can imagine and give him the info he needs to work with.Just remember you will be the one maintaining it just in case something happens.
  20. I have the same problem with my other computer never knew why but with my search results do the following.Clean hte fan with a brushuse a air can to finish it off try it out still to louduse a single drop of sewing machine oil in a tiny hole in the center of the fanIf that don't work replace the fan.
  21. Well to add on to that bit of news their are supposed to be 500 new energy drinks coming out next year alone. I'm surprise no one has died from these yet. I know a guy who went through 6 cans a day and I was damn.
  22. Did you all hear the news that they are moving daylight savings to November next year. I guess to adjust the whole earth rotation or something like that. I guess it has to do with calender check the wiki site as to why that is.
  23. Replace it simple as that, graphics cards are fairly inexpensive, for hte game your playing you will need at least a geforce 6600 graphics card (I think thats the current one).
  24. Almost sounds like the sound card got damaged if thats the case, you might have to replace it. I doubt the speakers shorted out. But to make sure check your connection with them as well.
  25. I got the cpanel log-in pop up. So my question would be are you not getting the log-in pop up or you cannot log-in.If you cannot log-in I suggest that you change your password and try again.
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