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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Agree on that you used the words "no offense" a lot, don't need to apologize since most posts are opinon based. If you couldn't post your opinions without getting harrassed then forums would be the most useless thing on the internet. As long as your opinions have that respect then you have nothing to worry about, but if you plan to be rude and call people names then why bother posting.Like kubi mention if you just start talking in chatroom slang like TTYL or BYOBB or some junk like that then yeah you will be warned. Just think out your posts as you type them and then reread them to make sure everyone can understanding what your post is about.
  2. A few recommendations I would make I change in your intro paragraph a bit to make it a bit stronger. This is a bit cleaner and what spell checker you using because allot is alot. Also list your computer skills ones that you know of or have experience in, that would usually help beef up your resume but make sure you can actually do the. Also I would change your email to something smaller, so it will be easier for the interviewer to remember it. With the achievement I would mention about award you won at school or awards from the community that would help out a lot as well. Hopefully these tips and the intro paragraph I give helps you out.
  3. Although I don't have an enough knowledge for this, but couldn't you look at the current shopping cart systems and see if this is a feature at all, I know what you talking about ie dell, alienware, apple websites that do this. I think it would have to with setting up echo statements for each selection and a if statement saying that if these options are selected then display them here.
  4. Actually interesting that someone brough this up since I had to do a lot of background research for my research paper about this of course I used wiki as a stepping stone since they are not reliable and this is mostly accurated but gives you an idea how we got the computer today. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. @ truefusion the reason I say that because look how long it took her to get buried because of this thingm I wouldn't doubt they dug a little more into her just to get enough DNA to confirm everything.I don't think birkhead will get the money since he was not married to Smith although Howard Stern was, but either way Dannielynn gets all the money and I belive whoever wins the custody battle will be in control of the money until she is 18 or whatever legal age she will be entitled to it.No he will not be charged with kidnapping, because I don't think Smith new who the father was and since she married Stern it would be assumed that he was the father at the time. Although now it's custody battle time to see who will take care of her, but Stern said he will give Birkheard legal custody of the baby which would make sense why spend weeks goign back and forth when the father has already been proven.
  6. Yeah it is true that once your hosting has been accepted iyour hosting credits get reduce down to two credits and then have to rebuild up again. Its been awhile since this topic was discussed I don't remember if it was discussed or not about reason behind it. I think it had to do with the coding for the actual reset. That why usually people would get the credits needed just for hosting and then apply and the nbuild up. Maybe that could be a recommendation for OpaQue to give an update to the credit script in which you just lose the 10 or 30 credits when you apply and if you got the 10 credit plan you can update to the 30 credit and just lose 30 credits. Without losing everything while you were building on the 10 credit hosting plan.
  7. Larry Birkhead!!!! Aftter months of insanity and some stupidtity it is 99.99999% confirmed that birkhead is Dannielynn father. All I have to say is finally!! I think Anna can rest in peace after this whole ordeal. Of course the custody battle is underway, but Stern mentioned that he will give full custody to Birkhead and of course that will include Anna Nicole money as well, which you know Stern is a bit upset about it. Now she will grow up and who knows what her future will be. SOURCE Here
  8. Yeah I can now post what I was going to post, just a small reminder that my post was based on that from the other posts concerning this topic so hopefully it makes some sense.... One of my favorite topics, To clear up a few things forums and college research papers are 2 different forms of communication, however both follow the same idea's about what a person writes that is not their own work. I show you the best exmaple Here. This is my research paper for my english class, right now it is copyrighted to me since I wrote it and of course I listed every single source that I used either paraphrased, summerized, or direct quote. Now that I posted it on this site I still have full copyright protection, but also Full forum protection under my username from someone else copying and using it as their own. Yeah I take the risk someone will just burn it off as their own and use it, their no way to escape that. Yeah I could pay some money to get a copyright protection notice on it. But thats cheap way to do it and I don't feel like doing it. Now in term terms of forum copyright, the person who originally posted it has full copyrights to post it on another forum, but they have to make mention of that if they go under a different username. But to be safe try to use the same username so you won't be doing this fighting back and forth between other members, mods and admin. Now Misanthrope when it comes to plagiarism here on Xisto thats in reference to code, news articles and tutorials to name a few. If you notice from my posts in the security forums I listed my source just due to the fact they are coming from different articles and also used to verify what I have posted and also since I didn't bother citing them correctly, yeah it would beneficial to help in my writing skills to do it, but when your trying to pass on some quick info their is no real need to cite it correctly.. Now when it comes to simple questions say like "how I do this?" or "how do I do that?" You can summerize from your resource, in which most people here on trap do that. That of course depends on how specific the question that someone is asking, if it's a vague question then most like it would be beneficial to post links that a person might need to use. I only can imagine how many post I caught back in the day that where straight up copying and pasted from somewhere else. Also it's important to know that forums are the least likely place for someone in college to cite for their paper, they will look for full websites are specific. In a college paper it's not that hard to figure out if they plagiarized or not, you can tell by the wording, when it comes to forums people have a style of posting. If a person believes that person is just cheating they will report it to the mods, it takes practice to catch the real sneaky posts in which they look legit but sometimes the wording would give it away. So to sum up unless your real anal about how you write either through posts or college papers, their is really no need to cite in MLA or APA in a forum, but make sure to mention some sort of reference somewhere in your post so people will have an idea what you are talking about.
  9. Which operating system are you referring to, because Windows XP does not have this I tried it. Also what file type is it? is it verifier.exe or something else? EDIT: after looking this up in order to run this verifer you need to open the command prompt window (DOS) and then type in verifier.exe to run this program Here are the more detail versions of how to run this and what it is used for. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/244617 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff545448(v=vs.85).aspx
  10. This is my research paper for my English class and so I am looking for comments mostly based on the structure of the essay and the flow of this research paper as well. But you can leave comments about the overall research paper as well. I am looking for serious comments so anything not related to this topic will be reported Thank you. Also this Research paper is copyrighted to Michael Anderson (that me). For reference this is a MLA styled research paper. UPDATES: after a couple of runthourgh through a couple of instructors and of course peoples comment here on trap Computer Technology: Criminal Underground IComputer Technology: Criminal Underground Isaac Asimov said it best about computer technology: “Part of the inhumanity of the computer is that, once it is competently programmed and working smoothly, it is completely honest” (Isaac Asimov Quotes). In a manner of speaking, he would be correct in that computers can be honest because computers don’t lie when a person leaves personal information, assets, and banking information on their machine. People need computers to be able to function in the world because of the need to pass and store information to each other and the need for power to control information. Therefore, with the right talents an expert computer user could find out everything about a person and leave no trace that they were there. Unfortunately, some people who know a lot about computer technology deliberately break the law because they believe they can get away with it. The laws dealing with the legal use of computer technology have been improving, and tracking criminals is becoming somewhat easier to do. Nonetheless, cyber criminals are still finding effective ways to hide themselves from the law through the use of computer technology. Because some computer users have abused computer technology to commit crimes, such as computer hacking, cyber stalking and identity theft more resources should be allocated to combat these types of crimes. Computer hacking began in the early 1950’s and 1960’s by students of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) who were fascinated with exploring MIT computers and seeing what they could accomplish (Brunvand). Three generations of hackers later, Joris Evers wrote an article for zdnet.co.uk that in 2006 the Federal Bureau of Investigation stated that computer attacks have cost U.S businesses $67.2 billion dollars a year in terms of defending against computer viruses, spy ware, pc theft, and data loss. This dollar amount was produced from a survey that was conducted by the F.B.I in 2005 that asked [2,066] organizations about security incidents that happen to them. Out of the 2,066 who responded, 1,324 or 64% of those organizations reported a loss in a one-year period. But it was believed that this number could be skewed due to how people responded to the survey, so the FBI reduced the 64% to 20% of organizations that reported a loss. When the calculations made by the FBI were completed, the results stated that, "2.8 million US organizations [were] experiencing at least one computer security incident… [and were] incurring a $24,000 average loss [on that one attack]” (Evers). Evers then briefly mentions about the total amount being spent which totals about $20.7 million. But these figures only cover parts of the costs, and don’t include the staff and time being spent to work on these problems that they go through. Although that is the business side of the money being lost, the money that is being spent by the government is a bit more due to the fact that the U.S government is not only defending against computer attacks in the states but computer attacks internationally. In 2000, the Justice Department reportedly spent over $100 million to combat the cyber criminals that have more sophisticated technology (Thomas and Frieden). One can assume that these dollars amount will only increase as technology advances and hackers find quicker and easier methods to access someone’s information. But to truly define what kind of person a computer hacker is, the average computer user will have to forget what the media says about them and look at how the computer world defines a hacker. Hackers are differentiated from crackers, though the definitions often vary slightly. On the website Jargon Lexicon, Stephan and Charles Jazdzewski define a hacker as “a person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities” and a cracker as someone, “who breaks [into the] security on a [computer] system.” On the other hand, Marcia Wilson, in her Computer World article “Is Hacking Ethical?” defines hackers as people who look for flaws, while crackers are people who attack computers after finding a flaw in the computer system. Wilson continued in her article about hacking being ethical is that some do it for business security, some do it for the thrill of not getting caught, and others hack computers to steal and destroy information and also to sell or use the information for their own personal use. “Security Researchers Create Ipod Virus” by Elizabeth Millard and “T.J. Max Hack Exposes Consumer Data” by Joris Evers address how hacking could be ethical. Elizabeth Millard’s article talks about how researchers from Kaspersky Lab, which is located out of Moscow, Russia were able to develop a computer virus that affects Ipod users who run them off the Linux operating systems. The most likely reason why they developed this virus was to reinforce the fact that anything using computer technology like the Ipod that was tested could be used by computer criminals to commit a crime(Millard). While Evers article discussed a computer attack, in which a group of individuals were able to hack into TJX (parent company of T.J. Max) computers and stole about forty-five million credit and debit cards worth of information spanning several continents and covered about two and half years worth of stored information (2003-2006). Avivah Litan, an analyst with Gartner mentioned in the article that, “It is pretty obvious that it was a very well orchestrated, targeted attack” (Evers) Which could mean that more then one individual could have planned and carried out this attack to help steal TJX information that could be used later on. Therefore, these two examples showing both sides of how people can hack into computers could answer the question of “is hacking ethical?” because they answer both the definitions from the Jargon Lexicon and Marcia Wilson and they clearly show the ethics of why someone would be a computer hacker/cracker. So in order for companies like T.J Max to prevent major computers attacks like they suffered, they need to have better security software and security experts to help monitor their computers. Even though a person could gain valuable computer skills by hacking into software or a computer to see how things work, when it comes to more serious crimes like cyber stalking, ethics are thrown out the window and the law needs to be rigorously enforced for these type of crime. According to thinkquest.org, stalkers have picked up on cyber stalking through the use of a computer since the late 1990s because of the anonymous presence the internet creates. Yet, cyber stalking started to become a problem as more children and women were being affected by this type of computer crime. This is because children and women are the most common groups of people that are new to the internet, so they are inexperienced about how to safely surf web and protect their personal information from other users. Though cyber stalkers may have difference characteristics with each other and to their victims, like being the opposite sex or even living in a different part of the world, they can also have the commonalities with their victims as well. For instance thinkquest.org mentions that there are three types of cyber stalkers obsessive, delusional and vengeful, even though different these three types can overlap each other depending on the situation the cyber stalker started from (“Cyberstalking”). Katie Dean, author of “The Epidemic of Cyber Stalking,” states that a 1999 report by the Department of Justice “estimates that there could be hundreds of thousands affected, and the numbers are growing.” Linda Fairstein, who is the chief of the sex crimes prosecution for the Manhattan district attorney, reinforced the Dean’s position by stated that, "the rate of cyber stalking has escalated enormously in the past few years with the spread of the Internet". Whereas three years later Roy Mark, mentions that cyber stalking in America is increasing “again”. However, the report Roy Mark talks about in his article is more diverse then Dean’s because her article talks about the “anonymous” presence the internet creates for cyber stalkers, while Mark’s article talks about the break down of those being targeted: men, women, children, ethnic groups and who is doing the targeting: men, women, and children. The reason Mark mentions ethnic groups is that his article is coming from a post 9/11 awareness, in which many people of Middle Eastern descent are being targeted by cyber stalkers because of those who were involved in World Trade Center attacks (Mark). Even though federal and state laws about cyber stalking are strictly enforced, Dean does make a point about the “anonymous” presence of the internet and that it gets harder to trace someone because of sophisticated methods of masking someone’s identity. Another problem Dean states is that local law enforcement are under resourced in trying to fight cyber stalking, due to lack of training and equipment to be used (Dean). For the last few years cyber stalkers have been targeting websites like Myspace.com and friendster.com, because of their huge social network of teens, and to try to solicit sex from them. Numerous stalkers have been successful in getting that solicitation, which has force the government and many law enforcement agencies to go undercover and catch them in the act of soliciting sex from these teenagers. Even though websites like MySpace and have tightened their security measures in order to prevent this from happening, they can’t control the fact that many people are altering their data in order to bypass these security measures. In addition most cyber stalkers are not caught until they committed the crime are caught in the act by local authorities (Clemmitt). From this research it is obvious that small town police departments need more money from the federal government in order to purchase advanced computer technology and the proper training for police officers on how to catch a cyber stalker. Although cyber stalking has turned out to be another popular way for people to commit a computer crime, identification theft has seen its greatest advancement since the days of stealing wallets and credit cards.Identity theft is defined as, “somebody steals your name and other personal information for fraudulent purposes” (“Identity Theft”, CyberQuoll) and is considered one of the fastest forms of criminal activity in the United States. In 2003 it was the number two crime just that to drug trafficking (Hamilton). In just two years, identity theft would exceed drug trafficking as the number one crime in America (Facts & Statistics). But what is truly unique about identity theft is that the rules are different in the cyber world then in the real world; this is due to the fact that since the internet makes an individual anonymous when they log on to the internet. Except when cyber criminals use the right tools to camouflage their identity, then they can make themselves completely invisible from anyone in the world (“Identity Theft”). The above example illustrates just how shocking identity theft has become. Of course there is the financial aspect of committing identity theft; in 2005 it was reported that Americans lost over $2.4 billion dollars from criminals obtaining personal account information (Germain). This account information typically includes passwords, bank account numbers, credit card numbers and social security numbers. Germain who is a columnist for technewsworld.com, mentions the fact that once a person becomes a victim of identity theft it could take up to five years to recover from this crime. Though credit card companies and credit report institutions have plans for when someone loses their wallet or credit cards, Kim Zetter in “ID Theft: What You Need to Know” makes it abundantly clear that “there isn’t really anything you can do to prevent identity theft.” But what makes identity theft a bigger crime is the physiological effects a person might receive from being a victim. When people find out they are a victim of identity theft, they come to the realization rather quickly that their name was just used to partake in illegal activity. They deal with the humiliation of having to explain to people that their identity was stolen and was used by another individual, as well as the fact they have to deal with the time frame it takes to understand what happen and then clear their name of any illegal behavior. This usually takes weeks to years depending on how bad a person’s name was used for that illegal activity (Howard). To combat identity theft we would need to allocate better resources that would consist of a combination of sophisticated software and proper training on how to appropriately secure private information on every computer. Even though these two laws, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984 (18 U.S.C sec.1030) and the Computer Security Act of 1987 (Public Law No. 100-235 (H.R. 145), where put into place to initially battle against computer hackers, law makers wouldn’t realize that they would begin the process of constantly updating these laws once new cyber crimes started appearing. However, it is the lack of resources and proper training for local law enforcement that makes these crimes more difficult to prevent from happening. If proper training and the installation of laws that are upheld, theses crimes may end up going into rapid decline. Despite the fact that their have been several great advancements in computer technology in the 20th century and that people have learned to harness the power of the computer, it can be dangerous in the hands of the criminally minded user. If average computer users cannot learn to use there tools properly then they will they have deal to with the consequences when a cyber criminal commits a crime on a computer because then they have realize the methods they are using no longer work. The security and laws for computer usage are improving as more computer attacks happen; however, it won’t prevent those who can get away with carrying out these crimes and repeating the process over again. Then when other computer users see this happening and find out criminals are not getting caught, it could drive them to commit the same crime in the privacy of their own home. How would Isaac Asimov words of wisdom fit in the scheme of things when it comes to computer technology? Simple, the honesty comes the from fact that a person’s computer holds information that they thought was either deleted or secured and can still be used against them and they won’t know about it until it’s to late. People have to realize that we been given a great tool to use and if these criminals want to commit these cyber crimes, they have to be responsible for the consequences that will come to them once they are caught by either local or federal authorities. But it is also everyone else’s responsibility to report these crimes, regardless of the temporary embarrassment one might go through when an individual finds out what happen. Then as more cyber crimes get reported by the victims, the quicker the solutions can be found to fix the problems and of course more money for local authorities to help them to deal with these cyber crimes. Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to do don’t need to be done. ~ Andy Rooney Works Cited "Andy Rooney Quotes." Quotations Page. 20 Apr. 2007 <http://quotationspage.com/quotes/Andy_Rooney/>. Brunvand, Erik. "A Little Bit of Hacker History." University of Utah. 15 Oct. 1996. School of Computing, University of Utah. 10 Mar. 2007 <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;. Clemmitt, Marcia. "Cyber Socializing." CQ Researcher 16.27 (2006): 625-648. CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Hartness Library, Brattleboro, VT. 18 Mar. 2007 <http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/document.php?id=cqresrre2006072800&PHPSESSID=maapbac3dk7rlga20477r7d4e0;. Computer Security Act of 1987. Pub. L no. 100-235. H.R. 145. 1988 “Cyberstalking." thinkquest. 2 Apr. 2007 < https://gitso-outage.oracle.com/thinkquest >. Dean, Katie. "The Epidemic of Cyber stalking." Wired. 01 May 2000. 16 Feb 2007 <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;. Evers, Joris. "FBI: Computer crime costs US firms $67bn." ZDnet. 20 Jan 2006. 16 Feb 2007 <http://www.zdnet.com/topic/;. Evers, Joris. "T.J. Maxx Hack Exposes Consumer Data." Cnet News. 18 Jan. 2007. 13 Apr. 2007 < http://news.a.com.com/- 6151017.html >. "Facts and Statistics." Id Theft Center. Oct. 2006. 19 Mar. 2007. <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;. Germain, Jack M. "Combating ID Theft on the Internet." Tech News World. 18 June 2005. 27 Mar. 2007 <http://www.technewsworld.com/story/43774.html>. Hamilton, Richard. "Identity Theft." University of Oklahoma. 3 Dec. 2006. 19 Mar. 2007 <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;. Howard, Karen. "The Damaging Effects of Identity Theft." Ezine Articles 14 March 2007. 02 April 2007 <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;. "Identity Theft." CyberQuoll Glossary. 2 Apr. 2007 <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;. “Identity Theft." thinkquest. 2 Apr. 2007 <https://gitso-outage.oracle.com/thinkquest;. "Isaac Asimov Quotes." Quotations Page. 18 Mar. 2007 <http://quotationspage.com/quotes/Isaac_Asimov/>. Jazdzewski, Stephen, and Charles Jazdzewski. "Cracker." Def. 1. Jargon Lexicon. 2 Apr. 2007 <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;. Jazdzewski, Stephen, and Charles Jazdzewski. "Hacker." Def. 1. Jargon Lexicon. 2 Apr. 2007 <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;. Koch, Kathy. "High-Tech Labor Shortage." CQ Researcher 8.16 (1998): 361-384. CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Hartness Library, Brattleboro, VT. 9 Mar. 2007 <http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/document.php?id=cqresrre1998042400&PHPSESSID=6qqtjnr5lm4g0rqa1s1p6acr45;. Mark, Roy. "Cyber Stalking Is Increasing." Internet. 18 Apr 2003. 16 Feb 2007 <http://internet.com/;. Millard, Elizabeth. "Security Researchers Create IPod Virus." Yahoo. 6 Apr. 2007. 13 Apr. 2007 <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ BAF>. McElroy, Wendy. "Does New Cyber stalking Law Criminalize Free Expression?" Fox News. 17 Jan 2006. 16 Feb 2007 <http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,181958,00.html>. Thomas, Pierre, Terry Frieden. "Justice Department wants more funds to fight cyber crime." CNN. 09 Feb 2000. 16 Feb 2007 <http://www.cnn.com/;. Wilson, Marcia J. "Is hacking ethical?" Computerworld. 24 Mar. 2004. 16 Feb 2007 <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;. Zetter, Kim. "ID Theft: What You Need to Know." Wired. 29 June 2005. 27 Mar. 2007 <http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;.
  11. When I first started out I posted for the website and all it's perks, but now I just post because of the skills I have learn could be beneficial to those who sre trying them out for the first time. You oculd say I am a supportive poster, then a website poster.
  12. I would say that those who are disabled at birth go through the problems the most go through at a young age and after they prove everyone that teased them wrong, they become a better and stronger person and with that they will be able to help those who are in the same situation as they were. But for those who lead an active life, who just become disabled for whatever means have a harder time coping with the fact that they now have to be supported by those around them. Although I am not disabled, my back surgery I had a couple of years ago could be a stepping stone to when I become older that I could be put into a wheel chair because my spinal cord can't support me anymore, but that will be a unlikely scenario, but a possibility.Of course everyone deals with being disabled differently, but once they over come the fact they can no longer do what they did years ago then they could be a even better person then they were before.
  13. Simple answer: good quality posts and time usually 15-30 days depending on how you contribute to the forums from the time you recieve the warning til the 15-30 days. Also make sure to search the forums as well, several topics have been made towards answering this question.
  14. Vega in the Japanese Version M. Bison in the American version of the same guy.I would have to go either or with Ken and Ryu both are challanging to use. I would say Ryu is more of a power fighter and Ken imore of a dynamic fighter, of course Ken's background music is a lot better .I would have to Ryu just because he's harder of two to master.
  15. Took a bit but I did find a tutorial on how to do it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hopefully this will help integrate your forum into your website. Thanks serverph, stupid me should have check out the site he wanted in integrete with. ;) This blog gives a brief tutorial and what plug-ins to use to put your forum into wordpress http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. bhavesh last night I told you what I mentioned to your brother, in which he should have told you everything I told him besides the HDD being swapped out. That their have been problems going on all over the place since the cpanel and hdd swap, all your files are safe in some other part of the system and that's reason you can't access them at the moment. Due to fact that that were most likely they were part of the HDD disk failure and if they were moved back their would be a slight chance they could be deleted.It is obvious from the admin silence that they are still working on the problem ( I don't think OpaQue has even slept since then). Once they got everything figure out and the problems are fix then they will let you know. So be patient and wait it out. Yes it's a bummer that you can't do anything with your website, but these things happen during upgrades and what not. All I know is that trap and asta have been affected by this, I don't know if Xisto - Web Hosting or even quipis by this, but most highly doubtful since they are on different servers.
  17. correction I was somewhat off after doing a little test.When you put in a add on domain your username is already created so it would be like thisDomain: websetsbydonna .comUsername :websetsbydonnapassword: you would put in your own password for FTP access or cpanel/file management access for files to be uploadedWhen you set up your add on domain it will create a sub directory automatically for you which would look like this http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and with that directory done, you would upload all your files into that directory.Then when someone puts in websetsbydonna .com they will actually be going to this website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It& more or lesst doing a subdomain redirecting but everything is automatically done for you, sorry for the confusing Mich.
  18. Break up is necessary because no guy will wait that long for a girl to be legal, and even though most say they will wait for the right time they don't really mean it. Sex is all about temptation and a guy gets tempted every time he looks at another girl or guy depenind how he swings. But staying on topic it would be in his best intrest to break it off because when hits 21 she still be under age to drink and that just brings in another load of problems if he even drinks.
  19. @MichSecond slot is exactly that what it shows, in which everything will be name the same heres what it would look likeUsername: saint-michaelsubdomain: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ .comdirectory: websetsbydonna .com/saint-michaelmost likely you would have to request this to be enable through the proper channels.
  20. I have a hard time believing thes video's as well, especially the wikipedia entry, COME ON!! everyone knows wikipedia is unreliable it's not even funny. Also those explosions that were mentioned to be bombs in the third clip, is a bit off as well. Most of those mini explosions were close to when the building was collapsing so it is obvious that it was the buildings material blowing out from the collapse.I will admit the cellphone thing is a bit fishy due to the fact its very hard to pick up a signal beyond a cell phone tower, I tried it once , I never got a signal whatsoever. So what happen to the passengers that landed in cleveland? Did they have a execution squad waiting for them to silence them? Thats funny he didn't mention anything about the reasons why they landed there and taken somewhere else.I will admit bush iand everyone who worked for him are lying somewhere. Also I found it interested that they mention 9 of those hijackers are still alive, I don't see any video's about them being interviewed that they were accused of being a terrorists.Put it like this the peace people have been striving for will never happen, regardless if this was plan or not, hundreds of thousands of people died across the world over this event and the fact that the people that deal with oil are getting richer. That why I can't wait till I am dead buried then I don't have to worry about this stuff ever again.All we know is that thanks to people with all these conspiracy theories and corrupted officials, we will never find the truth about what really happen unless someone invents a time machine and goes back and prevents this from ever happening. Personally I don't care what really happen it won't change the fact that it is to late to do anything about it, Bush is leaving the white house next year most everyone who worked with him before and after have either been fired or left. I am going to live out my life thinking about it because then I will be doing what theis whole event is about and that is fear. Yeah one day I might have to explain to my own kids why the World is messed up as it is, but that will happen when it comes to it. So that my two cents and will be somewhat the last time I talk about this.
  21. In this case yes, regardless if she is mature or not, sexually she is immature and to top it off she is not of legal age and if I remember correctly you live in the states and that is considered statutory rape. If I was the smart I would end that relationship and explain it to her the situation and if she doesn't understand or handle the break up that shows the immaturity she has. Curious, how do her parents feel about this and hopefully they disagree with the fact she is going out with an older guy (you).
  22. Interesting php code there, from the jist of it this php script it randomly changes the title of your website, I could see some good function with this, however I could the inconvience of this script as well, and that you could have a hard time getting your website index, just on the fact that every user that goes to the site will have a different title every time, thus google could think your cheating in some way. Maybe you could add a a peice of time code into this script say to change it once of month to spread the time delay out.
  23. I agree the computers and the colors spruce it up a bit and agree the home page at least needs to be spread out, but when listing the computers the skinning version will look good.
  24. Interesting it must have been added during my brief depature or it was there and I just never seen it . I wonder if it is possible to combine packages say you get this one for the domain set up and then just get one of hte packages to boost up space and what not.
  25. Hmm interesting, don't you mean overclocking? I think I found the software for it but since overclocking is a bit dangerous to the inexperience and this says it all. So unless you know what your doing then I wouldn't recommend overclocking your computers especially for a simple thing like thiat.
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