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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well that could be said the same for those who do have web hosting but don't use it and just give it to those who do, but regardless web space and bandwidth have been divvied out so admin know how many web hosting accounts the can handle one server. That is why when your maxing out bw in the first day it is time for you to purchase a payed hosting plan, however, if you know how to use your resources right then you can stretch your bandwidth quite a lot.
  2. Step 15: Create a New layer then apply image and this time use the spatter brush and smudge around their heads once again and set it to overlay using the following settings: Step 16: Now create a new layer and fill it with any color you want then go to filter > render > lens flare and then put it near the center bottom using the following settings: 105mm Prime Brightness 131% Then set it to screen and Opacity at 75% Step 17: Create a new layer and select the following gradient colors #75848b #393d3c Then set it to saturation at 75% Step 18: Now add some text and a border and you are complete thus you created a Motley Crue Sig. NOTETutorial had to be split since I hit the image cap. Also I made some minor updates to the first part because of image problems.
  3. For the most part you have some of the basics down, brushing, coloring and blending and text, now your step is to hone those skills and thats what takes the longest. You best shot to really hone your skills is reading hundreds of tutorials and then combine the techniques together to make some good gfx designs.-For sigs I recommend gamerenders.com, charmed-arts.com, of course gfxtrap tutorials to help hone in those skills-Templates you could use pixel2life.com to pick up many idea's on how to design templates.I would say if you design nothing but sigs while using tutorials for 2-3 months solid and then stop reading them (making sure to remember the idea's) you will see a vast improvement when you design a sig from scratch with no tutorials to help you.So it's no for now but like I said all it takes practice and lots of practice to get good at it.
  4. no you can transfer at anytime you want to; however, to make sure you have no problems in your hosting account you want a good 30 credits (1 months worth of hosting). Like I mentioned in my first post, the credit script is set up so you can transfer a certain amount of credits so it won't affect your hosting, in this case you should only be able to transfer 1-2 credits and thats it for your cap. So the more credits you have the more you can transfer before the cap kicks in and tells you can't transfer anymore credits; which means that whatever number you have when you receive that error is your transfer credit cap.
  5. First I would chmod the php script so it can't be executed by setting the chmod to 000, then I would download a ftp software and that way you can select all those files for a mass delete. Of course I am assuming that that your back ups under a folder one folder so it should make it rather easy to do, if not just delete the files through a FTP software and you should be set . Once completed delete your old php script and then upload the one you really need.
  6. You caught that to Imtay I would have given that movie a PG-13 right off the bat, but regardless though parents will still take there kids to see a super hero movie, regardless how bad we older folks think it was; to be a kid again to enjoy a super hero movie .some people didn't like the way Cage did Ghost Rider, especially on the fact Ghost Rider is suppose to be a very dark movie and cage decided to "WING IT" with comedy and what not. I would agree that the X-men and Spider Man movies are the only ones that really stuck with the characters, all except the fact they killed off jean, scott, and the professor all in one blow. Although the way X-men 3 ended you think a 4th one will come out, which I highly doubt it will happen anyways but who knows some crazier stuff has happen.
  7. I agree with sheep, a few months ago I read article that some scientists based the full moon on people who commit more crimes then when there isn't a full moon. Now how they explain it I can't remember and if they did I would consider it far fetch to think the moon has some sort of influence like that. Of course if we go back oh say 2000-4000 years ago especially with the druids of ancient england and even stone henge, the moon had to be a very big influence because of how druids/wiccans commune with nature and all that good stuff.Interestingly enough on Tuesday on the history channel they will be talking about the moon and I would recommend watching it as I have been watching this series from the beginning; they covered the sun, mars and of course the impending doom of planet earth. It is an awesome series and you don't have to be a science nerd to enjoy this, because this series has some good info and of course would make for some interesting conversation .
  8. Those templates are self explanatory really; HTML template is a template entirely coded from web standard html coding and nothing else, PHP templates are templates that coded in nothing but php and some minor html, and CSS templates are templates that designed in style sheets and the only thing you need to do is connect them to the HTML file and your down. Of course that a general answer to your question, but as usualy though some people have whip out more complex answers that make you go "Huh???". As for C++ I have no clue because I don't code in C++ find it even more confusing then php and asp combined.
  9. The credit system is set up in such a way that it prevents the user from transferring all there credits because you need enough credits to keep your hosting going. Since you don't have that man credits to begin with I suggest not banking them and begin working on longer and more quality posts to build up. Most people can live on 10 credits but you do not if you will be gone for a 2-3 weeks so it is good to have at least 30 or more credits just in case of an of emergency. However, if you feel that you don't have enough time to post you can purchase credits at this link These are how many credits you can get and the price for these credits 185 credits (6 months) $10.00 365 credits (12 months) $20.00 550 credits (18 months) $30.00 730 credits (24 months) $40.00
  10. Like Ridwan mention, you get credits based on the quality of your post; the longer it is the more credits your receive (max is 10), posts that are one liners (or 2-3 words), off topic, or anything illegal (such torrents and porn) and spam will count against and either will get your warned or your account suspended. Now with that being said in order to get your hosting and free domain you have to have very good posts in order to become hosted and then get your domain; regardless of the number posts you (I have you at 42) have. if they fall into any of those categories that I mention above then you won't get it. So the best chance for yo uto reach your goal is to make sure you read the Xisto read me which you can find here and of course read the FAQ on getting the domain it will make your posting even more enjoyable.
  11. Well then its the browser altogether then, interestingly enough theirs a update for safari for mac (3.0.2), so download that version and see what happens. But the only theory that comes to mind that there is a javascript error somewhere in the browser that is preventing the option menu to show everything.
  12. Well I thought I throw in a small reminder that safari has been patch again, this for the Mac version (3.0.2) and basically they applied the same patch they did for windows but for macs. So that about it for that update. SOURCE Here
  13. Here are some microsoft links on how to change the language settings (includes pictures), so these pictures along with what ridwan posted should help you out Click here
  14. No problem, like I said some script kiddie must have gotten in and set it up as such, because nothign else comes ot mind if you didn't set it up your self.
  15. Well I created a new sig and of course I created a tutorial out of it as well so enjoy. I had a fun time doing this and whats is interesting I did this in 16 layers, unlike most of my sigs I do 25-30+ when I design it. I used more filters and adjustment layers then actual brushing as you can tell it came out pretty good.
  16. A bit plain, no border, although the animation is smooth the effect your were trying to go for is wrong. 4/10 ---RATE THIS SIG---
  17. Motley Crue Sig Tutorial Step 1: Create your canvas wit hthese settings 420x120, then fill it in with black. Step 2: Grab a Motley Crue Stock photo and place it on the sig, then adjust the image so everyone will fit on the sig but still be big enough for some detail. Step 3: Create 5 copies of your stock photo and then de-select those layers to be used at another time (if need be). Step 4: Next grab your smudge tool (X brush) and set it 85% strength and then the brush size at 25. As for smudge setting keep them at default as well want the border to be smooth. Now smudge around there heads just enough to set up the smudging for the next few layers. Step 5: Now press ctrl + u, then click on colorize and set saturation down to -100 to make it look black and white. Step 6: Now grab C4d Render that looks something like this and then set it to soft light and then press ctrl + u, then click on colorize and set saturation down to -100 once again. Step 7: Select your first duplicate layer and this time smudge around their heads again but this time set the strength at 90% and then set it to lighten. Step 8: Now to adjust some layers around; the layer you just did in step 7 move it on top of the first smudge layer you use. Step 9: Create a New layer then apply image, now go to filter > render > lighting effects then use the following settings: This will be your result Step 10: Now create a new layer and select a soft brush at 200 px and select the following color #0a85b3, brush in the center enough to made it look thick at the bottom but fade out towards the top. Then set the opacity at 90% and at soft light. Step 11: Create another new layer but this time set your brush size to 150 and use #FFFFFF and brush a few pixels with in your first brush layer and then set it to soft light. Step 12: Now go to layer > adjustment layer > gradient map and choose a soft light colors for your gradient then press ok. Step 13: Now go to layer > adjustment layer > brightness/contrast and use the following settings Brightness +61 Contrast -26 Step 14: layer > adjustment layer > exposure and use the following settings: Exposure +1.90 Offset -0.0098 Gamma Correction: 0.79
  18. City at Night Tutorial This tutorial is based on the wallpaper I design, you will need the following brushes to accomplish this tutorial or other designs like it. As note that a lot of layers will be moved around during the course of this tutorial and I will let you know as such. Download brushes here Small note on the brushes I did not create them I am justing packaging them so people don't have to spend hours looking for them. Step 1: Open up a new document and since we are going for a desktop wallpaper the size will be 1024x768. Now select the gradient tool with the follow colors: #05285a #000000 Then fill in your first layer with the blue at the bottom and black at the top like so. Step 2: Create a new layer and then grab your city vector brush set (make sure you color is set to black) and then adjust the size so you have more night sky and a small city background. Step 3: Create another new layer and drag that new layer under need the black city layer. Now using the same city brush set set the color to white and then make the brush set a few pixels bigger then above layer. Now when you brush your white city landscape make sure to off set it to give a little depth. Step 4: Now for a bit more depth change the color to black and then create a new layer and then grab your tree vector set and add some trees in different sizes. Then drag that layer between the white and black city landscape layers. Step 5: The number of layers is up to the users, but I chose four layers for this next step; now using star, moon, galaxy vector brush sets create your night sky and for some extra added depth and lighting trying different layer settings and filters. For extra effect I added in some people vectors through the out city background as well. Step 6: Although this option I though I needed to fill it in a bit, so choosing some colors that could standout a bit but able to blend well (for the most part). So if you want complete this step, create three layers, which each layers is for 1 color, With this you be able to can do some offsetting for more added depth. Now grab whatever vector brushes you want and design away. Step 7: Now to add text, for this you want something simple yet elegant. So add in your text and for a special effect copy the text 2 more times and with each text choose a color that you use for your vector brushing in step 6. Now add a border and your are done with a cool vector wallpaper. Bonus step: To really out the city lights create a new layer, apply image, then Gaussian blur and set it to lighten. And that it, this is a basic tutorial and how to set up some greate vector designs from wallpapers, desktops and even website layouts.
  19. Motley Crue Sig Tutorial Step 1: Create your canvas wit hthese settings 420x120, then fill it in with black. Step 2: Grab a Motley Crue Stock photo and place it on the sig, then adjust the image so everyone will fit on the sig but still be big enough for some detail. Step 3: Create 5 copies of your stock photo and then de-select those layers to be used at another time (if need be). Step 4: Next grab your smudge tool (X brush) and set it 85% strength and then the brush size at 25. As for smudge setting keep them at default as well want the border to be smooth. Now smudge around there heads just enough to set up the smudging for the next few layers. Step 5: Now press ctrl + u, then click on colorize and set saturation down to -100 to make it look black and white. Step 6: Now grab C4d Render that looks something like this and then set it to soft light and then press ctrl + u, then click on colorize and set saturation down to -100 once again. Step 7: Select your first duplicate layer and this time smudge around their heads again but this time set the strength at 90% and then set it to lighten. Step 8: Now to adjust some layers around; the layer you just did in step 7 move it on top of the first smudge layer you use. Step 9: Create a New layer then apply image, now go to filter > render > lighting effects then use the following settings: This will be your result Step 10: Now create a new layer and select a soft brush at 200 px and select the following color #0a85b3, brush in the center enough to made it look thick at the bottom but fade out towards the top. Then set the opacity at 90% and at soft light. Step 11: Create another new layer but this time set your brush size to 150 and use #FFFFFF and brush a few pixels with in your first brush layer and then set it to soft light. Step 12: Now go to layer > adjustment layer > gradient map and choose a soft light colors for your gradient then press ok. Step 13: Now go to layer > adjustment layer > brightness/contrast and use the following settings Brightness +61 Contrast -26 Step 14: layer > adjustment layer > exposure and use the following settings: Exposure +1.90 Offset -0.0098 Gamma Correction: 0.79 Step 15: Create a New layer then apply image and this time use the spatter brush and smudge around their heads once again and set it to overlay using the following settings: Step 16: Now create a new layer and fill it with any color you want then go to filter > render > lens flare and then put it near the center bottom using the following settings: 105mm Prime Brightness 131% Then set it to screen and Opacity at 75% Step 17: Create a new layer and select the following gradient colors #75848b #393d3c Then set it to saturation at 75% Step 18: Now add some text and a border and you are complete thus you created a Motley Crue Sig.
  20. Ridwan is correct you place your entries in the SOTW Entries topic for it to reviewed and then enter in for voting. BUt can we please limit posts to just entries as well, so anyone who has already posted just edit your posts and insert your sig that way instead of making a new post with it, thanks.
  21. Although this is a theory, but I think a script kiddie got into your phpbb forum and got enough access to redirect all your pages and what not with that url. So I would check the following; -Redirect menu in cpanel see if any links were added -htaccess files see if a redirection was set up that way -check files for any redirection scripts that could have been put into your files. It is obvious from the error that my browser is showing is a redirection error because this is the error that is being displayed So check up on those three things and you should be set.
  22. Your right the options menu doesn't work in the safari 3.x which is interesting, although the other drop down menu's work fine. I believe though that it is the windows version of safari that doesn't work and not the mac version, anyone on a Mac computer can you confirm this little bugs, let us know, thankyou .
  23. You can vote just not for yourself in which case I vote for crazymind21, he used excellent background and an excellent border as well, text could have bee a bit better but still a great sig either way.robocz033:0mattmgill:0Imtay22:0Mich:0crazymind21:1Ridwan sameer:0faylestarr:0
  24. I decided to get the entries started today due to mack lack of lateness on setting the previous one up, so this week it is an all out freestyle on pretty much everything expect for size and name of course, Due date for all entires will be on July 14 instead of the first week of July because of the holiday weekend for a lot of people including me. So create whatever kind of sig you want, just make sure the renders are tasteful. Sig Size Min: 100x100 Max: 420-150 Text: Name Other Effects: optional
  25. Again sorry for the lateness some good entries for this SOTW so let us begin robocz033 mattmgill Imtay22 Mich crazymind21 Ridwan sameer faylestarr Voting Formatrobocz033:0 mattmgill:0 Imtay22:0 Mich:0 crazymind21:0 Ridwan sameer:0 faylestarr:0 Everyone knows the deal and good luck to our contestants.
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