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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well I guess I fill that future sig spot with this sig enjoy.
  2. Well it seems that illegal torrent websites are fighting back against the movie and music industry, as one of the biggest torrent sites, the pirate bay is going to sue the movie and music industry. After one of the biggest leaks of all time got reported a few weeks ago in which MediaDefender who services consist of tracking down people who download illegal material and busting them, got there systems hack. In which thousands of emails talking about the illegal baiting they do to people, which consisted of setting up a video website and nailing people who upload copyrighted videos and of course creating fake torrents into baiting people of downloading and of course get caught as well. To read the full story on that leak you can go here, and here with a picture of two of the dumb people to have that info leaked here, and pretty much show the illegal activities they were doing. Of course we all know pirate bay has illegal torrents on there site, I know it, you know it, they know it; however, when you find out that the people who are trying to bring this down are doing "infrastructural sabotage, denial of service attacks and other hacking and spamming offenses" tells you one thing, and that is they have failed in doing it the good legal way and now they have to bring it down by doing stuff to websites that most likely have there own team to keep themselves protected. We all pirate bay was shutdown a few months ago after getting tagged (police raid) for the illegal torrent sharing and what not, of course they came back up just a few weeks later. So now the question is if this lawsuit goes through and goes to court who will win? As that will be a tough call to make as both parties are doing illegal activities and most of those activities will put someone in prison for a very long time. Of course what kind of blow will this be to the people who are trying to bring down the illegal file sharing and the tactics they have been using a for awhile now? This should be a interesting few weeks as the police decide to let it go through or not. SOURCE Site
  3. A year already **GASP*** , I remember that day, well not really, but that day was when you were a noob and me well I was still Evil, Now your a Noob level 1 which mean you now you have to help all the new members out and I can go on vacation . Well now you are a year older you can have more fun in the forums and be even cooler then me .
  4. Man I haven't Seen Qbasic in years, never did any programming but played a few games off of Qbasic back in the mid 90's. If I remember correctly they discontinued the qbasic core on Windows ME/200 platform, since MS-DOS was becoming a old outdated system core. I new it came installed on Windows 95 and I believe 98 as well.
  5. I would have to agree most of them names wouldn't work well in Hollywood, especially German, polish, Jewish, and some Russian surnames. Now don't get me wrong that those surnames are bad, its usually the short names that most people can remember that make most people famous. Of course there are some names on that list that are fine and didn't really needed to be change, granted some people start getting wacky and use symbols and and nick names to get them through and stuff.
  6. Yep I got most of his books, haven't read them in awhile just not enough free time to sit down and reread the books. Icewind Dale Trilogy would be my favorite sine its what started it all for the infamous Drow warrior Drizzt. I got hte all in one books instead of getting them separately; save me some cash though when I got them. Of course I read them while I was in Iraq they made the trip there but the sea water got to them and ruin most of the covers, thought about replacing them but that wouldn't make munch sense since it was only the covers that go ruined.
  7. Aah ok that makes sense **slaps head**, so wouldn't setting up a comments section in forum be a good idea as well that the good ones can be seen while the others get deleted?
  8. First thing I would have to say that its a original website that I have seen that takes that 15th century Earth is flat theory to a whole new level. Second if people really still believe this theory, I don't even know where to begin to convince them why it is wrong, and third talk about to much time on their hands, but the NASA is always good when it comes to conspiracy theories. If your talking about the animals carrying the planet on a person's back, then yeah many ancient civilizations and eve a some religious believe that an animal is holding the planet up. Of course the words I think your looking for is Geocentric (center of the universe and flat earth), and heliocentric (earth is round and not the center of the universe). Odd though first time I heard those two words was in a anime .
  9. Sometimes when a user uploads a file, your connection could go down (who knows why) then it can stall the file from being uploaded. Many FTP software programs do this but in the sense if you upload a alot of files at once it will just time out and then freeze up; smartFTP has that little quirk.So the only solution to that really is to re-upload it again, and to make sure you have nothing else going on that could interfere with the connection.
  10. I am on the same boat that the Iphone is the best thing, because now everyone is going to do it and make all these bad looking phones with useless stuff on it. Lets not forget everyone rioted when people decided to drop the price 2 weeks after it came out, Steve Jobs did a smart move and refunded people $100 for dropping $500 for that thing. Of course I am laughing my butt off at the people who blew thousands of dollars for one on Ebay though . Really though what does a kid need with an Iphone for anyways? and why the hell are parents stupid enough to drop that kind of cash for their spoiled kid for that phone as well?To me though I think cell phones are most abused technology to be made, look at Japan I swear they come out with 100 new cell phones every month in 50 different colors, I just don't see the reason why some people have 3-4 of them or keep buying new ones after only using the one they just bought for a couple of weeks. Heck I just don't see what else there is left to stuff into a phone except for a kitchen sink or something. and just because your friends have one doesn't mean you need it unless your running a business and need to talk to clients and or staff.
  11. This debate has been going on since Mortal Kombat made its debut in which Kano rips a person's heart out, and Sub-Zero decapitated people. The reality is violence is what makes most video games popular because there are some things "normal" people wouldn't do in the real world; nonetheless, you have kids who grow up playing just violent video games haul off and bust a grand theft auto on someone. I would categorize myself as a 1st-2nd generation gamer since I have played almost every system that has come out on the market since the atari and the arcades.Kids have to know when to turn that part of the mind off when they are playing a video game thats is based on a fantasy, and in some cases reality. There is a difference between a game over in a video game and a "game over" in life, and if kids don't realize that nor their parents teach them this, then something could happen and when the first mention of a violent video game is out there. All these adults who no nothing about video games start calling for bans and laws and junk like that. The ERSB rating was the best thing to be put in place back in the 90s, and yes I was totally against back in my youth because I couldn't by the awesome game, but after many years of maturing its the best thing we as adults can do for kids and making sure they are mature enough to understand the violent content not only in video games but movies, and tv.Of course there are many other factors into why people become violent, just like pit bulls video games get a bad rap for what most of them are about. Although I think by the time people are my age it would be time to put down the controller and become a responsible adult, I don't play as many games as I use to any more due to prices and other stuff, and when I watch my niece sometimes I don't play any violent games, and neither does my brother because we don't want her to act that stuff out. Although I would have to agree that sometimes games really do take it to far with violence, don't get me wrong I don't made seeing a guy getting blowing up but if thats the main focus through the whole game I try to finish it as fast as I can and play something else. Look at Nintendo they are the few successful companies were violence is non existing in most of their games because they prefer quality and game play instead of boring old violence.To finish up though its the parents responsibility to make sure kids understand the difference between reality and fantasy, and making sure they don't go and start eating mushrooms and thinking they will get big as Mario or something.
  12. You think you know someone , well I don't think any guy would care if she eats in bed, most people do nowadays though, although, since it was the 60's I doubt many people did actually eat in bed unless it was breakfast in bed or they were sick. Heck did the book talk about the possible affair with JFK and Bobby, because that was a juicy rumor back in them days and for conspiracy nuts believe that suicide wasn't the cause.Well some people still take after her in some form or another, "blond bombshell" is a term I would bring on the table since she was one and a lot of women today dye their hair blond just because it has sex appeal or something like that.
  13. Welcome to Xisto.com, and your friend would be correct that it is easy to stay active here as long as you follow some basic rules which you can find in the Xisto Read Me. So enjoy your posting, and hosting and have fun here, and don't forget to tell your friends about this quality hosting website and forums.
  14. Welcome to Xisto.com, and your friend would be correct that it is easy to stay active here as long as you follow some basic rules which you can find in the Xisto Read Me. We have plenty of topics for you to post, great members to help you out if you have some problems, or if another member has a problem you can help them out and stuff. So here is your welcome basket of fruits and vegetables, and a picture of me <---thats me.
  15. Welcome to Xisto.com, and your friend would be correct that it is easy to stay active here as long as you follow osme basic rules which you can find in the Xisto Read Me. No spam, long quality posts, helpful to others and your time here however long that maybe will be great. We have plenty of topics for you to post on, and if you got some great topics you think would be good go ahead and post them as well. So enjoy your posting and then your hosting and see you in the forums.
  16. Well although I would say just buy a pre-build system since you can find one for that price, however if you really want to build a system for less then $600 I would search Newegg as they have the best prices and and very cheap prices for all that hardware that is out there, they also have a barebones section you can browse through. I would try and stick with combo deals as they will save you some cash in the long run, but fro mthe list I was building I wouldn't even want to look at the cheap hardware as I would try to stay current. My system cost about $750 without an operating system and it was a pretty good system, but I don't think I could dumb it down for cheaper price hardware without going through a lot of problems.
  17. Some good stuff there, and I am with you sten about the "about:" stuff, I knew about the about:config option and thats was about it. I knew a about the shortcuts I just never really used them as I go old school browser as it is a lot quicker for me.
  18. No smart person will ever let this go to trial, although this is not the first time people have tried to sue god. Some of those lawsuit were either based on if he/she/it is real or not, and people like that senator from Nebraska, so its nothing new it just hasn't been done in a real long time. All I can say is that this senator's career is over, and if some judge actuallly lets this go through OMG I will sue that judge for wasting time and money on something as stupid as this.
  19. From what I understand, some changes have been done to each forum for various credit rates instead of the same rate, also each member group has a different credit rate as well. Regular members get a faster credit rate, hosted members get the normal credit rate, mods and admin's credit rate is a bit below the hosted members rate. Like rvalkass said just make your posts nice and long regardless where you post and you will get plenty of credits anyways.I give you two examples I made a 10 credit post in the tutorial section and it took over 14,000+ characters (including spaces), and a post I made yesterday that was a 7 credit post was about 5,000+ characters (including spaces). Thats why its good to have a window or tab open to google or yahoo, and that way with a bit of searching you can beef up your post just a bit more (with in reason of the copy and paste rule).
  20. I got over 5 years of hosting and about 300 shy of 6 years, it could be a lot more if I went back and beef up every single one of my posts , but with with over 5700+ you can see where that is kind of pointless. I stick with this place because I made a name for myself here, as a web designer, gfx design, gamer, computer tech, computer nerd etc. etc. So I will see myself here when Xisto closes its door. Which is like 100 years from now .
  21. I can't believe I forgot about it but Friday September 21, 2004 was the day I joined trapped and the rest you could say is history and so I present my 3 year anniversary sig that I just finished designing like 5 minutes ago so enjoy and let my evil reign for another 3 years here on Xisto.com
  22. I been using ImageFilez during beta testing for the Xisto launch, been using it ever since. I also have accounts for both photobucket and imageshack and I haven't used them for a long time unless I had to upload renders and junk when the forum gallery was running here on the forums. Now I do all my image uploading at ImageFilez since its there with easy access without the need to bounce all over the net to upload an image.
  23. Well the other day I got email about this so I thought I would update everyone about whats been going on since then, and sadly a lot of things happen, but this email will explain more about it. Hopefully its just the technology that was damaged and not them.
  24. Well I thought I go browse the add ons and extensions once again but this time I thought I go for the quirky, oddball, and somewhat useful stuff to add to firefox. As usual I give a brief description of what it is, what version it can work on and its download page. Advance Dork I found this one to be very interesting due to the fact it makes remember googles operators or use them on the fly. Googles operates of course are things like this site:, intitle: ext:. As fr its usefulness I would say it is a pretty good tool to have because it can be use by web designers, people doing research, and getting your search results pretty specific so you don't have to spend hours combing through pages of results Firefox Version: All Versions DOWNLOAD: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/advanced-dork/ Router Status This add on I would say be somewhat useless, as most people can check this kind infomation on the admin panel for. Although the connections and the load average stats is usually stuff you can't find on the admin panel so like I said it is somewhat useless but thats up to the those who download it Firefox Version: 2.x-3.x DOWNLOAD: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/router-status/ Autofill Forms Well I would say this would have its benefits especially for the people doing those surveys and junk, but if you want to cut the down the time it takes to fill out the form especially if use the same info for it. Firefox Version: All Versions DOWNLOAD: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/autofill-forms/ WebSitePulse Current Status Now with this tool could be beneficial for website admins, and web application programs as this add-on lives you real time data if your stuff is good or is having a problem. The only downside to this little program is that you have to register at http://www.websitepulse.com/; though it is free to sign I think it kind of corny for the need to do so. Firefox Version: 1.5-2.0.0 DOWNLOAD: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/websitepulse-current-status/ WebMail Notifier The title should say it all about this tool, and that it lets you know "YOU GOT MAIL", with various email accounts. which of course are all the major players in email; gmail, ymail, hotmail, and some places I never heard of. Interestingly enough if you have other email account that are not support you can design your own script to let you know you got mail. Firefox Version: All Versions DOWNLOAD: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/xnotifier/ Visual Bookmarks Well the best way I can put this is that your bookmarks get a new look, and of course more issues with firefox eating you RAM, as this lets you take snapshots of the website and you can see it that way instead of the good ole fashion text bookmark. To me this is useless and I tell you why I got to much crap on firefox and this will kill my RAM like that, but I will give it a test run just to see if I am wrong about it. Firefox Version: 2.0 - 2.x.x DOWNLOAD: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/visual-bookmarks/ Mr Uptime I would have to say this would be the first quirky add on that been developed, and from the looks of it it seems Mr uptime auto-refreshes that page until you don't get that 404 error or somehow your connection times out. Its got some interesting features but I would say besides it's quirkiness it saves you the time of going back and forth refresh the page 1000 times. Firefox Version: 2.0 - 2.x.x DOWNLOAD: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Google Icon Well this is my next quirky add on, or if you want to call it for what it does and that is it spices up the search results by adding the favicon next to the page. I would say it has it benefits as you can find out who uses the favicon and who doesn't. It is completely useless in every way but I wouldn't mind a image or two on my search results. Firefox Version: 1.5 - 2.x.x DOWNLOAD: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/google-icon/ SiteDelta This would be my first oddball add on due to the fact it checks for changes and updates to the sites you have listed under it. I don't think too many people care in the sense that they know the site updates regularly. Granted depending on how big the site is this could help navigate to the new stuff a lot quicker. Firefox Version: 1.5 - 3.x.x DOWNLOAD: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sitedelta/ Addictive Typing Lessons Well and I thought I have to take classes and buy expensive software to get my typing skills top notch. So if your bored then work on your typing skills and see if you can type at like 60-70 WPM. I dub this add-on quirky, just because there is stuff out there that is better in learning to type fast, and accurate. Firefox Version: 1.5 - 2.x.x DOWNLOAD: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/addictive-typing-lessons/ pageaddict So you want to know what websites you vist and spend the most time on well, I don't , but with this add on it tells you just that. Pageaddict gives yo ua summary for the day what websites you went to, how long you spent on them etc. etc. Hey maybe we can find out who reallly spends the most time on trap . Firefox Version: 1.5 - 2.x.x DOWNLOAD: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/pageaddict/
  25. Well as we get closer and closer the release of Firefox 3.0, mozilla comes out with Alpha 8. In this update it is security rich this time as they bring in anti-malware warnings and protection against rogue extension updates. They also beefed up the security to the extension auto updates to help prevent people from redirecting you to malicious sites because of the way the auto update works. This time they have set it up in a way that it checks the url of the installation manifest and makes sure its the correct one or it doesn't get updated. so far no date has been given for FF3 final so that would lead to one to assume that we could see an early 2008 release after Alpha 8 has made its run and of course other various alpha releases. SOURCE Site #1 While reading up on ff 3A8 I went to softpedia to download it and notice another editon of firefox called the Campus Edition, the FAQ gives a more in depth idea what this version is all about. So if your a student then maybe this firefox browser is for you, and you can download it here.
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