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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well it seems that after this topic was first posted it would seem that a lot of topics have been made and a lot of post have been made as well either from new members or some of the veterans. So you see you just have to think about what topics could be useful to bring up by just searching around the net and stuff.
  2. You would want this link related to whats acceptable in hosting here on Xisto. Now for your question at hand only your index page needs to be in english that describes what your site is about, after that the rest of your site can be in any language you want. A good suggestion would be to keep yourself out of trouble I would suggestion setting up two language versions of your site one completely in English and the other one completely in Your language, a simple php script that selects the language would help out. As with the forum rules most of them apply to your hosting, no spam, no illegal downloads, no porn etc etc. Just as long as you apply the forum rules to your hosting and you will be find, got any more questions make sure to search the forum as they most likely have been asked before posting them.
  3. Catchy title isn't it, thought of it as I was driving back from the movies.Well after scoring a nice 46 Million plus on a pin ball machine, didn't catch the rank I took even though I got to put in my initials, I got my nachos and dew and ready to see Jig Saw go at it for the 4th time. I just have to say some it was just as brutal as the other movies:, however, I felt it was a mix of Saw I and Saw II in which there was some good death traps and so so death traps. Although I won't spoil the movie to much but this movie reveals the question why, and if you seen the first 3 movies you know which why I am referring to. Although this time they got this movie really confusing as I had a hard time keeping up with the past and the present of movie 3 and 4, yeah it was done on purpose which made it ok, not great, just ok. Hmmm... what other non spoiler stuff can I think of, ooh they finall showed the Trailer to Rambo 4 and I have to admit the trailer was pretty good, also Jessica Alba has another movie out, horror of course its pretty interesting as well. The place was pretty pack for this movie so this franchise has a cult following of some sorts, but I won't give much away since this movie just came out and hopefully others who were going ot see the movie will post their opinions about it. I think they will agree with the statements i have made about this movie as it explains a lot about jig saw himself and the question why.Now before I get into my box office predictions I will lay out some numbers for the first three movies and most likely you will see why I will go with this number.Saw I: US: $55,185,045 World: $48,000,000Saw II: US: $87,025,093 World: $65,900,000Saw III: US: $80,238,724 World: $83,638,091Total: US: $222,448,862 World: $197,538, 091Now with that laid, I will make not that the budgets for these three movies were very low so everyone got huge pockets out the first three movies, especially since most of the actors well unknown at the time except for Danny Glover and Cary Elwes, and the guy in Saw II who played the grease monkey in the Italian Job. Now for my prediction, I will say that this movie will make no more then $90 - $100,000,000 through its run, of course I put an error of $10-20,000,000 in my figure just because people want to know if the franchise ends or not. I won't tell so you have to see the movie to find out, and that is my review for Saw 4, overall I would give the movie a 8.5/10 for the following reasons:-Some new stuff but some of them were a let down, gruesome yes (I cringed), but they were rather quick.-More is know about Jig Saw-A bit confusing (might have to watch again when it comes out on DVD to maybe pick up actually split the time frame correctly)- This spot will be filled in after the weekend once everyone has gotten a chance to see it.
  4. Velma's birthday , maybe if we are all nice we will get birthday credits Happy birthday to you TOO YOU, happy birthday to you TOO YOU, happy birthday velma happy birthday TOO YOU!! (singing it in a rock and roll tune)
  5. Simple answer would be no. I got a 5 year old niece who is more EVIL then I, If no one keeps an eye on her she gets into a lot of trouble. Yep got to hold him today, did take some photos of me holding him, but my sister didn't hold the camera steady I will be teaching him the Evil ways of a spammer .
  6. OMG IT HAPPEN He's been cookie monstered, and it only took two days, oooh the humanity.
  7. Like I mentioned in my account, and from numerous topics posted about this, once you gain 4+ credits you have to wait 1 hour for your account to be unsuspended. Then once it gets unsuspended you will be able to see it again.
  8. where did you upload your avatar? At a image host? or from your computer? Also what browser are you using? Have you check your firewall settings as well? Because sometimes firewalls may block images sometimes; mcafee did that me for awhile once I figured out how to correct it. Think about these questions and see if anything rings bell and maybe that will help provide us with some more information on your problem.
  9. The Download link for the city vectors has been updated please enjoy.
  10. It's interesting to note that in the last 2 week gmail has added over 2 gigs of space in the email accounts, but its even more interesting that I haven't heard anything about it, yeah I could just check the google blogs about this but thats to much of an effort .
  11. Well fall is kicking in which means green leaves are turning red, orange, yellow, brown and getting cooler out, ug I hate raking leaves just because they keep coming down and never, ever stop .
  12. To go off of rayzor's post a bit I would see what services you can disable, go to start > run > type in MSconfig > and then click the service tab and then disable stuff you wouldn't normal use; just make sure your logged in as the administraor so when you save them you won't get that pesky pop up message about being logged in as an admin. Also delete programs off the start up list that get booted when you start windows as well, and like alex mention defrag your computer, and delete any unused programs and files and what not. I still would go with bumping up the CPU in the 2.x range and add another gig of RAM in.
  13. Well I wouldn't call it a addiction or I would be having about twice the posts I have right now , I am one of the longest active members on here, just behind OpaQue, serverph, and odomike and I have build up quite a solid reputation in almost every section of this forum. I have a small reputation at Xisto but usually I have a hard time finding a topic to replay to because most of them have been beaten to death already. Yeah I took a few vacations here and there, have some disturbing posting stats, and if the shoutbox count was still active those stats would be just as disturbing. Even though I spend amples amount of time here, 20 hours give or take, DOES NOT MAKE ME A Xisto ABUSER!!
  14. It is pure speculation, you have to remember jig saw was still alive by the end of the third movie even though he was well advanced in the cancer and the huge hole in his head, of course the trailer showed he was dead. HOWEVER (thats on purpose), what I am trying to figure out why did they keep on branching off from each movie though , and if your little spoiler is correct then the cop who was trying to look for his son who got caught is either dead by the time the movie starts or dies after the recap.If they do this right ended it at saw 4 with the death of his apprentice, the main evil character is dead and well quite frankly I think the apprentice character is quite lame and just used as a tool literally. If they were smart about saw 4 and end it here, I would throw in small recaps at the end of those who did survive from all 3 movies, because Cary Elwes survived in the 1st movie, so did Danny glover (I think), no one survived in #2, and Jeff (characters name) survived in #3. Or maybe bring small cameo's after learning about of jigsaw's death.I just hope number 4 is just as nasty as the third one because Saw III was the best of all three so far, and everyone knows how lack luster sequel number 3's have become this year.
  15. Well here is a Heavily modified pic of my {EVIL} nephew , hopefully once I get access to the hospital pic I will upload that for a better once, of course today I should have a pic of me with him, and of course with some special effects, "cookie monster anyone" . Oh yeah I forgot it weighs 7lbs and is 19 inches long.
  16. Yeah its got the menu there but the rest is somewhat jibberish because you don't have the html to correspond with it, but the rest of the CSS code has to do what the layout looks like once you put in the divs or span in for the rest of the site. Of course it would help of you have the original layout to see what it looks like. However I did remove everything that was needed for the menu <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Document</title><style>/* Navigation */#nav-one {float:right;margin-right:1em;}* html .nav li a {width:1%;}.nav {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;z-index:99;position:relative;}.nav li {float:left;background:url(images/menuleft.jpg) top left no-repeat;position:relative;margin:0;padding:0 0 0 15px;}.nav li a,.nav li a:link,.nav li a:active,.nav li a:visited {color:#BEBEBE;font:1em/25px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;display:block;text-transform:lowercase;text-decoration:none;height:50px;font-weight:700;padding:3px 15px 0 0;}.nav li a:hover {color:#000;}.nav,.nav ul {list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0;}</style></head><body><div id="header"><div id="menucontainer"><ul id="nav-one" class="nav"> <li class="chosen" ><a id="firstmenu" class="chosen" href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; <li><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/&action=forum; <li ><a href="index.php?action=tpmod;dl">Downloads</a> </li> <li><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/&page=29; </li> <li ><a href="index.php?board=85.0">Docs</a> </li> <li ><a href="index.php?action=themeshop">ThemeShop</a></li> <li ><a href="index.php?action=bugtracker">Bugtracker</a></li></ul></body></html>
  17. Well I just got the word and from an hour from now, my nephew should be work his way out so to speak. So hopefully in a few hours from now should be another EVIL kid in the world . Well I found out the kid has been working at it for 4 hours now, being a stubborn {EVIL} kid taking his sweet time coming out, just like his uncles and sister .Well its finally overOctober 24th, 2007 at 5:42 PM My nephew Hunter was born.He and the mother (my sister) are doing fine I was able to get a few pics in before my camera died on me so after I charge up the battery and modify the pic a bit I post it up for everyone to see. Notice from jlhaslip: Merged Posts.
  18. First thing to do is CALM DOWN!!! Second thing, just from the sound of it, this relationship seems rush, yeah 7 months is a long time and usually you find out how committed a person can be in a relationship. However, I think the moving in with him kind of blind sided him, and the pressure about what he wants to do with his life didn't help much either. I believe that this break up was for the better because of several things, the first one the rush to move in together, two there is nothing right about relationships if there were, then divorce rates wouldn't be so high, three it slow things down for both of you, and quite frankly you really need it if you developed an ulcer. So with this trial separation it would be good for you to get your priorities straight, get those plans you set aside for yourself back in motion, limit the contact to a few times a week by making use of emails and phone calls and limit the physical contact to maybe 1-2 a week.Now I don't suggest you do this but it helps to slow things down a bit and maybe redevelop the relationship once again.
  19. Now this would be a good example of what not to do for any website, but what is really scary back in the early days this was acceptable . I ran it through dreamweaver and lets just say it actually froze dreamweaver for like 10 seconds because of how bad it was. Of course it begs the question is someone really still running this site and believe that there plans are acceptable in today's world? Either way no dumb person now would pay $10 for 12MB of space because that would be like what 5-10 pages at most with a lot of stuff on it.
  20. Well I just found out that my sister's going to pop out her first kid today, so far nothing has happen she is getting prepped and all that fancy stuff. So I will keep everyone posted through out the day, and hopefully the hospital and a free wifi signal somewhere because I still got school work to do and stuff, either way though its going to be a long and stressful day for my sister and the family. DO I LOVE STRESS!!
  21. I don't know I am not feeling the design, its seems more bloggish then foundation like that provides lots of info on the main page. Also I was checking out your FAQ and your about page and one thing I do not see is a location, now I might have missed it. Although I don't know to much about the foundation process I would believe trying to get support from major charity organizations will help in adding credibility to your site, and most likely your already thinking about it as well I would assume. I would think a community message would help out as well, that way people can communicate with each other especially the computer tech's who are going to repair computers and stuff.Its a good idea just need to polish a few area's to make it a great idea.
  22. Well I thought I post up the work I have done so far in the computer graphics course I am taking right now in school, warning though that these are original sizes 7'x9', yes you read that right 7 inches x 9 inches. Right now you will see the large stuff posted here in thumbnails and hte not so large stuff in its original size. I had some other works, if you remember my Ivy Wallpaper I did some modifications to that, basically I made it darker and added text to it so there not much to see on that. From the grades I have been recieving fro mthe graphics teacher I guess I am doing doing some good stuff, and so I want to see what you all think and stuff. EDIT: Imagefilez crunch them down enough so thumbnails wouldn't be neccessary, however it might still take some time to download depending on your connection.
  23. So you want to improve your wireless network either in your home or place of business well Microsoft thought it would help out and provide us with 10 tips on how to improve that lackluster network to uber speeds, well at least to making sure all the computers can receive a stronger signal regardless where the computer is at in the raidus of the wifi signal. Source Here
  24. In other news Hitachi Global Storage Technologies mentioned that it plans to bring out a whopping 4 TB hard drive by 2009 for Desktops and 1 TB for laptops, using two types of technologies. The called GMR or (giant magnetoresistance), "a physical effect that manipulates the charge and spin of electrons, allowing an increase in density and storage on hard drives"; which interestingly enough helped to physics scientists when a nobel prize for this technology. The other technology which is need because of how sensitive the heads have to be in order to read the data on the disk, and the reason this needs to be done is that as the "hard drives shrink, magnetic fields become harder to detect, so the reading head has to be more sensitive." The CPP-GMR (current perpendicular-to-the-plane GMR) technology is so sensitive that it will be able to bring the density of the hard drive to 500G bits per square inch, and right now the current is 200G bits per square inch. So what does this mean well simple put if all goes well desktop could have up to 20 TB given the person has the right computer case, but of course expect these bad boys to be uber expensive and no, a price was not given at this time of this article being printed. Nonetheless, with whats going on with SSD (Solid State Drives) these days, who knows what will happen; however, as mentioned in the article Hitachi isn't worried about it due to the costs of these SSD. Of course one begs to question who will produce a stable 1TB hard drive, I know there are a couple of them out there but not worth the price at this time. SOURCE Here
  25. Saint Michael Truefusion Best out of 7 wins, must give a reason for your vote
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