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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. There have been problem with peoples accounts getting suspended, I reported your topic for the admin to look into; however, since its the subdomain itself and not your whole site I would believe that you have to delete the subdomain and then set it back up again. Like I said though it could be part of the problems members have been having last few days.
  2. Heck I don't know any more I know for awhile they used the default settings which meant 30 posts got you the next title up, but since the new pip implementation a few months back only the admin can tell you that.
  3. Well I saw this article and after reading it all just to find the top 10 security problems I thought I share them and give my thoughts about them. I know I know its horrible but what can I say, its me . 1.) Data Breaches For the most part I am not surprise especially the big stories of 2007 which include the TJ Max breach of 45 million credit/debit cards; I believe that has been the biggest hack job ever in terms of stolen cards and id theft (somewhat). Oh lets not forget the all the VA Hospital data being stolen and all that fun stuff. I know there are other stories of college getting hit, and some medium and large businesses get hit as well but these two stand out hte most for me, especially the way the Tj Max job was done. 2.) Windows Vista I don't get this one really even though they mention the 16 patches that have come out so far in the last 11 months (12 if you get it in December). Heck I think XP had more then that in it's first year being on the market, but most likely when XP support is killed off sometime next year I think resources will be move to vista and see how much damage can be done. Of course if I were a betting man I would see the surge coming after SP 1 comes out for vista and for us who will be sticking with XP for a few more years SP 3. 3.) Spam Ok after seeing this I was somewhat shocked, although I think in this list that if spam was in the bottom 5 some other serious stuff has been happening. However, I would say Spam should be number 2 and if I wanted to push it and I could, put it in the number 1 spot. Spam won't go away and in some ways spam does lead into number as well, thus my argument why it would be up there. Spam is spam and the only way to get rid of it is deleting it because if one person gets nailed and sent to prison for 40 years the next person will take over, and its been obvious with some big stories of elite spammers getting nab. 4.) Attack Kits This one puzzled me at first but after reading it a bit further you can see where Rootkits, and as mention in this article phishing kits. I can't say much about this since nothing big in the news about them jumped out of me; MPack I remember somewhat but I think that was like 4-5 months ago give or take. 5.) Phishing 6.) Exploitation of Trusted Brands 7.) Bots Well the way the article put these three I comment on this group together as well. One thing I have to say though Bots could replace #2 any day because there were some big stories on bots this year, especially when it came to the Rootkits and zombie computers. With #5 I haven't heard to much about it, but usually when you hear about spam phishing is right next to it. Number 6 is a new one me but it just seems a fancy way of saying they got phished or hack so that one is up for interpretation. 8.) Web Plug-In Vulnerabilities Well with the popularity of firefox in the last 2 years I would say its reasonable in it spot on trends, of course again nothing stood out really as Active X controls were a big thin in the mid to late 90's. People learn what can you can say and I think the Mozilla boys having been keeping tabs on that, and I do remember an article awhile back mentioning about the potential threat on the firefox plug ins causing some problems. Memory escapes me at the moment on what it was about s sue me. 9.) The Creation Of A Market For Security Vulnerabilities This one I have particular interest in since news started showing up about this, and what can I say people would pay anything to keep this security problem quite hush hush and not leaked out for every cracker, hacker, phreaker, and phracker from doing their magic on those computer systems. So it should be interesting what news in 2008 brings about this type of crime of extortion. And FINALLY 10.) Virtual Machine Security Yeah I am not going to bother trying to explain this one, I have a brief idea on the concept behind this, but I know nothing really stood out news wise about this, and so here is a direct quote what it is somewhat about. Well before I give my perception of the top 10 I would say that computer virus industry and even the term hacker and identity theftwere not on the list, as viruses old and new have been popping up like the Storm Worm that i made a topic about during the summer. For the most part some of the trends are going be around until we design a neural network that connects our minds to net (yeah right), and with some of the newer ones it should be a interesting 2008 especially with Linux on the rise and scaring Microsoft quite a lot. As for my top 10 this is how I would list it. 1. Viruses, Data breachers, Spam 2. Hackers 3. Identity Theft 4. Operating Systems 5. Bots 6. Kits 7. Phishing 8. Web Plug-In Vulnerabilities 9. Creation Of A Market For Security Vulnerabilities 10. Anything Else I can't think of it. I think some people will agree with my list compared to the one the security guru's posted up. SOURCE
  4. Well I was bit off on the layout but the concept your going for was the same, but as for the widths you would have to set up individual styles to them in two different ways. Using trufusions example all you have to do is set up the CSS for Col1 Col2 Col3 which would look something like this: ul.col1 li {width:35px}ul.col2 li {width:65px}ul.col3 li {width:100px} That way it would be universal and cute down on the work by doing them individually like this: <li style="width: 65px;"> Content here</li> Either method is effective but the first options cuts down on the clutter in the html, and if you need to make changes on the fly you can just do it from one file instead of doing it over several files. Of course if you feel very adventurous you can set up your tables through ajax, this website gives quite a few examples of different table set ups that can be used.
  5. Well have so many categories is great but you need to be able to post in them effectively by expanding your knowledge in each category, that way you don't get stuck on one forum and begin to post on topics that are very old and or posting on topics that don't contribute to the overall topic. Well krazygoddess best place to start in posting or reading topics is the latest topics or latest posts that way you can get an idea where to start off with, and once you get comfortable you can begin roaming the forums and start posting in topics that are just a bit older and that you can contribute on. Of course don't forget to use the shoutbox and or the pm system to ask a Xisto maverick a question, but like buff said if you check out the Xisto read me everything you really need to know is there and then you don't have to post topics on common questions.
  6. Yeah the grey needs to go unless you do some gradients and try for a vista glass look, or go for some more color. The layout is very basic but thats where a version to comes into play in which I would recommend some of these sites to get some tips and idea's on what your next website could be like. http://www.alvit.de/handbook/ http://www.oswd.org/ Also since your going for a portfolio look I would suggest using the lightbox script to give some web 2.0 look to it, as It is very easy to set up and run on your site. Also look into some php to add a bit of interactivity, such as adding a comments section to your graphics and tutorials and such.
  7. Well I do like the flash intro so I give it a 4.5, the forum skin looks nice to bad they didn't have a runescape Christmas theme version of it and so I give it a 4. Content wise I would say its 2 on the website itself and 3.5 on the forums since it seems to be concentrated there, and as for the colors to the site itself I think the green background takes away from the design maybe a dark tan would look nice with it. So overall I give the site a 3 in the sense more content needs to be added on the website and not just the forums.
  8. A thought came to mind sheep on how to stuff the peppers, get a marinade syringe and inject the peppers with the melted cheese that way. So all you have to do is inject the melted cheese that way, and if I am thinking about this correctly if you fry them at a low heat they won't explode on you. I like some spicy food but nothing over medium, ug can't stand that kind of hotness.
  9. Wow that soon, I guess they should start deleting 90% of the internet then because of most of consists of junk, porn, illegal activity, and websites that repeat themselves over and over again. I guess though there is more to it then just that though, and this little quote says it all or rather part of the problem we could be facing. One second while I faint over that, of course the other part of the size problem is that backbone providers are not catching up to this increase of size, including bandwidth usage as well. What is a backbone provider you ask well its as simple as this definition: So the next question people are going to ask how much is going to cost? Well that depends on who you ask, Yahoo article says $55-60 billion dollars, and PC World saying $137 billion, $40 billion of that for the US alone. Of course we all know they are not going to invest that kind of money or rather if they do talk about the very big price hike in ISP service and even cable service as well to cover this cost. So I say start pressing the delete button. SOURCE Yahoo PC World
  10. Jees I wonder why they would want to downplay XP SP3, but I would be curious to know whats all in SP3 as well since XP is going to be here for awhile even after they finally fix the initial bugs to vista. Although if I remember correctly I made a post or read somewhere people thought it was a bit to soon for SP1 to be coming out so soon; can't remember when SP1 one came out for XP since I wasn't keeping current on the news at the time. Although that last paragraph about the 1000 hotfixes perked my interesting since I don't remember being so many of them, but I digress since most of those fixes come in large patches and what not.
  11. I was browsing around computer tech sites and came across this little article of joy, interestingly enough I have some of the installed on it and have reviewed through the giveaway site here on trap. Glary Utilities This software is great, and what else can I say about it since it does what it claims it does, cleans your computers, cleans your registry quite well and some other good stuff. You can read a more in depth review about this software here. Download Glary Utilities CCleaner Although I have never used this particular software, I would believe some other versions I have use are just like it and does a super clean of your system, and gets rid of stuff you don't want to get rid of and cripples your system. I might give it a run in a few weeks before I reinstall my laptop and see what its like and worth keeping later on. Download CCleaner PC De-Crapifier Ok this next peice of software is very intriguing especially since I have never heard of it nor thought someone would design it for something most people do when they get a new built PC. I think the decription of this software says enough: The one thing i will say though after looking at the list is the fact some of this programs are major software, and it goes after the trial versions specifically, so I wonder if i could tell the difference between pre-installed full version software and not trial base software. So if anyone has comes across this software let us know. Download PC De-Crapifier Belarc Advisor This next little piece of software my PCH and DOS teacher told me about and I have ot say its pretty good as it gives a person a lot of details, and it even gives your some interesting security update messages and stuff. I have to say out of hte software I mention on Xisto that does what this little bundle of joy does, its the more superior one out there. Download Belarc Advisor Glary Registry Repair The title says it all but with what I have experience with the mini version of this cleaner in the utilities software this one should be top notch as well. Of course I know its another registry cleaner and they never work but blah blah as long as you know your doing it won't matter. Download Glary Registry Repair Well That is just one page of some the great software they have, of course after browsing through the rest of the pages it goes downhill from there, especially on page 3, and parts on page 2 and 4. Thats my opinion though but should be obvious there are better ones out there that are just as free. jZip Well we all know that winrar and winzip are the better ones, of course if they were smart they fix that bug with the trial expiration date on it, you know the one where after 30 days you can still use it and you you get the pop out saying you need to buy it, yeah that one. Although the different compressions levels seems interesting almost like crunching a gig down to 10 MB or something. So I would say this would be a useful add on to either winrar, winzip or similar software like it. Download jZip NoteTab Light and NoteTab Pro Ever since Notepad++ came out there are so many clones to this famous piece of software, I would say the original is the better version and it doesn't need all those knick knacs and stuff to make it look uber. Thats why I have a html editor and of course Windows office to cover all that. However I think the worse software is word pad, enough said on that, and so for the most part I disagree with the description they gave on this software. Oh they get you with a pro version no wonder they would say it. Download NoteTab Light and NoteTab Pro Clipmate Clipboard Extender Meh I never really saw a point in making software for when someone does a copy and paste of something. Ok I see a usefulness if its a very large item your copying and stuff, especially if you collecting stuff for research papers and junk like that. Either way I see something more of taking up space and more files to control and stuff, and lets not forget they got a paid version, and I know there are "free" free versions of this. Download Clipmate Clipboard Extender Well That is just one page of some the great software they have, of course after browsing through the rest of the pages it goes downhill from there, especially on page 3, and parts on page 2 and 4. Thats my opinion though but should be obvious there are better ones out there that are just as free. Page 3 consist of online tool such as AceFTP, Download Accelerator Plus, BitZip, CoffeeCup HTML Editor Page 4 Contains security software such as Avast Anti-Virus, Ad-Aware 2007, Windows Defender SOURCE PC Cleaning General Windows Tools Online Software Secuirty Software
  12. I think I know what you going for, and yes its possible, I have seen templates and designs with 4 columns. Here are some templates that show the bare bones of 3 columns. This one includes everything i.e headerm nav bar, 3 columns, and footer. This one just includes the columns themselves to implement them within the design itself. If your looking for ajax scripts this site will help you greatly especially in content loading and stuff, and most of the sites come with a how to install it and stuff. Of course some reguire you to install software since most of them are plug in and what, but you should be able to find what your looking for and stuff.
  13. Odd's are your problem has to do ith the server update as several members are reporting problems of their accounts not betting unsuspended. Since your account was already suspended the update could have misinterprete the fact your hosting didn't exist and deleted it.
  14. I would assume you sent a support ticket to support@xisto.com to let them know about the issue? If not then I would suggest sending a ticket as you will get a faster response that way. Although I forgot where some of the servers went I do believe that those two are not directly related to trap, I believe one is for quipis and the other is used for Xisto - Web Hosting, correct me if I am wrong on that.
  15. Hmmm.. It seems that quite a few people are running into this problem with not getting their accounts unsuspended, I would suggest that everyone who is running into this problem submit a support ticket. Since it could be that several accounts could be glitch in a way that the system won't recognize the amount of credits.
  16. Well I would like to make one correction those discs were a back up copy, or rather a copy being sent to a bank. So you can say this was a stupid security breach then an actual loss of data, but either way the guy will get fired especially on the fact he didn't keep track of those CD's. What I find interesting though is that people would be broadcasting this information thats even more stupid then actually losing the information, and I would believe it would be best to say the data was missing but not mention the fact where that data was last located or what it was on. So everyone that shouldn't be looking for those CD's finds them, but I digress that making it public no one would be stupid enough to use the information days after it went missing.Interestingly enough I know who Brown is if that helps
  17. Forbez is correct, and thats what I thought as well when I saw the amount of credits you have right now. Once you get out of the negative you need to wait one hour for your website to be activated once again. Slso a friendly reminder make sure to search the forums for topics related to your problem before posting them, since they will have the solution your looking for.
  18. Well it was your coding of the CSS file that was messing it up, you had an extra height:100%; that did not need to be in there. I had to rearrange your css code to figure it out, and so I present you your footer solution. Also some of your divs where missed places thus the reason your footer was all up in the content. CSS */* { margin: 0;}html, body { height: 100%;}body {height:100%;background-color:#e0dac1;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;}body,td,th {color:#000;font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;}a:link,a:visited,a:active {color:#666;text-decoration:none;}a:hover {color:#000;text-decoration:none;}.wrapper {background-color:#FFF;border-left:solid 1px #000;border-right:solid 1px #000;margin:0 auto 40px;position:relative;width:798px;}.banner {background-image:url(images/duffield-collection_02.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;height:99px;width:798px;}.nav {clear:right;float:left;height:25px;text-align:left;vertical-align:middle;}.nav_container {background-color:#614c1e;border-bottom:solid 1px #000;border-top:solid 1px #000;height:25px;width:798px;}.search {clear:right;float:right;height:25px;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;}.container {background-color:#FFF;width:798px;}.content {padding:18px;width:762px;}.footer, .push { height: 40px; /* .push must be the same height as .footer */}.footer {background-color:#cbc8ae;background-image:url(images/duffield-collection_05.png);background-position:center bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;margin-bottom:0;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;position:relative;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;width:798px;} HTML <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd;<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/ Duffield Collection</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><link href="test_files/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /></head><body><div class="wrapper"> <div class="container"> <div class="banner"></div> <div class="nav_container"> <div class="nav">home artuists contact us</div> <div class="search"><form action="search.php" method="post"><input name="search" value="" type="text" width="150" /> </form></div> </div> <div class="content"></div> </div> <div class="push"><div class="footer"> Copyright ďż˝ 2007 The Duffield Collection :: All rights reserved.<br /> Created by: Woodlawn Web Technologies</div></div></div></body></html> So now it should work like the footer sticky was designed for. EDIT: Ok which design are you going with tables or tabless??
  19. We would need to see a picture of the set up as the description doesn't help in diagnosing the problem; however, bad RAM will cause the pc not to boot up since RAM is needed to speed up the boot process. if your RAM has gone bad you will hear a series of beeps in POST, but usually depending on the beeps it could be something else. Use this site as a guide if you hear any beeps After rereading I think I know what part of the RAM stick your talking about, but that would seem impossible unless you bent the RAM at all. Like I said post some pictures of this so we can get a better idea what it could be, and if the deal did say the RAM has to be release then all you have to is just replace it and nothing more.
  20. easy fix, and I am reading your post right you want the content box between the header and the footer to extend you can do it one of two ways: First one is fixed heighted in which I just add px, as you can see from here thats what I did, however for you dreamweaver fans it is line 58 and for this post I just marked with <--- LINE 58. <table style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); border-right: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0);" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="100%" width="798"> <tbody><tr> <td height="99"><img src="duffield-collection_files/duffield-collection_02.png" alt="" height="99" width="798"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-top: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0);" bgcolor="#614c1e" height="25"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); padding-left: 10px;">Home | Paintings | Contact Us</td> <td align="right"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td style="padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Find an Artist:</td> <td><input name="search" value="" type="text" width="150"></td> <td style="padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 10px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">ť Search</td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 18px; height: 700px;" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top"> <----LINE 58 <table style="border: 1px solid rgb(224, 193, 193);" bgcolor="#f4e9e9" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td width="30%"> </td> <td width="70%"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" background="duffield-collection_files/duffield-collection_05.png" bgcolor="#ffffff" height="40" valign="middle">Copyright Š 2007 The Duffield Collection</td> </tr></tbody></table></body></html> The other version which I think is the one you want deals with Percentages and from the looks of it this is the one you want. <table style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); border-right: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0);" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="100%" width="798"> <tbody><tr> <td height="99"><img src="duffield-collection_files/duffield-collection_02.png" alt="" height="99" width="798"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-top: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0);" bgcolor="#614c1e" height="25"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); padding-left: 10px;">Home | Paintings | Contact Us</td> <td align="right"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td style="padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Find an Artist:</td> <td><input name="search" value="" type="text" width="150"></td> <td style="padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 10px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">ť Search</td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 18px; height: 100%;" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top"> <table style="border: 1px solid rgb(224, 193, 193);" bgcolor="#f4e9e9" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td width="30%" ><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></td> <td width="70%"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" background="duffield-collection_files/duffield-collection_05.png" bgcolor="#ffffff" height="40" valign="middle">Copyright Š 2007 The Duffield Collection</td> </tr></tbody></table></body></html>
  21. Well its seems that you fixed, interesting that windows firewall is caused the problem, but I still think its the easy hide program that is the cause of the problems though. So I would uninstall it and remove any trace of it, and of course turn your windows firewall back on and see whats up because I don't believe windows would intentionally mess around with your IP number. However, I have an interesting idea that you could test out, and so here are the steps you should take to see what happens. 1. Open up a command prompt window. 2. then type this in ipconfig /release and press enter. 3. Then type ipconfig /renew and then press enter. By doing this at the command level you could fix the problem your having, but of course you would have to do this every time you run ftp software and stuff. What this command line does is releases the IP address that your using, or rather it releases both IP addresses your using and then when you renew it, you will get the primary IP address for your connection. So try this out and see what happens and report back.
  22. So have you used andd abused your laptop and now you have problems that will drive you insane and spend hours up hours of talking with tech people? Well hopefully these tips and tricks will help you get a more stable, faster, and even a efficient working computer running again. SOURCE For the next part of tips and tricks of your laptop computer correspond with the hardware aspect of a laptop computer. Everything knows that these computers are very difficult to modify and or replace parts without a good background in computer hardware, especially in laptop computers. However, with taken certain precautions such as trying not to break anything while doing these fixes on your own you will be able to replace some of the hardware without worrying about blowing it up. Just a precaution it is always good to get tech advice from the branded laptops or you end up voiding warranties and stuff like that. SOURCE So hopefully these useful tips, tricks and even idea's will help that computer last one more year. Also for those interested in maintaining their laptop computer then check out my previous topic on useful laptop tips and tricks.
  23. I would say see where it goes and let the relationship develop from there. There are tell tale signs that she isn't interested you just have to figure them out through her body language, her actions, and how she talks to you and stuff. Don't end a relationship unless your sure and from the looks of it your not, and if you not sure you could do more damage that is needed. Also has she talk to all and stuff either email, phone instant messaging and all that good stuff?
  24. Nol is correct for the most part that once a person hits zero credits they will drop to -4, and no its not a bug, and yes once you hit negative credits the credit multiplier increases. However, I wouldn't make a low quality post just to get out of the red zone for hosting, because Xisto strives for quality posting and so if you can add more to the post then do it. Remember usually a good amount of credits for a person is usually 30, but you don't need to have that amount as you can be like some members who have hundreds of credits through all the posting they do.
  25. Just a small correction Xisto offers up to 500Mb of space and up to 10GB of web space, your referring to the old plan before Xisto upgraded to its new hosting plans, and haslip is correct and so you will need to earn 30 credits for the upgrade to get the default package (package 2).
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