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Everything posted by Illustrious

  1. What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word "shopping"?It's kind of ridiculous and weird you might think. The first thing I think about when I hear the word "shopping" are the subliminal messages that are found in elevators at the mall. When I was in high school, my teacher had lectured about subliminal messages in the elevators saying (buy, buy, buy, buy). I thought that this was extremely neat so I remembered it. This is what goes through my mind when I hear the word shopping.What is your favorite shopping store and/or website?May favorite store/website is Amazon. I swear that it has everything on there. There are some items that I couldn't find there so I go to other websites but I find most of my items on Amazon. I usually spend lots of time window shopping on Amazon and decide to purchase something for myself here and there. This site is #3 on my speed dial so I go on this site pretty frequently.What merchandise do you buy most frequently (excluding groceries and other absolute necessities)?I usually tend to buy lots of merchandise related to music. For example, I recently bought a Rode K2 condenser microphone and a Universal Audio 610 Solo Preamp about 2 months ago. Other than musical things, I tend to buy a lot of technology. I bought a DSLR camera last year as well as an Asus Netbook. I also spent money on a home server (it didn't work too well).How often do you make a purchase on a SINGLE item that costs $100 (USD) or more?Quite frequently. Everything that I ever want is above $100. I like to thing "big". The only things that I really buy that is under $100 are accessories for my high-priced item (rosin for the violin, a strap for my guitar, etc.).How do you like to shop (store, online, email/phone)?I love to shop online. I don't really see how it is possible to shop via email/phone but I know that I hate taking the time to head over to a local store to go shopping. Also, when you are shopping online, you are likely to find what you are looking for. There is something that you can find online easily that you can't find in stores and those are ratings. Ratings help decide whether I should purchase something or not. I tend to look for items that have 4.5 stars are higher.When was the last time you seriously shopped for a loved one (if ever), such as for a Christmas gift?I don't remember the last time I seriously shopped for a loved one. I don't really hand out gifts because I don't participate in holidays like Christmas, Birthdays, etc. I usually get my girlfriend boxes of chocolate for Valentine's Day but nothing too serious.Do you browse, even if you don't have money to spend, or plain didn't plan to spend it?Yes! I do. This helps me plan what I want next. I am currently saving up for a new guitar because my old one is pretty dull-sounding.Do you buy, even if you don't have the money to spend, or plain didn't plan to spend it?It depends if the item is really worth it. Most of the time, I don't waste my money on things I don't really need. I really wanted the Kindle but after pondering about it, I realized that I really didn't have much use for it.
  2. My favorite academic subject has to be math. I really love solving problems even though I hated doing homework. In my opinion, math isn't fun if you are solving problems just for the heck of it. Actually, I should really say that I am more interested in logic. I have always had the interest for mathematics so I decided to pursue it. I decided to follow the path of a computer programmer and I love it! Working with other people to solve problems is the best experience.My favorite subject in general is music. A lot of people say that music and mathematics usually go hand in hand. I am not sure about this but I do know that my passion for both of these subjects is about the same. I play the violin, piano, and vocals and I use this to relax. Music helps me when I am thinking about things.
  3. I personally would hate to find out when I would be dead. Death is a common fate for everyone but if I knew when I was going to die, I feel like I am probably going to begin to think life is pointless. I may be wrong. I might start to live every day like it is my last. If I knew when I was going to die, I would probably have more life crisises.
  4. That is so amazing. It reminds me a lot about the viral video on YouTube when Obama had autotune put on him. The text-to-song sounds like something from Portal (The cake is a lie). The concept is pretty neat. The words and lyrics are converted to MIDI that can then be edited for pitch and rhythm. You guys should check out something called Vocaloid which is a more sophisticated singing synthesizer application where you can input syllables and edit dynamics, timing, pitch, formant, etc. It's pretty neat. There is a pretty cool video on YouTube (Meltdown by Rin Kagamine) showing what the Vocaloid software sounds like. The software produces pretty neat results and sounds very similar to human singing.
  5. The only reason why Justin Bieber is receiving lots of popularity is because of the success of the marketers. The team that markets Justin Bieber has done a terrific job marketing him. Almost everyday, I come across his name/image more that once! It's not really about how much fame he should be deserving. It is about how well the marketers market. I am not going to lie. Justin Bieber is an extremely talented kid. Think whatever you want to think but I believe that he is probably a better singer than you probably are. He has an amazing range and he can actually hit notes very accurately. If you take a look at some of his live acoustic covers (without any autotune), you can hear how well he REALLY sounds. Most of the reason why he is receiving so much hate is from the bandwagon and the fact that people are throwing ad hominem attacks at him. They are attacking him as a person rather than his music. Bandwagon also has a huge role in this. People hate Justin Bieber so other people decide to "hate" him. However, this is human nature and we are just going to have to accept this. Many people are closed minded people who do not really think about anything. This is why people get persuaded so easily by ads (even if it is not consciously). People don't stop and think about the logical, ethical, or pathological fallacies (and/or persuasion techniques) that are thrown at them.
  6. I do not believe that there is a way to do this automatically at the moment. If you want to get a 3D model of something from a 2D image, you are probably going to need to get different angles of the 2D image and create a 3D model yourself using modeling software like Cinema 4D, Blender 3D, Maya, etc. What you are looking for is a pretty complex idea and it that kind of technology may not be available publicly for another few years (or decades). If you do decide to learn how to model, it will take a very long time to model yourself (plus the clothing that you want to try on). For your purposes, I do not think that you should take the time to learn all of that. The learning process might take even longer than the modeling itself! It just is not worth your time.
  7. Actually, sit ups/crunches/or any other ab exercises only strengthen your core. If you want abs, you need to cut down the body fat. Cardio is probably 80-90% of the process of getting abs. You can do all the ab exercises that you want but it won't show unless you cut down the belly fat.
  8. I discovered this site about 8 months ago when I looked up how to get a free top-level domain and free hosting and I came across Xisto. One of the results from Google sent me to Xisto.com and I got redirected to Xisto.com. I was grateful that there was a link on how to get free hosting on the portal.My first impression of Xisto - Free Hosting.com was that this service could actually be legitimate and I was sold. It was so easy to follow and before you know it, I on my way to getting my hosting.I was interested at how you could post on forums and in turn . . . get a free TLD + free hosting. I decided to join a few months later and never looked back. I am quite content with the quality hosting offered here. I have never had a problem for the two months that I have been here. Even if I someday have money to buy my own hosting, I probably won't leave Xisto for other webhosts.Before I came here, I used 000webhost which I thought was amazing (100GB monthly bandwidth, 10 GB webspace, etc.) and I used a co.cc domain with it and I was satisfied until one day they randomly decided to ban my account from their services. I never received an email from them and when I sent tickets multiple times without getting a reply back.
  9. I don't know if this helps but I learned how to play the ukulele before I played the guitar because I thought the guitar was harder. In my opinion, playing chords on the ukulele is extremely easy since the strings have a much lesser tension then those on the guitar. After being able to play several chord progressions on the ukulele, I gave the guitar another try and amazingly, it was a lot easier to play than before.If you have trouble playing chords, I suggest that you play a chord over and over again until you get your fingers calloused from repetition. It will help a lot. For bar chords, I spent around 2 weeks placing my fingers across my guitar between commercials.
  10. I think you should wait about a month before you make any major moves because girls need that time to recuperate. I doubt that any girls would want to get involved in another relationship right after one just ended. Also, the situation would most likely be forgotten in that time frame.
  11. Wow. I did not know that I could install WordPress automatically. I still haven't been able to fix the "Error connecting to database" error but my blog seemed to be working perfectly after I used this method. Thanks!
  12. I never really had any major problems with Microsoft Word except for the time when I lost 3 pages of work. I guess it was my fault though. I was working on a report and left the computer unattended. I never saved the report so when I left the computer, the Windows Update Restart Window popped up and I was not there to delay the restart. When I got back to the computer, my computer was at the Welcome Screen. I learned my lesson and started to save regularly. The other other real problem that I have with Microsoft Word is that the 2007+ versions have wierd formatting issues and I haven't taken the time to learn it. For example, when I set the spacing to 1.0, my header spaces the lines out. This is one of the reasons why I prefer to use Microsoft Word 2003 and below. Other than that, I really think Microsoft Word is a useful program. I agree completely. I abuse this button soo much and I frequently make multiple copies of my work to prevent losing them.
  13. I installed wordpress on my website and I get an error when I try to access the page with my blog. I have edited the wp-config.php file accordingly but it still gives me the "Error Connecting to Database" error. In my wp-config.php file, I have: /** The name of the database for WordPress */define('DB_NAME', '********_databasename');/** MySQL database username */define('DB_USER', '********_user');/** MySQL database password */define('DB_PASSWORD', 'MySQLuserPass');/** MySQL hostname */define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); I already created a user and a database for WordPress, added the user to the database and added permissions to access the database. I don't know why it is not working for me. Another site I looked at said that capitalizing the "L" in localhost might solve the problem but that did not work for me.
  14. I guess it really depends on your luck. I have not had any troubles with paypal but I know a friend who got limited for no reason. I'm still cautious with my money as it could get frozen at any moment. This is why I prefer AlertPay for more things (even though most sites don't pay via Alertpay). since it has a lesser risk of getting your account confiscated. On Google Mail, I have a Google Labs addon that puts a golden key icon next to any mail that is from Paypal or eBay so you can easily find out which emails are fake and which emails are real. I have actually received some fake paypal emails before and disposed of them.
  15. Yeah. I noticed that the .com, .net, and .org domain name price changed. I believed they used to be $9.99/year but now it is $12.99. I personally really don't mind at all though. It is just an extra quarter that I have to earn a month which isn't really that bad.
  16. Why inbox.com? GMail an awesome alternative to that service. There are text ads on the email address but you can disable them via Settings -> Web Clips -> Disable Web Clips and you are good to go. Other than no ads, they provide you with 7.5 GB webmail space and amazing SPAM protection (Yay! No more SPAM). Also, there are other small features that a available to you such as POP3, STMP, themes (personalize your email), Google Docs (other Google Products), Google Lab email addons (get sidebar widgets), etc.
  17. I believe that the fact that kids and teenagers are getting more inactive everyday is much more of a cause for obesity than fast food. Fast food is a major reason for obesity but I believe that inactivity affects the obesity factor more. If you look in the United States, you will see how inactive people are. In every other house, you will probably see a kid playing Black Ops, watching a movie, playing an MMORPG, being lazy, watching television, etc. There is not anything wrong with the list that I just provided but no kids are being active anymore. They would much rather stay home than go outside and get some exercise. A good reason for this is probably the fact that they don't have the motivation to exercise. Who actually just suddenly decides to go outside and run for 30 minutes straight? I will assure you that that is not the case with many people.
  18. I am addicted and it kills me because I keep getting distracted from homework causing me to not finish it. Also, I think I spend way to much time on the computer depriving me of the life I should be living. I go on the computer around 4 hours a day. I would say that 1-2 hour should be the limit for teenagers my age. We should be focusing more on school (since I am taking all honors/AP classes).I think it is wrong if you aren't using the computer productively. If you waste away time on computer games, then your addiction is probably a bad thing. I believe that it is okay to be able to play games if you are bored or for leisure but make sure you do not over do it. Set limits for yourself and follow them.My method of setting limits for myself involves 30 minutes of cardio, 150 pushups, and 150 crunches before I get on the computer for anything else other than homework. That way, I will at least stay healthier by keeping up with my daily exercise. If I was to exercise after I got off of the computer then I probably would never get it done. I can't spoil myself with dessert before dinner or I will get full (extended metaphor).
  19. It feels a lot like heaven when I dream about good things (especially when I start lucid dreaming). Dreaming comes with an amazing pleasure. I often wake up and wish I could just live in my dream forever. In my dreams, I can make anything happen my way and it feels as if I was actually there.In reality, I'm not living in a heaven. There is too much to worry about when I am awake.
  20. I do not believe that people should really worry about age differences in friendship. Age is only a number. However, I tend to hang out with people in my own age group, within 2 years of my age. I am fifteen. Most of my friends that I hang out with range in age from anywhere from 14-18 years old. If I were only restricted to being friends with my own age group, I wouldn't have many friends.
  21. Facebook is getting there. From @time Facebook's revenue reported at $800 million in 2009. I love facebook. Most people that I know use facebook which is very convenient for me since I have another way to contact people. Lots of people are transitioning from MySpace to Facebook.
  22. So do any of you want to give me some pointers on where to start? I can pick up things somewhat quickly so a few links would be helpful. Would you recommend any specific Content Management System software for me? I highly doubt that I would ever be able to develop something that would ever compete against WordPress. At the moment, I am just looking for little snippets of code from different sources to use for my website.
  23. I know that everyone has heard of Wordpress, BlogSpot, Blogger, etc. to help aid people in the process to develop a blog but is it possible to develop a blog without using any of this open-source or free-source code? I was wondering how different using a CMS and developing a blog from scratch are from each other. One obvious fact is that wordpress probably has better SEO than the other blog services.
  24. I was wondering if your website needs to be registered under a dedicated IP to be able to upload files through a PHP form script. I read somewhere a few months ago saying that if order to access FTP anonymously, you need to be hosted on a dedicated server but I am not sure of PHP forms count as Anonymous FTP.
  25. I will probably be promoting my site from YouTube since a big part of my site consists of YouTube videos. So all of my traffic is mainly dependent on referrals and subscribers. My website is relatively small so SEO doesn't really matter for me.
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