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Everything posted by NNNOOOOOO

  1. I believe it is a 28 pin DIP. The only other thing I can tell you is that I pulled it from an old security system.
  2. I googled everything on it, but found nothing. I want the pin functions and stuff. Here is what the IC says:DSC...R3361060006719735.....HVHelp me find the datasheet.NOTE: * indicates a space.
    1. web_designer


      then i will wish you happiness with your english -japaness girlfriend...happy new year..



      Thank you (if I find her), and Happy New Year.

  3. But I was thinking a few minutes ago about this. I, for some reason, decided that I need to get a Japanese girlfriend who can speak both English and Japanese.Point is, are there any "legit" websites that offer 100% free dating services? By "legit", I mean the website does what it says, and meets what I'm asking of it (just told you guys what I need of it).
  4. If I connect an Ethernet cable to the laptop to one router and connect to the other router wirelessly and host a multiplayer game, can both routers connect to the laptop at the same time? What I'm saying is, can I use the laptop to bridge the routers and play the computers connected to them? I don't know how to put the question into words.
  5. Never mind, I was putting the wrong password. I was putting T instead of Y.
  6. i want to play q2 with my sister more....HURRY SISTER, HURRY!!!

  7. Never mind, decided to try fs9 anyways and it ran quiet well. Just installed Q2 and about to try. Surely to goodness Quake will run if fs9 did.
  8. Merry Christmas everyone!

    1. rob86



    2. anwiii


      thanks man! you too!

  9. I installed Xubuntu on a laptop today, and it can't connect to internet. It is using some type of wireless card (not usb). It can "see" the router but can't connect. The router is WPA(?) encrypted. I can't get into the router settings because I don't have the required information to do so.I know the pass code, and I enter it correctly, but it keeps asking for it. It gives up after 2 tries. I know the card works, because windows can use it and connect. HALP!!!
  10. Are laptops at all good for gaming period? My system requirements meet the games minimum requirements. I just need to know this before installing the game. Also, what about quake II?
  11. How do I do it. I think it is faulty, but I'm unsure if it is supposed to act like it is. It allows current through without power added to the "Gate" pin. Then to stop the current flow, you ground the "Gate" pin. To get current to flow again, you have to the add power to the "Gate" pin.
  12. Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga? - Manson

  13. Windows is now reinstalled and needs more stuff installed to feel how it used to.
  14. That's what we tried already. When my dad gets here, we'll format the HDD and reinstall Windows. Thanks for the help thought, everyone.
  15. This may not have anything to do with the virus, but Windows won't load now. My dad tried to start the PC this morning, but it didn't load Vista. It will get past the blue screen with different options, but the black screen that immediately follows that only appears for a moment or two, it gets hung there. No welcome screen, no safe mode options, no nothing. Just a courser that flashes at a steady rate. I can't type anything, restore option won't work. I'm only able to do this because of live cd of Linux. The last known time that Windows worked was last night. HELP!!!The recover disc didn't work.
  16. I read something about that that is what the folder is about. I still don't get any of it. I'm so confused.
  17. "Only 2 things are infinite: the universe and human idiocy. And i'm not sure about the former" - Albert Einstein

  18. It seems that now, the internet is working correctly again.
  19. But I'm using Chrome. And everything seems normal to me.
  20. Google searches sends me to random web pages including fake warning screens. I've been reading that the csrss.exe should be only in the System32 folder, but anywhere else, it's a virus. However, I'm confused about the second one, as it has the same properties of the other one. File size, creation date, description. The one in the folder of 50+ characters also has a .mui(?) file in it.
  21. Someone respond to my topic!!

  22. My PC has 2 csrss.exe files in different locations. They are in:C:\Windows\System32C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-csrss_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_none_58e3e3d7e415ae4cShould I delete the second one, and is it the reason my web browser is messing up?
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