Unregistered 015
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Everything posted by Unregistered 015
Not sure, but I think it can be done like this: if (!filled_out($HTTP_POST_VARS)){do something} And add this somewhere: function filled_out($form_vars){ // test that each variable has a value foreach ($form_vars as $key => $value) { if (!isset($key) || ($value == "")) return false; } return true;} Notice from BuffaloHELP: Codes, any type, need to be within the CODE tag. Refrain from making double posts. Last caution note. Merging.
What do you mean by this? In which way? For those afraid for CPU temperature, you can go to 70°C without problems, 40° is just optimal. 90° should be treated cerefully
HDTV is digital television. Its a sream of data directly to your DTV (Digital TV) set (19.3 Mbps I think). So you can acctualy "download" your TV signal. Today's television is analog. Therefore, you can have blurry or snowy picture. That is not possible with DTV. You either have the signal or not. Resolutions are also much higher (1280). Aspect ratio is usually 16:9 (analog tv's is 4:3). DTV has about 10 milion pixels which means 10 times more quality picture. However, to recevie HDTV signal you must have HDTV set, and, of course, a station that broadcasts DTV signals. There are not many stations today which supprot hdtv, but it is planed that every stations implements this techology by the end of 2007.
The Art Of Flirting tips for guys =]
Unregistered 015 replied to broflovski's topic in Dating And Relationships
That's exactly what I'm trying to say, xaetos. GUYS READ HER POST AGAIN. She is a girl and she knows what she speaks about. -
Asking A Girl Out whats the best way?
Unregistered 015 replied to rejected's topic in Dating And Relationships
What a girly behavior. JMHO -
Faster Than Light Travel? Thinking caps please
Unregistered 015 replied to Mithshark's topic in Science and Technology
Does the ligth have mass? No? Why then the light can't escape from a black hole? Does the black hole have mass? Is the mass at the black hole (in it's acretion disk) going faster toward it than the light? Does it mean that mass can travel faster then light? Is there something completely different at play? Another "physics" maybe?Just some of the interesting questions, I'm about to answer -
What are you talking about? F11 is in many browsers (you are using one to read this) for full screen. There is no option (during or after the boot) that you can do somthing like that with F11 (at least not in WINDOWS)? F8 if pressed during booting process brings up startup options where you can choose which operating system to start and in which mode. Other useful keys are Del (or sometimes, depending on mb F1) for BIOS. If you think you have viruses, then reinstaling windows (if it is windows) wont help you a lot, since you'll still have them. Reformaiting your hard drive is the best solution (asuming that you dont have any important data on that disk). If you plan on formating and want to save data (on cds or whereever) remember to rescan those after reinstall. JMO
I had a quick look at this code and dont have time for analysys. I can see it converts chars to coresponding nubmers after MD5, and back in decription (not sure tough). What do you actually want to know (since you already gave decryption algorithm)?
Newbie In C++ But It's In My University need help for exam :(
Unregistered 015 replied to anima's topic in Programming
Nice tutorial for beginers here: http://www.cprogramming.com/ -
Asking A Girl Out whats the best way?
Unregistered 015 replied to rejected's topic in Dating And Relationships
NOT the words to start any conversation, ecpecially not with a girl. C'mon! Why are you asking her out? Because you think she suckz? NO, but because you like her. So, she already know that. Do you want to go out with her? Read post by wassie. Some nice hints there too. -
The Art Of Flirting tips for guys =]
Unregistered 015 replied to broflovski's topic in Dating And Relationships
I totally disagre about this one. Women know if you are interested (and a wuss). So dont give her your power. Stay calm, keep your composure, be funny, frinedly, bust her balls, tease her like a sister. Lean back. Another one that says to her uncociousness: "I'm a wuss, I like you, and I laugh at anything you say because I like you". And the girl goes:"What a looser!"Don't show her that you are interested at all (in the beginnig). She's a female, she knows it. If you ask her for a phone no. she know why you asked. If you ask her out, she also knows. You dont have to ask her for her aproval, period. I wouldn't do this to early on. It show that you are needy and insecure which is a HUGE turn off. -
To Do, Or Not To Do... Thats the question.
Unregistered 015 replied to wassie's topic in Dating And Relationships
What about asking her out? -
Girls: What "not" To Say To Guys! Check it out?
Unregistered 015 replied to broflovski's topic in Dating And Relationships
Answer: Doesn't matter Answer if yes: Yea, she's fine.If no:Are you kidding? Look at her! Answer:Hahahaa, cute. NO! Answer: Of course, I have a great sex with them. Something I couldn't do with you. Answer: My mom. I got to go to bed. Bye! Answer: You didn't call so I went out with ten stripers. Answer: Because it's not cool. -
I would take me eternety to explain some things to you, and yet then you would not undestand. I dont mean to be harsh, but my phylosophy (and of few people living on this planet) sounds to you as Da Vinci's phylosophy sounded to the people of his age.
Need Advice! there is one girl.....
Unregistered 015 replied to Tonny's topic in Dating And Relationships
And you are still asking yourself what to do?? UNBELIVABLE!! I'd say, kick her *bottom* man! Ok, dont go that far, but tell her to f**** of, politely Why are you being such a wuss? -
Faster Than Light Travel? Thinking caps please
Unregistered 015 replied to Mithshark's topic in Science and Technology
Its both time and velocity (kako bi mi rekli prostor-vrijeme)Read Einsteins relativity theory for more info. Stephen Hawking talks a lot about time-space concept in a lot of his works. Theory of everything can be founde somewhere on line becouse it free for non comercial use. And you can find everything else illegally -
Asking A Girl Out whats the best way?
Unregistered 015 replied to rejected's topic in Dating And Relationships
This is definetly NOT the way to ask her out! Seriously!This is lame, bs, suckz, boring at it best. You shouldn't be coming from that scarcity mentality of "I need something, plese, can you give me some" NO!! You should be the one to qualify her, like this:"Are you single?" (if you dont know already), then:"I'd like to take you out sometime to see if you are more then just a pretty face. I'm available Friday, are you?" Sound like you have a life, not like a looser with no social life. -
What Is Your Iq? Lets see how smart you are
Unregistered 015 replied to Unregistered 015's topic in General Discussion
If you dont know where to find one, then probably you are not that smart :)I keed, I keed... -
Have you played Mafia?Morrowind?Sims 2 (add expansions for full expirience)?Any of Splinter Cell series?There are many great games out there, be more specific and I'll come with some.What about Call of Duty?
What Is Your Iq? Lets see how smart you are
Unregistered 015 replied to Unregistered 015's topic in General Discussion
Your brother is one really smart dude then You are not bad either. I dont know how good those tests are, but I would be satisfied with over 130 on official test since its in highsocre of 2.5% of general population! -
A policeman pulls a drunk driver over and asks:"Sir, are you drunk?"The drivers says:"hic...no!"Policeman:"Are you sober?""No I'm not", answers the driver.Policeman:"What are you then?"Driver:"Just right"This is the way I like it too
If you have ever taken an IQ test, post your results here. If you have not then you can use one of free online tests to test yourself. My score is 147 (unoficial at http://www.mensa.hr/glavna/). What's yours?
What's stopping you from being rich in THIS life? Do you know that it can be done? There is a way to make milion, or gain anything else you want. Only thing it takes is TIME. So, you CAN become a milionare, but probably around the age of 75 (if you are under 20 right now). PM me if you are interested in more info.
To Do, Or Not To Do... Thats the question.
Unregistered 015 replied to wassie's topic in Dating And Relationships
Yeah, dont forget buy her a porsche! C'mon give me abreak. -
A Whole Lotta Kissing! my friends relashionship
Unregistered 015 replied to emma's topic in Dating And Relationships
Could happen. Happend to me once actually. I was making out with a gf for 5 hours!Thats my record by the way. We were suposed to have more then making out, but it came like that. Anyway, nice expirience to have...