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Unregistered 015

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Everything posted by Unregistered 015

  1. I vote for oscommerce since it is the most customizable and it's easy to use.
  2. I'm just corious about how many native English speakers are here at Xisto, and where are they from? Where are you from if it is not your native languge? How did you learn it? By the way, I'm from Bosnia, and I speak Bosnian (serbian, and croatian too, since it's just a variation of the same old serbo-croatian language spoken in ex-yu). I learned English in school and by using computer Notice from BuffaloHELP: Moving from General Talk to Life Talk > Regional. Credit still counts.
  3. It is more important WHEN you go to sleep then HOW MUCH do you sleep! If you go to sleep BEFORE 12 then you could wake up at 6:00 without any problems. However, if you go to sleep AFTER 12 then no matter how much do you sleep, you will NEVER get enough of it!This is scientific (self-tested) fact, that I can't integrate in my life by the way
  4. I found the O'Reillys Java Examples in a nutshell to be a nice book. I just hope I can absorb all that stuff in that short time
  5. I have less then 15 days to learn the basics of Java prog.lang. I know it is a short period of time so I wonder if it is possible at all?! I need to know basics (like Console programs, simle math problems, lists - if that exists in Java etc.). I already know some C/C++ programming so I hope I'll be able to pull it of...Now I ask all of you to help me by giving me the best tutorials out there (I'm sure you know some places ) and every other help possible?Thank you!
  6. no MAFIA 1. MAFIA (played so many times)2. GTA series (I haven't played SA)3. Sims 24. Championship manager series (until Football Manager 2005)5. Max Payneand I have to mention:6. Morrowind7. Jagged Alliance8. Call Of Duty9. MS Flight Simulator 200410. Baldurs Gate11. Splinter Cell12. Fallout 213. Deus Ex14. I think I'm getting of topic a bit here
  7. I've played all CM series including new CM2005 by sega, but found SIGames version (that is FM2005) MUCH better game than new CM! It is more like next version of CM serial then the real CM2005 is. It has more leagues, players, stuff and is much reacher game in every aspect then CM. SIGames are doing a great stuff by providing pathces and regular updates from their site. There is new patch for FM2005, version 5.0.5., released 02/03/2005 so if you havent downloaded it by now, you should.I have and now I need no cd patch but can't find it anywhere, so if anyone can help I'd appreciate it!
  8. When two people are merried or in commited relationship they should be faitfull, but if it is only girlfriend/boyfriend situation, why not do it with someone else if you like them too?
  9. I've this card and it works fine, but it has some problems at the same time. There are some bugs in some games, and I'm not sure is it driver problems or hardware problmes? Does anyone has expirience with this card? I used to have GForceMX200 before, and I must say it was great, stable but lacked pixel shaders, so I had to replace it. I would like to buy a new card but dont have money for it right now, becouse I want the best, maybe All-In-Wonder series...Give me your opinions!
  10. I dont think there is nothing interesting to see. If you want watch some crazy guys watch MTV's jackass or somthing similar. For a good laugh I recommend Jerry Springer's show, and dont overwatch it! I'm serious -_-But in BB there is really noting to see. If you need drama and romance, Spanish soaps are for you :PAll of this stuff is definitely not for ME!
  11. No SEX before marriage!! what are you talking about! Sex is not just used for reproduction it is meant to be FUN and EXCITING man!! Congrats to everybody who can hold on without it
  12. I vote phpnuke but I also think mambo is much better!
  13. Why do you people recall Bible or religious books when you speak about such a topic? Why are your views so tight? Look further if you are looking for answers. Don't be limited! You are given mind to think why dont you do that insted of looking in some books. I'm not saying those books are wrong or not but there are some living people I know (some are noble prize winers others completely unknown) which I recspect more then any book becouse I think what they think is right! It does not have to be Jesus or someone else to tell you what to belive or what to do? You have brains yourself so think and decide and give your opinion on it!My opinion is that homosexuality is not wrong, but I also think that there should not be gay marriages becouse they can give birth and that's wrong. But couples that have fun with same sex and marry opposite sex are ok.It's in their genes who they should like or not, but it is also in their genes to have offspring!
  14. There is no reason not to choose laptop. Todays laptops are close to desktops (by performance) so you can do whatever you want with it (playing games included) and you can do it on the road Great! If only batteries could hold more then a few hours?!
  15. Look for PHP Designer by some guy named Michael. It's free and comes with evrything you need: sintax highlighter, tabbed editing, and suff. Try it!I think it is Michael Pam or Pham + software (that's his corp.)
  16. Have you tryed http://www.oscommerce.com/ It is free and open source. Try googling for free php shopping cart. there are many.
  17. I can't see anythink wrong with online dating (and making friends too). You can talk to someone and if you like them CALL them on the phone or meet them somewhere (but BE CAREFULL OK). Online dating should work that way, and those speaking of online marriage or relationship, well, that's bullsheet! Online is for fun, REAL is for even more FUN!
  18. I would guestimate there are a lot of them No, seriously, I'm unable to count them since they dont fit my 19'' when trying to see all of them (scrolling to count them makes me lose myslef).
  19. First to mention that I'm not a noob when it comes to gaming Now, to get serious. I have DirectX9.0c and all the setting are tuned fine for my comp. And problem is that there is no problem when I disconect (physicaly) the wheel from computer, only when I try to drive with it. Today I tryed another relatively old game, Grand Prix 4, and it worked fine. But those games that need better directx seem to have some problem. My USB version (onborad) is 2.0 and the wheel is 1.1 I suppose since there is no mark or label or anything on it that indicates which version it is. Manual has two pages so dont try to convince me to look there Is it possible that DirectInput has some new features which newer games are using that this *BLEEP* wheel cannot support? This is a good question for a game programmer if there are any.Anyway, thank you for your replies!
  20. How do these subdomains we get for free at free hosting companies like Xisto affect site position in search engines?Does url matter? Is it better, let' say, to have a site about dogs at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ rather then http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ heard that some free* hosting services (like tripod) autmaticaly include your newlly created site into search engines?!
  21. I have Boxker Wheel (I know, never heard, it's some Chinese ****). Here is the pic: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ When I play some older games like Need For Speed Porsche Unleashed it works perfectly, but there is a problem with new games like NFS: Underground 1 & 2, and Mafia. Those games play smooth as long as I dont touch the wheel (I can use pedals, and change gears) but as soon as I enter the turn game slows down, and performance dops dramatically. It is not because of the hardware (graphics or something) it is because of the wheel! It connects via USB. I think the problem is somehow related to DirectX but I'm not sure. Please help if you can?!
  22. I've heard something about NLP and about a book ''Forgs into princess''. I'm interested in topic so if anyone has this book I would really be thankful to them if they send it to me. Either at ciro_xyz@hotmail.com. I'm thinking PDF or DOC version.
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