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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. If you simply type : http://forums.xisto.com/ It will also work. I would suggest readers to try out text based browsers like Lynx.
  2. Dude, I just finished reading your other story, http://forums.xisto.com/topic/32544-the-internet-chat-liar-2/ And all I can say is, STAY AWAY FROM INTERNET CHAT!
  3. That's why they say, Relations which start from IMs and Internet Chats are not reliable. In most of the cases, you find that your partner who was saying the good things about himself/herself was actually a "_SCREENSAVER_".The moment you click on something (meet), the real thing comes up! And if like joeysicily, If you are still lucky, I'd suggest, you better play safe like him. ;-)Nice one joeysicily.
  4. It is actually URL optimization. They just want to avoid accessing 10,000 files by a common URL like :-index.php?getpost=3144instead, they would prefer fav_file,3145.htmlThis would fool the search engine making it think that it is a seperate file. And they index it better.
  5. Please go through this := http://forums.xisto.com/topic/106-free-web-hosting-service-registration-3-easy-steps-to-your-new-free-website/ And after that, Read this .. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6147-posting-activity-rule-automated-hosting-script-know-about-how-this-system-works/
  6. If that domain is present on our network, it will give that error. Since our servers are all clustered and connected, The websites are not bounded by their server location. They are all like one group.If you have parked or have the account with Xisto or Xisto, remove it from there.
  7. Yup! Add me too.. I got glasses. (Refractive power/index/number : -3)
  8. Rhino Server was used a long long time back.. its no longer used now. Do you have the list ?
  9. Unless you give us information about your website, how can we find it out.
  10. I believe geeks can be people who know much, not only limited to Computers but also other things. You can say, a person who finds intense interest in some activity or field. It can be anything and not necessarily related to Computers.
  11. LOL! I think that thing is because of the Army system. I disabled it completely and trying to figure out some modules associated with it. Thanks to those members who find it cool..
  12. Hmm.. lemme think. A Hot chick is in front of you asking for date and you say, "Sorry, not now, I gotta work :-S ".
  13. I think US should use some other approach to find Laden. Air strikes are harmful and such casualities cannot be avoided. I am sure, the pilots didn't do it on purpose because they know the consequences. Reading the above, I cannot tell who is to blame. There has never been a war in which innocent civilians were NOT compromised. US should appologise Pakistan for the mishap and should be careful next time. However, no person can hide without the support of the people. So, its an obvious fact that the people are supporting the person whom the US miliary are searching. So, If they think they have the right to protest, they should also try their best to notify the miliary about any information regarding the terrorist.
  14. <? ?>PHP include statement. The file name extension should be .php <!-- #include virtual="/yourfile.htm" --> SSI include statement. The file name extension should be .shtm or .shtml
  15. Test topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installationTest topic for testing mod installation
  16. In short, Breaking the matter, converting to molecules and then may be CONVERTING to MATTERWAVES (which can travel faster than light - theortically proven) and then get the waves on a reciever with 0% LOSS (which is important) and then convert it back to matter again.Phew! thats a long run..
  17. CPM - Not a Better OptionCPC - Again Not a better optionCPA - If your forums is oriented to one main topic, these can get you some cashMy Suggestion : Use a Mixture of CPM campaigns and run them using an Adserver.
  18. Hi,That is the place where we are presently working with the Upgrade.So, the credits over there will not affect your present credits as both are maintained in diffrent databases.Thanks.
  19. Thanks Wassie, even I felt that we must have a tutorial for Checking Dns Settings For a Website..
  20. Hi,Please give more details about your transaction, So that we can update you and provide more information regarding the same.thanks.
  21. The sweet and short answer is, You can host Unlimited domains under one account by pointing their nameservers and using ADDON/PARKED domains feature.AND, you can have UNLIMITED Emails associated with those domain names.I hope things are clear -Topic Closed.
  22. Well, I do notice something on the top right which says "mailed by gamma.xisto.com" which means, your webspace is filled up by that much percentage and not your Gmail account.
  23. If you have recently purchased a domain and facing problems with the workings, the first thing which you should check is the DNS setting. Dns settings determine, how to domain is pointed to the Server and How the server is connected to the world (internet). Ensure, the DNS settings are perfect to make sure, things work smoothly and people across the globe don't have problems accessing your site. The basic check would be : PING Suppose you register your domain (example.com) at Xisto - Web Hosting. You get an IP for your website. In this case, suppose its You have finished pointing your domain to Xisto - Web Hosting nameservers. (For details regarding configuration -> Check out Configuring Dns Settings For Website. If things are working perfectly, you MUST get this IP when you ping your website. 1. Go to Start Menu -> Run <Enter> 2. Enter ping example.com 3. You should get a listing like following with your domain name. If you don't get the IP of your webhost, It means :-1. Either your domain is not completely propagated to new host. It will take 1-2 days depending on your ISP. 2. You have misconfigured your domain. Follow instructions here to configure your domain. Click Configuring Dns Settings For Website. If you don't get the listing _like_ above, there can be 2 problems. 1. Either your Webhost is down. 2. Your Domain is not setup on the server. Contact Administrator. If you are using A-ADDRESS POINTING, Check for mail and other services by PINGING. 1. mail.example.com (for checking mail) 2. ftp.example.com (for checking ftp) ADVANCED CHECK ============ Getting a DNS REPORT of your Domain. Go to : http://www.dnsreport.com/ Enter your domain name in the first field and press enter. You will get the list of parameters of your domain and its settings. For WHOIS report to check the nameserver settings, Go to : http://www.dnsstuff.com/ Find WHOIS box and enter your domain. You will get the registration details along with the present nameserver. Which should show your current nameservers. Ensure that you domain is in LOCK state for security reasons.
  24. Most of the people have problems configuring their website. After registering their domain, many get confused in configuring their domain (basically the DNS settings). This small tutorial will help you get started with DNS settings configuration. A domain can be basically pointed to a server using 2 main techniques. 1. Nameserver (the most recommended way) 2. A Address (Not recommended) Configuring using Nameservers ==================== Login to your domain Control panel provided by your DOMAIN NAME PROVIDER / REGISTRAR. Not your webhost. Search for settings like DNS. In that you must find an option to set NAMESERVERS. You might be presented with fields to fill up like :- NAMESERVER 1 : _____________ IP : ___________ NAMESERVER 2 : _____________ IP : ___________ NAMESERVER 3 : _____________ IP : ___________ NAMESERVER 4 : _____________ IP : ___________ NAMESERVER 5 : _____________ IP : ___________ NAMESERVER 6 : _____________ IP : ___________ ... ... ... IP is optional. Some registerars require it. Some don't. Nameservers are in following format. XXX.YYYYYYYYY.ZZZ In which, XXX can be anything as set by webhost. YYYYYYYYY.ZZZ is a domain owned by webhost. The IP address is usually provided. But if you don't have the IP, obtaining the IP is very simple. Go to Start Menu => Click RUN Enter "ping XXX.YYYYYYYY.ZZZ" For Xisto - Web Hosting, If you enter ping ns1.computinghost.com You will get an output like :- FOR NS1 C:\>ping ns1.computinghost.comPinging ns1.computinghost.com [] with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time=299ms TTL=49Reply from bytes=32 time=302ms TTL=49Reply from bytes=32 time=299ms TTL=49Reply from bytes=32 time=300ms TTL=49Ping statistics for Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:Minimum = 299ms, Maximum = 302ms, Average = 300ms FOR NS2 C:\>ping ns2.computinghost.comPinging ns2.computinghost.com [] with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time=301ms TTL=50Reply from bytes=32 time=299ms TTL=50Reply from bytes=32 time=299ms TTL=50Reply from bytes=32 time=302ms TTL=50Ping statistics for Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:Minimum = 299ms, Maximum = 302ms, Average = 300ms Therefore, Nameserver IPs for NS1.COMPUTINGHOST.COM is NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM is Now, that you know your IP, You enter it at your Host. NAMESERVER 1 : NS1.COMPUTINGHOST.COM IP : NAMESERVER 2 : NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM IP : NAMESERVER 3 : _____________ IP : ___________ NAMESERVER 4 : _____________ IP : ___________ NAMESERVER 5 : _____________ IP : ___________ NAMESERVER 6 : _____________ IP : ___________ ..... .... ... PLEASE DON'T GET CONFUSED BY THE NS1,NS2 ETC. IT CAN BE ANYTHING. If you apply for Windows Hosting, You get Different Nameserver Address like :- NS4.COMPUTINGHOST.COM NS5.COMPUTINGHOST.COM When entering them at your Domain Registrar, You enter it in the following way :- **WRONG WAY** NAMESERVER 1 : _____________ IP : ___________NAMESERVER 2 : _____________ IP : ___________NAMESERVER 3 : _____________ IP : ___________NAMESERVER 4 : NS4.COMPUTINGHOST.COM IP : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxNAMESERVER 5 : NS5.COMPUTINGHOST.COM IP : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxNAMESERVER 6 : _____________ IP : ___________NAMESERVER 7 : _____________ IP : ___________NAMESERVER 8 : _____________ IP : ___________............ **RIGHT WAY** NAMESERVER 1 : NS4.COMPUTINGHOST.COM IP : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxNAMESERVER 2 : NS5.COMPUTINGHOST.COM IP : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxNAMESERVER 3 : _____________ IP : ___________NAMESERVER 4 : _____________ IP : ___________NAMESERVER 5 : _____________ IP : ___________NAMESERVER 6 : _____________ IP : ___________NAMESERVER 7 : _____________ IP : ___________............ ALSO, REMOVE ANY PREVIOUSLY SET NAMESERVERS!!! CLEAR EVERYTHING WHICH IS PREVIOUSLY PRESENT IN THOSE SETTINGS!! THE NAMESERVER FIELD MUST HAVE NAMESERVERS POINTING TO ONLY ONE COMPANY. The precedence goes from top to bottom. If nameserver 1 fails, Nameserver 2 is contacted. If NS2 fails, Ns3 is contacted. So, If you NS1 has nameservers pointing to previous host, it will continue doing so. If you want to point to your new host, it should be at Nameserver 1 postition. ======= PART 2 ======= Configuring using A - Address ==================== The A Address pointing is directly telling the registrar to point the domain to IP address. The resolving work will be done at the Domain registerars hands. Basically, after you register with a webhost, you will be given an IP address for your website. When configuring with A-Address, you have to enter this IP Address. Suppose, If you are hosted at *Xisto - Web Hosting* (example), You can get an IP like In such case, at your registerar, you have to enter :- Example.com - A-ADDRESS -> ftp.Example.com - A-ADDRESS -> mail.Example.com - A-ADDRESS -> PLEASE NOTE, After you create SUB domains at your web host, you have to point them at the registerar with the A-ADDRESS. Suppose you create, my-sub-domain.example.com You will have to set the A-Address accordingly at your registrar. my-sub-domain.example.com - A-ADDRESS -> If you don't set A-ADDRESS IP for mail, ftp etc, those services will NOT work. Therefore, When using A-Address to point your domain, make sure you point mail, ftp and other sub domains that you have. The Advantage of A-Address is you can have different Sub domains pointing to different Web hosts. Suppose, you have lots free space at Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting. And you want to use them both, you can have download1.your-domain.com pointing to Xisto.download2.your-domain.com pointing to Xisto - Web Hosting. -- End of Tutorial -- -OpaQue
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