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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Hi, You're request at support center has been processed.The old domain can now be added as a parked domain.Thanks.
  2. Hi,That software is a background running deamon which puts tremendous load on the server.You are NOT allowed to install such softwares. If you do, as soon as the server hogs up, We will suspend your account.Please understand that, due to the shared nature of hosting, We cannot compromise the uptime and reliability promised to other members for you.Thanks.
  3. I will have to tweek the Friendly URL mod to correct this. I had noticed this... Will put it in my TODO list ;-)
  4. I think, you need to relax and find some good friends with mature brains on top of their shoulder. I dunno if this kinda behaviour is common between friends, but if this happened to me, I'd do the following :-1. Try my best to play along with them and do the AGREE AGREE game.. until I get the pointer someone else.. It's like, wink at someone and get one of more of your pals to your side. Or may be, I am just good at making friends.. LOL.2. If this did not work, and they still slapped arguments on my face, I would stand up and give them an open treat for stealing (well, I know you didn't steal, but if for them, picking up short bits of food is stealing.. so be it). Now this should had worked.. And then, since all of them are happy and impressed eating, I would make a joke and ask, whose idea was it anyway and once I come to know who was it.. I will make sure, he is f*ked out of the group as soon as possible.. Because I really hate people who do such things..3. Okay, the last option, after trying everything to keep the friendship intact, if nothing works. I would rather say F*k off .. on their face and do whatever possible to make an *bottom* of themself.. and then I would had teased/cursed/sweared at them badly.. LOL! Because, now that things are broken, I will see to it that its broken completely and you get back your dignity. Just make sure, when you are cursing them, you bring them some TRUE facts out about them. So they get screwed in open..Okay, if you feel that my 3rd suggestion is totally evil, don't worry. Because I never had to do it. and I m quite sure, you will not have to either. Have fun.. take things easily. Mischief is a part of life..
  5. There are many Search engines other than Google and Yahoo. The programmer who created your software added general Crawler recognisation code for major companies. For all other search engines whose crawling bots are not identified, it will show up as Unknown or Unidentified Bot.
  6. All of these, Insect on food Food falls on ground/floor Food is coughed on Food is handled by a disgusting person Food is sneezed upon Food has a hair in it Different foods are mixed together Food has an odd color or look to it Food becomes dirty Spider web on food are enough for me to not touch the food... All are equally disgusting. Eww.. how did you come with such a disgusting topic! I can't eat my food now.. Grrr.
  7. The original topic was started by M^E here. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/88779-topic/?findpost=1064338235 Add your votes in this poll. For the pics of all the beuties, check out :- http://bmmi.indiatimes.com/newindex.htm
  8. Here is my choice! 21 => http://bmmi.indiatimes.com/cont21.htm 25 => http://bmmi.indiatimes.com/cont25.htm 17 => http://bmmi.indiatimes.com/cont17.htm 11 => http://bmmi.indiatimes.com/cont11.htm
  9. Also, After you finish up your templates and CSS part. Do check your site in these major browsers :-1. Internet Explorer (1st Priority)2. Firefox (2nd Priority)3. OperaThe priorities have been given according to the Percentage of browser software used by the visitors of Xisto.com.
  10. Just waiting for more and more members... :huh:I hope the boards grow larger and larger..The traffic is killing the server, but I am glad. Help me KILL the server and spread the word.
  11. I'd suggest that you use *.astahost.com ID. Because .tk urls do a direct redirect to Xisto. Google can see this behaviour and might suspect this of being some illegal activity thereby reducing your chances of getting approved for the account.Google Adsense people treat sub-domains as seperate domains.
  12. Thanks for your update regarding the ADDON DOMAINS. -/ topic closed.
  13. All the softwares included in Fantastico are controlled directly by NETENBURG Co. Invision once had free version board. At that time, They used to include the board in their group of installatable software. Now, that invision is not providing free version, Netenburg is forced to suspend the installation of invision through Fantastico. If Invision decides to release the free version again, it will autoamatically be included in our list.Thanks.
  14. Session variables are supposed to exist as long as the browser window is open.However, since the browser which is a client side application is coming into picture, it MIGHT depend on the browser you are using and how it treats session variables.Did you try this with diffrent browsers ?
  15. Trap17 is a busy board and displaying credits on every page means increasing the query count by one for all pages. Just to keep things resource friendly, credits are displayed only on main page.
  16. USA (RETAIL PRICE APPROX. US$ 4 ) Whoa! I will wait for the chinese market to produce its duplicate.. LOL!
  17. Yeah.. I believe, Advertisements should give clear idea of what they are dealing with so that only interested people click on it. Making dumb notes like that is totally unprofessional.
  18. WDS, I am a very very social person.. but trust me on this, Even though I have a very very large friend circle, I hardly can say anyone my REAL friend. There are hardly any who have ever helped me when I was in terrible situation. People are with you, only till you are there to give them something or entertain them. Once they feel that you are worth nothing or you cannot add up to their life with something extra, they simply ignore you.Ofcourse, When I told you that no one helped me in my bad time, I do not want to say that "friends are people who you make a relation so that they help you in your bad time..". The meaning of friendship goes far more than that.Firstly, be social. Never judge people by how they look or talk. I have realised one thing in life, its extremely difficult to be the REAL YOU to everyone. Please try to break that barrier. Be good to everyone. Remember, people will treat you the way you treat them. If there are people who don't treat you properly, stop being afraid and start ignoring them. I don't say, go and fight. Learn to ignore.. Also, take an active participation in School activities which is where many students tend to run away. The closer you get to your teachers and school staff, the more interesting you become. Real friends are like precious asset of life and they don't just come up. It takes a long time to find the real friend.. Just because someone is good to you for past 2 months, dosen't make him your real friend. Friends never expect favors from you.. or don't force you to do anything you like.As for the GIRL FRIENDS thingy.. now this is complicated. You have to stop running behind girls or trying to make friends... Just be yourself and be mature.. If you become a cool person who talks with every other person in your group.. Girls will take interest in you. ;-)
  19. Hold your horses folks - this might be one of the ultimate scientific breakthroughs in recent times. All the so called "cures" for AIDS so far have been nothing but retroviral agents (cocktails of several expensive drugs) - that only served to inhibit the AIDS virus. None were able to purge them from your body for good. They could only limit the activity of the virus allowing you to lead a normal (almost) life till the end. But with this new report in the Salt Lake Tribune, it seems Paul D. Savage of Brigham Young University has invented a compound that actually HUNTS DOWN the AIDS virus in your body and kills them. This compund acts on all known variants/strains of HIV. Here's an exerpt from the article: This might very well be the dawn of a new day for those infected with this ghastly and fatal Syndrome. I pray to God that this cure turns out to be TRUE to its fullest.m^e - This post belongs to Microscopic^Earthling posted at Xisto.com
  20. Link Confirmed. Check here...CGI Center Fantastico Agora Shopping Cart Java/CGI Chat RoomPhpMyChat Room
  21. Hi, I can understand your frustration, but there were other modules pending installation. We also told you that we will help you for installation of any script manually. We were ready to do your work just because one of our promised service was not present on one of our server. Anyway, Fantastico Installation on DELTA has been completed successfully. Fetching files 4Images Gallery has been fetched. 4Images Gallery support file has been fetched. AccountLab Plus has been fetched. AccountLab Plus support file has been fetched. Advanced Poll has been fetched. Advanced Poll support file has been fetched. b2evolution has been fetched. b2evolution support file has been fetched. Coppermine Photo Gallery has been fetched. Coppermine Photo Gallery support file has been fetched. Crafty Syntax Live Help has been fetched. Crafty Syntax Live Help support file has been fetched. CubeCart has been fetched. CubeCart support file has been fetched. Dew-NewPHPLinks has been fetched. Dew-NewPHPLinks support file has been fetched. dotProject has been fetched. dotProject support file has been fetched. Drupal has been fetched. Drupal support file has been fetched. FAQMasterFlex has been fetched. FAQMasterFlex support file has been fetched. Gallery has been fetched. Gallery support file has been fetched. Geeklog has been fetched. Geeklog support file has been fetched. Help Center Live has been fetched. Help Center Live support file has been fetched. Joomla has been fetched. Joomla support file has been fetched. Mambo Open Source has been fetched. Mambo Open Source support file has been fetched. Moodle has been fetched. Moodle support file has been fetched. Noahs Classifieds has been fetched. Noahs Classifieds support file has been fetched. Nucleus has been fetched. Nucleus support file has been fetched. Open-Realty has been fetched. Open-Realty support file has been fetched. osTicket has been fetched. osTicket support file has been fetched. OS Commerce has been fetched. OS Commerce support file has been fetched. PerlDesk has been fetched. PerlDesk support file has been fetched. PHP-Nuke has been fetched. PHP-Nuke support file has been fetched. phpAdsNew has been fetched. phpAdsNew support file has been fetched. PHPauction has been fetched. PHPauction support file has been fetched. phpBB2 has been fetched. phpBB2 support file has been fetched. phpCOIN has been fetched. phpCOIN support file has been fetched. phpESP has been fetched. phpESP support file has been fetched. phpFormGenerator has been fetched. phpFormGenerator support file has been fetched. PHPlist has been fetched. PHPlist support file has been fetched. PHProjekt has been fetched. PHProjekt support file has been fetched. PHPSurveyor has been fetched. PHPSurveyor support file has been fetched. phpWCMS has been fetched. phpWCMS support file has been fetched. phpWebSite has been fetched. phpWebSite support file has been fetched. PhpWiki has been fetched. PhpWiki support file has been fetched. PHP Support Tickets has been fetched. PHP Support Tickets support file has been fetched. pMachine Free has been fetched. pMachine Free support file has been fetched. Post-Nuke has been fetched. Post-Nuke support file has been fetched. Siteframe has been fetched. Siteframe support file has been fetched. SMF has been fetched. SMF support file has been fetched. Soholaunch Pro Edition has been fetched. Soholaunch Pro Edition support file has been fetched. Support Logic Helpdesk has been fetched. Support Logic Helpdesk support file has been fetched. Support Services Manager has been fetched. Support Services Manager support file has been fetched. Templates Express has been fetched. Templates Express support file has been fetched. TikiWiki has been fetched. TikiWiki support file has been fetched. TYPO3 has been fetched. TYPO3 support file has been fetched. ViPER Guestbook has been fetched. ViPER Guestbook support file has been fetched. WebCalendar has been fetched. WebCalendar support file has been fetched. WordPress has been fetched. WordPress support file has been fetched. Xoops has been fetched. Xoops support file has been fetched. Zen Cart has been fetched. Zen Cart support file has been fetched. All necessary files have been fetched. Please visit the links below in order to complete installation (all links will open in a new window). Click here in order to activate Fantastico in the WHM Features Manager. Click here in order to open the Fantastico De Luxe WHM Admin (Settings page) and configure Fantastico or it may not work properly. Also do not forget to activate Fantastico in the RVSkin administration! Thank you for using Fantastico De Luxe! You should be able to see all the above scripts in your Fantastico setting. If you cannnot view the FANTASTICO link in your Cpanel, Send us a support ticket. We might have to enable the option in your cpanel. Thanks. -- Issue resolved. Closing Thread.
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