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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Howz this new look guys? I m very sure, you will like this as much as I do
  2. Google APPS requires domain verification which you do by setting up a CNAME record or uploading a file in your public_html folder.
  3. Doctors* are avatars of God (the ones who have Degree + Experience). However, before you go to a Doc, please use your common sense and fix your lifestyle & diet.
  4. Umm.. editing script to detect SPAM :-) and give a lot more MyCENTS. I think I m almost done :-) Well, Michaels 15 USD drop confirmed that my script was working perfectly. Anyway, most of the credits will be added back with Bigger Bonus!Happy New Year & Christmas!
  5. I have come across giving light to many.. but only few have asked me for a spare ciggy. Usually its not in my city but in tourist locations in cold climate where we are desperate for some heat ;-) you know.. Also, about 3 years back in a tourist trip of mine, a guy called "jaggy" asked for a *BLEEP*... then for a joint.. and was beating hard on my car music on a beach. He called himself .. "pSycHeDelIc". no issues with that .. but dude, you coming in my group... dancing harder than any of us and on top of that... an occasional hint for "volume" ..."not good".
  6. Response time is presently improving. We will reply to tickets by priority basis. If it is a server wide issue then we solve it within 5-10 min. and we will update you back in 2-3 hours. Some tickets which require L3 support will be delayed by atleast 12 hours due to load on our engineers. 1. Chat Support is still provided but its limited to Dedicated Server / VPS / Cluster clients only. 2. More info. about Support : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. This site (clickherefree.com) had lost its ranking entirely on Google and recently it has caught back on the Top 10 list for "free web hosting". Good Job & Congratulations to Clickherefree :-)
  8. I was checking their boards to download some addons and I saw the FREE DEMO link. As far as I knew, this was previously dis-continued. It looks they have started giving demo download again. https://invisionpower.com/features/apps
  9. Google App mail (or Google Mail) for domain is 100 times better than what we or any other company provides. That company is the first place who fears the most of getting his __ sued! At the moment, even if anyone do thinks about suing xisto, there is not much to make you happy in INR .. lol. We are cheap.At least, being one of the person who started with days where a mail popping in my mail-box from a relative/friend would bring great joy... to a time where I m now worried about marking any important mail as spam. The solutions provided by Google are fantastic and companies are charging $25+ dollars for setting it up for customers.. That's something which is 1. do not forget, a Freeeeee wisdom Service by Google. 2. A Lame way to Charge people for setting it up!For an advanced e-mail *safe, secure, reliable*, We have Corporate Mail Solution hosted on a different cluster but again, thats expensive ... because its quite a long journey for us to be like Google and soon we will look forward to provide Corporate Mail Solutions to our members for FREE! However, Xisto Members posting here can buy corporate hosting using myCENT credits. :-) Call it free or paid, shhh... Anyway, The Service by Google offers a thousand more services like mobile /blackberry support and ajax interface (award winning, Gmail interface). GBs and GBs of space which you will never exhaust (except a geek on I know on Xisto ) You data is not lost in anyway, and you can download your existing data by sending a mail to support -Shree
  10. Yes, Transferring of the domain is charged. After the domain transfer, you get your existing period of registration + 1 year. You can use your myCENT earning to register/renew/transfer domains.
  11. Please Take Any Action suitable from Banning to Crucifying to keep this place clean Watching happy & satisfied members is a joy... but just the reverse for Spammers!
  12. All I would say... Information and Fire are alike. Its up to us to use it first for the good cause :-)
  13. Please register at Kontera as Publisher :-) Just follow the link provided. http://amobee.com/?type=1&aff_ID=70528
  14. Nabb @ I don't know. However, I m sure this Program gives all the extra bucks to me or atleast I hope it tries to keep me the most happy. That's why I changed the percentages and reduced my earning % even further.
  15. Xisto Forums is now powered by Revenue Sharing Engine. This means, We will be showing ads on our forums and you take the share of the revenue earned. Advertisements are text-links and I am sure this would be the most profitable type of ads which are clean and pleasant to the user. The revenue is earned on click basis. Kontera and Xisto have partnered to provide this solution. They know about this service and they have accepted to sponsor our forums through our revenue sharing engine. Using your Revenue Sharing Control inside MyControls section of forums, Update your PUBLISHER CODE at Kontera (which requires sign-up with their Service) and the color of the AD-Links. However, you will not be allowed to view your own ad to prevent accidental clicks. The best way to earn revenue would be by starting Unique Topics which are not only NEW to us but also new to the Web. We encourage you to spread your topic links and attract good traffic to your articles. We suggest the following to make the most of this ad-revenue system :- Choose your Title & Description carefully. Make them as RELEVANT & INFORMATIVE compared to your Content/Post as possible. Make posts filled with lot of valuable content. Spread the links of your articles. Subscribe to your Topics to get alerts for any Replies. Use your Signature to Popularize your most important Articles on Xisto If you can give a lot of Original and Detailed information about a certain topic, Consider making a new Topic! Avoid SPAMMING at all costs. The WARNS/BANS will prove you very expensive! Our TextLink Ads are displayed based on the following probability: Percentage of time site owner's ads will display: 1% Percentage of time topic starter's ads will display: 39% Percentage of time last poster's ads will display: 1% Percentage of time any other poster's ads will display: 59% More information: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Advertisements are presently visible to Logged in members and Guests. And only the advertisements shown on the Topic Pages are shared. The rest of the pages are not shared. (eg. Forum Index, Gallery etc) The Banner Ad (not link ads) shown on Xisto (to guests) are not a part of this Revenue sharing program. Important Point: No Ads are shown on the sites hosted by Xisto/Xisto - Web Hosting.com. This topic considers only the Ads displayed on this forum. We welcome all contributing members to update your PUBLISHER CODE and grab your share of revenue by forum advertisements. Further instructions are explained in the link above :-) The present Credit System is not affected due to this upgrade and is independent of this new revenue sharing service offered by us. We wish to see lot of joy & smiles coming this new year! Warmest Regards, Xisto Team!
  16. I have added this job as a task and I will delete all the mail addresses from posts ;-)
  17. Thank you all for best of the best WISHES and making me feeeeel so special I m sorry to show up soo late but this time... but I was waiting but I got wayy too desperate with the forum upgrade. I give special thanks to Velma for supporting me while I was busy with forum upgrade and taking charge of my big work load off Xisto - Web Hosting. Phew! The Year just went by.... all I can say. I m learning a lot and big thanks to all members making this community possible. @xpress : ROFL.. @Saint_Michael : Thanks for the Cake ^^ @csp4.0: "a long-long time ago, in a datacentre far-far away" hahaha... @pyost : Bows down... OpaQue's ProgrammeR! thank you for v1. I m now looking for v2.. master! @Plenoptic : I'm gonna use your story for the new star-XI-Craft RTS game..*kidding* @anwiii : *thanks* *hugs* Swami Vivekananda quotes.. "The moment I have realized God sitting in the temple of every human body, the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in him - that moment I am free from bondage, everything that binds vanishes, and I am free. " @miladinoski : Thank you ^^
  18. OpaQue

    This Place

    I understand your point and I will upgrade the forum soon and I m desperate myself to give it some good uplift.Keep watching.. I am not stopping! Lots more to come.. and As usual, it will be for the good of all :-)
  19. Yes, If your E-mail address at Forums & Billing/Support Area is Same, then you automatically Earn myCENTS for your forum posts (including your past posts) Plan A / B / C will continue running for old members. Their invoices will be generated on YEARLY basis. If your Xisto - Support account has sufficient myCENT (credit balance), your invoices will be marked PAID automatically and you need not pay further using you credit card / paypal. Incase, you have little Credit Balance, then whatever may be your balance, it will be credited to the generated invoice in system and you will be asked to pay only the remaining amount. For Eg., You have $5 in your credit balance and at the end of the term year, you get your invoice of $9.95 for Plan A. Your myCENTS will be credited to invoice automatically and you will have to pay only $4.95 using your CC.
  20. ON Linux, We achieve this using the command rsync.rsync -auv-a, --archive (this will preserve permissions)-u, --update (this will skip files that are newer on the reciever)-v, -- verbose (so you can see what is going on)rsync -auv /path/to/source/directory /path/to/destination/directory
  21. 2) is Mycents program optional? i mean if we don't remain active on forum, this will affect mycent area and that could affect hosting site/domain, so is mycent optional or will be compulsory in future?MyCENTS remains optional to Xisto - Web Hosting clients
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