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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Good topic. I have a question and I would like to put it up to you w.r.t. an example.Suppose, I have a drinking habbit. In my ignorance, I urged people around me to have occasional sips. Soon to realize the people around me are now drinking. Things go very good for a year or two and now suddenly, I look at myself and my actions when being drunk and start repenting over the same.I now realize that drinking is a sin to myself. And I bring the change in me .. But what about the important people in my life who have now taken up drinking and want me to drink. I can say no to them once.. twice or probably for a year more. But I wish that the loved ones around me realize the same too. I see no matter how much I convince, it just does not work that way and I feel my desire to drink growing staying in their company.What would you suggest?
  2. Everything in a very easy format to understand. Follow this link : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -shree
  3. Astahost and Xisto are the companies we started with and we have gone a long way ahead. Thanks to automation, a Good USD to Indian Rupee conversion rate, our little knowledge of coding which reduces our load of having more employees and our office being in India making it very easy for us to survive from small payments in USDs. Because of our small team, we have reduced a lot of cost and the money saved is used to provide a decent and honest service. Time is a big criteria for us and because of our contracts and commitments at Xisto - Web Hosting, we give first preference to paying members. Anything thats apart from Xisto - Web Hosting is all here in our forums, our member support and our knowledge that we gather (thanks to your Questions and doubts.. which push us to learning in the right direction).I am glad you liked our service and the time put to bring this testimonial for others This helps and it means a lot. Thanks again..-Shree
  4. Incase, you are very itching to try all these, then kindly Check out Xampp.
  5. List of things which are not allowed. Warez IRC egg drops Proxy servers Mail bombers Anonymous mailers IP spoofers Port scanners Hivemail Telnet or SSH Access Scripts nph-proxy (and other scripts what operates like proxy) UBB (Ultimate Bulletin Board, all versions) lstmrge.cgi phpShell FormMail.cgi, FormMail.pl from Matt's Script Archive are not allowed. Porno (legal only - if you own your stuff or you hosting an adult forum etc.) is allowed.
  6. SEO will not be harmed. Because Xisto in-itself is not a GREAT word that google loves. It has associated that word in all Free Hosting searches and it has always affected adversely rather than in a good way. However, the new Invision Version 3.0 is burning my behinds bad.. Most the optimizations and tweeks we did on this forum is now bundled in this new software already in a much better way (as its developed from core) :-) with an in-built reputation system.
  7. Glad to see soo many people noticing it in the first place.. Dunno if its good or bad .. because the layout n look of Trap has not changed much since it started.. Anyway, getting back to the question of "Why?". 1. Many Many people get stumped with the title of "free web hosting" being the parent category of topics like "gardening", "life-talk" etc. 2. When I started visiting other forums on the web, I really learned what a forum was... its basically a CATEGORY which people with like interests come to discuss about. However At Xisto, things were quite vast from the beginning. 3. I felt it is better to keep Xisto as an official Discussion forum of Xisto..(with a wierd name Xisto, ofcourse) rather than a FREE WEB HOSTING forum. 4. I want to promote the contribution by Guests visiting our forums. Eg: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/23716-laptop-computers-what-is-the-best-laptop-computer-brand/
  8. https://support.xisto.com/index.php?_m=ts&_a=submit -> Please send a ticket to Xisto - Support Dept. I checked your website and it works fine. I believe your IP is blocked from our firewall, send us a ticket -Shree
  9. HAha.. IF this happens, We all humans will be United as ONE MANKIND. We all shall progress using Science & Spirituality as ONE aim. Truth is Unity.
  10. Please go through the order at Xisto - Support.com/billing and checkout to view your final invoice. Pay the amount manually to PAYMENTS [@] XISTO COM
  11. Yes Indeed, Ignorance is Bliss. Ignorance in doing once duty is not at all fare though ;-)The mind gets easily attracted to thinking and assuming.. However, any knowledge must be completely studied, understood, practiced, realized and thereby help you in removing your ignorance/fear within. Otherwise, there is no purpose for which I would be interested in learning in first place.I will therefore try to be ignorant of less priority things in life and be more alert n active student of life when it comes to my duty and understanding my self (being spiritual).When I'm learning by observing myself, I try not to let my mind comment on things it perceives but I just accept my entire surrounding and myself .. as it is. I let myself be absorbed in feeling of consciousness.Anything that satisfies any of the above 2 purpose will get my complete attention otherwise I clearly would love to be ignorant about it
  12. Smoking is injurious to health and you being concerned about your mom is absolutely perfect. You realize that smoking is an addiction and a habbit on which the body clock wants to depend.But, your mommy is going through a lot of stress and you realize that. She needs a listener and you should try to be there for her. Give her occasional calls and ask her about her day Remember that, your silent presence talks more than your words :)Do not ask her to Quit Smoking. I am very sure she knows about it and also realizes that she is helpless and more likely addicted to it. Repeating to Quit smoking will add to the pressure and will result in more smoke. If she is there in front of you... just give hints by keeping the ciggies away from her or rather tell her that her smoking affects your breathing.Take it easy and have a lot n lot of patience
  13. What happens when evil gets what good deserves and vice versa?This is a very good question and trust me.. I wondered about it a lot. I can only share my understanding because I myself am not an enlightened being to be able to put down the cause-n-effect (god) law in human words. Every Human is doing his duty whether he likes it or not. This also includes.. eating healthy food when you are hungry, sleeping after a tiring day... EVIL GETTING GOOD, I get the picture of this famous GANGSTER (atleast in India) who runs his D-Company.. there is hardly any field in crime category that this fellow has not scored. His name... is DAUD IBRAHIM. Lets see this Chap, From top to bottom .. everyone has stamped him as BAD. He has MILLIONS of Dollars and is on HIT LIST in many countries. WHY is this Bad guy going away and still alive. If we actually CALCULATE his ACTIONS with any common man, its like comparing your wealth to Bill Gates. However, Mr. Daud rolls MASSIVE MONEY in all his Under Ground activities (terming them BAD) and has a company in Dubai. Thousands of Families of the bad guys who work under him, depend on him. So many kids are eating food and living happy.. because of this BAD guy because their daddy is also bad. So many humans like us who were gifted with strength and anger needed a field to be warriors. Many humans just like us had their inner most desire to fight and so many today have gotten a chance.. because of this bugger. BUT... some of these BAD guys also PRAY and God Loves them as well. These BAD guys have special Gods who they believe does not consider their killing as BAD but merely considers it their duty. God never shared your Prejudice for EVIL people with Evil People. God is the name of absolute PERFECTION. He is the ORDER and PRECISION. He is precise n creative in making a VIRUS or a BIG PLANET. He is everywhere, he is the TRUTH. If your eyes, your technology, your understanding cannot behold his entire scope of creation and its dimensions, lets not use our little words to name it and disrespect the truth in the first place... we just accept this CREATION as it is and its father as GOD. We have a limited understanding of Time. Einstein shook the world with his theory of relativity and made everyone re-consider their basics. I agree, its very painful to see really good people, time after time hammering their desires & instincts with their Will because of their deep hope in the One. They are so strong by heart that they really suffer his world and yet keep themselves as examples to others. People whom I look and my heart prays to God for why was I made soo fortunate. I simply wondered ..why? My understanding of the world today comes from the observation & knowledge I parted to gather from the day I was born. Earlier .. things were changing in front of me & life was rolling at a same pace. As my understanding grew, Things which were linked to me got defined as good and bad automatically. Some really were Good and some places I was wrong. I always wondered though, DO I REALLY know what is ACTUALLY GOOD for me at any instant with respect to ALL people who are linked to me? Today, I m certain my hobby of Computers was Good, but is that really true? A ton of things I haven't tried in life and yet, I so assumed that yes! indeed! Computers is my field. What if some other field was MORE FUN, FILLED WITH LIFE and MORE MONEY! Hence, Now I have stopped defining things GOOD for me and now scale them only GOOD if it leads to higher WISDOM in me. This way of calculation and referencing gave me more satisfaction with the way I was learning, working and progressing. HUMANS are now journeying into space and some are successfully living there. Well, yes... you do not want to live alone in space is a different thing.. yet some human is living there. There was a time, Man wondered to stay on Water and now we can live for months there. Hats off to this being who has managed sooo much... Yet, a Human knowing his LIMITS and CAPACITIES, Knowing the feats of others by channels of media like television, Watching the people in POVERTY STRUCK countries... still he gets depressed. There is no end to the WANTS of any human. We all need a purpose to live. We now calculate success by Money, Fame, Health and RELATIONSHIP(with a chosen few) and I feel joy to see people who calculate them with "wisdom" & "love".
  14. I understand what you mean to say... But all those people who find it NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE at the pinnacle of their RAGE to think of GOD(because for them ... God is THIRD PARTY person bosS).. Kindly give a READ to "POWER OF NOW"I can translate the TITLE of the book to POWER OF GOD.People who feel they are DOING a great thing by worshiping GOD.... Here is an Open "**** you". God bless all those who understand that by saying the name of God, you release your MINDFUL EXISTENCE of being an INSTINCT BOUNDED animal. Humans have INTELLIGENCe but without GOD, I feel its much like being a MONKEY. Pity to those people who DO NOT even realize the beauty of Sun, Air, moon, Greenery, Life.. just the way it is. Pity for people who do not see AIRPLANES and TVs as miracles because they read 10 lines on their CONCept and now believe themselves to be NUCLEAR SCIENTISTS.Pity to those, who rant about "Everything happening for a Reason" and consider GOD only the science running around Life. Who say they believe & understand God.. but yet everyday they will not SPEND 10 min. in silence withOUT reasoning GOD in their OWN MINDS.Who fail to win Hearts, Cheer up people ... by using their MINDS and neglecting the HEART!Who educate themselves half their lives and be more "ignorant by heart" to others than an illiterate person who at least knows to love & respect.Those Humans who feel their MIND has a better capacity to Manipulate TRUTH. And their call manipulating Truth as being a mastermind.my 2 cents... everyone who has lost/beaten/hurt due to some TRUTH, Know that the Truth was God. (May God be your side)-Peace to all-
  15. Healing is a gift of Spirituality. Pranic Healing and Reiki both come under the subject of Spirituality.It is also true that a person who is unwilling to heal in the first place will not be affected by either of the Science.Any human being who believes that a HIGHER ORDER called GOD exists, he must immediately surrender every strain, every stress, every worry, feeling, thought, emotions and his entire existence to the HIGHER ORDER and ask for forgiveness (because he was lost in touch with the HIGHER ORDER) and must surrender. Mentally saying, its YOU who is there and its YOU who was always there and let me be absorbed in YOU completely. Just a sincere prayer like this with (RELAXED SURRENDERED breathing) whole heart will give you the realization that, WHATEVER you just did helped no-one but you. Forgiveness takes the mental process and strain to God and dissolves it. Being SCIENCe student, its hard to believe but its true.It was soo amazing that after LEARNING science and technology, I was only making my LIFE harder with my SCIENTIFIC ASSUMPTIONS AND THEORIES and in moments of simple emotional disturbances (instead of accepting life & loving life) which GREW further to become BIG Disturbances. Knowledge must be used to give you strength and kill your IGNORANCE. If none is Achieved, this knowledge is not COMPLETE and is dangerous.
  16. 1. Does he fight with you and blames the fact that he loves you?2. Does he take your side or is there for you regardless of your fights?3. Does he take interest in other girls and flirts in front of you?4. Does his attitude change after making out?5. Do you feel his points/remarks "strong" or are they for petty reasons?Good people can come in your life in various forms and they do their duty of their ROLE. Forget about Good/Bad/BF/GF, first try to find out.. if he is a good person. And then, re-think - who do you want to stick to ? a Respectful Guy who respects everyone, a guy in demand, a guy devoted only to you, a guy who is way different to you than others... etc.Keep yourself out of your relationship and observe your guy from a 3rd person's perspective as a stranger. If he wins medals of "Wisdom", perhaps you should stick to him.
  17. Plan E is a very old package and will be discontinued.Please go ahead with BUDGET FREEDOM.-Shree
  18. BW restriction is not listed because we cap your Server BW at 10mbps. If you wish a 100 mbps uplink then we will set a BW limit. But the 10mbps model works best.Please email SALES at Xisto - Web Hosting.com for a custom quote.
  19. I think I can help here but I'm not sure first take out all your html. <html><head><title>VainSoft - Upload Form</title></head><body><p>Upload Images here, 10 images at a time, hit back after upload to upload more. (100M MAX)</p><p><form name="fileup" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload.Php"><input type="file" name="userfiles[]"><br><input type="file" name="userfiles[]"><br><input type="file" name="userfiles[]"><br><input type="file" name="userfiles[]"><br><input type="file" name="userfiles[]"><br><input type="file" name="userfiles[]"><br><input type="file" name="userfiles[]"><br><input type="file" name="userfiles[]"><br><input type="file" name="userfiles[]"><br><input type="file" name="userfiles[]"><br><br><!-- change below to your max --><input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000000000"><input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit"></form> Save that as upload.Html Then for the php add <?//uses $_FILES[] global array//see manual for older PHP version info//This function will be used to get the extension from the filenameFunction get_extension($file,$length=-1){$p = strrpos($file,".");$p++;If($length!=-1){$ext = substr($file,$p,$length);}If($length==-1){$ext = substr($file,$p);}$ext = strtolower($ext);Return $ext;}//Not good practice, but here anyway//change to suit your needs//also some have to be set in the ini//for this to correctly work//2meg maxIni_set("upload_max_filesize","100M");//turn on file uploadsIni_set("file_uploads","1");//set your temp dirIni_set("upload_tmp_dir","/tmp");//set post size large enough to accomidate//3 100meg files and some overheadIni_set("post_max_size","180M");?></p><?//check to see if we have submited yetIf($_POST["submit"]!="submit"){//not yet so lets make the form?><?}//see if we have submited and that the files array has been setIf(($_POST["submit"]=="submit")&&(is_array($_FILES['userfiles']))){$ftp_user_name="*****"; //change to ftp username$ftp_user_pass="*****"; //change to ftp password$ftp_server="******"; //change to ftp url$ftp_dump_dir="/files"; //change to destination directory//go through all the filesFor($x=0;$x<count($_FILES['userfiles']['name']);$x++){//now we do some file checking//check to see if file is thereIf($_FILES['userfiles']['name'][$x]!="none"){//file has a name//check filesizeIf($_FILES['userfiles']['size'][$x]!=0){//file is larger than 0 bytes//Check to see if it is uploadedIf(is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfiles']['tmp_name'][$x])){//file has been uploaded!//let the user know their file has be uploadedEcho "file ".$_FILES['userfiles']['name'][$x]." uploaded!<br>";//conect to ftp server$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);// login with username and password$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass);// check connectionIf ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) {Echo "FTP connection has failed!<br>";Echo "Attempted to connect to $ftp_server for user $ftp_user_name";Exit;} else {Echo "Connected to $ftp_server! <br>";//set PASV modeIf(!ftp_pasv($conn_id,TRUE)){Echo "Could not enter PASV mode!";}//rename to file#_date.Ext$filename = $_FILES['userfiles']['name'][$x];//$filename.= ".".Get_extension($_FILES['userfiles']['name'][$x],3);//change directoryIf (@ftp_chdir($conn_id, $ftp_dump_dir)) {//maybe you want to make sure we are in the correct directoryEcho "Current directory is now : ", ftp_pwd($conn_id), "\and";} else {//you want to know if it didn't workEcho "Couldn't change directory\and";}//upload the file and let the user know what happenedIf(ftp_put($conn_id,$filename,$_FILES['userfiles']['tmp_name'][$x],FTP_BINARY)){Echo "File ".$_FILES['userfiles']['name'][$x]." was sent successfully<br>";Echo "File was named ".$filename."<br>";}else{Echo "There was a problem sending file ".$_FILES['userfiles']['name'][$x]."<br>";;}}// close the FTP streamFtp_close($conn_id);}Else echo"File was not uploaded!<br>";}}Echo "<br>";}//end for loop}//That's all folks!?> and save that as upload.Php (please note casing is important) No when you log in to your ftp make sure that you CHMOD the directory to 777, this should help, Connor -reply by Connor
  20. Meditation is an inner path and one must understand, the only obstacle in this inner path is "You" yourself. What do you mean... "You". "You" here I refer to as the primordial ego. The mind in itself is blind. It cannot reason things to be good or bad. Its like a blank hard-drive and all it learns is stored and its knowledge and understanding is purely based on the previous stored data. However, the quality of "wisdom" cannot be said to have been originated from this previous stored data or even say "experiences". Because the main quality of ego is that it claims itself responsible for everything. However, looking at the creation and assuming the "Divine Plan" of God to be true, all the actions can be said to be the will of God (atleast the ones which go by your will as well). Gods flexible, If you do something against his will, he accepts it and changes things accordingly so that no one but you is made to pay the consequences. WHETHER good or BAD. Its only that his plans and calculations float in the space in time with such great patience .. as the UNIVERSE (creation or God) is really in no hurry to screw you. If matter can neither be destroyed or created and it only changes form.. we all being made up of matter might just change form after death BUT the energy we feel in us is never gonna die Coming back to the Meditation part and its obstacle. So, like I said, our ACTIONS are nothing but the DATA we put in our BRAIN. So, when we meditate and actually try to get deep within ourselves, this MIND which had gathered momentum with respect to thoughts from the point of its birth will keep hammering in you.. irrespective of your will. Using Meditation, We realize and then understand the science of creation and existance. These bombarding thoughts are manifested spark of energy and your only weapon to destroy DISSOLVE them is by surrendering and letting it go. Each thought hits on your inner mental state and the stronger you will to fight the thought the harder will it hit..as these thoughts get energy from your MENTAL TIME spent on it... What do you do???? then.... Perhaps one after giving up with the STRONG mental sparks of thoughts simply prays and SURRENDERS. He detaches himself with all the connection he feels as he accepts the "DIVINE PLAN". So.. What happens ?? 3. Asana: Learning sitting postures suitable for prolonged contemplation You first sit with a good posture. There are many ways of sitting that are equally good. You can sit either in a straight-backed chair, or on the floor in any of several poses. Two things, however, are essential: Your spine must be straight, and you must be able to relax completely. 4. Pranayama: Learning the technique of rhythmic breathing. Then you concentrate on your body and the Self ONLY and not whats there in InBoX. Make the experience more plesant by feeling all the motions and vibrations inside your body. Feeling your hold over your body and letting them go by gently exhaling and relaxing. 5. Pratyahara: Withdrawing the senses from thier objects of enjoyment Once you get attuned to the natural rhythm of breathing and your body hardly bugs you when your inhaling/exhaling.. the existence you feel now is your life energy and will energy. Using this, you can withdraw your mind from your SENSES (eyes, nose, tongue, skin, ear and yes.. private parts) 6. Dharana: Fixing the mind on the object of contemplation Now that the energy is withdrawn from the senses, you now march for the quest of self discovery. This part holds the start of your spiritual path. Its from here, keeping your mind FIXED, you discover and feel the SOUL. 7. Dhyana: Uninterrupted contemplation, also called meditation Here, you realize that the only thing between GOD (the SUPREME SUPER-CONSCIOUS existence) and YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS is the COVERING of the mind... which is nothing but "I". The "I" which claims to be the REASON for everything it has done. It believes that it knows the RIGHT and WRONG with its own UNDERSTANDING and KNOWLEDGE. It believes that it is the controller of its heart born emotions and its brain. It is in this STATE, one finds his ACTIONS and his KARMA bounding him to this Creation he perceives. BANG BANG BANG!!... Someone bangs the door.. and there.. your EFFORTS of planning of ALL the ABOVE stages are.. gone.. POOF!!! Don't think of throwing that phone or Cutting the doorbell or Running off to wilderness for meditating. And now do not get FRUSTRATED because you cannot do the above.. One must realize, his WILL of finding GOD is true and is perfectly alright. But GOD looks up everyone equally and regardless of NOW that you have realized his existence, he is not going to APPROVE 2 year paid-leave from your office. You can attune to him and enjoy his inner ecstacy. Its because of this, THE FIRST 2 STEPS come in picture. 1. Yama: Restraining harmful thoughts and impulses - (abstentions) Ahimsa (non-injury), Satya (truth), Asteya (non-covetousness), Brahmacharya (continence) Aparagriha (abstinence from avarice) 2. Niyama: Cultivating good habits - (observances) Saucha (purity), Santosha (contentment), Tapas (austerities), Svadhyaya (study) Ishvarapranidhana (surrender to God). Last but not the least... comes the 8th Part. My only knowledge about this PART is : the object of meditation, the meditator and the act of meditation become ONE.... the rest I got here is from answers.com (because, I really do not know...) samadhi (səm?'dē) , a state of deep absorption in the object of meditation, and the goal of many kinds of yoga. In Buddhism the term refers to any state of one-pointed concentration. In Hinduism it signifies the highest levels of mystical contemplation, in which the individual consciousness becomes identified with the Godhead. -shree
  21. I checked your site and it works perfectly.Saying ... "There?s a Blog in my SoupConversational Marketing, Technology, Social Media, Social Networks, Blogging, SEO, SEM / Search Enging Marketing, Making Money, and Ghost Hunting (I know Random, huh?)"
  22. This is Fine :-) We are scared of things like MP3's and eBooks which people mass download You mentioned sometimes and after the installation, We request you to delete the archive file. No Plans to do that, I do not remember instructing my tech. to delete an account which just had some e-books. If they are 2-4 MB and are being downloaded like crazy.. You are in trouble. Please put those BIG files elsewhere Again, I do not think our hosting is the best choice for storing HIGH-RESOLUTION camera images. You have thousands of sites like Flickr, Picasa etc that do a really good job. *We have deleted accounts in past for storing high resolution images.* You know friend, I really am getting the point you are trying to emphasize here. Consider this :- Qupis : Free Web Hosting Service -> No Conditions except a good application form -> MASS sign-ups on Daily basis -> Max. Budget 1000 USD per month -> No Forced ADverts but just ABUSE LINK and POWERED by Link -> Lots of Signup of websites who do not even bother logging back into FTP -> Many sites uploading redirects and porno -> Each site is given a CPanel control Panel which itself takes in resources. -> Sites which put UPLOADS (LARGE FILES) and give them out to download on WAREZ sites. COST of a SUPPORT ADMIN ---------------------------------- Consider little average RATES : Estimated Sites : 5000+ No of time to check and scan a website: 25 minutes minimum. No. of admins required to actually check and scan without AUTOMATED PROCEDURE which do cause problem : atleast 5. Each Admin is paid @ 25 USD / hour = About 3000 USD. THE FACT ============================ We are poor and we really cannot afford the above. Kindly forgive us. So, In short, to be the REALLY GOOD COMPANY, I have to shell out $$$$$ just for what? ABUSE ? SPAM ? Don't you think, ALL responsible people who really DO VALUE their site by heart and soul can test Qupis.com and gain the trust with respect to quality and come to Xisto.com. At Xisto.com -> Not a single website was treated FREE. They are all treated like PREMIUM accounts. The load, the technology update, monitoring, optimizations etc. Our uptime records show FREE accounts hosted at Trap/Asta with a way better uptime than our paid clients. We respect our duty for humanity and We are not insane to delete accounts without notice. But, With 5000 Accounts to manage and 95% scanned records are SPAM. Checking EACH account will require atleast 5 admins on Job. Thank you for bringing these issues out and if we find a better alternative to manage and check websites, we will definately employ them in future. For now, things will just have to stay as they are.
  23. WOW.. I am pleased to welcome this fantastic couple My name is Shree and I look around the technical things behind Xisto, thats my job here. My Co-admin BuffaloHelp takes charge on the forums.. and he is more like the strict Grandpa but he is a very sweet friend and I am sure you will be pleased to meet him as well.I m sorry to hear about the previous experiences with your webhost and I hope you will have a peaceful hosting experience here. If things go popular and you ever want a technology partner to send your work to millions, I would be glad to assist you in that as well. I consider this my duty and I m pleased to help people with this service we have secured online since 2004.I personally love Xisto members more than other members online. Over here, I can express myself to everyone more openly on broad and diverse topics. It gives me a better road to express myself as Shree.. By his guiding grace, we have been pretty peaceful on the web. We have a really good share of nice people around whom you would be pleased to talk to. I really don't know how Trap earns its respected members.. though me calling it fairly for hosting would be a lie. I will not talk more about the community as I believe it speaks for itself :-)See you around... Thank you again for being a part of our young community, Peace.Warmest Regards,-Shree
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