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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Thank you for the words of appreciation. 1. We can have your SUB-DOMAIN xxxx.YOURDOMAIN.com point to your EXISTING old forum. -> This we do using CNAME records. OR 2. You can host your entire forum at xxxx.YOURDOMAIN.com. Everything running from your server (on Xisto - Web Hosting). OR 3. You can make an Iframe and put your existing forum (removing the HEADER & FOOTER) inside it. Giving an effect of complete integration under your website (but this is bad from SEO point of view). OR 4. If your old data is not important, your forum can be SETUP at Xisto - Web Hosting within seconds from CPanel -> Fantastico section -> select forum you wish to install. -thank you. shree
  2. I believe what you say above for the simple reason .. Every Cause has an effect. Say Mental or Physical. Therefore, If someone raises his/her voice over you, even though you might CONTROL it at that instant, the energy you absorb has to be released. And no doubt, that same rage which you have now stored in.. comes out on say.. your friend or spouse. Most of the times, you might know that the person you are accusing is not the right person but still, the energy in you wants to flow out and without your control .. actions happen. Which no doubt, you will regret again.My point being, emotions are pure form of energy. It has to transfer from one to another..But what in cases of Sacrifice and Love. If you give something belonging to you with wisdom & love to someone (provided, the other person needs/wants it), how do you think our universe based on laws of cause and effect will balance out. If you think about it, what you lost should get back something to you.Now its up to the GIVERS choice, where he chooses what he wants back. If the giver (out of wisdom), desires from heart blessings for someone, health for his loved one, peace for his family, prosperity etc.. It will be given.However, The Giver giving things out of ultimate wisdom desiring nothing at all... God, out of choice gives him the spiritual gift of awakening & wisdom. What would you ask is "Gift of awakening".. This I can say can be put as a microscopic increase in the level of your consciousness. This directly affects your discriminative intelligence .. guided by your inner wisdom. In short, by acting in wisdom, you gain more wisdom and peace Which I can conclude to bring me closer to God
  3. @Prithvi -> Yup, I worked there :-)
  4. I am really not worthy of these words of appreciation. Many actions and comments said on the forum cannot be said truly me, because without a question there is no answer. Every Question raised by a student from heart is actually the gift of knowledge God gave him in the form of that question. Its up to the student if he truly wishes to see the truth and pursue the source of the cause to that question.This forum did start as a free hosting forum with an intention to earn advertising money, but I landed up realizing that "hosting" is my duty for humanity and automatically, a broader perspective of life just showed up. The craving for more stopped. Trivial facts of life revealed their simplicity and thus my knowledge of life.Before I could find the key to RICHES on the INTERNET, I found the peace in Simplicity. I do have a lot of things to share but yes, me babbling around will make no sense to anyone. Hence, its best to learn life from questions of others with wisdom to understand the true meaning of life which is one in all. Is there anything that can help me more than my duty giving me the chance to talk :-). Thinking this, I once again thank everyone for contributing your valuable gifts of questions to help us as a community to discover new perspectives of "topics" filled with wisdom
  5. At stage 8, you say, one asks "Does he/she still care for me?".The progress of your relationship begins with you both and ends with complete maturity when you really don't care about "Does he/she still care for me?". The only thing that matters to you is .. "I care for that person a lot and thats a fact".
  6. I was approving topics at Xisto where I have been seeing these replies about breakups of long relationships and couples who are puzzled about What went wrong. I thought about sharing this following opinion which I heard from an Indian Guru. The relationship between a man and a women usually begins with Attraction. This attraction is charged by usually LUST in the beginning. The Relationship between the couple opens by the Channel of Sex wherein the LUST energy is released. The Center of Sex/Lust is Love. and slowly this Lust between couples soon starts melting down to Love. (From this Point, I am assuming the Couple is completely devoted to each other without much EXTERNAL ATTRACTIONS - speaking only relationship wise). Continuing ahead.. The factor of love thus grows by overpowering lust and the couple start understanding for each other and caring. The Desire of sex is now quite controlled taking into consideration, each others feelings, emotions etc. due to the GOOD Qualities of LOVE. I.e. Caring & Kindness. And being less Dominant. Soon This Love grows further and its blossoms into FRIENDSHIP. This state is the place where couple are more open from inside and spend a VERY VERY VERY LONG time in this stage. Here, Each person tries to know more and deeper about the other persons life. i.e. Trying to understand further. Great Qualities like "Forgiveness", "Adjustments", "Understanding" and even "SACRIFICE" come in picture. It is the stage where couples are trying to GET over their immediate "DOMINATING" reflexes. Usually mentally programming each other for DO's and DONT's. Good Qualities of Friendship(usually seen in movies) show up in this colorful stage of relationship. This FRIENDSHIP matures ahead and its goes ahead to next level i.e. "COMPASSION". COMPASSION:- # a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering # the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it This stage is where ONE not only feels the pain of the other but also experiences it to be his/her own. It can be called more of a DEEP CONNECTION from Heart wherein Pleasure and Pain are felt without words and many a times irrespective of "Distance". It is in this state, a couple takes each other "for granted" (with a very very high level of understanding and deep faith) and try to help each other thereby "Acting/Thinking" alike. Its in this stage where one REALIZES his/her partner more than the SELF. Crossing the Stage of "Compassion" one reaches a "Point of No-Return" in which the actions/decisions of the individual is PURELY WISDOM guided action without any attachments to the fruits of the action being performed for the other. Its in this state, the couple do not care about their actions for each other. Its sort of a BLIND love for NO REASON. Perhaps as big as an "Orthodox Mother's Love" which does not care what her "Child" is. All that matters to her is that she is the loving mother of her "Child". Just like that The Couple who reaches this stage can be said to have experienced a taste of ETERNAL LOVE. My personal opinion is, a Couple after reaching this HIGHEST point in this relationship and after knowing the OTHER person TO-and-THROUGH must realize how "BOTH OF YOU" are soo ONE-SAME from Inside Yet so Different. By further exploring this INNOCENT ONENESS between each other, they will automatically see this INNOCENCE in all. Thereby being blessed with "Love for All" i.e. Stage 2 of relationship between two people is now between the COUPLE and the WORLD around. - the source of my above explanation goes to Swami Sukhbodananda's Teachings.
  7. Prayer according to me is,The only Socially Accepted .. say. "Legal" action in which a person can say something to the ocean of bliss within (as said by many books) without a single point of thought going here or there. (absolute focus, deeeep concentration, meditation)Well, if you think about it, then I would love this type of a moment because usually when I do try to pray during my daily activities there are soo many things those are running on my head.Now, comes the part where pray together. In my opinion, People must pray together for same goal i.e. God Attainment. If this is true between all the family members (considering everyone sooo spiritually inclined) then, they shall feel Christ between them :-)-Shree
  8. Please take a look at this Topic. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/44323-p90x-muscle-confusion-workout-regiment-as-seen-on-tv/
  9. I have reset your password. Please try again :-)-Shree
  10. This is my ping reading. LATEST YOUR READING: This is yours.. Issue is resolved as DNS is pointing correctly -Shree
  11. DUDE!! We have all your files.. don't leave :-) you should had simply sent a mail to me directly asking for recovery :-)8.0K ./_vti_txt8.0K ./_private8.0K ./_vti_bin/_vti_adm8.0K ./_vti_bin/_vti_aut24K ./_vti_bin68K ./_vti_pvt12K ./_vti_cnf4.0K ./cgi-bin76K ./clans/attachments156K ./clans/avatars264K ./clans/Packages7.4M ./clans/Themes2.9M ./clans/Sources200K ./clans/Smileys12M ./clans332K ./upload/docs2.1M ./upload/styles12K ./upload/files676K ./upload/language8.0K ./upload/store296K ./upload/images680K ./upload/adm864K ./upload/install12K ./upload/cache28K ./upload/download5.0M ./upload/includes11M ./upload4.0K ./blog/cgi-bin3.5M ./blog/wp-includes1.7M ./blog/wp-admin524K ./blog/wp-content5.9M ./blog4.0K ./images8.0K ./_vti_log4.0K ./ivantoar112K ./forum/jscripts1.3M ./forum/inc36K ./forum/archive20K ./forum/uploads1.7M ./forum/images776K ./forum/install680K ./forum/admin8.0K ./forum/css5.1M ./forum33M .33M total
  12. Domain Registration is very expensive on my Pocket. So, First Hosting is approved and the members are requested to collect credits for domain registration. This way, if the member spams by the time he requests domain registration, I can safely delete the data and cover losses. Domains once registered are FIXED for 1 year. Thank you.
  13. Chill chill chill chill.... pleassssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee What happened dear? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -> working fine. I told Sorry a million times
  14. Alright.The Update.All accounts have been restored physically. Which means the CPAnel and your "CONTROL" has been restored.The /home/USERNAME/DATA has been restored.MySQL DBs - 1 Week Old BackUp Restored.LOSSES - Sub-Domain, Addon Domain Settings and data about a week old.WHY IT HAPPENED?============1. User Table DB gets curropted.2. SQL queries continue to execute returning value 0.3. CreditSystem Script checked through the status of accounts with 0 credits and VOILA all deleted!4. I got a message of account deleted but as usual being with 100's of tickets with "My account got deleted", I thought this was the same old thing.5. I see Jlhaslip message asking his account data. THINGS get very SERIOUS now because its impossible JLs account lacking credits.6. I run a scan with Logs and find all accounts deleted.7. I disable Credit System Script.8. I made a list of accounts that need to be restored after termination and their blank CPanel accounts were added to server with random passes.9. My support team dumped the DATA and MYSQL in these accounts.10. Finally I m writing you this post explaining everything. TASKS PENDING:===============Re-Activating Credit System script and making sure, no DAMAGE happens.ACTION TAKEN TO SOLVE THIS ERROR===============The CreditSystem will lose its privledge to delete accounts and it will be done Manually Henceforth.ACTION FOR MEMBERS===============UN-PARK and PARK back all addon and parked domains.CPanel Password can be reset by logging to Credit System. (https://support.xisto.com/ )
  15. Example:- Server Name: alpha, delta Hostname: alpha.xisto.com OR delta.xisto.com CPanel username: abcxyz Your Temporary access Url: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ OR http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I hope the above is easy
  16. I checked your ticket and found this reply by Velma.
  17. Mr. Sabas, I am very sorry for the inconvenience you had to go through and I apologize for the same. I see your account on Server ZETA. But due to Your FREE account, there might have been some conflicts and hence the DNS got erased. Your Data is Safe.Ip rootEmail zil----@yahoo.------Start Date 06 May 04 02:04Theme x3Package compute_plan3sDisk Used 328MDisk Limit 2100MI tested your site and it is working fine. And I must complement on your Web Design :-) I loved your layout and very clean and neat. Hats off to you.. if you have made the joomla template all by yourself :DWhy did Issue TAKE soo long to solve?=========================Because of me I was on a vaccation and Xisto account rights are with me only. And only I understand its structure in our hosting cluster. So my techs dont touch to avoid any confusion. I apologize once again for the delay.Sincerely,Shree
  18. We provide Fantastico (Latest). Its a bundle of latest scripts (mostly opensource) in the market.PHP MySQL supported. So your SVN should work -Shree
  19. We will be doing power distribution changes after 8pm PST on Saturday May 31, 2008. We will be doing power distribution changes after 8pm PST on Saturday May 31, 2008. Changes are being made due to the rapid migration that was done. This change will insure future stability in the future of power distribution as summer arrives around within the coming months. Brown outs, blackouts, etc... occurs within this this season and we are preparing for random reboots and crashes. We are anticipating a downtime of no longer than 15 minutes as we modify our power distribution. All machines will have a proper shutdown to prevent any file system corruptions. If you have any questions feel free to contact our support team. Sincerely, Xisto - Web Hosting.om
  20. We will be doing power distribution changes after 8pm PST on Saturday May 31, 2008.We will be doing power distribution changes after 8pm PST on Saturday May 31, 2008. Changes are being made due to the rapid migration that was done. This change will insure future stability in the future of power distribution as summer arrives around within the coming months. Brown outs, blackouts, etc... occurs within this this season and we are preparing for random reboots and crashes.We are anticipating a downtime of no longer than 15 minutes as we modify our power distribution. All machines will have a proper shutdown to prevent any file system corruptions.If you have any questions feel free to contact our support team.Sincerely,Xisto - Web Hosting.om
  21. Dear Members,We will be switching another power distribution unit for all our servers and hence, we will have to bring down all servers on May 31st, around 8pm PST. The downtime should not last more than 15-20 mins.Thank you,Xisto - Web Hosting.com
  22. Dear Members,We will be switching another power distribution unit for all our servers and hence, we will have to bring down all servers on May 31st, around 8pm PST. The downtime should not last more than 15-20 mins.Thank you,Xisto - Web Hosting.com
  23. Ticket ID Number? We need your account details to check and fix.Please mention Domain name and Server.-Shree
  24. brutalwarfare.trap17.com suspended due to abuse complaint. I am forced to suspend this site for the invalid vBulletin license running on the website. Usually I never put up complaints like this, but because I consider Xisto as one family and everyone here as young webmasters who are eager to learn. I want to alert everyone to not use any type of nullified or free scripts on your website. There are millions of free alternatives available. If you are using a nullified version, I request people to convert to paid license if your website is working for you. Else, you are requested to use other popular open source alternative software. Website will be suspended till the webmaster contacts me and agrees to remove the installation and any other un-licensed software. I am very sorry for putting this issue in public. Its very easy to get obtain a nullified copies of softwares from many sources and yes even friends who claim various reasons for them being free. Site Data: Safe Site Suspended : Yes. Site permanently Suspended: No. Site Terminated : No.
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