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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. what anwii and buff said is right. links to illegal stuff is against the rules.
  2. torrents are good and bad.good torrent: project work, videos, autocad, legal data etc.bad torrent: windows7.iso, cracks, copyrighted stuff, pirated software etc.we have no issues with good torrents.
  3. this error comes when you try to login at xisto.com intead of Xisto - Support.com.
  4. Our paypal address is payments at xisto.comPlease add notes when sending the funds directly using paypal.
  5. Processing Refunds is very easy and our company does it within a day. However, the part wherein you pay for 2 years straight is kinda corny. Its better to try a host for 6 months atleast before taking that decision. What if on your 3rd month, your host goes down for 30 hours? What if you want to upgrade? What if you want to shift to ASP or Coldfusion hosting? What if you decide to quit your website after a year? What if you are charged like crazy for bandwidth overuse? What if you happen to break their TOS (by mistake). ...... At Xisto - Web Hosting or Xisto, you pay $1.95 per month flat inclusive of all charges. You can have your site hosted for free if you can bear tiny text ads at bottom of your site. OR You can post at our community and get all your invoices paid for free.
  6. You can buy the logic plan for 1.95 and customize the subdomains and addon domains, the total fee per month would be $2.5 ~ $3. This is still way better than earning 6.66 per month. The logic plan has been carefully designed keeping both the free and paid customers in mind. thank you.
  7. GRANTED, that means everyone stops farting and blow themselves up! I wish, weed was legal.
  8. This is soooo much common in India man, with 100's of religions and languages and thousands of castes... its a big big time headache for lovers! Issues like this are responsible for suicides, homicides etc. Hardly 20% of the population will tolerate love marriages between different religions. In India, before the marriage, the families of boy n girl, both meet and know each other. Each will use all their strength to get all information about each other and then with a big festival the marriage happens. Unlike modern marriages where a few hundred people gather, In villages, a marriage calls atleast 5000-10,000 people and the ceremony lasts for a week. The family(usually the girls family) has to take care of all the guests throughout the marriage.If all the politics doesn't work, then the boy makes the bold decision of running away with the girl. love marriages do happen and somehow the lovebirds manage to make their sweet heaven in some corner of India, safe from the world (their own families). Eventually after 5-10 years, the families accept the relationship. The chances are higher if you have 2 kids. :)Dear akira, If you are financially stable on your own - then be prepared for the worst i.e. taking the chick and running away. With that in mind, just go ahead and tell her that you dont care of the world. Talk it out with the girls family. If that does not work, run away. They are your parents, they will accept you soon or later. As for changing the religion and stuff, keep that part later.. change the religion for yourself and not for others. Nor you or your chick needs to change religions man. Its insane. It simply throws water on all the acts you did out of faith to your religion.
  9. PayPal isn't working properly in India. eBays electronic payment juggernaut appears to be blocking personal transactions to or from accounts of India-based users. It is reversing personal transactions; transactions involving businesses are still allowed. As I am from India, PayPal rejected 2 of my payments saying :- On asking for more information, all they said was :- There is also an EVIL thought by solidblogger.com
  10. Hi nirmaldaniel, I think I can relate to what you are trying to say.. i.e. everything happens for a reason. I just broke my right hand elbow pretty badly and its not even been a month. However, I never criticized God for what happened to me.. infact, I prayed to him for he kept me safe even in that dangerous accident when a lot Bad could have happened. Anyway, coming to this topic. I used to be quite impatient by nature/personality and I feel I still am. I am trying to change and be more patient, getting less frustrated over little annoying things and I repeat to myself "Go with the flow..". From my experience, I also got some personal beliefs... here they are:- 1. Nothing comes from Rushing and Hurrying. 2. Decisions made with an Angry mind lead to your own destruction. And the best quote which matches my experience is :- Some people may call this God's work, Divine plan etc. For most of my life, I never felt that God actually was taking care of me, nor I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth as we poor. But as I grew up, I felt that my own understanding about the myself was too limited. Many a times, my parents were much much right about me and the decisions I was to take. They did their job of guiding me but always left the final decision to me. Many things happened in my life and soon I realized that there is something which is guiding all of us and its best to leave most of our "will" in its hands. I started changing and people around me saw a noticeable change. I was more peaceful, less complaining and more of all.. happy. I am still a kid to be talking about Life and God, but now I use my free will only on my duty, as for the rest i still go with the flow :-)
  11. what does the park domains do? Lets say, you register a domain called myWebsite.com. Along with it, you register myWebsite.net and myWebsite.biz for keeping it unique and SEO. However, you wish to point all the domains to your single Website. The possible solution is to make small website for .biz and .net and forward the visitors to your main website i.e. myWebsite.com. Instead of setting up forwards, you can setup PARKED DOMAINS. All you have to do is, ensure that the Nameservers of your domain are configured and Add them in PARKED DOMAINs list in your control panel (CPanel). .cz.cc a good domain extension for a website? internationally? Apart from the COOLNESS of a ".com" or ".net" extension, Rest everything is good. Works Worldwide. Its a top level domain. They give you NAMESERVER settings. Which is the MOST important setting which needs to be setup to make a Domain Function. The extension is small with only 5 characters. (including the DOT) Once your website gets 1000 visitors a month, I feel its better to shift to a popular extension like .com, .net, .org. Even though you have to pay a bit, Its safer than the extension company going down overnight or changing their minds to offer services at Expensive prices.
  12. As long as you are making decent posts without spamming or posting gibberish, all is safe. Once you have your mycents ready, just go to Xisto - Support.com/billing and order a domain and hosting package. Give us 24 hours to activate your website and you will receive your login shortly.
  13. Hello All, I just found a good free domain service provider called http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I signed up with them and here is the test site. http://xisto.cz.cc/ Members can register a free cz.cc domain here instead of hunting for .com or .net domains. The service is new and there is a much higher chance of scoring a good domain name. Once you get your domain them, you can use the ADDON DOMAINS option in your CPanel to link it to your hosting account. Once you do that, you can manage your new yourname.cz.cc domain as a new hosting account. If you want to point/park this domain to your existing website, use the PARKED domain option in CPanel. In both the above cases, you will have to point your Domain (yourname.cz.cc) to our nameservers. i.e. NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM You can modify your nameservers for your domain by logging into your cz.cc Control Panel here :- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The above Nameserver can be used to host your site at Xisto, Xisto and Qupis. Therefore, you can host your free cz.cc domain at Qupis.com as well. Other Similar Providers :- http://www.dot.tk/en/index.html?lang=en - Now gives complete Nameserver Control. Eg. xisto.tk http://www.co.cc/ Eg. xisto.co.cc We wish if we could provide a Free Domain Service ourselves.. but with these generous companies popping up, there is no need for us to take the extra effort. If anyone needs any help setting up the domain or configuration, Feel free to post it on the forums :-) or send us a support ticket.
  14. Hello All, I just found a good free domain service provider called http://cz.cc/ I signed up with them and here is the test site. http://xisto.cz.cc/ Members can register a free cz.cc domain here instead of hunting for .com or .net domains. The service is new and there is a much higher chance of scoring a good domain name. Once you get your domain them, you can use the ADDON DOMAINS option in your CPanel to link it to your hosting account. Once you do that, you can manage your new yourname.cz.cc domain as a new hosting account. If you want to point/park this domain to your existing website, use the PARKED domain option in CPanel. In both the above cases, you will have to point your Domain (yourname.cz.cc) to our nameservers. i.e. NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM You can modify your nameservers for your domain by logging into your cz.cc Control Panel here :- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The above Nameserver can be used to host your site at Xisto, Xisto and Qupis. Therefore, you can host your free cz.cc domain at Qupis.com as well. Other Similar Providers :- http://www.dot.tk/en/index.html?lang=en - Now gives complete Nameserver Control. Eg. xisto.tk http://www.co.cc/ Eg. xisto.co.cc We wish if we could provide a Free Domain Service ourselves.. but with these generous companies popping up, there is no need for us to take the extra effort. If anyone needs any help setting up the domain or configuration, Feel free to post it on the forums :-) or send us a support ticket.
  15. Dear All,DNS is a free service now. Simply go to your control panel and click MANAGE DNS :-) (at Xisto - Domains)
  16. Ohh, this is not good and this is definitely not from xisto. I suggest immediately sending a support ticket to xisto from Xisto - Support.com.Please give the following details :-1. Cpanel username and password2. Domain NameWe will check the server for any possibility of infection.Thanks,Shree
  17. Fantastico provides the stable versions of the popular scripts and I agree that its a bit of an inconvenience to most. However, all webmasters who are a bit techy will always prefer uploading and managing the installations themselves rather than relying on fantastico. I personally feel, Fantastico is for beginners. As for the bid of switching Fantastico to Softaculous, I feel that softaculous has suddenly changed plans and brought up a PREMIUM version. I can understand giving more features and scripts in the PREMIUM version but I just don't get the point of removing Wordpress from the free version. Wordpress is something so popular that people misunderstand the words blog and wordpress. Removing a script like that just to persuade web hosts to switch to Premium version looks kinda unfair to me. Thanks.
  18. Alright, I have increased it to 10min. But this is max, no more requests please.
  19. EDIT feature is now available for 2 minutes after you have finished making a post. If you realize any mistakes, then please do so within 2 minutes. After that, the post is locked and editing is not possible except the moderators.I have been checking members who are spamming and using edit feature for gaining mycents. To cut this instability, I have decided to withdraw the EDIT feature and keep it active only for 2 min. after a post is made.I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to members about it.Regards,Shree
  20. Please do not try login to Xisto.com. Our billing software gives a License Error. Kindly Login here :- https://support.xisto.com/
  21. I am not satisfied with the DESIGN Xisto Contest, so I have left it as it is. When I had made a similar request in the past, a member called "Lurk" gave me the main home page template as a Gift. Its because of that, I haven't bothered changing the main theme.
  22. I think your password needs to be reset. Please send a ticket to Support Dept. :-)
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