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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. OpaQue


    Hi Comp2, Welcome to Xisto Please make sure you have more than 10 posts. Once you cross 10 posts, you will get a welcome email confirming that your forum account and Xisto - Support billing account have been linked together.The myCENT system is currently down and will be up soon.Please be assured that your posts are calculated and you will not lose any mycents. :)Thank you,Shree
  2. Need a strong medicine for Guilt. nothing seems to help... *BLEEP*in Hell! why did I grow up?

    1. anwiii


      i don't know. why DID you grow up??? :)

  3. Fantastic idea - new Member title - Kontributors NEW LIMITS:- Maximum number of images users in this group can add to their signature - 2 Maximum dimensions of images users in this group can use in their signature - Max Width (px): x Max Height (px): - 300 x 300 Maximum number of urls users in this group can add to their signature - 3 Maximum number of lines users in this group can use in their signature - 10 Kontributors, Feel free to post more Suggestions by creating a new Topic / Thread / Sutra // TOPIC CLOSED
  4. Authentication modules CHECK license by communicating to REMOTE server. For. e.g. the chat module on this forum contacts invision before connecting users to chat. If the remote server(3rd party, not ours) is down, you will get an error.The license validation error comes if you access the billing/support area from inside xisto.com web page. This error will be solved later.Please visit the following url directly:-SUPPORT / BILLING: https://support.xisto.com/
  5. I wish I COULD JUST REMOVE that GUEST feature!!! LORD! Sorry, I will ignore the rest of this conversation. And Anwii.. I m happy that you get more time to Talk on my forums than me no words for you, you are simply Genius. Xisto is a Plan I discussed with many intelligent people around me in PERSON. A lot of things were talked and decided. So, I just wanted your opinion.. I m sorry, for breaking your heart.. but this new place will be better than before. Its difficult to APPLY all suggestions.. trust me. BRILLIANT!!!!! Navigation URL changed - This is the name of the board. It is used as the first link in the navigation menu, etc. Board Name Changed - This is the name of the board. It is used as the first link in the navigation menu, etc. Thanks man
  6. Did you guys experience POST missing problems now?Can I assume this to be fixed?
  7. My REPLY to this thread is posted here which explains this situation better :- 72419-10211-you-may-only-use-up-to-2-urls-in-your-signature Hi WD! What happened to you dear? I love you more than anwii .. so please chill. He is as dear to me as you are. But, who told you, our TEAM has BANNED anwii. I took time to reply to your previous thread (which caused this thread..LOL), I understand and I appreciate you took time to share it with us. But, please... don't be soo upset. I want you to leave for your vacations with a good smile and come back with an EVER BIGGER ONE XD
  8. OGN. Sorry, for being late. @SKY - What do you suggest for these settings? Maximum number of images users in this group can add to their signature Maximum dimensions of images users in this group can use in their signature - Max Width (px): x Max Height (px): Maximum number of urls users in this group can add to their signature Maximum number of lines users in this group can use in their signature That Language is BREAKING some really big rules here. We need a Language expert to filter out your emotions and grade them on "respect" scale of 1-10. I could tolerate this on CHAT, but in a discussion, where things are PUBLIC. this is a STRICT NO. Secondly, Why are you not reporting anything to me?? Why do you want to take things in your OWN hands? The website is making quite clear that I m an ADMINISTRATOR too. Do you want to Discuss any complaints raised by You in private(pm's or support tickets) - to be made PUBLIC so that we can sort this out? Will they help your frustrations by getting you justice? Anyway, your posting rights was suspended till I see your complaints. Sorry for that, I took an off yesterday (i.e. Sunday). Your posting rights are active again, now. DeadMad, this TOPIC has turned into a battle ground between an admin and member (thanks to the EXTREME levels of kindness & understanding shown) WD, Chill. Anwii has not been BANNED. Just his posting rights are suspended for some hours, so that we can talk and avoid more poison in the forum. If Buff wanted, he could had simply DELETED his post, he has not. He is STILL following RULES. BTW, WD :- Please put in points about the RULES buff has broken considering History of Both Buff and Anwii. Since, you know both of them. Anwii's posting rights have been suspended temporarily so that I and BUFF can decide over this. Just like a MARRIAGE makes a man and Women - 1, This forum has only 1 ADMINISTRATIONSHIP and buff and I are managing it as 1. Xisto/KKS had multiple admins previously.. but then it was decided that there will be only 1 admin. and by far.. Buff has been the best. I do not expect him to even be ACTIVE at the forums. You people cannot understand his ROLE and hence, I cannot tolerate any DISRESPECT to buffalohelp. RESPECT is something which we ENFORCE as a LAW on this forum. @anwii: you can DIS-RESPECT GOD here, but not our members. So, mind your language.
  9. Misanthrope, I fixed your profile by removing your signature which contained a lot of links, DIV and Javascript tags. Kindly restore your signature. I have PM'ed you the DATA of your old signature (as it is).-shree
  10. OpaQue

    Validate Fields

    If you create this forum using MICROSOFT FRONTPAGE / Sharepoint designer OR Adobe Dreamweaver, this task can be accomplished easily with few clicks.Otherwise, the answer is Javascript/Vbscript.
  11. Already so many excuses given.. This will be up. Sorry. Please check the Forum in GUEST mode, Ads are in place explaining the free hosting part Noted, Color changed to RED. --- MERGING forums - Yes, I have already merged a few. Further merging will be done. Gaming Section - Merged. Tutorials - Graphic tutorial section merged with MAIN tutorials. inlcluded "Free website forum" in META tag. Which icons are you talking about? Ouch.. I just added more red. Well, I will consider this. .Gaming forums and tutorial forum merged. More merging - pending We need to re-write the descriptions. I agree For now, I m emphasizing on FREE HOSTING but only to guests. Currently, the SEO of this forum is NEGLIGIBLE. All guests are pouring due to the old ranking of Xisto pages. After mycent and forum-update and some other hosting related tasks, I m going to come back to SEO. Dun worry about SEO. Traffic will come The "GUIDELINES" Link had been edited. The contents of the guidelines page are also edited. The START HERE forum is something which .. as it says, is under development. Its more like a READ ONLY guide forum. The double "k" issue is also solved. double K will be used only in the Abbreviated form, i.e. kKS. It serves 2 purpose :- 1. KS means something already and its VERYYY famous. 2. extra "k" in abbreviated form is to exaggerate the knowledge part.
  12. ARGUMENTS and DEBATES on facebook are for LOSERS.

  13. HaAHaHa... Thank God! QUICK REPLY is gone forever. atleast, something good happened. I edited all forums and disabled quick reply in all.NEXT QUESTION: Should RICH TEXT EDITOR be enabled?
  14. It has to be the RICH TEXT editor trying to Load Javascript on the fly. However, I have disabled the RICH TEXT editor. This must solve this issue.thank you.
  15. There are a lot of loyal members who are unaware of the fact that "Xisto" is now Xisto. Let me re-build this place peacefully. Regardless of what you all say, I m not going to GIVE explanations (or bother replying) like always .. since day1. New people like anwii are still in the phase of being loyal to a forum.. patiently. a forum is like a PARTY house between teens. We don't care about the house, the AC, the sofa, the size of the toilet.. no! its the friends who we meet there matters. anyway, this philosophy has no value because my Community speaks for itself. "please forget about the NEGATIVITY" as its a VENT forum and kindly talk "logic" to me - atleast. my point: What are the current issues that need to be fixed NOW?
  16. i have assembled PC for many years for a living and what Truefusion says is absolutely correct.
  17. Javascript Caching Disabled. Active User Set to 3 min. There are no BLUFF-STATISTICS. All stats are reported as per Invision board scripting. Prefetching now "Allowed". (I am doubtful about this, but lets see.. if this solves issues) and ((LOL!)) extra "k" is just STYLE and its been put MULTIPLE times to show, its not a Typo. It does not mean anything. I m not communicating to ILLUMINATI. chill.
  18. i have disabled rich text editor. Please check if this fixes the POSTING issue.MyCENT issue - When I say, Mycent I mean only mycent and not the forum. Please understand, All mycents will be recorded. If you think you lose mycent now, don't post. I will send a MASS email about all NEW FEATURES and UPDATES once I m done.@Anwii - How can you make SAME mistake consecutively 3 times. I really love the fact that you like to hang out at this place more than other members, but if your post fails once, then I expect you to save your POST in notepad. Rather than venting it out.. I am sorry, but this POSTING issue was something I was unaware of.Flood Control Problem - This was fixed when issues were reported and I was under an impression that forum was working fine.
  19. Researching: Sphinx - SQL full-text search engine for mySQL.

    1. anwiii


      never heard of it!

    2. deadmad7


      i bet neither did he, thats probably why hes researching it :P

    3. OpaQue


      Its for Improving SEARCH. the 3.1 has server support for it.

  20. Why shouldn't Death be a Reason for you to Change?? People change due to money, drugs, women, family, religion, laws etc.etc.etc. and in all of this, the most sensible thing to change is to face death. Which we know is in-evitable, so it should be taken in a positive light that "Time is Precious". Friends, Family and Life around us still arent as close to as "We" are to ourselves. We do and live life for people around us... but fear of death makes you live life truly for yourself. I really do not take "fear" as a negative quality... its just as important as the dark cloud for the silver lining. Being Fearless in life and "Lack of Fear in Life" are two different things and I m referring to the latter one.
  21. We have changed the way posts are displayed because, many times GUESTS visit not the 1st Page but some page in-between the topic-pages. In these cases, the guest is confused about the MAIN TOPIC itself. Also, when you start reading a topic and view other pages, Sometimes, you tend to forget the first post itself. So, I felt, this new format for displaying posts is best.
  22. BEWARE OF FRADULENT - PHISHING e-mails sent to you as @Xisto.com Dear Members of Xisto Network, Please beware of Phishing Emails sent to you from @xisto.com Email. ALL XISTO emails (or any genuine company) will address you by your FIRST NAME and LAST NAME (stored in our Database Records) Links inside E-mails from Xisto.com will point to following domains only :- xisto.com Xisto - Support.com Xisto.com If you find any other URL (hidden/cloaked), please report it to us immediately at abuse@xisto.com EXAMPLE: PHISHING EMAIL (posing as xisto.com)
  23. I agree, I changed big time due to the FEAR of death. The fear of death helps man bring Big changes in life. Faith grows with time but sometimes, LACK of time also helps instill faith in God in some people. Regardless, of what we say, Death is the Ultimate Truth of Reality and its inevitable.
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